socialist) reforms. Wang Mang strengthened the central government with characteristic Oriental discipline and severity. He nationalised property and prohibited the selling of slaves. The economic situation deteriorated catastrophically. In the year 17, the peasants had had enough and started a revolt to depose Wang Mang. They were successful and killed him like a mad dog.
Antony Sutton emphasised that 95 per cent of the Soviet technology came from the United States of America or their allies. His conclusion was that the Communists would not have been able to remain in power for even a single day without their aid. The Bolsheviks would undoubtedly have lost the four-year-long civil war unless the West had offered to help them. That was why the Allies staged the so-called intervention.
U. S. Congress while appropriating billions for defence against Com- munism has at the same time given over six billion dollars in direct military and economic aid to the Communists. Radar-equipped F-86 jet fighter planes worth over 300 000 dollars each have been sold to the Communist dictator of Yugoslavia for 10 000 dollars. The Eisenhower Administration approved it. ("Report, U.S. Foreign Assistance", U.S. Agency for Int. Dev., March 21, 1962.)
The "Intervention" as a Diversion
It is necessary to point out that the initiative for the "intervention" actually came from the Bolsheviks. Leon Trotsky, people's commissary for military affairs, sent a note written in English requesting military aid from the Allies on the 5th of March 1918. British troops were to be sent to Arkhangelsk and American troops were to occupy Vladivostok to prevent the advance of the Japanese. (Yuri Felshtinsky, "The Failure of the World Revolution", London, 1991, pp. 283-284.)
In the same month (March 19), 2000 British soldiers landed in Mur- mansk. They were to halt the advance of Finnish troops. The local Bolshe- vik leadership received orders from Petrograd to establish an all-round co- operation with the British troops. (Staffan Skott, "Sovjetunionen fran borjan till slutet" / "The Soviet Union from Beginning to End", Stock- holm, 1992.) Trotsky approved the joint military soviet composed of Bri- tish, Soviet and French representatives. (M. Jaaskelainen, "Ita-Karjalan
kysymys: kansallinen laajennusohjelman synty ja sen toteuttamisyritykset Suomen ulkopolitiikassa vuosina 1918-20" / "The Question of Eastern Karelia: The Beginnings of the National Extension Program and Attempts of Finnish Foreign Policy to Realise it in the Years 1918-20", Helsinki, 1961.)
There were officially 10 052 foreign soldiers in Murmansk on the 1st of
July 1918, including 6850 Englishmen and also Serbs and Frenchmen.
Such official figures are usually debatable. The British Major-General Sir
Charlcs Maynard's figure, published in his memoirs "The Murmansk
Venture", was quite different. He claimed that the Allied troops never
exceeded 1500 men. Trotsky had previously demanded aid from the
French in founding his Red Army, but Paris had no wish to comply. The
American Colonel Raymond Robbins had no scruples about helping the
Bolsheviks, however. 4500 American soldiers arrived in Arkhangelsk on
the 4th of September 1918, according to Louis Fischer. ("The Life of
Lenin", London, 1970, p. 430.) The American President Woodrow Wilson
had sent two million men to the Western front in the spring of 1917.
Maynard himself left England on the 18th of July 1918 with only 150
Royal Marines. The Bolsheviks needed no protection from the Germans,
since it was actually the Germans who were protecting the Bolsheviks
from the Whites. The British regarded only the White Finns as enemies.
The Red Finnish troops, who were pro-Communist, were led by the
British, according to General Maynard. When he wanted to hand £150 000
over to the White Russian troops (and a total of 5000 men), London
refused to give its approval.
He went to London to explain the desperate situation of the Whites.
Only then was he given permission to give the money to the Whites, who
fought against the Bolsheviks and wanted to re-establish the Tsarist
The Finnish Whites were eager to occupy Murmansk as soon as
possible, but the Finnish President, Pehr Evind Svinhufvud, after receiving
warnings from London, did not dare issue orders to this effect. When it
became clear that the White Russian troops in the north were making too
great advances, David Lloyd George (freemason) demanded that Churchill
should call off the British venture in Murmansk. Demands that the British
should cease their aid to the Whites in Russia were also published more
frequently in the press. In August 1919, Lord Henry Rawlinson (free-
mason) was sent from London to Murmansk. He gave instructions to take
the British troops home again.
In the beginning, the West claimed rather hypocritically that the Bolshe-
viks were dangerous. In spite of these warnings, the British sent only a few
soldiers to ostensibly fight against the Reds. In actual fact, the Allies
avoided disturbing the Bolsheviks. An example of this was when the
British promised Boris Savinkov, one of the Social Revolutionary leaders
and a freemason, to send two divisions against the Bolsheviks in
Arkhangelsk. Only 600 troops were actually sent, and these were not
involved in any fighting. Savinkov accused the British of secretly aiding
the Bolsheviks.
President Woodrow Wilson was one of the first heads of state to recognise Soviet Russia. On the 6th of July 1918, the Americans decided to send a further 7 000 soldiers to Vladivostok. The purpose of this was to lessen the Japanese preparedness for action. The Americans soon became worried and were forced to take measures against the Japanese army.
On the 26th of August 1918, the American consul in Vladivostok, John Caldwell, sent a telegram to Robert Lansing, the secretary of state in Washington: "Nearly 18 000 Japanese soldiers have landed in Vladivostok. Another 6000 are en route to the front in Manchuria. The Japanese are pushing forward everywhere they can... the situation is critical." ("Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1918, Russian", Vol. II, pp. 328-29.)
The Americans regarded the situation as dangerous primarily because the Japanese overthrew the Soviet regime everywhere they came. There were already 70 000 Japanese soldiers in the Far East in the beginning of November 1918, according to official sources. Robert Lansing, by the way, did not conceal his opinion that the Bolshevik Jews were spiritually underdeveloped, i.e.: primitive beings.
Despite the strict Soviet censorship, one important and revealing phrase could still be read in certain collections: "The American government was obviously against the Japanese advance." ("Documents of Foreign Politics of the Soviet Union", Vol. I, Moscow, 1957, p. 225.) This sentence was later censored, since the falsifiers of history regarded it as much too dangerous and revealing.
The civil war was too exhausting for Lenin. That was why the West
increased its contributions to bring an end to it. The Allies began to
withdraw and their equipment was left to the Bolsheviks. As early as in March 1918, five American officers had begun to train Red Army units. The Americans also sent some war equipment to the Bolsheviks, according to Antony Sutton ("The National Suicide", Melbourne, 1973, p. 76). Sutton refers to another important document, which proves that Trotsky asked the American ambassador, David R. Francis, for official aid to train the Red Army in 1919.
The United States, being a mighty military power, made certain that the
Japanese did not threaten the establishment of the Soviet regime. The
United States occupied the Far East until the Red Army could stand on its
own feet and control the Soviet territory. President Woodrow Wilson had
given corresponding secret instructions to the commander of the American troops in the Far East, William S. Graves. Antony Sutton referred to those documents. The Americans controlled the Trans-Siberian Railway, so it was easy for them to drive Kolchak's White forces out of Vladivostok. They could eventually ceremoniously hand the entire area over to the Bolsheviks. An announcement about this event was published in The New York Times on the 15th of February 1920. The Associated Press related in a telegram that street meetings and celebration parades were held in Vladivostok after admiral Alexander Kolchak's troops had been forced to leave. Red flags fly on many houses. In ceremonious speeches the Americans were called real friends who had at a critical time saved the situation. The Americans, on their part, stressed that they did not wish to invade the Far East by controlling certain Soviet areas, but that the operation should be regarded as the Allies' contribution to peaceful settlement of the local situation.
General Alexei von Lampe revealed in the Russian exile periodical
Russky Kolokol No 6 and No 7, 1929, published in Berlin, that the purpose
of the Allied presence in Russia was to ward off the German threat against
the Allies. There were several thousand foreign soldiers stationed near
Murmansk and Arkhangelsk in Northern Russia. When the Russian front
became superfluous, they simply left the scene of operations. Before this
happened, the Allies suggested that the White Russian troops, too, should
call off their military activities. When the Whites refused to do so, the
English dumped their equipment and ammunition in the sea.
Alexei von Lampe described the events outside Petrograd when the
British navy deserted General Nikolai Yudenich's White forces in 1919.
They were no longer given any support. Of course, there were Englishmen who did not wish to side with the Bolsheviks. One of these was Crombie, the British military attache in Petrograd. He was removed in an original manner. The Red Guards simply forced their way into the British Embassy on the 31st of August 1918 and murdered Crombie. No one there offered any resistance.
Winston Churchill wrote a letter to the British Prime Minister, David Lloyd George, on the 21st of February 1919. He had no objections to the general standpoint that the Russians had to take care of themselves. David Lloyd George officially explained the motive for not helping the White Russians in the following way: "To send our soldiers to shoot Bolsheviks would be the same as creating Bolshevism here at home." (Paul Johnson, "Modern Times", Stockholm, 1987, p. 108.) He justified his co-operation with the Bolsheviks in this way: "We have made deals with cannibals, why not with the Bolsheviks?" Lloyd George was in favour of active contributions to aid the Soviet government. A trade agreement between the Soviet Union and Great Britain was signed on the 16th of March 1921.
On the 14th of February 1919, President Wilson demanded a withdrawal of the foreign forces in Russia. The Bolsheviks were simply to be left in peace. He explained this demand in a most peculiar manner: "There is no use for our forces in Russia." The American President's position is quite clear from his message, which was read at the Fourth Extra-Ordinary Soviet Congress on March 14, 1918. He wrote, among other things that the United States' government will do all it can to help Russia become completely sovereign and independent in its own internal affairs as well as recreating its important role in Europe and in the life of our present society.
Those were not just fair words - United States of America immediately began supporting the Bolsheviks in all imaginable ways. By 1920, the Americans had already built two harbours in the Far East for Soviet Russia. Forty-five thousand French soldiers (the number is probably exaggerated) were stationed near Odessa and on the Crimean Peninsula. The French also deserted the Whites. The Allied forces suddenly left the theatre of war and refused to fight the Bolsheviks. At the same time, the Frenchmen in Berezovsky near Odessa handed the first tanks over to the Reds. The whole story must have seemed very puzzling to the Whites, especially since the Bolsheviks, according to the French, had German
instructors. The Allies were officially supposed to combat the Germans on
all fronts.
Secret documents were later found, which explained a lot about this
situation. It was revealed that the English were allowed to supply the
Whites only with foodstuffs and that the French had received orders to remain completely passive, also at the time of General Anton Denikin's trouble with the Reds in Caucasia. The passive French forces were entirely withdrawn from Russia on the 5-6th of April 1919. Alexei von Lampe claimed that the Allied contributions were just a mirage or Communist propaganda. Neither did the Allies ever co-ordinate their activities. This sabotaged the operations of the White Army, which was comprised of nationnalist volunteers. The Allies thwarted the Whites at all times, and in the beginning they even fought against them. Meanwhile, the Bolsheviks received all kind of help, money and information from the West. Britain sent rifles and ammunition for 250 000 men to Soviet Russia, according to The Manchester Guardian (2nd of May 1919). The Whites received an insignificant portion of this shipment. The Frenchmen only gave tiny sums of money to the Whites. The Allies even gave the Bolsheviks direct aid when they conquered the Ukraine, whereas the Ukrainian nationalist leader and freemason Simon Petlyura's freedom fighters received no aid at all ("Ukraine & Ukrainians" by Dr Ivan Owechko, Greeley, Colorado,
1984, p. 114).
Of all their opponents, the Bolsheviks fought hardest against Simon
Petlyura. In all the areas he conquered, the people celebrated the demise of
the Red Jewish regime. Those celebrations were called "Jew-pogroms" in
the Communist propaganda. Petlyura had to flee to Poland in October
1919. His later attempts to save the Ukraine from the yoke of Communist
barnarism also failed. The West had staked everything on the Bolsheviks.
Moscow, meanwhile, could not forget Petlyura's struggle against them.
that was why the Jewish Bolshevik and freemason Samuel Schwartzbart
murdcrcd him in Paris on the 26th of May 1926. (Georg Leibbrant,
"Ukraine".) According to the Soviet-Estonian Encyclopaedia, this was the
Jews' revenge. No one was allowed to threaten their power.
The Whites treated their opponents somewhat differently. In 1918, a
newspaper editor in Yekaterinoslavl published an exhortation to fight
against General Lavr Kornilov. He was merely banned from the city for
his crime. Everything according to Alexei von Lampe.
