commented upon by the Jewish nationalist David Ben-Gurion in "War
Diary", Vol. Ill, p. 788.
No ordinary politician had any knowledge whatever of the future Soviet
occupation of the Baltic states at this point. Much less could anyone
imagine anything as despicable as deporting the original population. A
strictly secret decision to deport the anti-Soviet element from the Baltic
states was signed by Ivan Serov (who was vice-people's commissary for
security) in Moscow on the 11th of October 1939. The Zionist leader
Vladimir Jabotinsky not only knew about this planned crime, but also had
a positive attitude towards it. Jabotinsky was not even a Communist -he
was a right-wing extremist. Tens of thousands of people were deported to
Siberia from the three Baltic states on the night before the 14th of June.
1941. Over 10 000 were deported from Estonia. The Communists wanted
to deport over 700 000 Estonians to leave just 358 000 behind us
administrators, but there was not enough time. A new deportation took
place in Estonia on the 25th of March 1949, when over 20 000 people
were sent away. People were also deported from the other Baltic states in
the same year (43 231 from Latvia). 259 Christians were deported from
Estonia in 1951.
750 000 Palestinians were driven or frightened out of their homeland on the 2nd of December 1947. The major
Arab cities Jaffa and Haifa were completely emptied. Jewish forces forced the Palestinians out of hundreds of villages. In one village, Deir Yassin, 250 people out of 254 were murdered to frighten away the people in the neighbouring villages. 400 Palestinian villages were eventually either emptied or razed. The Israeli historian Benny Morris describes those events in his book "The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem 1947-49" (Cambridge University Press, 1988). The corresponding documents in the Israeli archives were classified as soon as Morris began publishing this information.The well-known Zionist author Jon Kimche described in his book "The Seven Fallen Pillars" how General Moshe Dayan shot like a madman at the inhabitants of the town of Lydda on the 11th of July 1948. The 30 000 surviving Arabs took flight. A similar burst of violence occurred in the nearby town of Ramallah on the following day. Kimche made a point of how all the possessions of the Arabs were plundered.
Thus, the deportation of the Palestinians was planned in advance and
carried out with barbarously brutal terror, according to a film
documentary, which was shown on Swedish television in the autumn of 1993. But there were still 150 000 Palestinians left in the country. Some of them were herded into "reservations". Israel, in order to gain entrance to the UN, promised to allow the Palestinians to return home, but as usual broke its promise.
T wo Jewish cultural organisations, Licht (light) in Tallinn and Schalom Aleichem (Peace be to you) in Tartu, played an important role in the introduction of Bolshevism into Estonia. The same pattern of events was repeated in the other two Baltic states.
Licht was founded in 1926. It was a subversive movement from the very
beginning, according to a document (2197-2-3-227) in the Estonian
National Archives. The organisation received its instructions primarily
from Moscow. Licht co-operated with MOPR or the International Red
Aid, a subversive organisation that camouflaged its activities behind aid
contributions to various (Red) political prisoners. Licht kept in touch with
the Estonian Communist Party's organisational office, which was in
Sweden. Licht also distributed underground Communist literature,
(Everything according to the Soviet-Estonian Encyclopaedia, Tallinn,
1972. Vol. 4, p. 432.)
Most of Licht's approximately 120 members were Zionist Socialists or
Communists, who began systematically planning the coup against the
Estonian Republic as early as 1936. Many activists (Moisei Pekker, Simon
Perlman, Lazar Vseviov, Ksenia Aisenstadt, Leo Aisenstadt, Hans Grabbe,
Sosia Schmotkin, Josef Goldman, Viktor Feigin and others) became
members of Estonia's Communist Party (EKP) in 1936. I must point out
here that this party had 387 members in 1934, of which only 133 remained
in 1939. In the meantime, Stalin had had 254 Estonian Communists
murdered. (Vladimir Karassev-Orgussaar, "Molotov, Voroshilov and We",
Stockholm, 1988, p. 115.) Until now it has been concealed how many of
the 133 remaining members were Jews, but information from 1945 has
been found which puts the number of Jewish members in EKP at 69.
("EKP in Numbers, 1920-1980", Tallinn, 1983.) This almost certainly
means that over half of the Communists in Estonia in 1940 (just before the
Communist take-over) were Jews. In 1979, 1131 of the 4966 Jews in
Estonia were members of the Communist Party. Compared with other
groups, the Jews were very faithful to the Communist Party and were
greatly over-represented in its activities, as was also the case in other
countries. New Jewish Chekists arrived in Estonia after the Second World
War and committed terrible atrocities against the Estonian people.
Licht's chairman in 1938 was called Moses Sachs. He worked closely
with other Communists connected with Licht, like Idel Jakobson, Viktor
Feigin and Gerschon Zimbalov.
Marxist literature and the newspaper Kommunist were printed in the flat of the bank director Leo Aisenstadt. The printers were Ksenia Aisenstadt and Sosia Schmotkin. The Estonian Security Police, who did not then understand the Zionist connection, could hardly suspect a bank director of something like this.
The leader of the Jewish community, Hirsch Aisenstadt (of the same family) was, according to a formerly secret document, also an agent of the Jewish agency in Estonia. He later joined one of the NKVD extermination battalions under the name Grigori Aisenstadt. He became a victim of the arbitrary punishments in 1949.
After having given Estonia an ultimatum, the Soviet Union began the occupation of that republic on the 17th of June 1940. Estonia's political and military leadership, headed by President Konstantin Pats and Com- mander-in-Chief Johan Laidoner (both of whom belonged to a Masonic lodge in Sweden), refused to resist. Coups d'etat were organised to occur simultaneously in the three Baltic states on the 21st of June. Later, a myth was spread that the Baltic peoples had revolted in order to enslave themselves. "A large number of Licht's members took part in the socialist revolution in 1940," according to the Soviet-Estonian Encyclopaedia (Tallinn, 1972, Vol. 4, p. 432).
The men who lowered the Estonian flag from the tower of Tall Hermann and raised the Red banner on the 17th of June were the 25-year- old Herman Gutkin, son of a rich Jewish merchant, Heinrich Gutkin, and the merchant Viktor Feigin. {Chicago Tribune, 24th of June 1940.) Both were members of Licht. The correspondent of the Chicago Tribune, Donald Day, had reported events in the Baltic states for 22 years. His impartial reports are very interesting. He related how the extremist Jews, led by Herman Gutkin, marched through Tallinn to the Soviet Embassy, where the Jews tore up the Estonian flag. That event is confirmed by at least one photograph. Donald Day pointed out in his memoirs that the editor had deleted the words "the Jews" from his text as it was printed in the newspaper.
The Red take-over in Estonia's second largest town, Tartu, was orga- nised by the Jewish cultural organisation Schalom Aleichem together with the Communist Party. The Young Revolutionaries' Committee was foun- ded on the 22nd of June 1940 by the Jews Selda Pats (actually Zelda Paatz) and Moisei Sverdlov. The same Moisei Sverdlov led the Young Communists in Tartu. (Olaf Kuuli, "The Revolution in Estonia 1940", Tallinn, 1980, p. 112.) All anti-Estonian activity in Tartu was co-ordinated
by Selda Pats and her brother Jaakov Pesah from Schalom Aleichem. The Jews had unlimited freedom in Estonia before the Soviet occupation. They had all kinds of organisations, their own schools and newspapers, within the framework of cultural autonomy. (Judisk Kronika, No. 10, 1986.) There was a professorial chair of Judaic studies at the University of Tartu.
International Jewish circles have later denied all this. Max I. Dimont
wrote in his book "Jews, God and History" (New York, 1962, pp. 374-
375) that anti-Semitism was prevalent in the Republic of Estonia and that
the Jews were persecuted. He claimed that Estonia had no democracy and
that anti-Semitism "became the highest form of statesmanship". According
to him, the Estonians demanded a solution of the Jewish problem. He
asserted that "the Jews were legislated out of the professions". The
Estonians supposedly made that "anti-Semitic legislation was increased".
Dimont, however, understood the real situation since he was studying in
Finland at the time. Dagens Nyheter's (a liberal-socialist daily newspaper)
Osmo Vatanen has helped to spread these myths. He claimed that the Jews
could not find work in Estonia before 1940. {Postimees, 21st of February,
What was it really like? There were only 4434 Jews in Estonia in 1934.
According to the history professor Hain Rebas, Estonia opened its borders
to Austrian Jews. Yet a small number of Jews owned 11 per cent of the
industry and controlled a still larger part. (E. Martinson, "Profession -
Treachery", Tallinn, 1970, p. 22.) Over half of the shops in Tallinn's Old
Town were owned by Jews. The wealthy merchant Heinrich Gutkin (born
in 1879) represented Jewish interests in the Parliament.
Together with Russian Jews, many Estonian Jews began directing the
terror against the Estonian people in connection with the Soviet occu-
pation. Hans Grabbe (actually Hasa Hoff), a board member of the Jewish
cultural organisation Licht, became one of the NKVD chiefs. He became
the worst mass-murderer in the modern history of Estonia. He bore the chief responsibility for all the Communist atrocities and deportations. Hans Grabbe also gave orders for Estonian officers to be executed en masse.
The Jew Idel Jakobson had no reason to hate Estonia. He was a Latvian citizen and arrived from Latvia to bring an end to the Republic of Estonia and introduce the dictatorship of the proletariat (i.e. the extremist Jews). He was caught in an underground printing shop in Tallinn and was tried in 1931. He was never tried after the fall of Communism. He worked from 1940 to 1941 as vice-chief of the investigatory department of the NKVD. He never released his own prisoners. He agitated with Communist propa- ganda speeches during the time of Estonia's independence. He introduced various methods of persuasion in the form of uncommonly cruel torture when working as a Chekist. He once seriously injured a young woman with the butt of his rifle during an interrogation. The woman later became a famous author.
