Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Right now, Bills S.2152, S.316, S.1044, H.2158 and Resolve S. 155 are before the Massachusetts legislature, aiming to protect state residents against these wireless risks:


Smart City showing wireless connectivity points

The rapid, uncontrolled and poorly regulated expansion of wireless technology and infrastructure — including cell towers, small cells and smart meters — poses significant risks to our health, damages the environment, and threatens the privacy and autonomy of citizens.

New Hampshire is ahead of Massachusetts: their legislators passed a law to investigate, and they issued a groundbreaking 5G Commission Report documenting extensive harm to children, adults, birds, bees and trees.

Learn More and Take Action

Right now, Bills S.2152, S.316, S.1044, H.2158 and Resolve S. 155 are before the Massachusetts legislature, aiming to protect state residents against these wireless risks:

  • S.2152 requires a no-fee smart meter opt-out. This has an Emergency Preamble as Eversource and National Grid are planning to replace their entire electrical meter fleets with toxic smart meters in 2024, 2025.
  • S.316 requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to establish best management practices for wireless in schools and public institutions of higher education.
  • S.1044 codifies that those with Electromagnetic Sensitivities (EMS) and other disabilities have a right to ask for reasonable accommodations.
  • H.2158 requires the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to add EMS to the list of diseases dangerous to public health.
  • Resolve S.155 forms a commission like New Hampshire’s.

We cannot afford wireless expansion at the expense of our health, environment and privacy. We need to take collective action now and tell our elected officials to support measures that promote wireless safety and wired fiber infrastructure, which is the safer, more reliable and more future-proof option.

In truth,

The Children’s Health Defense Team




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