Antony Sutton pointed out that the West eagerly began supporting the Bolsheviks in December 1917, when the possibility of establishing the Soviet Regime was still very uncertain. In fact, an intensive and systematic aid operation was begun just after the Bolsheviks' seizure of power. Antony Sutton asserts that the Bolsheviks received all they needed (primarily weapons and tin) from the West. The Soviet Union was founded by the same financial circle, which had broken up Europe at Versailles and thereby created the necessary conditions for the outbreak of the Second World War. This circle has controlled both sides in several wars.
Bcing a freemason, the American President Woodrow Wilson (1856-
1924) had very reluctantly sent 4500 troops to Northern Russia, since the
freemason and supreme commander of the Allied troops, Ferdinand Foch,
had demanded it. The historian Louis Fischer confirms in his biography of
Lenin that Wilson tried to keep the American presence to a minimum - the
American forces did virtually nothing in Northern Russia. The official
numbers were also greatly exaggerated. Fischer stressed that the foreign
troops played a very small role for the outcome of the civil war. (Louis
Fischer, "The Life of Lenin", London, 1970, p. 489.)
So, the United States of America and their allies were not at all
interested in deposing the Bolsheviks. The formerly secret and extremely
interesting reports about the Russian civil war in the archives of the
American State Department confirm this fact. These papers have been
available to researchers since September 1958. Among other documents
there are the instructions from the State Department which were
telegraphed to the American ambassador, David Francis, on the 15th of
February 1918, telling him to maintain close unofficial contact with the
Bolsheviks, so that there would be no need to recognise the Soviet regime
officially. Francis had suggested crushing the Bolsheviks altogether.
Washington ignored this suggestion.
It would not have been difficult to crush the Bolsheviks, if there had
been any real wish to do so, since they were exceedingly weak in the
middle of 1918. In July 1918, the Germans and the Chinese who crushed
the Social Revolutionaries' revolt saved them. The Finnish General Carl
Gustaf Mannerheim also believed that his well-disciplined troops were
capable of conquering Eastern Karelia and deposing Lenin (who was
totally ignorant of military tactics) in Petrograd. The Germans prohibited
that action, however. Then threats came from the British. London even
considered a declaration of war against Finland if the Finns really
threatcned the Bolsheviks. (M. Jaaskelainen, "Ita-Karjalan kysymys..." /
"The Ouestion of Eastern Karelia...", Helsinki, 1961.)
In the spring of 1918, Leon Trotsky asked for economic aid from the
United States in order to be able to combat the Whites more efficiently.
Lenin also asked President Wilson for help in building up his socialist
state, according to Louis Fischer's "The Life of Lenin" (London, 1970).
Of course, the United States gave the Bolsheviks all kinds of aid. The
American ambassador, David Francis, reported to Washington on the 17th
of March 1918 that Trotsky wanted five American military experts, traffic controllers for railways, and equipment (U.S. State Department Decimal File. 861.00/1341). Trotsky wrote officially in Russkoye Slovo on the 20th of March 1918 that it was impossible to be allied with the United States. This manoeuvre belonged to the rules of the game.
When Lenin began nationalising foreign companies in 1918, he made exceptions of the American companies. Louis Fischer confirms this in his book "The Life of Lenin" (London, 1970). The Americans were allowed to keep control of Singer and Westinghouse, International Harvester and other firms.
The Allies made a complete withdrawal from Northern Russia in order to seriously damage the morale of the White troops after General Anton Denikin had managed to conquer Kiev on the 31 st of August 1919 and had begun marching on Moscow. This was revealed in Paul Johnson's book "Modern Times" (Stockholm, 1987, p. 109).
The Polish socialist General Jozef Pilsudski was very successful, however. He defeated the Bolsheviks at the battle of the Wisla. Being a freemason, he was immediately thereafter forced to agree to peace with Lenin. Lenin later admitted that if Pilsudski had continued the war for just one more week, it would have meant the end of the Bolsheviks' powcr, since General Peter von Wrangel's forces were approaching and the Reds were unable to counter them. The Polish Jews, meanwhile, helped Lenin's troops very actively when the Red Army attacked Poland in 1918-19.
The Intervention and the economic blockade were, unfortunately, just a ridiculous myth. The international financial elite needed this diversion to be able to quickly introduce a totalitarian form of capitalism without mar- ket economy - the most important form of Illuminism, which we know by the name of Communism - in Russia. The Western financial elite wanted to use market economy capitalism as an anvil and Communism as a hammer to rule the world and entirely subdue it, as the American historian and publicist Gary Allen expressed it in his book "None Dare Call It! Conspiracy". The Soviet Union was later transformed into a base for the destabilisation of the rest of the world. This was the reason win everything possible was done to keep Moscow's Communist Empire alive, despite the fact that it had entered the world as an economic monstrosity that had to be constantly kept alive. At the same time, the false fronts of Communism had to be set up.
Oswald Spengler, a great thinker and historian of our century who
wrote the important book "Der Untergang des Abendlandes" ("The
Decline of the West") also perceived the fact that the left wing political
parties are controlled by the very same men of finance whom they
officially regard as their enemies. He claimed: "There is no proletarian,
not even a communist movement that has not operated in the interests of
moncy, in the direction indicated by money - and that without the idealists
among the leaders having the slightest suspicion of the fact." Spengler
went so far as to call socialism the capitalism of the lower class.
Reginald McKenna (head of the Midland Bank in Great Britain)
admitted forthrightly: "Those who find and hand out the money and the
credit, direct the government's policy and hold the fate of nations in their
Several serious works have demonstrated by means of documents that
each and every war in Europe during the last two centuries has been
caused by the financial elite in their own interests. Commander William
Guy Carr confirmed in his book "Pawns in the Game" that the Jacobin
Napoleon Bonaparte was, in the beginning, the loyal servant of the
financial elite (he was a passive bystander on the side of the Robespierre
brothers during the so-called French Revolution, but violently put down
the royalists' revolt in 1795). He finally understood the nature of the dirty
game he was taking part in, began working against it, and was conse-
quently removed.
The American president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, once admitted that
nothing in politics happens by accident. If anything happens, you can be
sure that it was planned that way. A famous Jewish Illuminatus and
freemason, Walter Rathenau, who became minister of finance in the
German Weimar Republic, admitted in 1912: "Three hundred men, who
all know each other, control the finances of Europe and appoint successors
from their own ranks." (Wiener Presse, 24th of December 1912.)
Everything has been done according to the programme. That was
revealcd by Walter Rathenau in Paris, 1913, when the financial elite and
the Illuminati founded the International Bank Alliance: "The moment has
come for the financial elite to officially dictate their laws to the world, as
they have previously done only covertly... The financial elite will be required
to succeed empires and kingdoms with an authority which does not extend
only to one country, but spans the entire world."
It is therefore hardly surprising that the Bolsheviks received enough rifles and ammunition from the West to crush the Whites. The Western democracies paid no heed to the reports which related that the majority of those killed by the Reds were common people, the poor, the workers, even pregnant women. This was confirmed by a 90-year-old exiled Estonian, Kustav Pohla, in 1978. He had witnessed those crimes in Russia himself. (Eesti Pdevaleht, Stockholm, 8th of April 1978.)
The Famine as a Weapon
Lenin knew he could break the back of the Whites by damaging the
peasants. The systematic confiscation of agricultural produce led to a
terrible famine which, in turn, caused epidemics of typhus and other
severe illnesses. People began plundering. The situation was chaotic. The
fact that the confiscated grain was sold abroad was concealed from the
public. In this way Lenin used the famine as a weapon against his enemies.
Another reason for the famine was to establish the Bolshevik regime
and to reduce the Russian population, according to Vladimir Soloukhin
("In the Light of Day", Moscow, 1992, p. 52). The situation deteriorated
drastically. Therefore, the Bolsheviks had to stop confiscating grain in
1921, but it was already too late. Ten million people were starving in July 1921. During the winter of 1921-22, 35 million were without food. (Vladimir Berelovich's article "The Diplomacy of Starvation" in the weekly newspaper Russkaya Mysl, Paris, 27th of September 1985.)
Lenin exploited the situation and set up food-traps, Torgsin, where
people could buy macaroni, lard, grain, for gold or foreign currency. All
who tried to buy anything were immediately seized and forcibly relieved
of all their gold. They were also forced to explain where they had got their
Millions of lives were saved by various private organisations from
Sweden and the United States - above all by ARA (American Relief
Administration). ARA collected 70 million dollars (56 million of this
came from the donations of Americans). This money was enough to buy
food for 18 million Russians.
Lenin had collected 400 million roubles in gold from Kiev, 500 million
from Odessa and 100 million from Kharkov, but he felt absolutely no
inclination to give any of it away to the starving. He announced: "We have
no money!" (Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, p.
Meanwhile, the bands of criminals and robbers Trotsky had set free
continued to pillage the country. Later, Mao Zedong in China also used
criminals. The famine threatened to bring tens of millions of people to
their graves. Cannibalism occurred in the hardest hit areas.
A committee called Pomgol was established to help the starving.
Russia's most eminent citizens joined this group. What happened after-
wards was perfectly revolting. The committee had scarcely been formed
before all of its members, except Maxim Gorky and Vera Figner, were
arrested. They had distributed foodstuffs and medicines. The Bolsheviks
did not like the fact that the members of the committee had talked about
the cause of the famine, which amounted to criticism against the War
Communism. When the committee had been dissolved, all aid ceased
(Stanislav Govorukhin's film "Our Lost Russia"). The ARA was accused
of espionage.
Five million people died of starvation during 1921-22, according to
official sources. The emigrants claimed that the real figure was signi-
flcantly higher. The Russian press has also demonstrated this more
recently. Lenin was responsible for all these lives.
The cruel War Communism did not work, despite the vast amounts of foreign aid, and already at the beginning of 1921 Lenin was forced to say: "It is finished!" The international financial elite did not want to give up. however. Colossal measures were soon taken and in the beginning of March 1921, Lenin announced that a new economic policy - the NEP - was to be enforced. This was done to save Communism from its economic crisis and to calm the many revolts of the peasants across Russia, since these were another important contributory cause of the introduction of the NEP .
Lenin permitted foreigners to start so-called concession companies, where the Westerners owned 51 per cent and the Soviet side owned 49 per cent. Antony Sutton emphasised in an article that the Soviet censorship later did everything in its power to erase all information about these co- operative businesses from the history books. Lenin called this reform campaign the "policy of two steps forward, one step backwards". He proclaimed that the doors were open to foreign capital and Western technology. He encouraged the setting up of private ventures within agri- culture, the services and small home-based businesses. From 1922, Lenin permitted the founding of 330 co-operative companies and another 134 firms, which dealt with technical aid. On the 21st of February 1922, Pravda wrote about how the American Barksdall Corporation began delivering modern equipment to the oil industry in Baku.
Singer was another business, which founded a concession company in 1925. The Bolsheviks later took over this firm entirely. Many other companies could, for a subsequent period, co-operate quite openly with the Communists and even take their profits out of the Soviet Union. Those businessmen included Armand Hammer and W. Averell Harriman, who became the American ambassador in Moscow in 1943. This open co- operation continued up to 1937 in certain areas.
On October 28, 1921, Lenin gave the Jewish businessman Armand Hammer what amounted to a monopoly. His family had emigrated from Odessa to America where he had founded the American Communist Party together with his father. He later arranged for himself to represent 38 American companies (including Ford) in Moscow. Hammer co-operated with nearly all the Communist leaders. He met Gorbachev for the first time on the 18th of June 1985. Stalin was the only one who gave him any trouble. In 1930 Stalin refused to have anything to do with Hammer and he
was forced to cease his activities in Moscow. The reason for this was that
Hammer had co-operated too closely with Leon Trotsky.
Lenin, as previously mentioned, was more interested in appropriating
the property and riches of the Russians than in practising Utopian
socialism. The Swedish socialists, too, in the name of "fair distribution",
have transformed their subjects into tax-slaves of the financial elite.
