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An American Affidavit

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Patrick McShay, Bill Barr: Deep State Fixer, Bush Crime Family Consigliere & Trump’s Worst Nightmare


Patrick McShay, Bill Barr: Deep State Fixer, Bush Crime Family Consigliere & Trump’s Worst Nightmare

Is anyone else sick and tired of hearing Bill Barr’s thoug’hts on another Trump presidency, or anything else for that matter? He was a recent guest on Fox News’s lamebrain, and Trump hater, Neil Cavuto’s show, which would be right at home on CNN or MSNBC, whining that he has concerns about a second Trump term in office.

My concern is that Deep State fixer and troll Barr still has an audience anywhere. Can anyone think of an Attorney General who worked harder to cover up his administration’s opponent’s crimes and scandals but didn’t lift a finger to help the president who appointed him?

Barr was extremely critical of every move Trump made while serving as his Attorney General and since he left. Can you imagine Obama’s Attorney General and “Wingman” Eric Holder being so openly critical of his president? Not a chance!

Bill Barr has been a Deep State fixer since his time as the Bush Crime Family’s Consigliere in the 80s, covering up illegal Reagan/Bush era Iran/Contra criminal activities during their CIA & military-connected cocaine smuggling operation at Mena Arkansas, in association with the Clinton Crime Family. Barr was also involved in illegal arms deals, and financial crimes,(Remember the Savings & Loan scandal) and was up to his double chin in illegal government operations.

Bill Barr also orchestrated and engineered the cover-up of Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush’s involvement in the treasonous 1980 “October Surprise” plan, during the Iranian hostage crisis, to keep the American hostages in Iran in order to humiliate Jimmy Carter before the election. See this:


Today we are watching daily reports about Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s underaged “Honeypot” and blackmail scheme while working for The Israeli Mossad, The media covers up the Mossad connection while they praise the Israeli slaughter of defenseless Palestinians.

Most Americans are unaware of the homosexual prostitution ring uncovered during the Reagan/Bush presidency involving clients and key officials of the Reagan Bush team, military officers, Congressional aides, and foreign businessmen with close social ties to the administration.

This tawdry scandal was the subject of the book, “The Franklin Cover-Up” and turned out to be a network of politicians, Bankers, lawyers, police officers and the FBI trafficking, abusing, and forcing young boys into prostitution in a nationwide pedophile ring .The media buried the story no sooner than it broke.See this:



Did Trump know when he hired Barr that during hearings for his first appointment as Bush’s Attorney General, Barr conveyed his support for gun control and confiscation? Barr was part of the corrupt DC swamp along with a Deep State RINO contingent of backstabbers like James Comey, Robert Mueller,  Mike Pence, Christopher Wray, General Mattis, Rod Rosenstein, Mark Meadows, and George Soros’s former employee former General HR McMaster, to name just a few.

The long list of these RINO appointments that Trump made werei disappointing and no doubt regrettable since most of them turned  on him and appeared to be working against his agenda.

Did the Bush-connected Barr help cover up the Hinkley-Bush family connection from reaching the mainstream media and the public? I wrote in my article “Kennedy, Lennon, Reagan, and 911, the Bush Connection” that John Hinkley Jr. the would-be assassin who shot Ronald Reagan was a neighbor and friend of the Bush family in Houston, and his father and Reagan’s Vice President George HW Bush were good friends. Hinckley’s brother Scott was best friends with Vice President Bush’s son Neil. Coincidence or planned assassination?

*The Bush Connection To Reagan’s Shooter https://12160.info/video/bush-connection-to-reagans

How was this story kept from the public? A Bush family friend tried to kill the president after barely a month in office which would have put George HW Bush in the presidency, and the media covered it up.

*George H.W. Bush: New World Order Crime Boss

Barr was brought in, not to help Trump, but as a handler to manage these Deep State crimes that were surfacing around Obama, the Bidens, and the Clintons. Barr likely supported both impeachment efforts against Trump behind the scenes. Trump was getting much too close to the criminality and money laundering operation in Ukraine among other scandals like Clinton’s & Obama’s Uranium One scandal and the subsequent FBI and DOJ cover-up.