In April 1942, Idel Jakobson as chief investigator signed an order for 621 Estonians to be killed in the prison camp of Vostok-Uralsky in Sosva, though no trial had been held or sentence passed. The 93-year-old Jakob- son died in November 1996 in Tallinn. He was never arrested for the mass murder of Estonian citizens and other crimes during the Soviet occupation.
Many other Jews had successful careers within the political police, for example the businessman Leo Epstein, the lawyer Josef Markovitsch, the lawyer Kroppman, the photographer Schuras, the businessmen Mirvitz, Gens, Bakszt, Kofkin, Himmelhoch... The Jew Feodotov was chief of the prison department. The Russian Jew Lobonovich became vice-people's commissary for internal affairs (in practice he led the Commissariat).
The Licht member Viktor Feigin, who was also the leader of the dreaded terror organisation the People's Home Guard (RO), became director of the central jail in Tallinn. The NKVD commandant Arnold Brenner also gained an evil reputation. Feigin and Brenner had fought together on the side of the Communists in the Spanish Civil War. (Olaf Kuuli, "The Revolution in Estonia 1940", Tallinn, 1980, p, 111.)
It was primarily the Jews who used torture. The dentist Budas gained an evil reputation in the town of Kuressaare on the island of Saaremaa. He used to scald his victims' hands and feet in boiling water so that their swollen skin hung loose like gloves or socks.
The Jewish NKVD doctors A. Tuch and B. Gluckmann, both of whom had connections with Licht, were especially cruel torturers, as was the hunch-backed female prosecutor Stella Schliefstein, who became notorious under the name "The Spider". She was an expert at torturing her victims by tearing up their arm and leg muscles. (The Estonian weekly newspaper Vaba Eesti Sona, New York, 25th June 1981.)
Hirsch Aisenstadt, who was chairman of the board for Jewish cultural autonomy, admitted that the Jewish Chekists were the worst. (Sirp, 24th of December 1991, Andres Kiing's article "About the Estonians and Jews in Estonia".)
Sosia Schmotkin and Leo Aisenstadt also became important Soviet functionaries, according to the Israeli professor Dov Levin. ("Estonian Jews in the USSR, 1941-45", Yad Vashem Studies, Vol. II, Jerusalem, 1976, p. 277.)
Many Licht members joined the Soviet militia, according to documents
I studied in the National Archives in Tallinn in April 1993. Among these
were Manne Epstein, Hirsch Kitt, Gerschon Zimbalov and others.
Foreign diplomats and military observers, whose reports related how
Estonian Jews suddenly became political commissars for various com-
pamies, mayors, aides to people's commissaries and agents-executioners in
the NKVD, have also confirmed that a very large proportion of the
extremist Jews actually betrayed the Estonian Republic, which had given
them a safe existence through cultural autonomy, and began senselessly
murdering and torturing well-inclined Estonians.
Here I may quote a report from the 4th of April 1941, sent from Estonia
to the C Bureau of the Swedish Secret Service at the General Staff. This
report deals with the political changes, which had occurred in Estonia after
the Soviet occupation: "During the reorganisation of the judicial system,
persons with a shady past, including many Jews, have been appointed
The number of Jews within the NKVD is especially remarkable. It was claimed that nearly all Estonian Jews are either indirectly or directly in the service of the NKVD. The Jews earlier had their own schools. These have now been dissolved and their pupils have been placed as Communist agents in Estonian schools.
The Jews have also come to the fore in businesses, banks, etc."
(Dagens Nyheter, 11th of January 1993, B 2.)
The Jews Dr Gens and Leo Aisenstadt were elected representatives of
the Soviet-Estonian puppet government in Moscow, according to Dov
Levin. The Bolsheviks in the Kremlin could not trust anyone else.
The picture was exactly the same in Latvia and Lithuania. The same
story was also repeated later (1948) in the rest of Eastern Europe. Jewish
activists led the terror against the "enemies of the people" in their native
countries. Here I can mention Foreign Minister Ana Pauker (daughter of
Rabbi Zvi Rabinson), Josef Kisinevsky (actually Jakob Brotman), the
Minister of the Interior Teohar Georgescu (Burach Tescovich), the chief
of the Security Police, General Zamfir (actually Laurian Rechler) in
Romania; Jakub Berman as the supreme chief of the Security Police in
Poland; Rudolf Slanski (actually Salzmann) and Stefan Reis in Czecho-
slovakia; Matyas Rakosi (actually Roth Rosenkrantz), Erno Gero (actually
Singer), the freemasons Laszlo Rajk and Zoltan Vas (Weinberger), who
were all Soviet citizens, in Hungary. Their primary victims were the
representatives and pillars of the sensible societies they sought to destroy.
Why is it that rancorous extremist Jews have always predominated at the head of violent revolutions, coups d'etat, political assassinations and other terrorist activities throughout history? Is this really a coincidence or was it planned that way? My readers must seek the answer to this question themselves.
The shock at seeing the Jews taking the leading role in the introduction of Communism was especially great in Estonia where the 4434 Estonian Jews had been treated very well. More than 10 million books were destroyed after the Soviet take-over of power in Estonia in 1940, a figure which is never mentioned in the book-burning propaganda. After this, the Communists began spreading their own "truths".
The terror in Latvia was led by the following Jews: the chairman of the NKVD tribunal was Simon Shustin (who came from Moscow and later emigrated to Israel), Isaac Bucinskis became Latvia's chief of militia, Alfons Noviks was commissary of internal affairs. The Jewish doctor Moses Zitron became infamous as a torturer in the Daugavpils jail.
In 1991, the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet in Latvia, Anatolis Gorbunovs, condemned the atrocities committed by the Communist Jews in the country. Swedish Television actually reported this. Dagens Nyheter wrote on the 12th of April 1994 that the 86-year-old Alfons Noviks had been arrested and later sentenced to lifetime imprisonment for his war
crimcs. He was responsible for the cruel mass deportations of Latvians to
Siberia. Many of them did not survive in the punishment camps. Noviks
was named chief of the NKVD in Daugavpils in 1940. He fled to the
Soviet Union before the German troops marched in, but returned in 1945.
He was then named commissary of internal affairs and chief of the NKVD
in Latvia. Noviks was accused of genocide, since he had organised the
awful reign of terror and many of the executions in Latvia. Novik's usual
method, according to surviving witnesses, was to torture and beat
prisoners to squeeze "confessions" out of them. He was now described as
"the people's executioner" in the Latvian newspapers. The case was
investigated by a special government commission for the investigation of
political crimes committed in Latvia during the years of the occupation.
The NKVD began executing Latvian patriots immediately after the
Soviet take-over. Lists of 978 such people were discovered after the
Bolshcviks' retreat in July of 1941. A document which the Chekists had
not had time to destroy was found. It was an order by Simon Shustin to
shoot 74 people, including six women. Quartered bodies of the victims of
the Red terror were found buried in the courtyard of the Central Prison in
Riga. Simon Shustin had signed this execution order on June 26, 1941 and
added the following with red ink: "Considering the public danger they
constitute, they should all be shot." It was no coincidence that he was
called "Latvia's executioner".
Why were these victims so dangerous? J. Krischmanis had spoken in
favour of a free Latvia and Estonia. Viktor Somovits had sung Latvian
folk songs. Others had criticised the Soviet regime... Those martyrs had
endurcd torture and indescribable, terrible sufferings before their lives
were ended with a pistol shot in the neck. Many bodies had been mutilated
beyond recognition.
Is it strange then, considering all those horrible crimes against huma-
nity, that an anti-Semitic attitude surfaced in Latvia, where 95 000 Jews
lived? This would have happened in Sweden or any other country as well.
There were Jewish, ostensibly non-Communist members of the Latvian
Parliament. There was Rabbi Nurok, who was deported to the Soviet
Union on the 14th of June 1941. He survived, strangely enough, and later
became a member of the Israeli Knesset. (Expressen, 24th of March 1969.)
The Jewish terror (Bernson, Gorlitsky and others) against the Lithua-
nian people was exceptionally cruel. 34 000 women and children
disappeared in 1940 alone. I lack the words to describe all those atrocities. The doctor and ex-Communist Joseph Schmollers tried to describe the role of the extremist Jews in the Red terror in his book, "Vorkuta, the Story of a Slave City in the Soviet Arctic" (London, pp. 108-110). There were 250 000 Jews in Lithuania. 70 000 lived in Vilnius. They were ultra- orthodox and therefore eagerly welcomed Communism, which gave them an official pretext to show what they really thought of the Lithuanians. It came as no surprise when the Swedish Jew Mose Apelblat called the new Soviet occupation of Lithuania in 1944 "the Red Army's liberation" in Dagens Nyheter on the 27th of January 1987. The Lithuanians, if official propaganda is to be believed, killed nearly all the Jews. If this was the case, why were more than 20 per cent of the names in the Kaunas telephone directory still Jewish after the war?
The Jews' most famous rabbi, Maimonides (Moshe Ben Maimon) was the author of the book "More Nebochim", a new edition of which was printed in Warsaw in 1872. In this book Maimonides wrote, among other things: "It is undoubtedly the will of Yahweh that all gentiles should be murdered, including small children with their parents and parents' parents without discrimination. This decree is often found in the Torah." (Op. cit.. Vol. 1, chapter 54, p. 81b).
Confucius said: "The man of noble mind seeks to achieve the good in others and not their evil. The little-minded man is the reverse of this." (Confucius, The Analects, 12:16. Translated by W. E. Soothill. London. 1910.) The Jewish Illuminists have always been little-minded men. Our misfortune is a result of this.