In this situation, the plundering escalated. It was primarily "the greedy
Jew", Armand Hammer, who brought the Tsars' and the aristocrats' jewels
and art to America where it was sold to other rich Jews. (Everything
according to Svenska Dagbladet, 30th of March 1987.) Hammer began his
"business" with Lenin by exchanging gems and furs for foodstuffs, of
which the Russians would have produced a surplus themselves if Lenin
had not destroyed their capacity to do so. This was a part of the bandits'
plan. In this way, the Faberge eggs, the diamond-topped tiaras and the
icons, which had been plundered from the churches, ended up in the hands
of Armand and his brother Victor Hammer. When their supplies were
finished, new stolen goods were brought in from the Soviet Union; this
presented no difficulty since the bandit chieftains in Moscow were always
eager to fatten up their foreign bank accounts a little more with the help of
Armand Hammer and other fences.
Lenin had said to Armand Hammer: "Soviet Russia needs American
capital and technical aid to get the wheels rolling again." {Dagens
(Nyheter, 25th of November 1984.)
When Hammer later landed in Moscow with his private aeroplane, he
never needed to go through the passport or customs control. Everyone was
equal, but it appears that some were more equal than others. "It was Lenin
who convinced me to become a capitalist," Hammer later declared.
In 1980, the Communist billionaire Hammer "donated" the Sovincentre,
a gigantic office block, to Moscow, in order to watch his interests more closely. Hammer's chemical factories in the Soviet Union devastated the natural environment as well as the people's health (for example, in Ventspils in occupied Latvia). But he did not care. The most important thing was his profit. He never had enough! Hammer did not conceal his satanic attitude: "He who tells the truth has no future. The future is built exclusively on lies." Those lies have now turned back upon the liars. During the NEP period, Lenin also performed the political manoeuvre
of changing the name of the Cheka into the GPU (the Board of 335
Government Politics) on the 6th of February 1922. He returned several
companies to their original owners, but they were later re-confiscated.
In June 1925, the GPU chief of the Lubensk area (in the Ukraine),
Dviyannikov, sent a secret circular to his district chiefs. Dviyannikov
instructed the GPU to keep a low profile during the passive NEP period,
but to keep gathering information about the enemies of the Soviet regime
so that they would be ready to strike the killing blow against these forces
at the right moment. He encouraged his underlings to be more active in
their spying on the people so that the lists would be ready when it was
time to begin liquidating the enemies of the people, whose smiles of relief
would soon enough be replaced by grimaces of fear. He was expecting the
enemies to reveal themselves.
The Soviet propaganda has eagerly spread the myth about the Western threat to the Communist system in Russia. This propaganda completely lacked substance, however. This can easily be proved with the following facts. In March 1924, the Commander-in-Chief Mikhail Frunze demanded that the Red Army be dissolved because it had turned into a band of thieves and robbers. This was done - in complete secrecy. Only the commanders remained. So, the Soviet Union was actually without an army throughout the summer of 1924. Frunze began building up a new army only in the autumn of 1924, when he drafted a large number of young peasants. The leading circles in the West were well aware of this fact, but concealed it from the public. They had no wish to eliminate Communism, even though they knew that Communism was a kind of system in which great efforts were made to solve problems which would never have existed without Communism...
Deals with the Bolsheviks
Soon after the Bolsheviks had reached power, Standard Oil bought up hall
of the oil wells in Caucasia even though these were officially nationalised.
This information comes from Harvey O'Connor's book "The Empire of
Oil", New York, 1955, p. 270.
Antony Sutton explains that Standard Oil of New York built a refiners
in Russia in 1921 to strengthen the Bolshevik economy. Standard Oil and
its subsidiary company Vacuum Oil sold the Soviet oil in the European
countries. Closely associated with Standard Oil and other Rockefeller concerns was Jacob Schiff of the Wall Street banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb &Co. The newspaper National Republic announced in September 1927 that the Bolsheviks had even been given a loan of 65 million dollars. In 1928, the Rockefeller Chase National Bank began selling Bolshevik bonds in the United States of America. Nineteen large oil refineries were constructed in the Soviet Union between 1917 and 1930, but only one of these contained units manufactured in the Soviet Union.
Even in the beginning, large amounts of industrial equipment, agri-
cultural machinery and munitions were brought into Soviet Russia from
the United States. During the years 1921-25, the Americans delivered 37
million dollars worth of machinery and other technology to the Bolshe-
viks. In return, American companies were given goldmining rights by the
Amur River. The British company Lena Goldfields Ltd built a modern
mine with all the necessary equipment near Vitimsk on the taiga near the
river Lena. A tried and tested technique was later used to conceal this gift:
the Bolsheviks imprisoned all the leading British engineers and accused
them of economic espionage.
The less important aid-lenders and businessmen acting on their own
began experiencing severe problems with the local Bolshevik leaders who
took the official anti-capitalist propaganda seriously. A Czech citizen,
Benedickt, who lived in Vienna, arrived in Russia at the beginning of
1924. He bought a steamboat and loaded it up with valuable goods. He had
received official permission. The GPU in Novorossiysk laid an embargo
on the steamer and incarcerated Mr. Benedickt. The central leadership
immediately ordered them to release Benedickt and return his goods, but
the local authorities refused to obey. Benedickt ended up in Siberia (in
prison in Novo-Nikolaievsk). He was later sent to a prison in Solovky
whcrc he stayed for three years. A Finnish businessman could find no
suitable lodgings in Moscow. At this point, the GPU came to his rescue
and offered him a room at the GPU headquarters. He ended up in the
Butyrka prison. Businessmen of this kind, including one named Koch,
were commonly accused of espionage. (A. Klinger "The Soviet Forced
Labour", 1928.)
General Electric (a Morgan Subsidiary) in the United States made an
especially large contribution to the build-up of the Soviet Empire. This
company helped to carry out the GOELRO plan, which was designed to
electrify Russia through the building of 100 power stations between 1920 and 1935. Zinoviev instead spoke of 27 power stations in January 1921. Only a small part of the plan was actually carried out. The company's representative Carl Steinmetz turned to Lenin on the 16th of February 1922 and wished him the best of luck with the build-up of his socialist state. Lenin thanked Steinmetz for his aid in his written answer. (Lenin, "Collected Works", Vol. 27, pp. 275-276, and p. 539.)
It should probably be mentioned here that the directors of General Electric and Standard Oil were also members of CFR (the Council on Foreign Relations). This group has a great influence on society, according to the Chicago Tribune (9th of November 1950). They have exploited the prestige which their riches, social position and upbringing have given them to lead their nation into bankruptcy and military decline.
Between the years 1927 and 1932, American and British engineers built the Dneprogess power station with the aid of American technology and Russian slaves. Colonel Hugh Cooper completed the building in 1932. The Dneprogess, which was 760 metres long and 60 metres tall, was called the world's largest building. It produced 2.5 billion Kwh of electricity per year.
In the beginning, the power stations (Volkhov, Svir and Dneprogess) were constructed entirely by General Electric. The company later planned a large turbine factory in Kharkov, so that the Russians would be able to produce their own turbines. The production of this factory was two and half times greater than that of General Electric's factories in the U.S.A.
Six British engineers (including Thornton from Metropolitan Vickers) were sentenced to forced labour for "sabotage" in 1933, in order to frighten the other foreign engineers into silence. (Mikhail Heller and Alexander Nekrich, "Utopia in Power", London, 1986, p. 245.)
Meanwhile, more and more gold ended up in the treasure chambers of the banking elite. American companies began to build up Soviet Russia's heavy industry as early as the beginning of the 1920s. Arthur G. McKee from Cleveland designed the world's largest steelworks in Magnitogorsk in 1928 and the construction was begun in January 1929. It became a replica of the Garg steelworks in Indiana. All the equipment came from the United States of America, from the Clearing Mach Corporation, among others. The eight largest ovens were also constructed for the Bolsheviks. The whole complex was 17 kilometres in length, something
The Kremlin immediately began to boast about in its propaganda, as it did about all the other giant projects which the Americans undertook for the Soviet Union. They had even worked out in advance the number of Russian workers and slaves, which they expected to perish during the construction. German and American experts and workers also worked there. One of these was John Scott who was employed as a welder in September 1932. He worked in Magnitogorsk for five years. John Scott was lucky enough to receive permission to leave the Soviet Union before the Second World War. Most of the foreign experts had already left in 1932.
The steel production increased to 4.2 million tons in 1928. According to
the plan, it was to have risen to 10.5 million tons, but even 1933, the last
year of the first five-year plan, yielded only 5.9 million tons of steel. So
the production had only increased by 1.7 million tons. Thus only 57 per
cent of the plan was achieved. The same happened in all areas, since the
production was always of a much lower quality than the calculations
accounted for. Stalin still proclaimed that the first five-year plan had been
93.7 per cent successful. The monopolised economy eventually turned into
organised poverty.
A period of even more extensive industrialisation in the Soviet Union
bega in 1926, two years after Lenin's death. During two years (1926-27)
most of the 788 major factories were built with American aid. Antony
Sutton revealed: "There is a report in the State Department files that
names Kuhn, Loeb and Co. as the financier of the First Five Year Plan."
(Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development", Vol. II.)
During this five-year period (1928-33) a total of 1500 industrial
companies were built, including an aircraft factory and new tractor and car
plants, according to the Soviet-Estonian Encyclopaedia (Tallinn, 1973,
Vol. 5, p. 439).
Collectivisation as a Weapon
There were only 7000 tractors in the Soviet Union in the beginning of
1929. Tanks had to be used for ploughing at the start of the collectivi-
sation. The number of tractors increased to 30 000 by the end of the same
war. Some of these had been bought directly from the USA. At least
250 000 tractors were needed for the collectivisation. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. accordingly increased their aid contributions to Moscow in order to neutralise the independent peasant (he was much too dangerous for the dictators) and force him to work on the kolkhozes (kibbutzes).
Eighty American companies took part in the building of three gigantic tractor factories in Russia. The factory in Stalingrad was actually built in the United States, brought to the Soviet Union in parts and fitted together in three months. Twenty-six American companies joined in this project alone. The Bolsheviks wanted to produce 50 000 tanks and caterpillar tractors each year. Factories were built in the same way in Kharkov and Chelyabinsk. The building of the last-named tractor and tank factory was planned and led by an engineer from Detroit named Calder. In the be- ginning, these factories were all supervised by Western engineers.
The Americans also built a modern asbestos industry for Moscow and designed the irrigation system for Central Asia, which has now virtually destroyed the Aral Sea. It shrank from 62 000 square kilometres in 1923 to just 40 000 in 1990.
The independent farmers and peasants were regarded as especially dangerous since the agricultural system had once more begun to produce a surplus of foodstuffs. The agricultural expert Vladimir Tikhonov also confirmed in Literaturnaya Gazeta on the 4th of August 1988 that Stalin's claim that the collectivisation had been undertaken due to the food shortage was entirely false. In actual fact, the agricultural system had begun recuperating fairly quickly after Lenin had given the peasants their land back and abolished the government control of them. The situation was almost normal by 1927 and Russia had once more begun exporting grain. 100 000 tons of grain were exported by Russia in 1928, 1.3 million tons in 1929, 4.8 million tons in 1930 and 5.1 million tons in 1931.
At this point Stalin and Kaganovich began to implement Trotsky's insane idea of agricultural collectivisation. Stalin declared that, after the quick industrialisation (which was called 'perestroika'), they would be able to supply the cities with food from giant farms. That argument was completely fallacious, according to Tikhonov.
Fifteen million people lost their homes as a result of the collectivi- sation. Many peasants ran away from the kolkhoses to the cities. One million were sent to labour camps and 12 million were deported to Siberia, because Stalin and Kaganovich had all peasants who owned more than one
hectare of land stamped as class enemies. The agricultural production
levels sank massively after the collectivisation.
After this, Stalin's henchman Kaganovich organised a famine during
the years 1932-33 which sent nearly eight million Ukrainians and two
million Russians in northern Caucasia, by the Volga Delta, and in other places, to their graves. The British historian Robert Conquest has even claimcd that the number of victims amounted to 15 million. ("The Harvest of Sorrow", Alberta, 1986.) Several Russian historians have arrived at the same figure. The famine was brought about by ordering troops to confiscate the entire grain reserve. The United States calmly watched as this tragedy took place. In Yalta, Stalin cynically assured Churchill and Roosevelt that ten million people had fallen victim to his reforms. He undercstimated the total, which has later been estimated at closer to 48 million. All rumours about the famine were officially denied, no help was given to the suffering areas, no (humiliating) aid from abroad would be accepted.
As previously mentioned, a new famine was organised in the Ukraine
between 1946 and 1947, in which two million people died. At the same
time, the Ukrainians were forced to supply the Soviet Army (several
million men) with food. The Chinese and Ethiopian Communists also used
starvation as a weapon.
