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An American Affidavit

Thursday, July 11, 2024

4929-4930: International Public Notice: Getting It Straight from Lincoln County Watch


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

4929-4930: International Public Notice: Getting It Straight  from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

When we were going to school we had two textbooks, one called "American History" and one called "United States History".  These are two separate entities and two separate histories.  

The American Government is a "republican form of government", from its roots at the county level, to its top offices and institutions. 

It is not now and never has been a democracy. 

There is a profound difference between our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America, and a British Crown Corporation merely calling itself "the United States of America, Incorporated". 

It is the same gulf that stands between a woman named Elizabeth Arden and a British Crown Corporation calling itself ELIZABETH ARDEN.  

Our unincorporated Union States, each one composed of all the living people populating all the unincorporated Counties within their State borders, created both the Federation of States (1776) and the Confederation of States (1781) as unincorporated instrumentalities.  

What does that mean?  Both the Federation and the Confederation were designed and intended to work for the Union States in international and global venues, as "instruments" or "agents" to conduct business. 

The American Confederation created in 1781 was additionally awarded a Constitutional Service Contract in 1787.

This original Confederation did business as "the States of America" and the Constitutional Contract it was awarded was called "The Constitution for the united States of America".  

This original Confederation ran the resulting Federal Republic from 1787 to 1861, when it lost the quorum of its member States-of-States organizations needed to conduct business.  

As a direct result of this failure to maintain unity the Federal Republic (the American Federal Subcontractor providing government services under The Constitution for the united States of America) and its members all known as "State Republics" (land) or "Republics of State" (sea) also lost the ability to function. 

A third of our original American Government and a third of the Federal Government (the American third) were both taken out of service by the so-called Civil War and never reconstructed afterward.  

What remains of the American Government are the Union States holding our National Soil Jurisdiction and our Federation of States holding our International and Global jurisdictions.  

What remains of the "United States" Federal Government are the British Territorial Subcontractors and the Holy Roman Empire Subcontractors, and/or their Successors. 

Think of it as a six-celled combustion engine running on four cylinders.  

The American Government is still fully functional despite these injuries; we retain concurrent and superior general jurisdiction over the actual physical Counties and States, and maintain their mutual powers internationally and globally via our Federation of States.  

The "US" Government continues to unravel in a heap of European intrigue, criminality, and deceit, having pulled off a huge scam, amounting to a national-level identity theft and impersonation scheme against their American Employers and the American Government.  

The incorporated "United States Government" entities are functionally bankrupt and only being limped along by colluding banks that are continuing to bar us from access to our own assets and pretending that these white collar criminals are our representatives and custodians. 

Any such presumption is unsupported. 

Lately, Mr. Trump and his followers, all acting knowingly or unknowingly as British Territorial Officers and Crew members of a British Crown Corporation calling itself "the United States of America, Inc." have proposed that they will either: (1)  invade and inhabit our still unreconstructed American Federal Republic, or (2) substitute a British Territorial knock-off, perhaps a corporate franchise calling itself "the Federal Republic, Incorporated" for our Federal Republic. 

We return the favor and counterclaim that they return to their base in the District of Columbia, do their jobs according to their contract, and cease and desist all efforts to misrepresent us or defraud us further.   

These British Territorial Mercenaries are already functioning under the deceptive name of "the American Government, Inc."  which we don't appreciate and which we want everyone to be aware of. 

These matters and issues must be faced and resolved. We have seen enough British Territorial "mischief" --- crime and abuse, bad faith, false claims, and war-mongering --- to last several centuries. 

We are calling upon the rest of the world, indeed, on everyone reading these words, to take immediate action to stop the British Nazis behind this attempt to steal our national identity, impersonate us, and lead this entire planet into another grisly war-for-profit. 

This morning a friend sent me a quote from Germany in 1932 --- Adolph Hitler, another charismatic political leader, acting as Pied Piper saying, quote: 

"The nation is threatened from within and without. This is not a time for half-measures. It is time to make ourselves great again. And on that day, heads will roll in the dust. – Adolf Hitler, 1932"

Where have we heard this "Make ourselves great again" slogan before?  And now see the same "set up" being applied to America?  A charismatic political leader?  An economic downfall precipitated by an incompetent military government?  Hyper-inflation? 
Fiat currency? 

