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An American Affidavit

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

4935-4937: An Example of the Idiocy from Lincoln County Watch


Monday, July 15, 2024

4935-4937: An Example of the Idiocy from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz


"Rotary International, the WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, WEF, and the Gates Foundation have poured tens of billions of dollars into vaccinating malnourished children who lack sanitation, water, refrigeration and education. Instead of pushing money into polio, measles and rotavirus vaccines, think of the global problems that would have been solved if those same dollars had been allocated to the most important health intervention in the world’s history: clean water."

This quote comes from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and is part of a more extensive article here: https://expose-news.com/2024/07/14/clean-water-saved-the-world-not-vaccination/

It's simple and it's true. Clean drinking water and basic water recycling and sanitation are far more effective than any amount of vaccine in preventing diseases of all kinds. 

No vaccination in the world has ever had the impact on public health that simple water sanitation has had. 

Continuing to push vaccination or patent drugs in the absence of clean water is like preaching abstinence to alcoholics in a pub: a nice thought, so far as it goes. 

We have to arrive at a point where we can do what is practical (clean water and sanitation for everyone) and meanwhile test to see if any form of vaccination is actually effective. 

Since beginning our investigation, it is more apparent than ever that there is no solid groundwork proving the efficacy of vaccination.  

You would think that such a sacred cow would have tons of proof validating the efficacy of vaccines to prevent disease and prevent the transmission of disease, but no. 

School children who are "fully vaccinated" are 30% more likely to develop diseases and co-morbidities including cancers than unvaccinated children. 

There are no such convincing studies linking use of vaccines and reduction in incidence or severity or transmission of disease.  

How's that for a Big Surprise?  

Even with regard to transmission of diseases like Measles and Smallpox and Diphtheria, there isn't any convincing correlation between beneficial results from the use of vaccines versus herd immunity.

In other words, if we didn't do vaccines at all, much less the over 90 "childhood vaccines" now mandated, we would be just as well off. Minus the trauma of the injection and pain and swelling and possible infection, possible anaphylactic shock, and infection of the injection site, that is. 

What we also find are an astonishing number of synchronicities in which industrial pollution and diseases resulting from industrial pollution are palmed off as naturally occurring maladies conquered by vaccination. 

Polio, for example, has the same exact symptoms as poisoning and neurotoxicity caused by water soluble pesticides that were marketed in the 1940s and 1950s by the usual suspects --- Monsanto and Dow Chemical.  

When these ill-begotten pesticides were withdrawn from the market, polio disappeared and it was safe to go swimming again--- but not, as we assumed, due to the Salk vaccine. 

The penile cancers caused by Agent Orange just happen to be identical to those caused by vaccines administered against tropical malaria. 

It is more than past time that the chemical corporations and defense contractors paid for their sins, including the most recent round of deaths by injection of experimental "vaccines" that were already known to provide no benefit against prevention of disease or transmission of disease. 

These mRNA experimental vaccines were already known to have a seven year 100% mortality rate, but Pfizer wasn't required to publish these experimental results.  Read that: everyone injected can expect to be dead within seven (7) years of receiving the injections, absent some kind of divine or practical intercession. 

If you are as sickened by this self-serving commercialization as we are, take a moment to remember your own instinctive resistance to vaccines and your intuitive mistrust. 

Isn't it obvious, in retrospect, that vaccines don't prevent disease and don't prevent transmission of disease?  We didn't really need 20,000 studies to prove that point.  

Vaccines provide a convenient excuse to charge people money for services and pawn off commercial liability for the harm caused by industrial pollution. 
They do nothing to prevent disease or its transmission, according to those who sell these worthless products to us. 

So why have we spent billions of dollars on vaccines instead of clean water and sanitation? 


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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International Public Notice: Our Position

 By Anna Von Reitz

There can be no "re-inhabitation" of our American Federal Republic by British Territorial persons and forces who never "inhabited" our Federal Republic in the first place. 

Our Federal Republic is a uniquely American institution operated by and under the direction of the original Confederation of States. 

We do not accept and will not tolerate a substitution of the American Federal Republic by a British Territorial "look alike, sound alike" impersonator. 

See this nonsense: 

These people never inhabited and are prohibited from inhabiting our American Federal Republic; they must  (correctly) perceive that the only rightful re-inhabitation of the Federal Republic must be through the States of America; the States of America itself can only be Reconstructed via the States themselves. 

The States have to be reborn and have been reborn via the exact formula we have put in place: declaration, record, and publication of the unique individuals having the provenance and standing to provide the correct political basis for the creation of American States of States and Heirs to the American States of States, then enabling the reconstruction of the Federal Republic.
None of the British Territorial U.S. Citizens including Donald Trump and the Generals and Admirals of the U.S. Forces have the standing to repopulate the American Federal Republic. 

They must, therefore, stand down. 

There is only one political entity having the natural power and jurisdiction to sort this mess out and that is the Delegator of all federal authorities, the unincorporated Federation of States dba The United States of America. 