The collectivisation caused an enormous erosion of earth from the
usable land, which resulted in the destruction of many villages and later
led to the introduction of a rationing system.
The historian Sergei Kharlamov, a specialist on the circumstances sur-
rounding the forced collectivisation, emphasised that the first five-year
plan caused a backlash in the industrial production since the Russians
wasted large amounts of metals, resources and energy, often to no pur-
pose. Sergei Kharlamov even goes so far as to claim that if the German-
Soviet conflict had broken out a few years later than 1941, the Soviet
Union would have broken apart on its own as a result of Stalin's economy
and oppression. Kharlamov wrote the following about the politics of the
Soviet Union: "There were no advances. Quite the opposite, in fact."
Wagens Nyheter, 7th of April 1988.) Moscow's Communist leadership
becamc over more dependent on American aid. That was the intention. A
similar situation occurred in China in the 1950s during the so-called
"Great Lcap Forward".
The international financial elite was not worried by this development. The false fronts of Communism had to be built up at all costs. America's leading capitalists and politicians did not lose any sleep over the millions of people who were at the same time being taken to Gulag camps to die. These amounted to 15 million between 1926 and 1938, according to inves- tigations made by the historian Dmitri Yurasov. (Dagens Nyheter, 7th April 1988.) It was later revealed that the figure had actually been even higher.
The people's commissary for foreign affairs, Maxim Litvinov, met the banker Paul Warburg (Kuhn, Loeb & Co.) at a conference in London in 1933, at which the world economy was discussed. The Soviet Union received a huge loan shortly thereafter.
Universal Oil Products, the Badger Corporation, the Lummus Company.
Alco Products, the McKee Corporation and the Kellogg Company, among
others built up the Soviet oil industry.
In June 1944 Stalin admitted to the American ambassador, W. Averell
Harriman, that two thirds of the Soviet large industry had been founded by
American companies. Stalin added that Germany, France, Great Britain
and Italy had built up the rest. This was exactly what Harriman wrote in
his report to the U.S. State Department in Washington D.C.
Contract followed contract. In 1922 the Russo-American trade dele- gation, the primary task of which was to save the Bolshevik economy, was founded. Rockefeller's Chase National Bank played the main role in this delegation. Herbert Clark Hoover (backed by the extremely influential Council on Foreign Relations) found the money for food deliveries. But Lenin used this capital exclusively for his own and the highest leaders' personal needs, according to the historian Gary Allen ("None Dare Call It Conspiracy"). The peasants who were given back their land were forced to look after themselves - which they also did, as the reader will soon realise.
On the 30th of December 1922, the Soviet Russian Empire was officially named the Soviet Union. The American government could not maintain diplomatic ties with the Soviet state since the American public had a very negative view of the Communist barbarism. That was why the financial circles did what they could to paint as fair a picture as possible of the Soviet regime in the press. The truth had to be concealed Rockefeller hired the advertising bureau Ivy Lee to paint the Bolsheviks in the warmest possible colours. Ivy Lee even claimed that the Bolsheviks
should be regarded as confused idealists and benefactors of mankind. He made propaganda for a recognition of the Soviet Union, added that the Communists were "all right" and that there was really no Communist problem. It was just a psychological error.
Walter Duranty, the correspondent for the New York Times in Moscow, did all he could to portray the mock trials of the 1930s as favourably as possible - he even justified them (Dagens Nyheter, 29th of September 1990). These American journalists knew full well what was really happe- ning, since they have written about it themselves in their memoirs. The American editorial staff did not permit them to tell the truth.
It was not surprising, therefore, that Stalin, who was kindly called
"Uncle Joe", was named man of the year by Time Magazine in 1939.
AdoIf Hitler had received the same honour the year before. Ivy Lee had
advertised Hitler in the same manner. Time explained their decision in the
following way: "Hitler is a guarantee for world peace."
But when the British newspaper the Manchester Guardian's reporter
published an article about the mass fatality in the countryside as early as
in 1933, the "progressive" Western opinion did not wish to believe him.
Build-Up of the Soviet Regime
The Germans also eagerly took part in the build-up of the Soviet Union
since they were expecting large profits and the chance to rebuild their own
war machine... After the First World War, the Versailles treaty prohibited
Germany from developing a war industry and the aeroplane factories Jun-
kers, Dornier and Rohrbach were forced to move abroad. The Rapallo
treaty, signed by Soviet Russia and Germany on the 16th of April 1922,
gave Junkers-Werke the chance to found the aircraft industry FIL near
Moscow. The factory was completed by April 1924. German pilots were
given the opportunity to train there. The factory, under the direction of
Junkers and with licence from Mercedes Benz, began producing 300
aeroplanes per year of which the Soviet government bought 60. Junkers
also had a gifted pupil at the FIL factory, Andrei Tupolev, who later
constructed the ANT-5 fighter with American aid.
Junkers built another factory in the province of Tver, where German
engineers were employed. Junkers also produced passenger planes at that
plant. The aeroplane engines and the spare parts were bought for Moscow by the Chase National Bank, which remained the prime helping hand. Rothschild's banks in Great Britain, France and the United States of America were also used to finance the war industry in the Soviet Union and Germany between 1925 and 1939...
Alexander Solzhenitsyn pointed out in his "Letter to the Leaders of the Soviet Union" (Paris, 1974), that Moscow had, after the signing of the Rapallo treaty, allowed the Wehrmacht to train German officers in modern blitzkrieg tactics. The Red Army also found the joint tank manoeuvres in the Ukraine useful.
The Soviet Union began a large-scale co-operation with Krupp, who from the beginning only sold locomotives from their factory in Essen. Krupp had, up to 1927, built 17 weapon factories in Leningrad, Petrokre- post and Central Asia. Krupp also began producing submarines in Lenin- grad and Nikolaievsk. They built diesel motors for the Bolsheviks and founded, in northern Caucasia, the first model of a mechanised agri- cultural co-operative. Tanks were produced in the tractor factory in Rostov na Donu, which was built by Krupp. A training ground for tanks was built in Kazan where also German tank crews were allowed to practise.
In addition, Moscow had an agreement with the Jewish aeroplane manufacturer Ernst Heinrich Heinkel, who sold fighter planes assembled from parts, which had been sent from Germany to the Soviet Union. AEG and Linke-Hoffman-Werke also moved their factories to the Soviet Union. Russia's economy had begun sliding backwards immediately after the Bolshevik take-over. In 1920, the industrial production reached only 13.8 per cent of what it had been in 1913. Unemployment increased. Salt production sank massively to just 25 million tons. Russia had produced 122 million tons of salt annually in the Tsarist era. The party apparatus, however, increased enormously, despite all attempts to limit this development.
The propaganda beat all previous records for lying. It was only revealed in the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, in October 1988, that the world-famous record worker Alexei Stakhanov was a bluff. Two other workers helped him when he set his legendary coal mining record on the 31st of August 1935. Stakhanov was 29 years old when he supposedly mined 105 tons of coal in 5 hours and 45 minutes (his ordinary shift). This was 15 times the average and led to a huge propaganda campaign.
Stakhanov even had a town named after him, where a statue of him was
raised. Stakhanov died in 1977 at 71 years of age.
Stalin intended to uniform the population. Different groups (workers,
intellectuals, party functionaries and others) were to wear special overalls
in symbolic colours. But the foreign sponsors had no desire to pay for this
project and so the idea was shelved. After the Second World War, Stalin
succeeded in uniforming at least a part of the population: railwaymen,
guards and the militia wore blue soldier-shirts (gimnastyorkas). School
pupils had to wear grey soldier-shirts while the pupils at vocational
schools had to wear black shirts. The Communists in North Korea and
China decreed that nearly the entire society should be uniformed.
Incrcasing American Support
Rockefeller paid particular attention to the build-up of the Soviet war-
machine. American experts admitted that Communism was in danger
again and would have collapsed if the first five-year plan had not been
financcd from the United States. The Americans continued financing them
also later, despite the fact that the ignorance of the Russians constantly
presented new problems. American money continued to breathe life into
this fragile, inefficient and brutal system, despite all the difficulties.
A contract was concluded with the Ford Motor Company on the 1st of
May 1930. Ford promised to spend 30 million dollars (approximately 600
million dollars today) to build up the Soviet automobile industry. And so
the Americans built a Ford factory in Nizhny Novgorod, which was called
the Molotov factory and had already begun producing 140 000 cars per
year by 1932, including the GAZ-A (Ford-A).
The freemason Henry Ford had previously made sure that the Russian
workers had been given good work experience in his factories in the
United States. He also donated equipment. Americans ran the factory for
the first few years. Ford later built factories in Ulyanovsk, Odessa and Pavlovsk, where also tanks were produced. 10 million dollars in wages were paid to the Americans each year. The American Electric Boat Company and British and Italian compa- nies began helping the Soviet Union to build submarines in 1930. The Soviet air force was built entirely with foreign capital in the 1930s.
Moscow had earlier bought aeroplanes from Germany, Britain, Italy, the
United States of America and other countries.
The American Seversky Aircraft Corporation began to help the Soviet
air force with the building of hydroplanes in 1937. When the factory in
Russia was finished, it could produce 10 seaplanes per day. The Radio
Corporation of America began building up the Soviet radio and telegrapli
system as early as 1927. The DuPont Company built five chemical
factories in Russia, which produced (among other things), nitric acid,
necessary for the production of explosives.
The Russians were often incapable of building any sophisticated factories, even though the Americans gave them detailed instructions. So the industrial builder Albert Kahn from Detroit closed a deal with Moscow in February 1930 according to which he was to build a number of industries in the Soviet Union. The total cost amounted to two billion dollars. Of the major projects the Zionist Albert Kahn carried out, I can mention the electric motor factory in Elmash in the Urals and the turbine factory in Kharkov (designed by General Electric). His closest assistants were advisers to the Soviet government for questions connected with the second five-year plan, according to Encyclopaedia Judaica.
The Soviet propaganda enticed 100 000 American workers to go to Russia. Most of them were not allowed to return home. They were turned into Soviet citizens against their will. Some who began protesting and criticising Communism even ended up in prison camps. This goes to show how frightened the power-mongers were of the American public finding out any detailed information about the conditions in the Communist "paradise". 60 000 German workers also moved to Stalin's empire.
Describing all the American projects designed to build up the false fronts of Communism would take up too much space. This will have to be enough. The international financial elite (Kuhn, Loeb & Co., Morgan, Rockefeller, the Warburgs, Dillon, Cyrus Eaton, David Kendall and others), who took such good care of the Bolsheviks, also helped Adolf Hitler to power. This is confirmed by various documents and is quite another subject.
It is a myth that the leading capitalists did not know what they were doing. They knew very well why they helped all kinds of political bandits They made sure that the Soviet Union received all the necessary foreign technology.
That the resources of the Bolsheviks were enormous is also apparent
when considering the fact that only a quarter of the foreign technology in
the Soviet Union was actually used, due to the lack of order in the country.
There were technical resources, which had to wait for ten years before
being put to use. No one could use the foreign equipment for a sugar factory in the Dnepropetrovsk area, which had cost millions. Only 13 per cent of the foreign conveyor belts were used. The rest just rusted. The situation in Uzbekistan was even worse. Only two per cent of the conveyor belts, which had been sent to Uzbekistan by foreign capitalists, were used.
This was revealed by Yuri Chernichenko in his article "Who Needs a Farmers' Party and Why?" (Literaturnaya Rossiya, 8th of March, 1991.) Stalin and Hitler had common business interests whilst they prepared to annihilate each other. Germany sold 36 aeroplanes, including 6 Heinkel He-100 fighter planes, 5 Messerschmidt Bf-llOs, two Junkers Ju-88 bombers and others to the Soviet Union, according to the trade agreement signed in connection with the Ribbentrop pact on the 23rd of August 1939. Shavrov revealed this in his history of aeroplane construction. The Soviet Union bought 22 000 tons of copper from the United States in November 1939 and then sold it to Germany. Some cargoes were taken from Mexico via Vladivostok to Germany. The Soviet Union carried on delivering its goods until just before the German attack.
War Aid to Moscow
It was decided in San Diego in May 1941 that Hitler would attack Stalin
and not vice-versa. This would be more beneficial to the interests of the
financial elite. Admiral James O. Richardson's analysis had reached the
conslusion that it would be more beneficial to the U.S.A. if Hitler attacked
Stalin first (Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 133).