Licht began actively persecuting non-Communist "reactionary" Jews The property of non-Socialist organisations was confiscated. Licht tried to ruin the Jewish businessman Salomon Klutschik. The 56-year-old merchant Salomon Epstein also had confrontations with fanatical Marxist Jews. The "progressive" Jews did not allow any company to employ him. The Germans later unlawfully sent him to a concentration camp. It is worth mentioning that at least 14 Estonians dared to defend him. (Eugenia Gurin-Loov, "The Great Holocaust", Tallinn, 1994, p. 115.) The Germans executed him. The Communist Jews had arrested his son and sent him to Russia.
On the 7th of September 1940, Licht began to publish the weekly
newspaper Na Leben (The New Life) for other Estonian Jews. The editor-
in-chief was Simon Perlman (born in 1902). Licht, headed by Moisei Scheer and Leo Epstein, decided to close all Jewish organisations, which disturbed the Marxist activities. Their funds and resources were taken over by Licht, according to documents in the Estonian National Archives.
Licht abolished itself in the autumn of 1940. It had served its purpose -
thc Republic of Estonia had been eliminated. The "revolutionary" Jews
later preferred to work behind the scenes.
Hitler's forces attacked the Soviet Empire on June 22, 1941. A speedy
withdrawal of the Red Army from large areas (including the newly
acquired Baltic states) was necessary. On the 26th of June 1941, Major
General Rakutin, the commander of the NKVD border troops in the Baltic
countries, ordered the forming of special extermination battalions, of 320
men each, in compliance with Beria's decree of the 24th of June 1941.
The terrible suffering which the Estonian people and also "reactionary"
Jews and other ethnic groups were subjected to was, of course, organised
by Marxist Jews.
Mikhail Pasternak held the supreme command over the extermination
battalions. He even had a street in Tallinn named after him. Josef
Goldman's NKVD extermination battalion performed some especially
brutal actions in July 1941. Goldman was a member of Licht.
When I compared Licht's list of members with the names of those in the
extermination battalions, I was surprised to see how many Licht members
dealt in destruction and murder. They even had plans to poison wells. Here follows a list of the most active criminals: Zemach Delski, Jakob Vigderhaus, Moisei Zimbalov, Refoel Goldmann, Isaak Halupovitsch, Schimon (Semjon) Hoff, Simon Strassman, Abram Vseviov, Isaak Bulkin, Meier Minsker, Isaak Minsker, Gerschon Zimbalov, Moisei Schimsche- levitsch, Leo Epstein, Boruch Schor, Grinstein and others.
At least 120 Estonian Jews were among the 8980 men in the 27 extermination battalions, according to Dov Levin. That information is misleading. Estonia's bourgeois Prime Minister Mart Laar revealed in his book "The Forest Brothers" (Tallinn, 1993, p. 24) that there was an exlusively Jewish extermination battalion in Estonia. 320 equals at least 120 - that is Zionist mathematics.
The Jews were, in any case, massively over-represented in those
merciless units. Some historians judge that the Jews made up 6 per cent of
thosc battalions, i.e. at least 540 men. (Eesti Ekspress, 7th June 1991.)
Their percentage of the population was only 0.4 per cent. The most
important question is who the leaders of the terror were.
Only 40 per cent of the members of the extermination battalions were
Estonians. Many of these came to Estonia as Soviet citizens from Russia
after the Communist coup in June 1940. Common Estonian criminals also
joined those battalions and of course also those Estonians who were
Soviet agents. The rest were Russians and other nationals, including many
Jews. The ethnic composition of those battalions was a state secret, as was
that of the EKP (Estonian Communist Party).
The extermination battalions often worked together with the Red Army. The exterminators also wore "uniforms": they had work overalls with a red armband. Only the leaders wore NKVD or militia uniforms. Most of them also had a red, five-pointed star on their caps. The low-ranking Communists in the Spanish civil war often fought in work overalls too. This indicated their ideological background.
Some of the members of Schalom Aleichem in Tartu also volunteered to join the extermination battalions. Among these were Selda Pats and her brother Jaakov Pesah and also Josef Mjasnikov, who founded the Zionist movement Netzach in Estonia, according to Dov Levin.
Movsa Michelson, chairman of the Jewish cultural organisation in Tartu, admitted the following in an interview in the newspaper Edasi (26th of February 1989): "At the beginning of the war many [Jews] joined the extermination battalions." The militiaman Gerschon Zimbalov was one of those who joined.
The extermination battalions were known for their almost indescribable cruelty and brutality, especially towards women and children. The victims were thrown alive into fires, parts of their bodies were cut off, they were nailed to walls... All this also happened in Soviet Russia. The Red terror ruled Estonia for two months until the 28th of August 1941, when those stormtroops were defeated. They had orders to liquidate everything in their path, to imprison the opponents of the Communist system and to eliminate them on the spot if necessary.
The infamous Boris Friedman and Jershik Schigol terrorised the area
near the town of Voru, Jakob Jolanski in Parnu, Shustov and others in
What sort of things were these violent criminals doing? Here are a few
typical, well-documented examples, which have not acquired the ano-
nymity of the great terror waves. Josef Goldman, who commanded one of these extermination battalions, gave orders to the effect that all women and girls found on roads, farms or in fields should first be raped, then have their breasts cut off and finally be burned alive. Men were also treated in a similar manner: first they lost their genitals, then their eyes, after which their stomachs were cut open and they were finally killed as slowly as possible. Being a member of Licht, Comrade Josef Goldman really did represent an exceedingly strange, uncivilised and peculiar "culture". Twenty men were arrested by the exterminators at the railway station in Viluvere. They were taken to Tallinn where they were interrogated. The Jewish commander of the seventh extermination battalion, L. Rubinov, gave the order to murder these men in the Liiva forest. Before they were killed, they were tied up with barbed wire, which cut through the palms of their hands, and their ears were cut off.
Selma Ratsep in Kudina, the farmer Rudolf Pall near Tartu, Anna Kivi-
mae and her daughters Ulanda and Armilda near Tartu, Lembit Ital in
Kuusalu and many others were also murdered by the exterminators,
following torture. Anna Kivimae's head had been crushed, her daughters
had been raped, their eyes squeezed out. In western Estonia, August Savir
(40 vears old) had his stomach cut up, after which his head was crushed.
Three exterminators led by the Jew Leo Epstein stormed the 83-year-old
Karolina Muhlbaum's house in Jarva-Jaani on the 24th of July 1941. Her
house was plundered and she was forced to accompany them. Her body
was later found by a road leading into Kaagvere. The killers had smashed
her face.
The gardener Albert Palu was burned alive in Helme on the 5th of July 1941. Albert Simm and his wife in Puhajoe met the same fate. The 14- year-old Tiit Kartes was arrested in Aseri later on the same day. He was cruelly tortured, after which his genitals were cut off and he was murdered. His body was found in the forest.
The exterminators flayed some of their victims alive, cut off their fin-
gers, tore off their arms. A shepherd boy was torn apart between two cars
near Haapsalu. Anette Lenk in Kuressaare was tortured with boiling water.
Jewish youths, acting as agents for Moscow, shot passing pedestrians in
Tartu from windows. A few of these murderers were caught. They were
carying bottles of petrol with which to start fires. Others were carrying
poison to poison wells.
The Soviet-Estonian periodical Vikerkaar published an article by the historian Mart Laar (who became Estonia's right-wing prime minister in the autumn of 1992) in November 1988, under the title "The Time of the Horrors". The article described the crimes of the extermination battalions. This of course upset the Soviet authorities and they wanted to take Mart Laar to court for spreading false information, since these inhuman acts seemed improbable. Everything was later confirmed by other sources.
Here are just a few examples of the horrible crimes Mart Laar described. The Communists destroyed three Estonian villages and all their inhabitants in an especially cruel manner. The children were nailed up in trees, pregnant women were beaten to death. In the village of Ehavere, babies were affixed to the breasts of their mothers with bayonets. The women's tongues and breasts were cut off. I later found information about how pigs were sometimes fed with the corpses of Forest Brothers (Estonian guerrilla soldiers).
The Jews Hans Grabbe (Hasa Hoff) and Mikhail Pasternak bore the
ultimate responsibility for those atrocious crimes.
The Estonian nation lost 25 per cent of its population (around 250 000)
during the first ten years of Soviet occupation. The best educated and most
active citizens were the ones to suffer the most. Imagine placing every
Estonian - men, women, the aged and children - in a long line and
shooting every fourth person. This was what they did to Estonia! Other
crimes seem pathetic in comparison. The active role of the extremist Jews
was a complete surprise. To the Estonians it felt like a slap in the face.
An Estonian Jew, Joosep Frank, who emigrated to Israel, admitted in the Estonian exile newspaper Meie Elu (Toronto) on the 10th of July 1986 that "the Estonians were never hostile towards the Jews". The leader of the Estonian Jews, Samuil Lazikin, told the Swedish journalist Jan Lindstrom in 1989: "During the time of the Republic of Estonia, there was no official anti-Semitism whatsoever in Estonia." Lindstrom wondered "Did the Jews live well in Estonia then?" Lazikin answered: "Naturally, of course!" (Expressen, the 4th of September 1989.)
So it was not a question of revenge. Despite this, all the Jewish employees of certain companies in Tallinn joined the extermination batta- lions. I can mention the Jewish-owned factory Rauaniit, where every Jew, with the manager Zemach Delski at the head, joined the exterminators. They were not loyal to the Republic of Estonia but to a foreign power.
