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An American Affidavit

Sunday, July 14, 2024

4933: International Public Notice: Over the Target from Lincoln County Watch


Saturday, July 13, 2024

4933: International Public Notice: Over the Target from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

We are officially over the target and catching the flak; this past two weeks has seen an unprecedented effort by agencies and quasi-military personnel to promote slander and other harassments aimed at discrediting Federation officers and personnel.  

This is no doubt the result of our view of the activities of our unlawfully converted military and both of their corporate presidential candidates, and our objection to their continued hegemony apart from civilian oversight, and also our direct objection to their plan to substitute a British Territorial "Republic" for the American Republic we are owed. 

We don't pander for the simple reason that there has been more than enough of that.  Plain-speaking and truth is what is required to overcome the criminality that Corporate Feudalism, bankers, dishonest clergy, politicians, and mercenary armies have made of this world. 

We also object to and disapprove of spraying the Earth with incendiary waste products from various industries as chemtrails, exploding shells full of used but still highly radioactive nuclear wastes, promoting outlawed biological and chemical warfare, phony vaccines and pandemics.  

We even object to and protest their loathsome practice of incubating screw worms and broadcasting millions of maggots over countries like Argentina and Panama --- introducing an alien species of flesh and blood eating flies to infect and feed upon domestic livestock and human beings in countries that have traditionally been friends of ours. 

We objected to the insane invasion of Libya for the "crime" of advocating an African Union similar to our own and the use of gold-backed currency among the Union members.  We think it is obvious who the criminals were in this matter, and it wasn't Gaddafi.  

We object to the monopolization of the money transfer system, SWIFT, the imposition of non-negotiable legal tender such as EUROS and FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES, and the many instances of failed legalization of regulations and acts of legislation which are criminal in nature and were never remedied by providing access to exemptions, debt swaps, and other means to legalize them. 

Yes, we object to all of this and more.  

We object to the existence of arbitrarily imposed and illegal and criminally misused "State Trusts" which have been used to latch onto American assets and misuse them as Slush Funds for politicians and as collateral for foreign debts --- we especially object to foreign war debts and wars for profit being waged using our people as cheap mercenaries and our assets being used as the collateral funding it and our good names being slandered in the process. 

Yes, we object.  We disapprove.  We protest.  We are not at all pleased with this insane misuse and abuse of our assets by purported "custodians and trustees" we never appointed to these duties, and impositions made upon us based on the completely false idea that we were "absent" or adopting foreign citizenship obligations. 

By what possible "authority" do these corporations continue to carry out actions like these "in the name of" our government?  

These are not acts of war or anything politically motivated; these are acts of genocide both in actuality and on paper, with commercial advantages being sought-- crimes, in other words. 

Even the recent U.S. Supreme Court actions allowing the British Territorial State Trusts to use our gold reserves to mint gold coinage for their own use is a violation of our property rights and contracts; our contracts with the actual States of the Union require that we -- not they -- provide a National Coinage and Currency for the use of all the States. 

They and everyone else in the world can see that we are here and doing our job.  

We have served due process and notice and record of our actions over the course of three decades; we have published our lineage treaties and identified ourselves and recorded and cured and published our claims. There can be no doubt that we are native to America and to our specific States of the Union. And there can be no doubt that any claims otherwise based on undisclosed "registrations" of American babies are unconscionable and illegal and self-interested.  

We have resumed operations in spite of all this British hokum and are in General Assembly in all fifty (50) States of the Union.  

We have taken care of housekeeping, such as  enrolling all the incipient Territorial "States" as States of the Union and completing the process mandated by the Northwest Ordinance.

We have published the first Public Law in decades, outlawing claims by patent holders seeking to enslave people by undisclosed injection of patented mRNA or DNA materials. 

We are here, presenting ourselves.  And their response?  Do they yield as required by their employment contracts to the remaining civilian authority of the actual American Government?

Will they continue to pretend that the "absence" of a lackey organization wielding delegated power somehow overcomes the right of the delegator to exercise their own powers directly?  

Obviously, these men are not reading their contract nor are they listening to their employers, and they have continued to engage in criminal acts, including fraudulently misrepresenting their corporate elections as public elections. 

A recent expose on the website of the Comptroller of the Currency shows their preparations for a "global reset" of currency values without, however, facing the basic questions of ownership, representation, and resources. 

We have reclaimed the assets of the State Trusts and they have been fully informed that the living progeny of the victims whose property was cashiered illegally by the British Territorial Raj are here to collect their birthright assets that our purported custodians socked away "for" us and then taxed us for the use of our own land and our own credit. 

These are the acts and thoughts of criminals engaged in illegal booty and prize salvaging.  These are the acts and thoughts of Executors de Son Tort.  

In Law, there is no excuse for the continued pretenses and obstructions that these foreign Principals and their corporations masquerading as governments have made. 

They know that we are owed an immediate and unquestioned liquidation of these State Trusts in our favor.  

They also know that even though they have acted as corporations, when they seized upon and copyrighted our Given Names in order to create corporate franchises for their own benefit, they acted as Public Usufructs to legalize this action.  

As such, they owe us the Usufructuary Duty to hold us harmless from all charges and injuries accruing from their action.  

That means that their Principals are responsible for paying all bills, all charges, all penalties, all fees, all taxes, all insurances related to their franchises and to hold us harmless --- but have they?  

No, they have not.  

They have pretended that their franchise taxes are our taxes, that their franchise's citizenship obligations are our obligations, and so far worked to confuse the identity of the living man with the En Legis "person" they named after us, that most of the world, including the victims, have been fooled by this chicanery. 

They have claimed a repugnant ownership interest in their imaginary franchises named after us, taken out insurance policies on these franchises and on their franchises' purported property assets, used them as collateral backing their own debts, and then not even had the decency to use the life insurance to pay off the debts still owed by these "franchises" when they die. 

The $950 Trillion in "Life Force Value Annuities" --- another pot of insurance premiums -- that Prince Philip received in April 2017 from the GOVERNOR OF OTTAWA -- should have been used to pay off a substantial part of the world debt. 

Instead, it disappeared, while the insurmountable debt being amassed on the clueless victims of these scam artists continued to climb and to devalue the entire world financial system. 

It's time for all the purloined assets to be returned and for this to be accomplished in an honest and transparent fashion. 

First, in America, all title, right, and interest in land seized upon illegally and without full disclosure in the 1860s and again in the 1930's and placed in State Trusts, must be returned to the living heirs still living on and possessing title to such land.  

You may begin with all lands and land assets held in the Wisconsin State Trust in the name of Julius Alfred Schnur and Alfred Julius Schnur, their heirs and assigns -- to be returned together with all cadastral surveys, patents, plat numbers and titles to Anna Maria Riezinger, at our Fiduciary Office, address listed below.  

This is a lawful demand for liquidation of illegally seized-upon Wisconsin State Trust Assets, via return to the rightful owner.  Proof of life and identity have already been provided. 

Second, bank liens and security interests based on fraudulent misrepresentation and the practice of loaning the victim his own credit, must be released. 

Third, all property taxes assigned or collected on the basis of this fraudulent salvage operation must be credited to the rightful owner(s).  

Fourth, the profits gained from these unlawful, illegal, and immoral activities must be seized upon and used to provide restitution to the victims. 

We are not interested in an artificial "Great Reset" that does nothing but victimize the victims again  while building yet another financial edifice on fraud and sand.   

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 13th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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