The set up supporting Hitler and Trump is exactly the same, right down to the "Gay Agenda".  

Hitler used gay brown shirt political capos to put him in power using promises of normalization and justice; of course, he then had them deposed and murdered the moment he took power. 

So now we have Joe Biden espousing the rainbow flag and promising the same things to get the sexual "spectrum" to come out of the closet -- where Trump can identify them and blame them and lead a rampage against the imaginary target they provide. 

Anything to keep public attention focused away from Trump's own participation in and support of the Pandemic Genocide.   

Bottom line, Trump is a business tycoon, Joe Biden is a hack, and both of them are tainted ---with no reasonable replacements standing in line, and all within spitting distance of the British Territorial "National" [Corporate] Elections. 

Why are these same deceptive, run-amok, foreign, for-profit "governmental services corporations" still assuming that they have any authority or part to play in determining the future of our world or our country?  

They don't.  Apart from us and apart from following our instructions and earning their pay -- in gold or silver --  they don't have a pot. 

They are exposed, caught, denuded, red-handed, paws in the cookie jar up to their shoulder joints, and they still think they can brazen it out and not only fool the American Public, but the rest of the world as well? 

This "show" is not only over for the Communist Union leaders and their Municipal Empire and the municipal corporations that have been used as storefronts for that cabal; the "show" is over for the British Territorial Empire and their corporations, too. No more substitution frauds. 

We have claimed their corporate debt as our credit; delegalized their remedies for lack of performance; updated our Sovereign Patents in all three major jurisdictions as of 2015; reclaimed our assets and birthright status; served Due Process; issued our Judgement; cured everything; and rolled it all into private and public trusts subject to one Irrevocable Will that is firmly recorded and distributed world wide. 

That Will is entirely in favor of the living people, not the corporations.  Everyone gets their purloined stuff back.  The guilty corporations are either liquidated permanently or forfeited and placed under new management.  The criminals go to jail.  The honorable members of the military and various units of government are granted amnesty.

Te Deum.  That, and our completely new, clean, and uncomplicated banking system, is really all that is needed to restore sanity and to birth a new era of peace and plenty for everyone. 

Everyone who wants to know more also gets a free education about actual Law and History and Science --- not the twisted, politicized, suppressed, and dumbed-down pablum that has been the stock and trade of our schools and universities for over a century. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 10th 2024  


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

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International Public Notice: About Language

 By Anna Von Reitz

Our country's official language is English and it is plain old everyday English.  We don't use PARSE SYNTAX and we don't use Legalese or Latin or diplomatic French for any of our own work, declarations, correspondence, public laws--- no "codes".  Nothing like that.  

Our country is honest and straightforward and our history and our documentation is also.  

We do not entertain puns or oxymorons or mixed grammars (such as Latin grammar using English words) or arcane jargon or specially concocted "legal terms" and "special definitions" and "coded meanings" for any purpose whatsoever. 

Our aim is to make our communications crystal clear at all times. Period. 

The English language is arguably not the best vehicle to accomplish our goal, owing to its multifaceted sources, abundant synonyms, often awkward linkages between subjects and objects, use of pronouns and adverbs, etc. 

Still, it's our official language and we do our best with it, and take pains to recognize and address possible confusions arising from the misuse and abuse of English for purposes of regulatory fraud and mischief over the course of several hundred years. 

For example, our discussion of the meanings of "state" found in court cases and public documents and the use of "person" to mean "corporation" in Federal Government usage and the word "resident" to mean a foreign citizen here temporarily while in public service and jargon "non-resident alien" being applied to Americans who purportedly have "Federal Income" without, however, having received "federal" paychecks or jobs.

The word "federal" itself is problematic.  In the 1824 Webster's Dictionary it is clearly identified as a synonym completely interchangeable with the word "contract".  