Therefore, the terrorist Bolshevik regime once more came into grave
danger in the summer of 1941, when Stalin had planned an attack against
Hitler (operation Thunder), although he had personally deprived the Red
Army of its best commanders. The attack was to have taken place on the
6th of July 1941. This information comes from the defected GPU agent
Viktor Suvorov's (Vladimir Rezun's) books "The Ice-Breaker" (Moscow,
1992) and "M Day" (Moscow, 1994). Hitler's spies had warned Berlin
about this and a counterattack plan, Barbarossa, was worked out. The plan was put into action, after certain delays, on the 22nd of June 1941, thus anticipating Stalin's planned attack by only two weeks. Stalin was surprised, in spite of the reports of his own spies. He could not understand Hitler's foolhardiness in maintaining two fronts simultaneously. He had not expected this — he even had difficulty believing the announcement of war. He saw it as a provocation. Neither had he believed the stories of a coming attack from German deserters on the previous day. It was only later in the evening that he gave the order to resist.
Stalin had declared before the Central Committee already in 1925: "If a great war breaks out in Europe, we shall not just watch. We shall take part, but among the last - to decide the fate of the war. And naturally, therefore, to pick the fruits of the war..."
In 1941, no one wanted to believe Adolf Hitler's explanations that he wished to anticipate Stalin's planned attack. Suvorov has managed to prove, with documents from German archives and open Soviet sources, that Hitler's information was correct.
The High Command of the Red Army had already, on the 21st of June (the day before Hitler's attack), received orders to attack Romania on the 6th of July 1941. The commander of this operation was to have been Marshal Semyon Timoshenko. He was supposed to have travelled to Minsk on the 22nd of June to prepare the attack, in which 4.4 million men were to have been used. But the Germans attacked first. The so-called Black Divisions were formed from Russian camp prisoners, who were trained very thoroughly in Sochi and sent to fight the Germans in July- August 1941. Stalin had more paratroops for attack purposes than any other nation. Stalin had promised by Lenin's bier that he would expand the borders of the Soviet Union {Pravda, 30th of January 1924). He also had special A-tanks (Avtostradnye tanki) which could travel on German motorways.
Stalin had a total of 15 000 tanks, three times more than Hitler. Suvorov quotes Marshals Georgi Zhukov, Alexander Vasilevsky, Vasily Soko- lovsky, Nikolai Vatutin, Ivan Bagramyan and others, who all confirmed that Stalin was preparing an attack and not defence as was later claimed. This was the reason why Moscow's losses became so enormous - 600 000 men in the first three weeks, 7615 tanks, 6233 fighter planes (of which 1200 were lost on the first day) and 4423 artillery pieces.
The Jewish senator and high-ranking freemason Harry S. Truman, who became vice-president and later president of the United States explained the situation after Hitler's attack in the following way: "If we see that Germany is about to win, we should help Russia, and if we see that Russia is winning, we should help Germany, because in this way we shall be able to let them kill as many as possible." But no one was allowed to risk Stalin's life, since his death would be a "real catastrophe". (Noam Chomsky, "Man kan inte morda historien" / "You Cannot Murder History", Gothenburg, 1995, pp. 503-504.)
Did Truman fear that no other Red bandit chieftain would be able to
murder Russians as efficiently? Truman could sate his lust for murder in
August 1945 when he had atom bombs dropped on two cultural centres of
Japan. Gore Vidal reveals, in his introduction to Professor Israel Shahak's
book "Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand
Years" (London, 1994), that Truman received two million dollars
"support" from a Zionist when he came to run for president in 1948.
A large number of Russian soldiers let themselves be taken prisoner. By
the end of the first year, 3.8 million had gone over to the Germans. The
Red Army simply refused to fight for the cause of Communism. Most of
the remaining 1.2 million was killed in action. Joseph Stalin became
frightened. On the 24th of August 1941, Radio Moscow encouraged
international Jewry to help the Soviet Union wholeheartedly in its moment
of need. It is therefore understandable that the financiers of Wall Street
were seized with panic and began sending all kinds of equipment to the
Sovict Union as quickly as they could. In August 1941 the United States
began to confer with Moscow about how Hitler's troops could most
effectively be repulsed. The United States meanwhile continued to give
the Nazis military and economic aid, but on a smaller scale.
Equipment immediately began to be sent to the Soviet Union. The
United States also demanded that Stalin temporarily "forget" Communist
slogans and anti-Russian propaganda. He had to open the churches, release
priests and even allow a certain amount of religious freedom (the cor-
responding demand from president Roosevelt was relayed to Stalin by
Father Brown, the Catholic priest at the American Embassy in Moscow).
Washington also wanted the Soviet Union to begin using the old tsarist
army uniforms. Stalin had to comply with this. The new uniforms were
sewn in the United States in 1941-43. The Soviet army wore the tsarist
army soldier-shirts until 1970. A patriotic Russian song, "The Holy War"
- which had rallied the Tsar's soldiers in the First World War, was also
The Soviet Union, the United States of America and Great Britain
signed the preliminary protocol concerning military aid in Moscow on the
1st of October 1941, following which 400 aeroplanes, 500 tanks, artillery
pieces and other munitions were immediately sent to the Soviet Union.
One of those involved in this deal was Henry Ford. Stalin asked for barbed
wire on the 1st of October 1941 and 4 000 tons of barbed wire were sent
to the Soviet Union on the 10th of October.
The Soviet Union's war production increased 25 times over during the four years of the war. A significant part of the American aid came in the form of food. 4 291 012 tons of preserves, sugar, salt, nuts, tea, fruit and other foodstuffs, including vitamins were sent to the Soviet Union between the 1st of October 1941 and the 31st of May 1945. A total of 782 973 tons of tinned meat were sent to Moscow. In 1945 the shops stocked 46 times more canned meat than they did in 1940.
Stalin became frightened when he saw how rapidly the Germans were advancing (they had already reached Minsk by the sixth day of the war). He fled from Moscow in the autumn of 1941. Two and a half million Jews were moved, by order of Stalin, from the invaded areas towards the central regions of the Soviet Union where they immediately began dealing on the black market. (Isaac Deutscher, "The Un-Jewish Jew", Stockholm, 1969, pp. 96-97.) Stalin was prepared to make peace with Hitler in October 1941. He wanted to give the Germans the Baltic states, Byelorussia, Moldavia (Bessarabia), a part of the Ukraine (Bukovina) and the Karelian Isthmus. General Nikolai Pavlenkov revealed this in the spring of 1989 in the newspaper Moskovskyie Novosti. The people's commissary for interior affairs, Lavrenti Beria, was given the task of beginning peace negotiations with Hitler, through his agent Stamenov, who was the Bulgarian ambassador. Hitler refused to negotiate with Moscow. All this is proved by documents, which Dmitri Volkogonov presented in Izvestiya on the 9th of May 1993.
President Truman wanted to justify his aid to the Communist Party, so he turned to his Jewish friend Jack Warner in Hollywood and ordered a propaganda film, "Mission to Moscow", which praised Stalinism. The film was completed in 1943. The Soviet propaganda later claimed that all the
advances in the war against the Nazis were due to the heroism of the
Sovict people.
Fortunes of the war turned, thanks to American aid, and things began to
look brighter to Stalin, who used this opportunity to proclaim a holy war
of Communism. In Yalta he was given free hands to occupy new areas and
countries in Eastern Europe. The Soviet-Estonian Encyclopaedia admits:
"It was decided that Konigsberg and its surrounding area should be
handed over to the Soviet Union."
The former intelligence agent Douglas Bazata admitted in the autumn of
1979 in Washington that his chief, Donovan, had paid him 800 dollars
extra to stop General Patton's advance in France in 1943. Bazata did this
in August 1944, when Patton and his troops were close to Dijon. Patton
had been far too successful and would have ended the war far too early.
Dcspite the fact that the American General George Patton later
managed to liberate large parts of Czechoslovakia, he was given a sharp
ordcr by the Commander-in-Chief Dwight Eisenhower (1890-1969), a
high-ranking freemason, to leave Czechoslovakia to the Red Army. Patton
unwillingly complied and with a heavy heart withdrew his troops from
Czechoslovakia. When Patton's Third Army was prepared to enter Berlin,
all the petrol was suddenly withdrawn - the intention was to stop him
from reaching Berlin before the Russians. After this he was given orders
to attack - many American soldiers died in vain. Patton could have ended
the war nine months earlier.
In this way, the Russians were given the opportunity to take Berlin,
Prague and Vienna first. The Soviet Union took the chance to also occupy
Rumania, despite their separate peace with this country. After this,
Gencral Patton proclaimed all the more eagerly that the real enemy of the
USA was in Moscow and that the Americans should continue their battle
against the East instead, in order to free the enslaved peoples of the Soviet
Union. Patton became too difficult for the high-ranking freemasons. He
also wanted to use German troops to crush the Communists in Moscow.
For this reason, it became necessary to dispose of Patton in 1945.
Bazata was paid to kill Patton. But he warned the general instead.
Another agent was then used to be on the safe side. He made several
attempts which all failed. In the autumn of 1945, General Patton was the
victim of a mysterious car accident (a lorry ran into his car) in Germany
(Bavaria). In connection with this accident, the agent attempted to shoot
Patton with a metal projectile from a specially produced weapon. Patton was wounded. Despite the fact that the general was paralysed, he began to recover in hospital. At that point he was poisoned with a new kind of potassium cyanide. Patton died on 21 December 1945 after a long spell in hospital. The White House is considered to be behind all these crimes.
The murderer himself has related this to Bazata. Bazata was tested with
a lie detector. He was considered to be telling the truth. {The Spotlight, 22
October 1979.)
The Western powers also handed more than two million war refugees
over to Stalin. It was well known what fate awaited them. No mistakes
were made. Some of those who had managed to escape from Soviet Russia
in the 1920s and had already become Western citizens were also handed
over. The 76-year-old general of the reserve, Piotr Krasnov, who was a
German citizen, was sent back to the Soviet Union. He was executed in
Moscow on the 17th of January 1947, according to the Soviet-Estonian
Encyclopaedia. The case of Krasnov is the most infamous example of
America's betrayal of the anti-Communists. The British extradited the
legendary White General Andrei Shkuro to Stalin. He had received the
Order of Bath from King George V for his services to Britain.
The freemason Harold Macmillan also sent back 70 000 Cossacks who had found their way to the West. All information about them was classified. Many documents disappeared without trace. The historian Nikolai Tolstoy in England revealed this. The BBC was not allowed to mention his book "The Minister and the Massacres", which deals with this dirty business. The Cossacks resisted but the British used gross assault to deliver them in May of 1945. Most of them were killed with their families It was later revealed that the initiative had come from the freemason Anthony Eden. (Nikolai Tolstoy, "Victims of Yalta".)
The Yugoslavian dictator Josip Tito (actually Broz), whose closest aides were the Jew Moses Pijade and Aleksander Rankovic (Rankau, who led the red terror as minister of the interior) also had his deserters returned to him.
Many events become significantly clearer when viewed from a histo- rical perspective. British agents helped to topple the Yugoslavian govern ment on the 27th of March 1941. A new leadership, with the freemason General and the freemason Richard D. Simovic at the head, immediately began to co-operate with Stalin, signing a pact of friendship on the 5th of
April. London funded Tito intensively during the entire Second World
War and later helped him to power. After the war, Tito received massive
support from the West to build up Communism. Without that support his
regime would have collapsed immediately. His crimes were concealed at
the same time. The United States alone sent Tito 35 billion dollars in
secret aid between 1948 and 1965. An expert on international law, Smilja
Avramov, revealed this to a Serbian newspaper, Politika Ekspres, in an
interview, published January 16, 1989. That support for Tito covered 60
per cent of the expenses of the Communist regime. Smilja Avramov
stressed: "Our regime would never have survived without that economic
aid." The American aid to Yugoslavia is an important state secret, which
the American Embassy in Belgrade refused to comment upon. The
contributions of Western private banks became an even better kept secret.
The West delivered lists of all captured soldiers who had demanded
political asylum. They were executed immediately upon their return to the
Soviet Union. Other Soviet soldiers who had been prisoners of war were
sent to special prison camps. President Boris Yeltsin's military adviser,
General Dmitri Volkogonov, discovered Stalin's instructions to build a
large number of prison camps with a capacity of ten thousand prisoners
each. This was where these poor soldiers were sent.