Barr’s father Donald, a former officer at the Office of Strategic Services (OSS was a precursor to the CIA), hired Jeffrey Epstein as a Math teacher at Dalton School, an exclusive, elite, & private boys college prep school in New York where he worked as the Headmaster. Oddly, Epstein didn’t have a college degree. Sound fishy? You bet it does! Donald Barr served as Epstein’s mentor (Handler) & wrote a novel about men raping teenage girls. Hmm…

Is this a Generational Deep State family? Barr’s daughter is now a Federal prosecutor in the Southern District of New York, & Barr was in a unique position as Attorney General to either have Epstein killed or facilitate his escape. Barr said:

“I was appalled to learn that Jeffrey Epstein was found dead early this morning from an apparent suicide while in federal custody. Mr. Epstein’s death raises serious questions that must be answered. In addition to the FBI’s investigation, I have consulted with the Inspector General who is opening an investigation into the circumstances of Mr. Epstein’s death.”

What transpired was nothing short of a cover-up. None of those “Serious questions” were answered, only new more serious questions emerged. Why was no guard at their post that night & why weren’t any of the pertinent cameras in his cell or hallway working that night, who buys this shit?


Bill Barr’s DOJ & FBI had Hunter Biden’s laptop in December of 2019 & did nothing with it. The contents of the laptop could have pivoted the election overnight toward a Trump landslide, and Barr knew it. The laptop proved Russian & Chinese collusion with the Biden Crime Family along with hundreds of other crimes found on it.

It completely debunked Biden’s claims that Hunter or other Biden family members weren’t enriched through illegal dealings with our enemies. Bill Barr, through his inaction and underhanded moves singlehandedly sunk Trump’s chances for a fair election. A few short months later the long planned pandemic psyop was launched and the election rigging began.

Asked in January 2020 if he intended to appoint a special counsel in the Hunter Biden case, Barr refused saying, the prosecutor in Delaware, (Where Biden’s investigations go to die) would take over the investigation. Barr knew the laptop would be buried in Delaware which is why he sent it there.

We also witnessed how Chris Wallace as moderator of a key presidential debate on Fox News, was complicit in blatant election interference when he shut down Trump as he tried to bring up the Biden family’s criminality.

Remember when Trump’s back-stabbing former Attorney General  Barr was charged with looking into the mountain of fraud & thousands of voter & poll worker complaints in the swing states during the 2020 election, but later said he found no evidence of fraud? He then went on all the news channels and assured the country that his DOJ investigation showed no evidence of election interference or widespread vote fraud in the 2020 election. Except Barr lied about the investigation.

Jeffrey Clark with the “Center For Renewing America” told Steve Bannon on his show, “The War Room” that Freedom of Information requests (FOIA) were sent to get information about the so-called investigation, and found that Barr never did an investigation at all.


I wrote when Barr was appointed that he was a Deep-State fixer and would accomplish nothing. Why would Barr lie about such an important issue? Because he worked against Trump the entire time he was Attorney General, and he still is.

Patrick J. McShay is a writer, researcher, and activist whose articles have appeared on over 200 news sites around the world. Mr. McShay is a retired mortgage broker and uncredentialed historian specializing in real history and uncomfortable truths. He has appeared on the Power Of Prophecy Podcast with Jerry Barrett, the Chuck Baldwin Show, the Jeff Rense Show, the Raw Deal with Jim Fetzer, TNT Radio with Joe Olson, and the SGT Report. His articles have been translated into over a dozen languages including French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Polish, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Dutch.

*Bill Barr’s Adjudication of Spygate Will Determine His Legacy


If you’d like to support my work, any contribution no matter how small would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Pat.


*Follow Patrick J. McShay and get his daily takes on Twitter @j_mcshay

*My recent appearances on The Power Of Prophecy Podcast



*Recent Articles By Patrick J. McShay:

*Joe Biden: America’s Puppet Dictator


*Kennedy, Lennon, Reagan, & 911: The Bush Connection


*Satan Laughing Spreads His Wings Over Gaza

*Operation Gladio And The False Flag Muslim Terror Hoax https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=152946

*Global Warming And Other Government Lies https://stateofthenation.co/?p=178572

JFKThe CIA And Mainstream Media Deception


*Zionist Deception and a Geopolitical Powder Keg In Gaza

*9/11: The Official Narrative Is Dying

*Deep State Pedophiles, Political Traitors, and Their Communist Agenda


*Media Disinformation, Clinton Money Laundering, and Our Disgraceful Middle East Policy




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