Th Jewess Irina Stelmach admitted in the newspaper Hommikuleht
(Tallinn) on the 17th of December 1993 that there were many Jews in the
extermination battalions. Soviet-Estonia became the Jews' promised land,
according to Augustina Gerber, the editor-in-chief of the Jewish news-
papcr Hasahar in Tallinn. Indeed, the Jews became high-ranking chiefs
within the Soviet power apparatus in occupied Estonia. They controlled
radio (Ado Slutsk), TV, the record industry, scientific development and, of
course, the propaganda. The Jewish political scientists Herbert Vainu,
Gabriel Hazak and Simon Joffe were the most important radio commen-
tators. The falsification of history was controlled by the Jewish "dictator
of history" Herbert-Armin Lebbin, who continued publishing Communist
lies about how the Estonians voluntarily joined the Soviet Union and
chose the path of progressive socialism in the periodical Aja Pulss (No. 11
and No. 12), as late as June 1988. In 1980 he published the propaganda
book "In the Service of Anti-Communism", the audacity of which
exceeded all other books of its kind. The ideology at the universities was
under the control of the following Jews: Rem Blum (professor of
sociology at the University of Tartu), and Eugenia Gurin-Loov (lecturer in
philosophy at the Institute of Education in Tallinn).
When a few exiled Estonians were, for the first time to some extent,
allowed to tell the Swedish press about the important role the Jews played
in the crimes of the extermination battalions, the Jewish lawyer Hans W.
Levy from Gothenburg tried to explain that "the words 'extermination
battalion' are reserved for the Nazi Einsatzkommando groups". (Svenska
Dagbladet, 6th of February 1992.) In all seriousness, he meant that the
Jews had never been involved in extermination. Hans Levy is wrong. The
Germans never committed any atrocities as widespread and terrible as the
ones I have described, when they came to the Baltic states. I need only
mention here that Moses Hess saw Communism as the best means by
which to spread annihilation.
If we compare testimonies about how the extermination battalions
ravaged Estonia with reports from the Palestinian territories occupied by
Israel, we can see that the crimes committed by the Zionists of today are of
the same nature as those committed during the spread of Communism into
the Baltic states in 1940-41. Here are just a few typical headlines from the
Swedish press concerning crimes against the Palestinians: "Palestinians
Tortured to Death" (Aftonbladet, 9th of February 1988), "Jewish Terror
Against Palestinians" (Svenska Dagbladet, 9th of June 1987), "Soldiers Beat 15-Year-Old to Death" {Aftonbladet, 9th of February 1988), "17- Year-Old Shot to Death in Gaza" {Aftonbladet, 10th of January 1988), "Ten Palestinians Burnt to Death" {Aftonbladet, 29th of February 1988), "The Israelis Shot Two Children to Death" {Aftonbladet, 6th of June 1990), "Israeli Massacre in Palestinian Village - Six Villagers Shot Down" {Expressen, 14th of April 1989), "The Soldiers Broke the Prisoner's Arm" {Expressen, 27th of February 1988), "The Police Shot Straight at the Children" {Expressen, 2nd of April 1989), "Playing Five- Year-Old Shot to Death" {Expressen, 19th of October 1988), "Chemical Warfare Against Palestinians" {Dagens Nyheter, 23rd of March 1988).
That Israeli soldiers break the arms of Palestinian prisoners is no act of individual arbitrariness. The model of this act can be found in the Old Testament, Psalms 10:15-16 and 37:17. The first passage reads: "Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man: seek out his wickedness till thou find none. The LORD is King for ever and ever: the heathen are perished out of his land."
In February 1988, the 15-year-old schoolboy Iyad Mohammed was dragged out of his home and beaten to death with rifle butts. Witnesses stated that the Israeli soldiers had completely mashed his head. {Svenska Dagbladet, 9th of February 1988.) In the spring of 1988, four Palestinians were forced to lie on the ground while a bulldozer covered them in earth in Kafir near Nablus on the West Bank. Villagers later managed to dig them out alive. {Svenska Dagbladet, 16th of May 1988.)
Representatives of Save the Children have gone so far as to claim that Israeli soldiers shoot at children on purpose. At least 64 children were killed during the first 11 months after the beginning of the intifada {Dagens Nyheter, 8th of December 1988.)
In defence, the Zionists say that they have to shoot at people who throw stones at them. Foreigners (including Muslims) have thrown stones at tin- police in France and England without getting shot in return. A 23-year-old in Malmo (Sweden) threw a stone at the police in the spring of 1993. The court fined him. {Dagens Nyheter, 30th of October 1993.)
This will have to be enough. The facts clearly show, however, that the Zionist Jews are involved in unusually violent and horrible forms of extermination in their "various projects". Palestinian houses have been blown up, many villages have been razed. These methods are hardly
compatible with the policies of a democratic country. To what purpose did
Israel sign the Geneva conventions?
The Israeli weekly newspaper Ha'olam Hazzeh published the 5th of
January 1974 Lieutenant Colonel Avidan's brochure "The Purity of
Weapons". He is also the rabbi of the Central Region Military Command.
He instructs the readers in their duty to kill civilians. Soldiers do not only
have the right, but even the duty to kill civilians. That is Mitzvah - a good
deed for Yahweh.
The Soviet regime in Estonia was weakened considerably in 1988. The struggle for freedom began in earnest. Ideologists and functionaries became desperate - they did not want to lose their privileges as members of the nomenclature (nomenklatura - the Marxist power-elite). At the same time, they wanted to make it impossible for any anti-Semitic attitudes to surface in the country. That was why the KGB planned a punishment operation in Estonia between the 20th and the 26th of November 1988. The planned operation was called The Disobedient. It
was to have been led by the KGB Colonel Samuil Mikbailov (actually
Samuil Michelson), a Jew born in Parnu, Estonia. He was the chief of the
Baltic section of the KGB. (Nadalaleht, 19th of October 1991.)
The Soviet regime in Estonia ended anyway. The country became
independent in August 1991. That was a hard fact for the Marxist Jews to
swallow. The Jew Yevgeni Kogan was at the head of the so-called
Internationalists, who tried to sabotage the independent Estonian develop-
ment in any way possible. No measures were taken against him.
The newly founded Jewish cultural organisation in Tallinn began a
slander campaign in Sweden to damage the image of Estonia abroad. That
was how they rewarded the Estonians who kindly permitted the founding
of this new Jewish club of disinformation.
On the 18th of November 1991, a fax about a supposed meeting of
Estonian SS men and Jew-killers was sent to the Swedish Committee for
Soviet Jews. The meeting was, in actual fact, for Estonian war veterans,
former Red Army as well as Wehrmacht soldiers. They had gathered for a
reconciliation and to discuss the matter of their pensions and other
problems they had in common. But the stupid Swedish minister of foreign
aid. Alf Svensson, who had made a fool of himself on a number of
previous occasions, swallowed the bait and warned about the danger of
fascism in Estonia. The Marxist Jews in Estonia, headed by Gennadi
Gramberg, were overjoyed by this contribution to their attempts to regain some of their former privileges. A Latvian Jew, Samuil Zivs, formerly vice-chairman of bar association of the Soviet Union have also spread slander and similar disinformation.
On the 17th of January 1992, the Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa apologised for his soldiers having used tens of thousands of Korean women as sex-slaves during the Second World War. (Dagens Nyheter, 18th of January 1992.) The Japanese Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama also apologised for other war crimes on the 15th of August 1995.1 naively hoped for a similar gesture from the Jews of Estonia. I was wrong. I received quite the opposite. On the 8th of April 1992, the weekly newspaper Eesti Aeg (Tallinn) published a lengthy article where I described the contributions of the two Jewish cultural organisations (Licht and Schalom Aleichem) to the Communist terror in 1940-41. In conclusion, I asked the present Jewish cultural union to distance themselves from those crimes and to apologise to the Estonian people. The fanatical extremist Jews became enraged and counter-attacked. They have definitely refused to apologise. They have demanded that the Estonian people should collectively assume the guilt and responsibility for the crimes, which the German occupational forces committed against Jewish Chekists and terrorists.
The Estonian government did actually apologise to the Jews. Estonia even joined in the shameful decision to abolish the UN resolution, which stamped Zionism as racism. The Jews, in contrast, tried to deny the crimes they committed during the first Soviet occupation. They claimed that the Estonian people bear a collective responsibility for "masses" of Jews having been murdered in the country. The Jews, on the other hand, do not bear collective responsibility for the crimes which "a few Jews perhaps" committed, according to the Marxist Jewess Eugenia Gurin-Loov. (Eesti Maa, 3rd of February 1993.)
Encyclopaedia Judaica claimed in 1971 that 1000 Jews were killed in Estonia. Then Expressen in Sweden published Soviet lies to the effect that 12 000 Jews (an impossible figure) were murdered in Tartu alone, in cluding women and children. (Expressen, 21st of April 1987, p. 9.) But only 200 Jews were murdered in Tartu according to the Israeli information. Most of them were guilty of violent crimes. The Jewess Eugenia Gurin-Loov puts the figure of Jews killed in Tartu at 159. The
New York Times published a report of the proceedings with the eye- witness Oskar Art, who had driven the Volvo bus carrying the prisoners to the place of execution. He claims that only 50 Jews were shot in Tartu "but no children". Which of these figures seem most likely to be true?
The Germans failed to organise anti-Jewish riots among the Estonians - they did not want to take part, in spite of the terrible crimes Jews had committed against them. No Jew pogroms have ever taken place in Estonia. Even the Jews admit this. There are still Zionists who claim that the Estonians began killing Jews before the German forces arrived. One of these was Salomon Schulman who published his views in Expressen, then the largest daily newspaper in Scandinavia, on the 10th of January 1992. There were fewer than 1000 Jews left in Estonia in the autumn of 1941, according to the Jewish professor Dov Levin (921 according to the German security police chief Martin Sandberger's report). 3000 had been evacuated to Russia. The Estonian Jews were able to present only 474 names of Jews who were killed. Only 474 Jews had been killed before Estonia was declared "clear of Jews" in January 1942, according to document 180-L, which was used at the Nuremberg trial (Sirp, 24th of December 1991). Eugenia Gurin-Loov presented the names of 929 executed Jews in her book "The Great Holocaust" (Tallinn, 1994). The same propagandist asserted in the periodical Horisont in 1991 that 2000 Estonian Jews had been executed. This figure was actually higher than the total number of Jews in Estonia at the time. One might think that not a single Jew in Estonia was spared. Facts tell a different story.
