South Africa’s ICJ Case: Israel’s Genocidal Intent against the People of Palestine. The Political Arrogance and Indifference of Western Politicians
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The government of South Africa’s legal team has now completed the first day of the damning serious of genocide against the Palestinian people that it has leveled against Israel’s Government.
By the evidence so far presented, at this early stage in the proceedings, one could characterize the evidence of Israel’s actions in regard to its -ill-treatment of the Palestinians, as being those of a pack of mad dogs that continues to be waged by Zionist Israel’s Likud Party, its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and, collectively, Zionist Israel’s IDF military forces, and forever-expanding Zionist immigrants, from everywhere in the world, who, more and more, desire to become citizens of its bizarre settler-colonial national project. A project that only allows Jews to become citizens of Israel, while continuing, with impudence, to ruthlessly commit genocide against the human and civil rights of the Palestinian people’s right to continue to exist as a people and nation to remain in their ancient homelands.
So far, this one’s views of the facts, thus presented by the proceedings of the ICJ court, reminds him of what such a similar court would have sounded like, and the facts would have shown, had it been convened to adjudicate, say, what the United States, Canada’s and Australia’s own original racist, genocidal settler-colonial projects would have sounded like in the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th centuries, up to the 20th, century’s, and even present-day 21st century’s, brutal impact their own racist, genocidal, settler-colonial ‘projects’ would have had upon the indigenous peoples they came in contact with;
likewise desiring, as they did, to utterly destroy, murder, pillage, exterminate them and all their civilizations that they decided they, too, had to exclusively have for themselves, and so, once-and-for-all, likewise utterly killed, removed, eliminated them from getting in the way of their own lust for whatever more empire; as in this present case before the ICJ, of Ersatz Israel. One wonders if the ICJ can be, or will be, any more open and impartial towards the ultimate fate of the Palestinian peoples and nation of Palestine than were any other courts of previous centuries in other places?
The Composition of the International Court of Justice
On December 29, 2023, the Republic of South Africa instituted proceedings against the State of Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) concerning alleged violations by Israel of its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in relation to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and requested the ICJ to indicate provisional measures.
The International Court of Justice, also called the World Court, is one of six principal organs of the United Nations. Located in The Hague in the Netherlands, the ICJ was established in 1945 following the dissolution of the Permanent Court of Intl Justice.
It settles disputes between states in accordance with international law and gives advisory opinions on international legal issues. The ICJ is the only international court that adjudicates general disputes between countries, with its rulings and opinions serving as primary sources of international law. All member states of the UN are party to the ICJ Statute and may initiate contentious legal cases; however, advisory proceedings may only be submitted by certain UN organs and agencies.
The ICJ consists of a panel of 15 judges elected by the UN General Assembly and Security Council for nine-year terms. The current members of the ICJ are:
- President – Judge Joan E. Donoghue from United States of America;
- Vice President – Judge Kirill Gevorgian from Russia;
- Judge Peter Tomka from Slovakia;
- Judge Ronny Abraham from France;
- Judge Mohamed Bennouna from Morocco;
- Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf from Somalia;
- Judge Xue Hanqin from China;
- Judge Julia Sebutinde from Uganda;
- Judge Dalveer Bhandari from India;
- Judge Patrick Lipton Robinson from Jamaica;
- Judge Nawaf Salam from Lebanon;
- Judge Iwasawa Yuji from Japan;
- Judge Georg Nolte from Germany;
- Judge Hilary Charlesworth from Australia, and;
- Judge Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Brant from Brazil
Details of South Africa’s Case Being Put Before the ICJ
By day’s end of the opening salvos of South Africa’s serious charge of genocide being heard before the 15 senior chief justices of the International Court of Justice it would seem, at this initial opening point, to this writer at least, as an all but airtight case against the criminal genocidal intent of Zionist Israel’s government, and its racist settler-colonial project.
The damning evidence thus far presented to the ICJ about the basic bizarre nation-building nature of Israel’s settler-colonial project already suggests to this writer what could easily be referred to as a ‘mad dog’ Zionist genocidal project of Israel’s government against the Palestinian people and state of Palestine; who, clearly, appear intent upon removing the Palestinian people, in toto, from their native homelands.
The White Man Always Speaks with a Forked Tongue
This writer’s many life experiences with traditional indigenous peoples, wherever he has met up with them in the world, have taught him the same lesson, if no other, that have steadily come through their stories and accounts of their relations with non-indigenous, Caucasian societies who, by the time they had met them, they’d become divorced from many of the fundamental things of what it really means to remain close to one’s people and ancient lands they hold to be sacred, that the white people they’ve had to deal with don’t necessarily do. Namely, always stay close to the lands of your heritage and people and only ever try to tell the truth about all things.
Which is why this one has often heard the expression used, universally, by indigenous peoples many times about their dealings with non-indigenous people with whom they’ve come in contact, They always say the phrase, with a rueful smile, “The White Man Always Speaks With A Forked Tongue.”