It was a Swedish state secret how nearly a thousand imprisoned Russian
soldiers were sent from Gavle on two ships, under the strictest secrecy, to
certain death in the Soviet Union on the 10th of October 1944. They had
had enough of the war and decided to escape to Sweden. This was
revealed only in the spring of 1992 by the historian Dr Anders Berge in his
book "Flyktingpolitik i stormakts skugga, Sverige och de sovjetryska fan-
garna under andra varldskriget" / "Refugee Policy in the Shadow of a
Super Power, Sweden and the Soviet-Russian Prisoners during the Second
World War" (Uppsala, 1992). According to Berge, Moscow also deman-
ded the addresses of the Russian prisoners who had been granted residence
permit in Sweden.
The Swedish government co-operated and made lists available to the
Soviet Embassy. This was espionage at a high level. Communist agents
were immediately sent out to begin working on those refugees. Berge
states that Sweden "gave Soviet officials plenty of authority... to subject
theunco-operative to persuasion, disinformation, threats and other
methods". This resulted in another 180 Russians returning to the Soviet
Union. Less than half- 1750 - of the refugees the Soviet Union wanted
returned were eventually given political asylum in Sweden.
It was an irony of fate that Stalin had allowed the NKVD to co-operate
and share their experiences with the Gestapo. The NKVD and the Gestapo
even executed people together. The historian Nikolai Tolstoy also
revealed those pre-war actions.
Foreign Slaves in the Soviet Union
Until recently, it has been concealed from the public that the Soviet Union
also used hundreds of thousands of foreign slaves for various rebuilding
projects after the Second World War. Millions of new slaves were needed.
That was why new slave camps for foreigners were built with the silent
approval of Western leaders. A revealing film about these slaves was
released in France in 1995 "Foreign Slaves in the GULAG".
Whilst the West celebrated the victory, an order came from Moscow to
the Soviet zone in Germany, commanding the NKVD and Smersh (Death
to the spies!) to imprison any foreigners in the zone. Among those arrested
were Italians, Frenchmen, Poles and others who had worked in the
German war industry, and foreign (including many Russian) refugees.
Many allied prisoners of war, who had been held in German prison camps,
also became Soviet slaves. Of course, many German prisoners of war were
also enslaved. In this way, hundreds of thousands of innocent foreigners
were captured during a short period of time. Western governments
declared those people "missing" or "deserted". They wanted to conceal the
real circumstances from the public.
An American citizen, John Noble, was among those captured in
Dresden on the 5th of July 1945. The fact that he had Swiss diplomatic
immunity did not save him or his family. The Gestapo had held his family
under house arrest during the war and John had been waiting eagerly for
the Soviet "liberators". He was quickly disillusioned, however, since the
Red soldiers began murdering, raping and looting in Dresden and in other
towns. The American authorities did not listen to John Noble's cry for
help. In the beginning he sat with other foreigners, doctors, lawyers and
businessmen and their wives and children, in a prison where all the
prisoners were tortured. Some of them were shot in the neck because they
were not physically strong enough for slave labour. The foreigners had
been caught in raids on their houses, in institutions and in the streets.
The captured foreigners were taken to concentration camps. What hap-
pened after the war in these concentration camps, including those in
Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen has been completely ignored by the
history books. Many of the terrible crimes committed in those camps were
later blamed on the Nazis. John Noble stated that 10 000 people from
different nations died as a result of malnutrition during a single year at
Buchenwald. He had discovered this from Soviet documents whilst wor-
king the camp's office. The prisoners' governments had betrayed and
forgotten them. Those crimes were also committed to smooth the way for
the expansion of Communism. The fates of those individuals were un-
Foreign citizens in those Communist prison camps in Germany were
chargcd with "anti-Soviet activities". John Noble received a sentence of
15 years in a slave camp in Vorkuta. It was thought to be a destination
with no return. The foreign prisoners were transported to the Soviet Union
under strict secrecy. The Western political leaders were informed about
this but kept quiet.
In Vorkuta, there were a total of half a million slaves who worked in 40
coalmines, in cement and brick factories. A coal miner's average pro-
duction was 17 tons of coal per shift, a totally inhuman amount. Six-seven
people died each day. Their corpses were thrown into a mass grave. 15 per
cent of the prisoners were women and children. Among the slaves were
Americans, Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Estonians, Finns, Englishmen,
Japanese, Italians and others. Only the strongest survived.
After Stalin's death, General Maslennikov came to Vorkuta to find out
what the prisoners really thought about their lives there. No one would be
punished for what they said. There was no one who dared to say a word
about the matter.
The general continued to encourage the prisoners. Finally, a score of
men, including a former professor of history from Leningrad, stepped
forward. The ex-professor said: "I shall speak, even though I know I shall
be given another ten years of slave labour here for what I have to say."
Maslennikov assured him no such thing would happen to him. The
professor then summarised slavery through the ages and finished by
commenting on the slavery in the Soviet Union: "Never before has any
slavery been as cruel and inhuman." The professor was not given another
ten years of hard labour — he was shot immediately.
John Noble managed, with great difficulty, to smuggle a postcard to his
parents in Detroit. They turned to President Eisenhower, who was forced
to ask Moscow to release John Noble. He was finally released in 1955.
Nikita Khrushchev released over 200 000 foreigners from 45 countries
from the slave camps. The release of foreign slaves ceased in 1964 when
he was deposed.
After the fall of Communism, the KGB files on foreign slaves in the
Soviet Union were finally opened. It was shown that the security police
had managed to capture 57 238 foreigners, including Englishmen, Yugo-
slavs, Frenchmen, Poles, Romanians, Iranians, Afghanis, Chinese, Japa-
nese, Koreans, Turks, Danes and Belgians, in 1950 alone. A Swiss had
also been kidnapped and taken to the Soviet Union. Many foreigners had
been arrested while visiting Moscow.
The Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg was the most famous person to be captured by the Soviet Union. He was kidnapped in Budapest on the 17th of January 1945 and taken to Moscow, where they tried to recruit him as an agent. Wallenberg refused. He was then murdered by two Jewish Chekists - Colonels Grigori Mairanovsky and Dmitri Kopelyansky - withi an injection of poison. This was revealed by the Jewish publicist and free- mason Arkadi Vaksberg in Svenska Dagbladet on December 13, 1995. He thought it an irony of fate that Jews finally murdered Wallenberg, who had saved the lives of many Jews. It has now been revealed that the Swedish Legation in Budapest had also helped German and Italian National Socialists to escape from the Red Army with false passports. The Swedish Foreign Ministry classified this information in 1952.
Not even the officials at the American Embassy were safe - some ended up as slaves. The 22-year-old Alex Dolgun was kidnapped while strolling along a street in Moscow in December 1948. He worked at the Embassy Alex was born in New York and was an American citizen. His father was an engineer who had been fooled by the Soviet propaganda and went to Russia together with tens of thousands of other naive Americans in 1933 to help with the build-up of the Communist industry. He was not allowed to leave the country after his contract had run out. He was regarded as a Soviet citizen against his will and was drafted into the Red Army during World War Two. His son Alex was charged with "anti-Soviet activity and
espionage" and sent to a slave camp. He was released in 1956, in con- nection with Khrushchev's amnesty. Alex was not allowed to leave the Sovict Union, despite the fact that his sister in New York regularly sent invitations. Thanks to his sister's efforts he finally escaped the Red hell in 1971. (Alexander Dolgun and Patrick Watson, "Alexander Dolgun's Story. An American in Gulag", 1975.)
The most difficult thing those people had to accept was the fact that
their own embassies did not care about their fate, although many signals
werc smuggled to them. They were also mentally strained by the fact that
they were held in slave camps whereas they were quite innocent.
Moreover, they were depressed by being forced to live in a foreign country
and obey orders in a foreign language.
Some of the foreigners, who were unsuitable for physical labour, were
also executed in the Soviet Union. The former KGB Colonel Kirillin
confirmed that 7000 foreigners had been shot in the village of Butovo (on
the so-called Polygon) near Moscow.
Documents reveal that over 60 000 foreigners, including Finns and
Romanians, were taken to Pechora in Komi. President Boris Yeltsin
ordered these sensitive documents classified once again.
Lenin had, during his time in power, decided that the spine of the Soviet
system would be comprised of slave labour. He laid down the slaves' work
averages and food rations. He had even decided how many victims were to
die. A previously unknown order signed by Lenin in 1919 was shown in
the French documentary film mentioned above. "Publication prohibited!"
had been written on it. This amazing order stated that all "useless"
foreigners were to be sent to the concentration camps.
Stalin's Holy War
In 1936, Stalin fought a "holy war" also in Spain. Moscow sent the
Spanish Communists 648 aeroplanes, 347 tanks, 60 armoured vehicles,
1186 artillery pieces and 3000 Soviet military experts between 1936 and
1939. The total support amounted to 274 million roubles (50 million
dollars), according to the periodical Vikerkaar No. 1, 1986. The financial
elite suddenly changed their plans and the Soviet (i.e. the American) aid to
the Republic was withdrawn in the autumn of 1938. Therefore, Franco
was able to take Madrid on the 28th of March 1939. Nearly 1.4 million
people were killed in the Spanish Civil War.
The Spanish gold reserve of 600 million dollars (the fourth largest in
the world) was handed over to Moscow in order to keep it out of Franco's
reach. Moscow kept the gold.
Two Italian Stalinists, Carlo and Nello Roselli, had planned a revolution in Venice for the 25th of May 1937, where they were to have led the attack of 2600 terrorists and thereby provoked a civil war. Stalin suddenly decided to cancel this operation and prohibited the Roselli brothers from taking action in Italy. The Communist brothers ignored the ban, however. The NKVD then organised the murder of the two brothers with the aid of a right-wing group, according to the historian Franco Bandini's book "The Cone of the Shadow" (1990). Bandini declared to the newspaper Il Tempo (Rome,), on the 11th of April 1990: "The lobby of historians has tried to silence every unpleasant piece of information during the last 45 years. They considered documents of this nature as their own private property. They worked only to conceal the unpleasant truth."
The holy war reached Poland on the 17th of September 1939. Finland was attacked on November 30th in the same year. But Moscow was forced to cease its war against Finland on March 12, 1940 - it had become too expensive (the Soviet side had already lost 250 000 out of a million men) Stalin said to Churchill in 1943: "A nation which has fought so intensely for its independence is worthy of respect." Stalin changed his mind in 1948 when he said, according to the witness Milovan Djilas: "It was wrong not to occupy Finland." (Helsingin Sanomat, 16th of March 1983.)
In the summer of 1940 it was time to introduce Communism into the Baltic states and Bessarabia (Moldavia). The flowering economies of the Baltic states were a very negative advertisement for their eastern neigh- bour and for this reason the countries had to disappear. Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania had a turnover of 586 474 000 dollars on the world market in 1938 while the gigantic Soviet Union's turnover was only 512 508 000 dollars. (J. Bokalders, "The International Yearbook", Riga. 1944.)
England broke off its negotiations with Stalin concerning the Ball in- states. The financial elite decided that Germany should "deliver" the Baltic states and Finland to the Soviet Union. Stalin understood, during the negotiations in London, that he would be permitted to occupy the
Baltic states. President Roosevelt was well informed about the secret
additions to the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact the day after it was signed. This
is evident from a secret telegram (71.6211/93). He made no outward sign,
but continued to play the role of the naive and "well-meaning" Western
leader. He never warned the Baltic states, since it was also to the interests
of the United States that those nations should disappear from the map.
When the Red Army had occupied Estonia, Franklin Delano Roosevelt
cynically said to the journalists: "If the Estonians don't like Communism
they can leave Estonia!"
Roosevelt knew very well whom he was dealing with. His judgement of
Stalin shows this. When Felix Habsburg visited the White House, Roose-
velt asked: "Felix, have you ever met the devil?" Felix Habsburg did not
understand what he meant by this. Roosevelt continued: "Felix, I have met
the devil. He was in Yalta and his name was Stalin." (Erich Feigl,
"Kaiserin Zita", Vienna, 1977, pp. 226-227.)
It should be pointed out here that the United States continued to aid
Moscow up to and during the Finnish Winter War, in spite of Roosevelt's
promise that Stalin would receive no support for the attack on Finland
(there was officially an embargo against the Soviet Union). Three hundred
firms in fifteen states sent their goods to the Pacific from where it was sent
on to Vladivostok.