Valev Uibopuu, a famous Estonian linguist and exiled author in
Sweden, confirms that some Estonian Jews, who were quite innocent of
thc crimes committed by the Soviet regime, survived the German
occupation. He wrote: "In the early spring of 1943, I sat in a dentist's chair
in Nomme (a suburb of Tallinn). My female dentist was Jewish. It was the
last time I saw her, since I left Estonia that summer to escape the ever
more troublesome grip of the German occupation.
I later heard that my dentist had moved to southern Estonia, where she
had continued with her work. She made it through the war alive, i.e., no
one informed on her. Her daughter, who was a young student, also
survived and is now a doctor in Tartu." (Estniska Dagbladet, Stockholm,
l0th of January 1992.) This report had been written for Sydsvenska
Dagbladet, which refused to publish it.
The Soviet propaganda constantly accused the Estonians (collectively) of participating in mass-murders of Jews. Even the exiled Estonian author Andres Kiing was classed as a war criminal, despite the fact that he was not even born at the time of the war. (Dagen, 5th of March 1987.)
Jewish activists continue to commit crimes against Estonia by claiming that the Jews had nothing to do with the Soviet regime. More recently they have admitted that there were a few "solitary" sympathisers among the Jews. This is a true example of Jewish audacity - chutzpah. The Encyclo- paedia Judaica gives an example of this: the son killed his parents and turned to the synagogue fund to request orphan benefits...
There were 4613 Jews in Estonia in 1989 (there were 5436 in 1959). Only 8.4 per cent of them spoke Estonian, while 34.5 per cent understood the language. (Aja Pulss, No. 1, 1991.) This is how the Jews show their respect for the Estonian culture!
The truth must eventually come out. Those concealing a crime become accessories. Nevertheless, Jewish activists have done everything in their power to keep the truth about the crimes of the Jewish Marxists against the Estonian people in 1940-41 from coming out. They refuse to reveal how many Estonian Jews worked for the Soviet regime. They still wish to revenge themselves on those who dare to tell the truth.
During the time of the Red terror regime, it was not even permitted to say that life was better in bourgeois Estonia than in the Communist Soviet Union. Oskar Sommer said it anyway. He was sentenced to ten years in a forced labour camp.
The Zionists wish to be spared revealing articles about Jewish crimes in Estonia. Rabbi Leon Mark Perlman even claimed on the 17th of August 1992 in Goteborgs-Posten that "democracy in the Baltic states is threatened" as a result of articles, which reveal the role of the Jews in the Communist terror. That was sheer chutzpah!
At the same time, one can read in newspapers how the Jewish financial world has begun infiltrating the Estonian economy. (Rahva Haal, 16th of July 1993.) The Estonian Prime Minister Mart Laar suddenly became ex- ceedingly co-operative in this respect. The Jews appear to have complete control of the economic and ideological situation in the Baltic states once more. The Latvian capital, Riga, has become the centre of the Jewish financial elite in the Baltic states, according to Eesti Ekspress. (29th of October 1993, A 7.) Thus the Latvians have been placed under guardian-
ship in the matter of international affairs that are important also to
international Zionism.
A further indication of this situation was the opening of the Masonic
lodge Fooniks (Phoenix) in Tallinn in the middle of June 1993. This will
be the Zionists' primary tool in Estonia. The funds to found the lodge
camc from Sweden.
There are already representatives of the international Jewish Masonic organisation B'nai B'rith in Estonia. The Jewish lawyer Leon Glickman in Estonia became a member of this organisation in 1989, according to an interview published in Eesti Ekspress. (20th of August 1993.)
The ruling circles in Tallinn would like to see Estonia in the EU. They
are not interested in the good of the country.
The Communist occupation authorities in Estonia caused enormous
damage to the Estonian society. They poisoned both the spiritual and
physical environment, destroyed the people's morals with audacious lies and hypocrisy, damaged the public health with cheap alcohol and inferior food and limited the people's chances of spiritual development. The Soviet regime damaged Estonia economically too. The occupation cost Etonia 10 billion dollars per year since 1940, according to information, which was made public on Swedish TV on the 5th of July 1991. The other Communist countries were similarly affected, and China, Vietnam, Cuba and a few other remaining Communist states are still suffering under this system.
Mentally retarded children in closed institutions received worse treat- ment in Estonia than animals did in the West. In 1965, before Western tourists were allowed in Estonia, the Soviet authorities gave orders to round up all the war invalids begging on streets and squares in a single dav. The fittest were sent to special concentration camps on the island of Valam, where they were put to work. The others were destroyed.
This is enough. It is impossible to describe all of the Communists'
crimes here. The shadowy financial forces and Jewish Communist leaders
refuse to assume guilt or responsibility. Who will bear this guilt then, for
all the peoples that were degraded, oppressed and made helpless in the
shackles of Communism? The helplessness is due to the fact that the
Communist system allows only a specially chosen group of suitable slaves
to survive, a group who lacks the insight or judgement to lead the others.
When such a badly injured nation slowly, in great disorder and with grave
deficiency disorders, once more tries to come to life, it is easy to fool the masses with ostensibly new ideas, fair promises and fantastic restructuring plans (also on the political map), everything under apparently new leaders with a new control apparatus.
The situation is reminiscent of a well-known Hungarian joke: at the end of the Second World War, there was a group of Jews in an air raid shelter in Budapest. They were discussing the situation. When the bombing had ended, they decided to send a Jewish boy outside to find out what the order of society was like, so that they could adapt themselves to suit it from the very beginning. The boy asked: "How will I know?" An older Jew answered: "It is very simple. If young Jews are in power, it is Communism, but if old Jews are in power, then it is capitalism."
Here it is necessary to quote the Danish Jew Samuel Beskow, who said the following in a public speech on 8 December 1935: "We Jews have taken our place at the centre of society: stock-markets, banks, ministries, newspapers, publishing houses, courts, insurance companies, hospitals and schools. We are everywhere, since it is not just a question of taking possession of the gold in our struggle against the Gentiles." {Berlingske Tidende, 9th of December, 1935.)
The leading Swedish socialist and Member of Parliament Arthur Engberg stated in the newspaper Arbetet on 12 March 1921: "There is a justification for the claim that the dictatorship of the proletariat in Russia actually means the dictatorship of the Jew over the Russian."
Engberg was the editor-in-chief of the newspaper Arbetet in Malmo.
Can the fact that the extremist Jews have not apologised mean that they
intend to continue their activities in the future?
Soviet Communism fell on the 24th of August 1991 after the KGB's elite
Alfa troops refused to obey the orders of the hard-line Communists.
Subscquently, the Soviet Union was officially abolished on the 25th of
December 1991 at 7:33 in the evening. There was no alternative.
Moreover, new plans had become more urgent - plans to found a new
Soviet Union using trickery, with another ideology (mondialism) and
undcr a new name, the European Union, where the market economy would
The truth about the evils of Communism has now begun to come out to
an ever greater extent despite many Communists, primarily Jewish ones,
telling us: "Do not dig up the tragedies and crimes of the past!", "We must
forget history!" (Expressen, 6th July 1992.) Here one might ask the
question: what sort of future may we expect if we do not dare to face the
truth? The great philosopher and doctor Paracelsus (Theophrastus Bom-
bastus von Hohenheim, 1493-1541) has written: "It is just as necessary to
understand evil things as good, for who may know what is good without
knowing what is evil?"
In Sweden, no really important secrets have been revealed. The
government has even made it impossible to watch Russian TV since it
bcnan showing the break-up of socialism. This was an unpleasant
experience for the Swedish socialists, who preferred to ignore the truth.
Aftonbladet wrote in its editorial on the 5th of November 1989: "A
break-up of the Soviet Union is nothing to be desired." Aftonbladet
belicved the Soviet Empire to be a factor for peace. The Socialist foreign
minister, Sten Andersson, even stated that Estonia was not occupied by the
Soviet Union, a statement which upset the Baits. Guess who praised
Andcrsson's statement. Yes, the Marxist Jews in the Baltic countries. I
read about this in several newspapers there.
The Communist paradise died. Thousands of people in Moscow deman-
ded: "Never again Lenin!" The dinosaur laid down its evil head and died
in peace. The Soviet Union perished like the scorpion, which takes its own life when surrounded by flames. The scorpion is a symbol of destruction. But it remains to be seen whether the scorpion of the Illuminati will reincarnate into a new body.
"He who controls our history also holds our future in his hands," to quote the author George Orwell. For this reason it is still very difficult to obtain true facts about Communism. It is also the reason why there has never been a "Nuremberg 2" to punish the crimes of the Communists - during such a trial it would quickly become apparent who really organised the mass murders of Russians and members of other races in the name of the Soviet Communist Party. Such an investigation would cause the worst imaginable backlash against the Zionist racists. That is why the names of the executioners must not be revealed. The advocates of justice in Sweden have been remarkably quiet about the awful crimes of the Soviet regime.
It would be quite justifiable to call the Soviet regime a spiritual Cherno- byl - a terrible social catastrophe. But Communism, Socialism, National Socialism, Fascism and Capitalism are in fact all just symptoms of one disease, which is best named Illuminism. For the name of the Beast is the Illuminati.
The West was totally against the independence of the Baltic states at the beginning of the process of liberation. The Lithuanian leader Vytautas Landsbergis was repeatedly mocked in Sweden. He said forthrightly: "The West is helping the Soviet Union to destroy our freedom!" (Expressen, 9th of May 1990.)