The delegating authority, dba, The United States of America, Unincorporated, and the unincorporated and sovereign and independent States thereof, must take charge and must reconstruct the American Federal Subcontractors known as the States of America and the Federal Republic too.

This requires that both the American Confederation of States and the Federal Republic must be reconstructed by the States. 

It cannot be done by any fiat means. 

It cannot be done by other foreign federal subcontractors "offering" to reconstitute our Federal Republic. 

They were not given the authority and were not enabled to function as our Federal Government in the first place and are not given that permission now. 

This is straight forward and contractual: the British Territorial Subcontractors cannot and are not allowed to enter upon the duties and are not enabled to function "as" the States of America  nor are they enabled to function as the Federal Republic. 

These are uniquely American institutions and functions and our British Territorial Subcontractors are not enabled to usurp upon nor otherwise enter into our lawful domains. 

We object to any attempts on their parts to misrepresent us or to misrepresent our American Government.  

They are not properly declared as Americans and they are not allowed to enter upon any American property or asset, including the American Federal Republic. 

We do not recognize any right or duty or obligation of any British Territorial entity to claim or occupy any aspect of our Confederation nor our Federal Republic.  They need to stand down, mind their own business, fulfill their contractual obligations, and otherwise get out of our way. 

We are not entertaining any more British Territorial Substitution Schemes. 

The Americans are back, are present, are here and in possession.  The Brits need to back off and get back into their proper orientation as Subcontractors and otherwise they need to leave us alone to do the work of reconstruction that has been so long delayed by their failure to honestly communicate with their employers. 

We do not recognize any undeclared "states" -- Union or otherwise -- that have not provided proper provenance and have not published their existence within the lawful State governance we have invoked. 

We do realize that the original states were formed from the outset by establishing the soil jurisdiction and then the land jurisdiction and from there establishing all other jurisdictions; however, thanks to British misrepresentations, we are not initially "located" in the original states anymore, and must begin from the jurisdiction of the air and sea and back to the land and cannot claim to be on the soil or the land apart from reversal of the presumptions created by registrations, enrollments, and enlistments.

Those people promoting the idea of an ersatz American Republic are ignorant of the facts and the jurisdictions.  

The only way that an American Federal Republic can be reconstructed, is if the States of the Union act upon the issue and make it possible. 

Donald Trump and the U.S. Military cannot make it so by wishing it so. 

They need to stand down and accept the civilian authority of the delegator of all "federal" powers --- The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States. 

All "federal" agents are called "federal" with respect to the Federation of States that they are empowered by and required to honor.  

Please notify all Parties --- Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals --- that we are back on the land and soil of our country and do not empower unknown legal fiction entities to act on our behalf. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 14th 2024 


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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Note: 130 Yards, 390 Feet, is Nothing for a Sniper

 By Anna Von Reitz

As more details emerge, we are told that the 20 year-old Pennsylvanian who attempted to shoot Donald Trump was "130 yards" away from the speaker's podium.  

To most people that sounds like a long distance, but it is absolutely nothing to a sniper. 

Snipers regularly take out targets that are a mile away, over 1700 yards, using heavy caliber long-trajectory 50 mm bullets.  

So the failure of the security team to lock down elevated platforms only 130 yards away is stunning. 
They knew, and we know, that lapse is not explainable within the purview of normal security operations. 

Apparently, even the House Oversight Committee knows and wants answers: 

For example, when former President Richard Nixon went grocery shopping, a perimeter of 2000 yards was cleared and all rooftops monitored. 

Now you can see how puny and failed the security effort around Trump really was -- 2000 yards for Tricky Dick, but less than a 130 yard sweep for Trump.  

With really long range shots snipers use heavy caliber guns-- "Whopping Mollies" of 50 mm or more; with short range targets (like 130 yards) they use small caliber high velocity ammo, typically 9 mm, and light-weight, long-barreled sniper rifles.  

So, it was a headshot and high velocity small caliber sniper fire, just as you would expect at 130 yards, and nobody needs to wonder anything about it. This was an assassination attempt according to standard operating procedures for snipers worldwide. 

What wasn't "standard" is the Secret Service's failure to control access to elevated positions within easy shooting range of the former President.  

What also isn't "standard response" is the fact that numerous witnesses saw the shooter and made  efforts to draw the attention of Secret Service agents, saying things like, "He's got a gun!" and pointing at the gunman minutes before any shots were fired. 

If you were part of a security detail and someone started waving and shouting, "Hey, look, he's got a gun!" would you respond with rapid investigation and interception, or turn away and continue chewing your cud? 

No doubt that's part of what the House Oversight Committee will want to ask about: 

Unfortunately for Donald Trump, the cud-chewing response yielded predictable results. Trump was shot and came within half an inch of being killed, and his 20 year-old assailant is dead along with innocent bystanders killed and injured. 

This was a mammoth and inexplicable security failure on the part of the Secret Service.  They failed Personal Security Protocols 101 when it comes to DJT, and they also failed the Attendees at the rally. 


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

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