The Soviet Union, meanwhile, supplied Germany with grain, oil and
other raw materials, which were needed for the war operations against
Western Europe in the spring and summer of 1940. Within 17 months Ger-
many received 865 million tons of oil, 14 000 tons of copper, 1 million
tons of timber, 11 000 tons of flax, 15 000 tons of asbestos, 184 000 tons
of phosphates, 2736 kilograms of platinum, 1462 million tons of grain,
and more, from Moscow. In November of 1939 alone, the Soviet Union
had bought 22 000 tons of copper from the United States and sold it at a
profit to Germany.
The Finns allied themselves with the Germans in the summer of 1941
and took back the areas the Soviet Union had occupied. Stalin asked Great
Britain for help. And indeed - Great Britain declared war on Finland in
Novemember 1941. They immediately sent 500 fighter planes, 280 armoured
vehicles and 3000 lorries to Arkhangelsk. The sensible Finnish com-
mander-in-chief, Marshal Carl Gustaf Mannerheim, broke away from the
German forces and continued operating on his own. He wanted to
recapture all the areas Finland had lost during the Winter War of 1939-40.
Not even Peter the Great could defeat the Swedish King Charles XII
without secret aid from England.
The United States of America did not want to declare war on Finland
directly, but in the summer of 1942 the Americans closed their consulates
in Finland and demanded that Helsinki also close its consulates in the
United States. The Soviet Union attacked once more on the 9th of June
1944, this time with American weapons, but Finland managed to resist.
Washington was infuriated. The United States broke off their diplomatic
relations with Finland on June 30th, 1944 to force the little country to
steer a more Soviet-friendly course. Finland continued to defend itself.
Moscow had the impudence to demand 300 million dollars "damages"
from Finland when the Continuation War finished in September 1944.
The French historian Raymond Cartier has made an interesting study, comparing Hitler's armaments to the equipment, which the United States sent to Stalin. Germany, in its attack against the Soviet Union, used 1280 aeroplanes, 3330 armoured vehicles and 600 000 cars. In comparison, the United States sent the following to the Soviet Union during the nine month period from the 1st of October 1941 to June 1942: 1285 aeroplanes, 2249 armoured vehicles, 81 289 automatic weapons, 30 million kilograms of explosives, 36 825 cars, 56 445 field telephones and other equipment.
During the entire war, the United States sent a total of 376 000 vehicles (including 45 000 "Willis" jeeps and 29 000 motorcycles), 29 000 loco- motives, 12 536 tanks, 17 834 aeroplanes, 130 500 automatic weapons, 240 000 tons of explosives and ammunition, 13 200 revolvers, 2.5 million tons of petrol and other war materials.
Here I can mention that American cars made up two thirds of the Red Army's total supply, and that another 43 494 cars were sent from Great Britain. The Red Army received a total of 419 494 cars and other vehicles. Only 120 000 cars were produced in the Soviet Union between 1942 and 1944 - thus over three times less than they received from the West.
Neither did they have any trouble with uniforms, because the United States had 34 million uniforms, including the tsarist army shirts, sewn with Singer sewing machines. America also delivered 50 million metres of woollen cloth. The tank drivers wore American overalls. This information comes from Keesen's "Archiv der Gegenwart" (Part XV, 1945, p. 76) among other sources.
The Communists received a total of 17.8 million tons of goods worth
10.8 billion dollars from America. Of course, Moscow was unable to
repay more than a tiny part of this. In January 1951 the U.S.A. wanted 84
war-ships worth 800 million dollars returned but Stalin refused
It is obvious that Moscow would never have survived Hitler's attack
without American aid. As proof of this claim I will point to the fact that
the Soviet Union lacked heavy bombers. Only 79 of the Pe-8, the Soviet
Union's only four-engine aeroplane, were ever produced. 50 000 similar
aeroplanes were produced in Great Britain and the United States during
the same period. The Soviet bomber 11-4 was considered an inferior
Aid During the "Cold War"
The United States continued to build up the Soviet Union even during the
so-called cold war. The West continued to deal with the East militarily as
well as economically. Antony Sutton confirms that the build-up of the
Soviet steel industry was completed by Fretz-Moon, Aetna Standard,
Mannesman and other American companies. Two thirds of the Soviet
merchant navy, which in 1970 amounted to 6000 ships, were built outside
the Soviet Union. Four fifths of the marine engines were also built outside
the Soviet Empire. The rest were built with Western help.
Congress while appropriating billions for defence against Communism
has at the same time given over six billion dollars in direct military and
economic aid to the Communists.
Radar-equipped F-86 jet fighter planes worth over 300 000 dollars each
have been sold to the Communist dictator of Yugoslavia for 10 000
dollars. The Eisenhower Administration approved it. ("Report, U.S.
Foreign Assistance", U.S. Agency for Int. Dev., March 21, 1962.)
The entire Soviet automobile industry came from the West, primarily
from the United States. Moscow used 30 000 heavy transport vehicles to
move its missiles and other war materials, all of which were produced
with American aid.
Ford Motor Company built a gigantic lorry factory in Gorky (now
Nizhny Novgorod) in 1968.
Gleason, New Britain Machine Company and TRW of Cleveland in the United States delivered the equipment for Fiat's car industry in Togliatti. The Americans also built the world's largest lorry factory in Kama in the 1970s. Information about which companies besides Ford took part was classified by the State Department. 1200 foreigners worked with the installations of the factory, which had a full production capacity on 150 000 three-axled lorries and 250 000 diesel motors per year. As a result of the Soviet lack of skill, only 41 000 lorries were produced in the Kama factory up to 1978. The Kama company had great military significance. Other documents prove that Arthur Brandt Company of Detroit, Michigan, built the car factory ZIL. The Chase Manhattan Bank gave 192 million dollars for this project.
Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin confirmed at the end of 1965 that "the mechanisation was completed much too slowly". In some cases the delays amounted to four years or more. Over 100 000 building projects were unfinished as a result. Not even the United States could help the Soviet Union this time.
Only 676 000 tractors of the 2 762 200 in the Soviet Union between 1966 and 1974 worked properly. The others were quite inferior. (Charles Levinson, "Vodka-Cola", Essex, 1979, p. 127.) Only 30 per cent of 10 000 combine harvesters were actually delivered in 1964.
The Soviet T-54 tank is suspiciously similar to the American Christie tank. One might suspect the Communists of having stolen the model and copied it. It was actually simpler than that. The U.S. Wheel Track Layer Corporation produced the tanks for Moscow. During Gorbachev's time in power (1985-91) the Soviet Union produced twice as many tanks as the United States of America did during Reagan's presidency (1981-1988). 3300 tanks were produced in the Soviet Union in 1986, 3500 in 1987, and again in 1988. Thousands of other armoured vehicles were also produced in the Soviet Union during the same time. There were a total of 53 000 tanks in the Soviet empire. That, to put things in perspective, was three times more than NATO had.
In 1966 France gave a guarantee to finance the building of chemical industries for 3.5 billion francs. Moscow also received 1.5 billion francs to build the Renault car factory by the Kama River in 1971 and another 800 million francs for the building of a paper-mill. In 1988 the billionaire Armand Hammer invested six billion dollars in the building of chemical
factories in the Soviet Union. The Jewish capitalist Robert Maxwell,
drowned under mysterious circumstances in 1991, also had an intensive
co-operation with Moscow.
80 per cent of all the goods delivered to the Soviet Union were bought
on credit. (Charles Levinson, "Vodka-Cola", Essex, 1979, p. 26.) Many
intelligent Russians found it hard to understand why the Americans did
not put an end to Communism.
Meanwhile, the KGB in the Soviet Union and its satellite states had to
follow secret instructions to the effect that no one was permitted to
introduce any new inventions, which increased production. Those
instructions were revealed only in the summer of 1990.
Antony Sutton emphasised that the Russians would never have been
able to carry out their space program, Soyuz, without the help of the
United States. Thousands of captured German rocket experts were sent to
the Soviet Union and the first Russian sputnik was propelled into space by
German rockets, which had been further developed.
The Soviet Union's own contributions to space research were generally
just a big bluff, as the defected journalist Leonid Vladimirov proved quite
clearly. The Swedish daily Expressen revealed on the 21st of January
1985that high technology had been smuggled into the Soviet Union via
France, in spite of the American embargo against the Kremlin. This made
it possible to continue the co-operation in space. American presidents had
classified a pact of this nature with France. NASA was responsible for
smuggling modern electronic equipment into the Soviet Union.
The United States of America had 5000 computers at the end of the
1950s, while the Soviet Union only had 120. In 1973 the United States had
70 000 and the Soviet Union 6000 - the Soviet computers were all of the
first or second generation. The American computers could manage 2500
operations per second in the Second World War and 15 000 in the 1950s.
IBM and the British company International Computer and Tabulation Ltd.
began supplying the Soviet Union with their computers.
The activities of the Soviet research institutes and so-called letterbox
factories were strictly secret. In that way the Soviet Union concealed from
the public the fact that it was lagging behind in the field of technological
development and that some projects originated from abroad. Those in the
West who were interested could read in various books about what was
happening in these institutions.
The Soviet Union's military expenses amounted to 35 per cent of its GNP (compared to 5.5 per cent in the United States and 2.5 per cent in Sweden). The White House in Washington and Wall Street in New York continued to support the Soviet system despite officially condemning Moscow's invasion of Afghanistan. An agreement to develop Soviet agriculture was signed as late as the 18th of June 1985. Young American farmers were sent to the Soviet Union to train Russian kolkhoz functio- naries. Modern technology was also delivered. (The International Herald Tribune, 19th June 1985.) At the same time, Moscow sent aid to all the other Communist countries. Nicaragua alone received 294 million dollars during three years. Moscow sent 300 million dollars each month to support the Communist regime in Kabul.
The Dismantling of the Soviet Union
Only one conclusion can be drawn from all of this: the United States of
America could have ruined the Soviet Union whenever they wanted to.
They would only have needed to stop delivering modern equipmenl.
Washington continued. The United States could have defeated the Vietna
mese Communists easily. But they did not want to. On the contrary
modern American war equipment was delivered to the Viet Cong. And
more than 58 000 young American men were sacrificed. All this served
the purposes of the financial elite (and the United States had the
opportunity to experiment with various bacteriological and chemical
weapons). The financial elite wanted to keep the Vietnam War going at
any cost. It was a perfect cover for the profitable narcotics trade,
according to Dr Alfred W. McCoy.
Several American researchers, including Richard Pipes of Harvard,
have pointed out that the Americans only needed to stop sending their aid
to overthrow the Communists in Moscow. Antony Sutton emphasised in a
lecture to the leadership of the Republican Party that this efficient weapon
had, for some reason, never been used. If the aid had been withdrawn, they
would have saved millions of people from the most terrible suffering and
furthered the cause of democracy.
The aid to the Soviet Union and its satellite states was concealed in
many different ways, mostly by loans at incredibly low interest rates. It
was well-known that Moscow could not even afford to pay the interest on these loans. Repayment was not expected. In 1984 alone, the Soviet block receivcd loans totalling 50 billion dollars at the same time as modern technology was delivered free of charge. (Det Basta, October 1985.) In 1984 the Soviet Union owed the Western banks 136.7 billion dollars, including 28.7 billion owed to various private banks. (Svenska Dagbladet, 4th May 1985.) Despite this, "loans" amounting to 200 million dollars
were received from the First National Bank of Chicago while Morgan Guaranty, the Bankers Trust and the Irving Trust gave the Soviet Union another 200 million dollars at an especially low rate of interest. These loans were without securities and the borrower was supposed to have begun repaying them six years later. The borrower was allowed to use the money for anything whatever - as if the Soviet Union was the banks' best customer. The newly opened archives have revealed that Moscow made var illegal money transfers to Communist parties all around the world. Moreover, some goods were sold to the Soviet Union at a much lower price than on the world market. The Western taxpayers had to pay the difference. In this way the EEC "sold" 100 000 tons of butter to the Soviet Union for approximately 45 pfennigs per kilogram while the German consumer had to pay over 10 DM per kilogram (100 pfennigs = 1 DM). Another 100 000 tons of butter were later "sold" to the Soviet Union at the highcr price of 70 pfennigs per kilogram. Everything according to Expressen, 8th of August 1987.