Nevertheless, the Communist Party sank like the Titanic. No one without insight into the real situation believed it possible. I predicted it already in the middle of the 1980s. The era of the Soviet Union was an age of mediocrity and dilettantism. The gifted were given a very hard time.
In order to prevent it from happening again, those who know must not remain silent. If they do, they will share the responsibility for those crimes against humanity and the lack of history caused by Illuminist propaganda. Edmund Burke said: "All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for men of good will to do nothing." It is also against the law to conceal a crime.
There have always been naive and ignorant people who have tried to justify evil. One of them was the Swedish journalist Peter Kadhammar who thanked Lenin and said farewell to him in an article after the collapse of the Soviet regime. (Expressen, 25th of August 1991.) Communism may
therefore also be regarded as a touchstone, revealing a person's level of
development through his attitude towards it.
But after people had got rid of Communism which, like a devil, had
ruled their lives, they found that this devil had been grafted into their own
minds and bodies. The Estonian Commander-in-Chief, Aleksander Ein-
scln, an American colonel who returned to his homeland, confirmed: "The
Estonians are a sick nation. There are no ethics or morals or honesty
here." {Expressen, 5th of January 1994, p. 24.)
The Communists left behind them a Russia where half of the children in
some regions are born deformed (Dagens Nyheter, 13th of May 1992).
There were already 20 million alcoholics in the Soviet Union in 1987. Up
to 50 million people live in a completely destroyed environment. The
number of cancer victims increases by two per cent every year. Four
million people live by the dried up Aral Sea, earlier the world's fourth
largest lake. Enormous amounts of salt from the dead bottom of the sea are
carried away by gales to destroy fertile ground. What is happening by the
Aral Sea can also be called an ecological genocide of the Karakalpakians.
The newborn are subjected to chemical attacks, since various en-viron-
mental poisons are spread together with the salt. The drinking water is
strongly polluted. The children are brain-damaged. But the most
frightening thing is the genetic changes. Meanwhile, every fourth Russian
woman who has an abortion becomes sterile. 10 million women had
become sterile in this way by 1992.
A Russian doctor confirmed on Swedish TV in April 1994: "We are a
dying nation!" Since 1992, more Russians die than those born. Four out of
live Russian children are ill, according to Swedish TV-Aktuellt (TV
News) on the 1st of August 1994.
No one ever demanded that Moscow should cease its destruction of the
environment. Everything happened under the slogan: "We need no alms
from nature. We take all we please from nature." The result was an
unparalleled catastrophe. A third of the Ukraine's once so fertile earth is
now unusable. After the Second World War, the Red Army dumped
300 000 poison gas shells in the Baltic Sea. These have now become a
serious threat to this already heavily polluted sea. Many places are also
polluted by radioactive substances and have become dangerous disaster
areas. The radioactive contamination in Russia is a very serious matter.
We must all pay a high price for the lunacy of the Communists.
Lately Russia has begun pointing out the guilty parties. Many Jews became frightened of the possible reaction when the truth about the role of the extremist Jews in the Communist oppression came out. They emigrated to Israel, despite their privileges in Russia (this was actually admitted by Dagens Nyheter, which had earlier spread the myth about government-sanctioned anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union). They have become a burden to the Israeli public medical service, since a third of all the Jews suffering from cancer in the country are from the former Soviet Union. The Russian Jews make up just under 9 per cent of the population, according to the Israeli journalist Nurit Wurgaft. (Dagens Nyheter, 15th of August 1993.)
The mass immigration began in 1988, when the crimes and privileged
status of the extremist Jews during the time of the Communists began to
be questioned and discussed more often.
Stalin's grandson Yevgeni Dzhugashvili showed amazed Western jour-
nalists a list of the responsible functionaries at the various People's Com-
missariats, which practised the great terror against the population between
1936 and 1939. Every name was marked with a symbol. A star meant that
the person in question was a Jew, a dash that he was Russian. "It is
virtually all stars!" said Yevgeni Dzhugashvili. (Expressen, 18th of August
It is due to those terrible events that at least a sixth of the Russian population is definitely anti-Semitic, according to several opinion polls. They are convinced that there is an international Jewish conspiracy {Dagens Nyheter, 4th of January 1991, A, 11).
The leading Russian authors Valentin Rasputin, Vasili Belov, Valentin Pikul, Yuri Bondarev and Viktor Afanasyev have all perceived the hidden power of the extremist Jews in Russia. Vasili Belov has written a novel filled with facts which show that it was Communist Jews who bore the responsibility for the incredible brutality of the forced collectivisation.
Meanwhile, one or two Jewish functionaries, including Rubanovich,
have said also on Swedish TV that they will never apologise for their
The Jewish activists prefer to leave the scene when other people are in
need of help. At the beginning of the civil war in Abkhasia, many Jewish
doctors emigrated to Israel, leaving thousands of wounded to die. (Dagen,
18th of December 1992.) A fine example of doctor's ethics.
Many criminal Jews have also taken the chance to emigrate to the West (also Sweden). A large number of these immigrants became notorious, merciless gangsters in the United States, according to the New York Times (4th of July l989,p. 38).
The Russian Jew Boris Kagarlitsky even claimed in Dagens Nyheter (6th of July 1990) that socialism was not dead. But it definitely did not work, since 90 per cent of the state-owned factories, the kolkhozes and state farms had gone bankrupt. They had been kept alive only with benefits.
The Jewish Social Revolutionary Alexander Herzen's prophecy from 1850 has now come true: "Socialism will develop until it reaches its own extremism and absurdity. Then a shout of denial will break forth from the heart of a revolting minority. Once again, a battle of life and death will be fought when Socialism will either take the place which Conservatism now holds or be defeated by future but to us as yet unknown revolutionary forces." (Alexander Herzen, "From the Other Shore", Tallinn, 1970, p. 106.)
"Socialism has been a tragedy for our people. It was a bad thing that it had to happen to us. It would have been better if it had happened in a smaller country," proclaimed the Russian President Boris Yeltsin in September 1991 (Svenska Dagbladet, 7th of September 1991).
In Sweden the false Soviet "version" of this tragedy is swallowed without a second thought. Did not Napoleon say: "What is history but a myth that everyone has accepted?" Most Swedes have accepted the many myths about Communism. It was so nice to believe in the fairy tales, which claimed, among other things, that the citizens of the Communist countries at least had a social security. It was certainly a fine kind of security with security agents and spies everywhere! It was also claimed that the Soviet citizens had the right to work. The slaves could not work normally under oppression for worthless money, which could only be used in shops where there was nothing worth buying. It could also be proved that the workers in the Communist countries were in poorer health than those in the West.
On the 13th of December 1991, the Jewish cultural editor of Expressen, Leif Zern, published an article by Claudio Magris who wept and lamented over the fall of the Soviet empire: "I believe we must regard the tragic fall of Communism with respect and even love. We only need to think of the
thousands of men and women who died for this belief." This writer intensely disliked reading revealing articles about Lenin. He did not weep over the more than 300 million victims of Communism. He was on the side of the executioners.
The Jewish political scientist Amos Perlmutter warned in the Washington Post in September 1989 that the break-up of the Soviet Union might become uncomfortable for the United States. He believed that the new states would not be able to do anything sensible with their liberty. He also maintained that the Baltic states lacked a democratic tradition.
The international financial elite has become very worried about the consequences of the fall of the Soviet Union, now that free discussion is no longer regarded as a serious crime in Russia. That is why the mass media have taken every opportunity to speak of the "fascist terror" of the Stalin regime, of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, Pol Pot and the others. They do not want those crimes to be labelled Communist terror. Instead, they want the ghosts of Lenin, Stalin and other mass murderers to escape via the back door of the vast slaughterhouse they built and ran so successfully.
Not one of the Western leaders wanted to halt Communism, despite the
fact that its ideology, which was based on hatred and agitation, was
directed against all intelligent people. It was all just one big babble circus.
A sensation hit Soviet Russia on the 26th of August 1990 when
"Catechism for the Jews of the Soviet Union" was published. This text
contained secret instructions, which had been worked out by Zionists in
Tel Aviv in 1958. But this was not the first sign of a reverse. There were
Jews who, in the press, informed the Russian public of the existence of
such texts in order to publicly distance themselves from them.
On the 26th of October 1989, the newspaper Chelyabinsk)? Rabochy published a reader's letter from the Jew S. Peisner who said he was loyal to Russia and distanced himself from "Catechism for the Jews of the Soviet Union". He quoted the most cynical passages of the instruction text and wrote:
"I am a Jew, but not a Zionist. Why is there no one who can stop their criminal activities? How would they feel if someone were to publish 'Catechism for the Jews of the Soviet Union?1 Then everyone will understand that all their activities on the small and large scale were strategically planned and tactically determined."
The Zionists went completely silent. Russian nationalists had mean-
while managed to obtain copies of the "instructions". Here are some
typical excerpts from these directives:
"It is necessary to help our young Jews into leading positions. The
Russians are not capable of profound thought, analysis... they are like
pigs... Everything, which belongs to them today, is actually ours - they are
using all this only temporarily. God has instructed us to take everything
from them...
The goys [gentiles] are stupid and primitive, they can't even lie...
Slander their most eminent people who are capable of making
speeches... our motto is respectable audacity...
Accuse all who try to work against us of anti-Semitism and label them
anti-Semites. Constantly spread statements about the eternal suffering of
the Jewish people, who have been persecuted in the past and are now
discriminated against. The tactic of the 'poor Jew' has vindicated its
practitioners for thousands of years.
God wanted us Jews to rule the world and this is what we do.
Keep the mass-media and information tools in our hands.
People without history are like children without parents. They must begin
aII over again and then it will be easy to give them our world view and way
of thinking. In this way we can liquidate entire races. They must lose their
history and their traditions, following which we shall be able to shape them
In our way...