So our ancestors in contemplation of the "federal government" clearly knew that it was a government under contract to provide services to us, and were not confused as many are today about the nature of the Federal Constitutions. 

If you deconstruct the etymology and dictionary meanings in use in 1800, "Federal Constitution" translates down to "Contract Debt Agreement".  

Now, doesn't that put a completely different spin on the nature of the document in question and the relationships implied?  A Constitution is a Contract Debt Agreement --- a service contract. 

Our American Government contracted with various service providers, all of them working in international or global jurisdictions foreign to our land and soil, to provide certain enumerated services.  

We also provided them with the "enumerated powers" to provide those services; our States of the Union agreed to pay for these services in gold or silver; they agreed to operate on credit; we were their Employers, and the "Federal Government" Subcontractors operating out of the district of Columbia were known to be our Employees 

They are literally service vendors we organized, put in place, and occasionally corrected via a process of amending their service contracts --- which are the three Federal Constitutions, aka, Contract Debt Agreements. 

The "debt" part of it is naturally limited to the reasonable and customary cost of the service to be provided by these Subcontractors, and does not extend to six trillion dollars in unallocated funds misplaced by the Pentagon, or daily cross-continental Lear Jet service for Nancy Pelosi. 

It also doesn't include any of the funny money swindles and impersonations led by the "Federal Reserve" and illegal securitizations of living flesh and labor amounting to indentured servitude and enslavement practiced by our erstwhile Federal Subcontractors -- the Holy Roman Empire, the British Monarch, the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London, etc. 

Their criminal activities and dishonesty both toward us, their Employers, and their Employees, must be addressed to them by everyone concerned about their behavior or harmed by it during the past century and a half.  

We are the victims of this, not the ones responsible for it. 

The Americans who have employed (to use one of their favorite words) these "jackals", have suffered endless abuses and been blamed for their (our Employees') abuse of others, when in fact, we were simply lied to, kept in the dark, and unable to respond as a result. 

Naturally, we trusted Employees who claimed such undying and principled support for their service contracts --- the Constitutions.  

What we could not expect was the Unlawful Conversion of our military into a Mercenary Force, and the unlawful impersonation of ourselves as either British Territorial U.S. Citizens  or HRE Municipal "citizens of the United States", either one. 

The unconscionable nature of the registration contracts and the undisclosed nature of the applications, enrollments, and enlistments used to foist off these purported foreign citizenship obligations speak for themselves, and reveal the secretive, bureaucratic, and legalistic nature of this attack against our identity and national sovereignty --- which has been used as a template to similarly undermine and cheat many other nations and people throughout the world. 

We don't try to hide ourselves behind 52 different meanings for words like "state" or "United States" or United States of America".  We have been perfectly forthright. 

It's our British Territorial Employees and Holy Roman Empire Employees who have impersonated us and embroidered the verbiage to this extraordinary extent, and manipulated the resulting confusion into a situation in which they jointly pretend to have a contractual right to victimize, slander, boss, indebt, coerce, bully, and steal from their Employers: the actual Americans and the actual American States of the Union. 

We have once again suffered an attack by con artists trying to promote a recent copyrighted version of a 1500 year-old fraud scheme concocted by the Roman Emperor Justinian and his wife, Empress Theodosia called "PARSE SYNTAX".  

It's not English. It's a hash of Latin Grammar and Styles mixed with English words, amounting to gibberish.  

As it is not English, you may be sure that it has nothing to do with us or with our government. 

You may also be sure that we disapprove of its use because of its long history as an instrument of fraud and enslavement.  

We note that "PARSE SYNTAX" translates phonetically and in terms of etymology as "Strict Sin Tax".  

Let the Vatican deceive whom it will deceive and bury its own dead; we are not here as "sinners" we are here as Employers who have been grossly and in Bad Faith disserved and cheated, defrauded, robbed, misrepresented, impersonated, indentured without cause, enslaved, and had the debts of the Vatican and its co-conspirators, the British Monarchs, and Lord Mayor, dumped on our shoulders.  

Let the world perceive who the "sinners" are.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 10th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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