No sooner had the first day’s proceedings of South Africa’s case of genocide against Zionist Israel concluded when the newspaper’s hit the streets full of related commentary. So far, the results are an old indigenous reminder about snakes speaking with forked tongues, and birds of a feather always flocking together.
Canada, itself, currently is engaged in five cases at the ICJ, and purports to pay lip service to its support for the ICJ, yet the fact, as it’s already stated, after only the first day of the ICJ’s hearing of the facts in Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians, that it already has gone on record of not necessarily supporting the genocidal claims being leveled against Zionist Israel.
Where Does the US and Canada Stand on Zionist Israel’s Genocide?
“The charge of genocide are unfounded and meritless”, immediately intoned U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, from of all places, an Israeli government podium in Tel Aviv; while the U.S. Security Council spokesman, John Kirby, immediately fired back from the hip and quipped, “Meritless, Counter-productive and without any basis in fact, whatsoever.”
Canada and the United States leaders and governments, since the beginning of their own racist, genocidal settler-colonial projects have, since their very inceptions, been opposed to anything similar to South Africa’s charges against Zionist Israel now before the attention of the ICJ. So, no doubt, would the governments of every Western nation that ever rushed into the New World to claim their piece of its lucrative pie that originally were the many indigenous peoples sacred homelands they sought to protect and care for, in perpetuity, before it was stolen from them as the Palestinians homelands have been stolen from them.
The $64,000 question that South Africa now has put before the ICJ and asked it to deliberate upon is whether or not Israel’s brutal conquest and murderous actions it has taken, and continues to take, against Palestine and Palestinians, though it may in fact be genocidal, is just a reflection of the bestial, primitive make-up of Homo sapiens, that never will appreciably progress, or evolve beyond in any meaningful way?
Even a Blind Man Can See that the Facts Speak for Themselves
Even a blind man or woman, listening to the world’s nightly news since Oct 7, can see that what is happening to innocent Palestinian men, women, teenagers, young children, infants and new born babies is a disgusting, reprehensible insult to humanity; a travesty against the very sacredness of life itself that continues as these very words are being written or repeatedly spoken.
Yet, during the opening day of South Africa’s hearing before the ICF, the world heard Israel’s Likud leaders and Zionist Israel’s, themselves, refer to there being no such thing as any so-called innocents in Gaza, West Bank or the Gaza Strip, only the guilty who are deserving of their slaughter, because they are all equally guilty of their support for the Hamas government they democratically, in a UN-monitored, election voted for because they would be brave and strong enough to represent them and protect them in the face of all their Zionist aggressors who otherwise declared them to be nothing more than “human animals”, as guilty and deserving of slaughter as their Hamas protectors.
The bald-faced arrogance and cold indifference that now Canada and the United States leaders have shown towards the plight of the Palestinian peoples is despicable beyond what words can convey. In another, more perfect, honest, real world of truth and justice, they would immediately be recalled, made to stand down, and horse-whipped within an inch of their lives, by those who elected them to office.
What Will be the Ultimate Verdict of the ICJ’s 15 Judges
It should be patently-clear by the initial responses so far made to the press by Canada and the United States leaders, their elected House of Representatives and members of Parliament, that the vast majority of them already have been all but muzzled and told what to say or what not to say about the ICJ’s hearing of Israel’s genocide; while the vast majority of all the rest are already in the pockets of Israel’s Lobby, AIPAC, and its hydra-headed reach into every aspect of political-religious-ideological life in North America, if not the world.
The ICJ, in its history, has never yet so judged any country in the world to be responsible for genocide when, in fact, as every man, woman and child in Palestine, as well as their counterparts everywhere else in the world, if they’re not already dead, or as a dumb as a sack of hammers, that the likes of all the Trudeaus, Bidens, Blinkens and rest of the AIPAC’s puppets will do exactly as they’re told.
No matter how horrific and blatantly-obvious will be the facts revealed, monstrous statements heard or unequivocal proof given of genocide so cited to the ICJ, the result will be a forgo conclusion.
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The writer Jerome Irwin is a Canadian-American writer who originally was a Criminology student working in one of America’s local police departments. For decades, Irwin has sought to call world attention to problems of environmental degradation and unsustainability caused by a host of environmental-ecological-spiritual issues that exist between the conflicting world philosophies of indigenous and non-indigenous peoples.
Irwin is the author of the book, “The Wild Gentle Ones; A Turtle Island Odyssey” (, a spiritual odyssey among the native peoples of North America that has led to numerous articles pertaining to: Ireland’s Fenian Movement; native peoples Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance Movement; AIPAC, Israel & the U.S. Congress anti-BDS Movement; the historic Battle for Palestine & Siege of Gaza, as well as; the many violations constantly being waged by industrial-corporate-military-propaganda interests against the World’s Collective Soul. The author and his wife are long-time residents on the North Shore of British Columbia.
He is a regular contributor to Global Research.
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