Through marriage with Jewesses, there is a possibility to bring Russians
under our influence and into our sphere of interest.
Buy up, destroy and prevent the publishing of books, which reveal our
tactics and strategy. The goys must never know the real reasons behind
They must be forced to choose chaos or us. When they try to do without
us, we must cause complete chaos. Make sure that the disorder remains
until the suffering and tortured gentiles desperately want our regime back.
The gentiles must work under our leadership and be useful to us. Those
who are not useful to us must be expelled. He who is not with us is against
us 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,' that is what Moses taught us.
Money is our God!"
The Jewish doctor Jacob Nussbaum, who is a highly placed functionary
in an international organisation based in Vienna, also said virtually the
same thing to the author Lars Gustafsson, himself a Jew: "There is nothing, nothing standing between us [i.e. Jews in leading positions. - J. Lina.] and chaos any longer." (Svenska Dagbladet, 10th of April 1983, p. 14.) He also claimed: "Europe... in international organisations is of course to a very great extent quite simply an expression of Jewish universalism... Without Jewish universalism and without the Jewish faith in the stability of values, there will be no place for Europe."
He could probably not have expressed himself in a more insolent man- ner. Communism-Socialism was also an expression of Jewish universalise which resulted in over 300 million victims, ruined societies and destroyed environments. The Zionist-Frankists, through the blindness of the peoples, have been able to fool us with all those isms, which have led to impotent and idiotic social engineering.
In this book, which can be regarded as a study of evil, I have tried to inform the reader about the real background of this criminal and impotent universalism and to dispel the historical falsehood which presents Lenin as an immortal example of lofty moral strength (Gorbachev's book "Perestroika"), the collectivisation of agriculture as something positive, and other similar myths. I have at least tried to retrieve a part of our history, which the shadowy forces have stolen from us. I am sure that the material I have managed to collect for this book is but the tip of the iceberg. I am just as sure that we shall eventually hear of more and more horrible secrets.
What is awaiting us now? The international financial elite now wants to replace the former Soviet Union with the European Union, according to the Austrian political scientist Dr Karl Steinhauser's book "EG - die Super-UdSSR von morgen" (Vienna, 1992). Karl Steinhauser shows that the freemasons are in the process of creating a new federal superstate, the capital of which will be Brussels and which will have its citizens supervised by electronic means. A control system with an 18-figure personal ID number has already been built up. We shall never be able to pass certain control points without being identified. The Masonic and Illuminist leader Giuseppe Mazzini's dream of the United States of Europe seems about to come true.
On the 30th of September 1992, the Hungarian journalist Andras
Bencsik, editor-in-chief of Pesti Hirlap, published in his newspaper the
article "The Art of Crushing the Hard Core" where he allegorically
described the basic problems which every post-Communist society has to
grapple with.
Andras Bencsik declared: "The internal political crisis in the Republic of
Hungary is a result of the trap whose nature is to pull the society which falls
into it further into the trap, the harder that society tries to break free of it. If
the nation would patiently wait and accept its fate, it is still not certain that
this would see it to safety.
This trap is reminiscent of a spider's web, where the captured fly,
desperately buzzing, tries to tear itself loose. The fly seems to tear asunder
the finest strands of the web, but the spider, which sits concealed at the
edge of the web, feels the strength of the filaments and patiently waits,
keeps out of sight, becomes nearly invisible. But this is not because it is
...This drama is tragic for the fly. It is about the fly's life. For the spider it
is natural - this is how it feeds.
It is really about a struggle for survival. The nature of the struggle is that
both sides believe themselves to be in the right. That is why the possible
final results are also similar. Either the flies' or the spiders' order of society
will be victorious. If the flies win, there will not be many opportunities left for
the spiders. If the spiders win, the flies' society will degenerate into a mere
food-farm. They will procreate just to feed the spiders. In the society of
flies, there is democracy whereas in that of the spiders there is
dictatorship. Today we know both forms.
Only a few among us have discovered that, while our old and dear spider's web dried up and withered, the new spiders stretched a new, dazzling web beneath us, so that our liberation actually means that we fall into a newer, stronger web instead of being able to fly about freely.
The spiders, who had organised their parasitic nation into a hard core, had a more advantageous situation when they began reorganising the structure of society which had broken apart. Their advantage lay in the fact that they knew their own culture very well and had no doubts that their position had become considerably worse. The world was not created for the spiders, but the heavenly will had a place also for them, as for the mosquitoes. We may express it in this way; that it happened so that the peaceful creatures would not start feeling too secure..."
This is the best analogy I have seen regarding the current situation in
The Hungarian author and Member of Parliament Istvan Csurka wrote an article where he said outright that there was a conspiracy, which was consciously damaging Hungary. The Jews, the Liberals and the IMF (the International Monetary Fund) led the conspiracy. Of course, a big scandal broke out. It is not permitted to describe one's beliefs if they are unpleasant and disturbing.
The plans for the future Europe were ready well in advance. Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972), who was the first president of the Pan-European Union founded in 1923, wrote the following in his book "Praktischer Idealismus" / "Practical Idealism" (1925):
"The future man will be a mongrel. As for a Pan Europe, I wish to see there a Eurasian-Negroid mixture with great variation in personality types... The Jews shall take the leading positions, since good providence has given Europe a spiritually superior race of nobility called the Jews." (Pages 22 and 50.)
I found the freemasons' plans for the future Europe in Wiener
Freimaurer Zeitung (Vienna, September 1925 and October 1926).
The freemason Coudenhove-Kalergi asserted in his autobiography that
the Pan-European Union was, at the beginning, sponsored by a circle of
Jewish bankers led by Rothschild and Warburg.
In 1925, the Grand Lodge in Vienna sent an appeal to different Masonic
federations to support Kalergi's Pan-European movement.
Even Swedish Jews have used the racist myth about the Jews being the
chosen people and admitted that there is a particular conspiracy against
mankind. Herman Greid very nastily wrote the following: "But God has
not chosen them because they are a holy race, but they are holy because it
pleased God to choose this race to complete a certain task in his plan for
mankind." {Judisk Kronika, No. 4, 1971, p. 4, column 2.)
In this book I have tried to show what this so-called plan has meant for us all. No thanks to all crimes, terror and oppression in camouflaged forms! To stop this process, it is necessary to recreate our history and avoid new mistakes by putting no faith in the new, treacherous actions of the financial elite. These plans have so far included manipulation with inferior foodstuffs (propaganda for junk-food and aspartam), irradiated and gene-manipulated food, economic manipulation, as practised by the Hungarian Jew George Soros, suppression of environment-friendly inventions and energy sources...
The financial elite has already succeeded in destroying our cultural life. Modern music is twisted and stupefying with its strongly mechanised rhythm. Art evinces many symptoms of decadence, and most novels are spiritually empty. At the same time, they are trying to accustom us to entertainment that openly and insolently propagates violence as a way to solve problems. But has the reader ever seen the so-called holocaust exploited as violence entertainment?
The financial elite manipulates science, hides facts about certain phenomena under the categories 'inexplicable', 'debatable' and 'non- existent'. The schools turn out 'useful idiots'... Instead of Communism, which really is a terrible ghost on the loose in Europe causing spiritual rabies wherever it goes, there is now mondialism (le monde = the world) which involves an even greater danger. It is a new ideology, which is to uphold and justify the build-up of the European Union. Igor Shafarevich's revealing book "La setta mondialista contro la Russia" / "The Mondialist Sect against Russia" was published in Parma in 1991. The main goal of the mondialists, according to this book, is to eliminate the sense of nationality; destroy the minds of young people with hard-rock music, violent films, pornography and drugs; imitate the American way of life in its worst form; blot out historical memory; mix the races by means of mass immigration... The subject of mondialism, which is pure Illuminism in a new form, has hitherto been avoided in Sweden.
The goal of the mondialists is a world government. The freemason Mikhail Gorbachev spoke of this goal in Fulton, United States on the 6th of May 1992 when he admitted that there was a chance to create a "world government" after "the cold war".
Even Lenin suggested the forming of the United States of the World (the World Union of Socialist Republics) in the newspaper Social- demokrat (No. 40) in 1915. Lenin asserted that there would be no national states in the future.
The freemasons, with new versions of their old tricks, are at the head of all the major nations. In Sweden (with, among others, Anders Bjorck as an important and high-ranking freemason) or in Czechia (Vaclav Havel, who was initiated freemason of the 30th degree in the "Ritual of Knight Kadosh" in 1968 in the United States) or in Russia (President Vladimir Putin). The former American President Bill Clinton is a freemason of the 33rd degree.
The present President of the USA, George W. Bush, is a member of the
illuminist Bohemian Club, founded as early as 1872 in Monte Rio, 100 km
north of San Francisco.
In the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s the KGB effectively infiltrated several
important Masonic lodges and used these for its own purposes. Together
with the CIA, the KGB was actually among the sponsors of the Masonic
lodge P2 in Italy. (Stephen Knight, "The Brotherhood", London, 1985, pp.
271-289, and according to an interview with the former CIA agent Richard
Brenneke on Italian TV in the summer of 1990.)
There are some very special plans for Russia now. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) - the primary tool of the international financial elite - has already taken care of the raw materials of the former Soviet Union. At the same time, the nation lacks designs and resources to build an advanced production industry.
Capitalism was reintroduced in Russia not just because of Commu- nism's all too disturbing backward slide, but also in order to plunder the real production more fully and to transfer the surplus value created by the wage-earners into speculation and economic manipulation, as in the West today. The third alternative, that of an economy without interest and inflation, is out of the question, since such an economy would make the financial elite powerless!
There are still some sensible people in Russia who have been able to perceive the game which is being played. Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote the following on the 6th of October 1990: "The Russians have been plun- dered for 73 years, and have thereby fallen into humiliating poverty. Someone thinks that this is not enough and has decided to carry on plundering until nothing remains."
The leading Jewish politicians (Gaidar, Kozyrev, Primakov, Yasin and others) made sure that 60 per cent of the Russian assets (oil, factories, airlines, banks) ended up with criminal Jewish "businessmen" in Russia at the beginning of the 1990s. They plundered the country. The infamous criminal Boris Berezovsky became the new owner of the airline Aeroflot. (Oleg Platonov, "The History of the Russian People in the 20th Century", Moscow, 1997, part II, p. 672.)
The Jew Yegor Gaidar was the most powerful motor behind the so-
called shock therapy in Russia. The most important shock therapy adviser
to the Eastern bloc was the American Jew Jeffrey Sachs, who devastated
Bolivia's economy in the 1980s. The Russian oppositional press has begun
warning about mondialism. This is not the case in Sweden or Germany.
A remainder of less-informed Communist and Nationalist forces
(useless idiots) in Russia naively believed that they could still act freely on
the political scene and control development. That was why those
Communists once again tried to gain control over Russia by attempting to
depose Boris Yeltsin in September 1993. But their time was definitively
up. The international financial elite made sure they were removed, just
like the freemasons did with the nationalist maverick Lavr Kornilov in
August-September 1917.
It was obvious that the freemason Boris Yeltsin had great difficulty in putting down the rebellion in the beginning, since the army wanted to remain neutral in the conflict. On the 4th of October 1993, the Minister of Defence Pavel Grachev ordered the elite brigades of the Tamansk division to Moscow. He promised the officers new homes if they obeyed. Grachev wanted at least 10 groups, but only four joined him. They began shooting at the parliament building. The special anti-terrorist force refused to murder Yeltsin's enemies. Only a part of the Omon police forces (riot police) and the presidential guard joined in the battle.
Yeltsin did not dare to trust these completely, as the Russian journalist Vladimir Alexandrov revealed in Russia and abroad, and so Yeltsin agreed to have 35 members of the international Zionist terrorist group Betar sent to Moscow. (The Spotlight, 22nd of November 1993.) When this group first tried to force their way into the parliament building, Cossacks forced them back.
The interesting thing was that there were (according to amazed foreign journalists) so many Jews among the defenders of the parliament. That clique had not yet understood that the epoch of Communist pretexts was a closed chapter.
Afghanistan veterans and criminals from the organised gangs working in Moscow were later sent to attack the parliament building. Betar turned up shortly thereafter with their shock tactics. One could listen to internal radio communication, which revealed how Betar advanced inside the building.
Betar was founded in 1923 by Zeev Jabotinsky in Riga, Latvia. The
purpose of the group is to fight "anti-Semitism" by acts of terror. It is very
typical of such movements that they can also practise terror against civi-
lised Jews who stand in the way of their racist Utopias and religious
The revolt was put down on the 4th of October 1993, since the Commu-
nists were no longer welcome on the Russian political arena and also
lacked support from the United States. The evil Communists had earlier
been able to advance primarily due to their support from the financial elite
and the compliance of good people.
In the meantime, the Jewish activist Vladimir Zhirinovsky (actually Wolf Edelstein) had come onto the scene, of course not without help. He has been forced to conceal his Jewish origin in order to demagogically exploit anti-Semitic attitudes in Russia. In 1988 he was a member of the board of the Zionist Soviet group Shalom. His former comrade on the board, Yuli Kosherovsky in Israel, revealed this. (Dagens Nyheter, 18th of December 1993.) The Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv wrote on the 17th of December 1993 that Zhirinovsky had relatives in Israel. Zhirinovsky was also, as a KGB agent, expelled from Turkey for espionage in the 1960s. Zhirinovsky himself told the newspaper Ma 'ariv that he never wanted to conceal the fact that he was Jewish. He pointed out: "The Jews have a special role in Russia. 90 per cent of Lenin's party were Jews. Also 90 per cent of my party are Jews."
Zhirinovsky's "liberal democratic" party was founded on the 31st of March 1990 by the KGB, by order of the Communist Party so that Boris Yeltsin would not receive too many votes. This fascist movement became the second largest party after the Communist party. Zhirinovsky is no right-winger. Many true Russian patriots say: "Zhirinovsky is a KGB puppet. You must be joking if you say that he is right-wing!"
Zhirinovsky is a common political lunatic who, among other things, has threatened to commit genocide: "If it cost the lives of 90 000 Russians to eliminate a million Estonians, it would be a good deed." (The Baltic Independent, No. 135, 1992, p. 6.)
It is obvious that Zhirinovsky's role is to control and direct the anti- Semitic attitudes of the Russians and to frighten various small nations to join the European Union. Here I must mention a Swedish proverb: "Fools rush in where wise men fear to enter."
Zhirinovsky is a useful scarecrow for certain forces. Because he is
useful where he is, he has not been allowed much leeway. The really
dangerous enemies of Zionism are simply murdered - this is what
happened to the foremost expert on Zionism in Moscow, Yevgeni
Yevseyev, in 1990. He worked as a researcher at the Institute of
Philosophical Studies in the Academy of Sciences.
Virtually anything is possible for the international financial elite, who
controls 80 per cent of the global capital. The loan-lenders' power grows
and the politicians' room to manoeuvre shrinks as the state deficits of the
industrial countries grow. The national debts of the industrial countries
have risen to the astronomical amount of 15 000 billion dollars over the
last 20 years. The super-capitalists have of course become richer in the
process. The plundering of the industrial countries continues at full speed.
The result may be bankruptcy, hyper-inflation or complete obedience to
the financial elite. In the best imaginable case, our great-grandchildren
might be free of tax-slavery if they spend all their money paying off the
interest and suffer deprivation whilst their parasites grow still richer.
Russia is being plundered especially intensively. There are one or two voices being raised in protest (including Moscow's former mayor Gavril Popov) against the shock therapy of the Jewish advisers (Sergei Shakhrai, Sergei Stankevich), which has meant that Russia has been ruined anew and subordinated to international monopolies. The policies of the Baltic countries are decided by a secret group comprised of high-ranking diplomats from different countries. (Svenska Dagbladet, 28th of March 1994.) The guidelines still come from certain financial forces.
The Financial Times wrote on the 1st of November 1996: "The bankers - several of whom are leading members of Russia's Jewish community - feared they could become the target of an extreme nationalist backlash." Those bankers (Boris Berezovsky, Vladimir Gusinsky, Mikhail Khodo- rovsky, Piotr Aven, Mikhail Friedman and Alexander Smolensky) control about 50 per cent of the economy. They constitute the power behind Boris Yeltsin.
The dark forces, which transformed Russia into a cauldron of evil, must
watch as Russia becomes a source of enlightenment for the whole world.
The social myths and false ideas of the Illuminati had catastrophic
consequences, which I have shown in this book. Unfortunately, their
activities continue in new, camouflaged forms. That is why we must not
forget the mocking paradox the French writer Jules Verne has formulated:
"The more things seem to change, the more the situation remains the
same." And the German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
ascertained: "The only thing we learn from history is that no one learns
from history."
The European Union was also founded under the sign of Scorpio - on
the 1st of November 1993. The reader might wonder whether there really
are any parallels between the Soviet Union and the European Union.
Unfortunately, there are plenty of them.
The EU Parliament is simply an advisory organ with no legislative powers. The parliament of the former Soviet Union (the Supreme Soviet) had no legislative power either. The EU Council (the government) is dependent upon propositions from the EU Commission in order to make its decisions. The Ministerial Council of the Soviet Union, too, was unable to make any decisions without directives from the Politburo.
The EU Commission has the real power and can make decisions with 8 out of 17 members present. The deliberations are not public and the minutes are classified. The supreme organ of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union, the Politburo (normally with 15 members), also held the real power. Their deliberations were likewise kept secret.
When the EU was founded on the 1st November 1993, the chairman of the EU Commission, Jacques Delors (a Socialist and freemason), was given more power than the governments of the member states. All the candidates for the post of Commissioner have to be approved by the chairman. The general secretary of the Politburo also held totalitarian power, which, in part, is reminiscent of the powers invested in the chairman of the EU Commission when it was founded in 1993.
There are many high-ranking EU officials, who are also freemasons, and who organise crime within the framework of Masonic Lodges of the Girand Orient and the Italian Mafia Cosa Nostra, according to information from Brian Freemantle's book "The Octopus: Europe in the Grip of Organised Crime" (London, 1995). High-ranking party functionaries in the Soviet Union also organised crime together with criminal organisations. High-ranking freemasons within the EC, and later the EU used their knowledge of astrology to strengthen their position. It was in this manner that the high-ranking freemason Francois Mitterand, who had become president of France, found the best date to hold a referendum on the Maastricht Treaty. He also had horoscopes made for several members of the socialist government of the time. (Svenska Dagbladet, 9th of May 1997.)
The same financial and Masonic forces (the Rothschild, Warburg and Rockefeller families) who created the Soviet Union, are also behind the European Union and its "free market economy". They utilise their knowledge of astrology to increase and extend their secret power-base. Officially, astrology is just superstition without any basis in reality.
So - do not believe everything these false power-mongers tell you! Think for yourself and the secrets of the world will begin to open before you! Even the secret power of the Illuminati can be broken. The Illuminati cannot stand the light of truth and seek to avoid it, just as the scorpion hides from the sun. The dark forces will inevitably fail and light will once more reach the souls of men.
A Masonic symbol: "Ring of European Freemasons Organisation for the
Reform of Masonry". The observant reader will note a certain similarity to
the current European Union flag.
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The Jewish Masonic Communards by the destroyed Vendom monument in Paris 1871. They also had plans to demolish the Notre Dame cathedral.
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