In the years 1984-1986, the Soviet Union lost approximately 8 billion
dollars in yearly oil-profits (though the volume of exports was roughly the
same) as a result of the fall in price. This should be compared with the
nation's total exports, which amounted to 20-25 billion dollars. In 1989
the Soviet Union managed to scrape together only 18 billion dollars'
worth of exports (mainly consisting of oil, gold and weapons). A third of
the export capital in 1990 was spent on grain. Other goods also had to be
imported. The Soviet Union's imports paid for in Western currencies
increascd by 23 per cent in 1989 while its income of the same currencies
increased only by 7-8 per cent.
The satellite states and third world countries, in turn, owed the Soviet
Union 85 billion dollars, which they could not repay. The Soviet budget
deficit in 1989 was 100 billion roubles, making up 25 per cent of the bud- get. In the spring of 1990 the Soviet Union faced an acute currency crisis, 365
the annual growth rate had decreased to two per cent, the galloping inflation was at least 23 per cent and there was a shortage of all kinds of consumer goods. Strikes made the situation worse. Moscow received new loans amounting to 14 billion dollars from private banks in Germany, France, Italy, Japan and other countries at the end of 1990, according to the Moscow business newspaper Kommersant (November 26, 1990).
In spite of the very low prices, the Soviet Union came to owe many countries vast amounts of money for necessary commodities. Moscow owed the German banks 37.6 billion DEM by the end of 1991 (Svenska Dagbladet, 27th of November 1991). Various Japanese companies were owed a total of 200 million dollars by Moscow in 1996. The Soviet Union had outstanding debts for various goods from different Western companies, which amounted to almost 10 billion dollars in the spring of 1990.
The Soviet citizens were tired of nourishing their parasites. That was why they just pretended to work. The United States tried to keep the Soviet Union above water in all kinds of ways. Washington sent aid worth 15 billion dollars to the Soviet Union in 1991 (Moscow was not required to repay this). Wall Street calculated that Moscow would need loans of 30 billion dollars per year to cover its most vital needs. But they received only half of this.
Several Western companies helped to finance the Soviet propaganda on Moscow Central Television by advertising goods, which were virtually impossible to obtain in the Soviet Union. Intelligent people in the Soviet empire realised that the capitalists had no intention of allowing them to live a normal life, since they constantly sent more aid to the Soviet Union and thereby prolonged the suffering of its citizens.
Why was the Soviet Union finally made to fall? It became increasingly difficult for the United States to support the Soviet empire, as appeared from facts given in Dagens Nyheter on the 13th of July 1991. America did not have enough money to cover even its own expenses. The American government owed 4000 billion dollars to private banks in 1992. Meanwhile, the budget deficit in 1992 had increased to 285 billion dollars (Svenska Dagbladet, 30th of October 1992).
Voice of America declared in August 1987 that American banks were
then lending the Soviet Union and other Communist states at least 33
million dollars per day (1 billion per month). The Secretary of State,
Alexander Haig, complained: "We are lucky if we get back 25 cents for every dollar." German, British and French private banks alone pumped over 11 billion dollars into the Soviet Union during the first ten months of 1988. Voice of America proclaimed already in August 1988 that not even the entire tax revenue of the West could save the inefficient Soviet economy. The CIA had also systematically overestimated the survival power of the Soviet economy. It was stated that the CIA made serious errors in its analysis of the development of the Soviet Union, according to Svenska Dagbladet, 5th of November 1989.
There was only one way out - Russia had to change to a market
economy. Every future possibility of credit now became completely
dependent on this condition. This was also underlined in Budapest by the
important Jewish freemason Jacques Attali, director of the European Bank
of Reconstruction: "If any problems should arise with democracy, or if the
government is unable to continue its present policy, we will stop the aid
immediately." {Dagens Nyheter, 14th of April 1992.) Attali, a member of
B'nai B'rith, was regarded as a grey eminence behind the freemason
Francois Mitterand, then president of France.
Western banks made a plot to undermine the Soviet economy in the
beginning of 1991 in order to speed up the phasing-out of the Soviet
Union. They flooded the country with worthless roubles and thereby
caused hyperinflation with the intention of deposing Gorbachev. Prime
Minister Valentin Pavlov revealed this on the 13th of February 1991 in the
newspaper Trud. This huge flow of money into the Soviet Union had been
well prepared. Banks in Austria, Switzerland, Canada and Russia joined in
the operation. President Mikhail Gorbachev was disturbing the develop-
mcnt towards a market economy and so doing stood in the way of the
financial elite. The Soviet Union tried to protect itself by taking all 50 and
100 rouble notes out of circulation. This was proclaimed to the nation by
the news programme Vremya on Moscow Television at 9 PM on the 22nd
of January 1991. Ordinary people were permitted to exchange their old
currency for new, but only a sum equal to their monthly wage, not
exceeding 1000 roubles. The state collected 40 billion roubles' worth of
those notes out of a total of 48 billion. This is an example of how certain
forces can provide for themselves when empires break up.
The public never got to know about another, still more decisive, secret
manoeuvre performed by the financial circles to dismantle the Soviet
Union. In 1991, between 14 and 19 billion dollars in foreign currency were taken out of the Soviet Union. As a result, production sank drastically. (Noam Chomsky, "You Cannot Murder History", Gothenburg, 1995, p. 511.) This action immediately ruined the Soviet Union, since 79 per cent of the workforce worked, in one way or another, in the war industry, which constantly needed foreign currency.
Even the Tsar's wines were sold at various auctions in the 1980s. 13 000 bottles of Massandra wine, as well as 62 other bottles which had belonged to the cabinet office, were sold at Sotheby's in London in March 1990. These bottles of wine were worth nearly a million dollars. They fetched a price of 280 dollars per bottle in 1987. The gold and diamond supply had also been significantly reduced in order to pay running bills already in the 1980s.
President George Bush informed Mikhail Gorbachev on 27 May 1991 that 150 million dollars had been transferred to the latter's bank account in Switzerland. Gorbachev used to call President Bush "my friend George". All this is evident from an interview with the KGB general N. Leontiev. The interview was published in Komsomolskaya Pravda on 26 December 1995. Gorbachev had forbidden his telephone conversations with Bush to be tapped. The KGB tapped and recorded all the conversations anyway.
The Soviet leaders made a secret pact with the United States after the collapse of the Soviet Empire, according to which the most important pieces of art in the country were to be transported to the United States. Russia received tractors and grain in return. These lines can be read in the pact: "This contract is secret. Art experts do not know about it. If they got to know about it, they would become hysterical. This is why it is important to keep it secret." TASS still managed to obtain a copy of the contract in New York. This art for wheat deal was made on the 29th of October 1991, after the breakdown of the Soviet Union! This was one of Gorbachev's last crimes against the Russian people before his resignation in December. His previous crimes are exposed in my book "Bakom Gorbatjovs kulisser" / "Behind Gorbachev's Scenes" (Stockholm, 1987).
Soon after this, President Bush sent aid money for food in the form of a loan of 1.5 billion dollars to the Soviet Republics (except for the Baltic states, which had become independent) which was to be repaid {Expressen, 19th of November 1991.) At the same time he demanded that Gorbachev should use violence if necessary. On the 8th of July 1992 in
Munich, George Bush said: "There is not enough money in the whole world to save Russia. Now the Russians have to start working too." (Swedish TV-Aktuellt, 8th of July 1992.) Being a member of the influential Trilateral Commission, Bush of course knew what he was speaking about.
The Phasing Out of Communism in Eastern Europe
The KGB made some important contributions to the demolition of the
Communist dictatorships in Moscow's satellite states. The KGB quite
simply helped to overthrow the totalitarian regimes in East Germany
(Erich Honecker later stated that there had been a plot to depose him),
Czechoslovakia, Poland and Romania. Sweden's television has even
shown documentaries where various representatives of the former Soviet
regime confirmed that a conspiracy of this kind was controlled from
Moscow. That was why it was so easy to breach the Berlin wall.
It was the Jew Kurt Goldstein who conceived the idea of building such
a wall. The Jewish Party chief at the time, Walter Ulbricht, immediately
approved the idea. This was revealed in Der Spiegel (No 16, 1991). That
evil plan was realised on the 15th and 16th of August 1961. I can mention
here that the relatives of those who were shot trying to cross the wall had
to pay for the bullets.
The democratic president of Czechoslovakia, Vaclav Havel, who is a
freemason, also confirmed that the KGB had made preparations for a coup
d'etat to depose the Communist leader Milos Jakes. Not everything went
according to their plans, but the preparations of the KGB led directly to
the so-called velvet revolution, which swept the Communists from power
and brought Vaclav Havel to the fore. The KGB presidential candidate
Zdenek Mlynar, who lived in Vienna and was Gorbachev's boyhood
friend, refused to take part in the coup. (Dagens Nyheter, the article "KGB
planerade kupp mot Jakes" / "The KGB Planned a Coup Against Jakes",
31st of May 1990.)
It was stated in the BBC documentary "Czech-mate Inside the Revo-
lution" that the KGB recruited people to provoke trouble among the
students in order to depose Jakes on the 17th of November 1989. The
chief of the secret police, Alois Lorenz, had received precise instructions
from Viktor Grushko, the vice-chief of the KGB, who had arrived from Moscow. Rumours were to be spread about a student who had supposedly been killed in a clash with the police. The agent Ludek Zivcak was given the task of pretending to get killed. An ambulance was immediately sent to take away the "body". This operation (wedge) was only partially successful. Jakes was deposed but the KGB agents could not silence the demands of the students afterwards.
The KGB also helped to liquidate Communism in Poland. Several political observers revealed this. After this it was time to overthrow tin- hard-line Communist regime in Romania. In July 1994, the new Romanian Security Service, RIS, released a report about the hitherto concealed circumstances surrounding the deposition of the dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. RIS referred to secret agreements between Bush and Gorba- chev. About 1000 Soviet cars suddenly began arriving every da\ beginning on the 9th of December 1989 (only 80 cars had previously passed the border every day). In each car were two or three "tourists" well-built men between 25 and 40 years old.
Voice of America had earlier revealed how coded messages to the conspirators had been printed in the Romanian press. RIS asserted that agitators suddenly began turning up before the 21st of December 1989. They handed out drugs, which made people brave enough to challenge tin- tanks. The Soviet "tourists" (actually KGB officers) also took part in the clashes near the town of Craiova (Hommikuleht, 19th of July 1994, p. 7). Romania was the only nation in the Eastern block to have a bloody anti- Communist "revolution". It claimed thousands of lives. The dictator Nicolae Ceausescu perceived the conspiracy behind the events already at an early stage and tried to speak of the foreign involvement on television He was eventually arrested whereupon the victors decided to quickly execute him and his wife, which they did on the 25th of December 1989. The government power was taken over by the KGB agent Ion Iliescu, who immediately began to "democratise" Romania.
To overthrow all the Eastern European regimes which refused to give in was also important to Moscow who needed to persuade their own old hard-line Communists to take a new direction. The United States of America was behind everything, as a Soviet representative hinted to the news agency Reuters in November 1989. {Dagens Nyheter, 30th of November 1989.)
It was also the United States of America that incited the Soviet Union to crush the rebellions in Eastern Europe in 1956 and 1968, since the interests of the lofty financial circles demanded it. The Swedish red writer Jan Myrdal revealed in the periodical Folket i Bild (No. 20, 1979, p. 31) that "the American State Department, through Swedish diplomats, before the invasion in 1956, asked the Soviet Union to re-establish order in Hun- gary". Before the 4th of November 1956, the State Department sent an explanatory telegram to the Communist leadership in Moscow, in which it was made clear that the American government does not look with favour upon governments unfriendly to the Soviet Union on the border of the Soviet Union. ("Congressional Records", 31 st of August 1960, p. 17 407.) Several Hungarian historians admit that the U.S. government wanted to put down the Hungarian anti-Communist revolt. The American propa- ganda also claimed that Hungarians began murdering Jewish Communists and that it was therefore time to intervene. That was a false statement, however. Not even the Jewish executioners within the Communist security service were killed. In fact, not even the hated Jewish chief of the security police, Gabor Peter (actually Benjamin Ausspitz), suffered that fate.
Voice of America, meanwhile, encouraged the Hungarians to revolt.
They were convinced that the United States would come to their aid. This
was a mere play for the gallery, like Allen Dulles's speech about liberating
Hungary from Communism. The United States calmly watched when
Moscow violently and cruelly put down the revolt. 1945 people were
killed in Budapest and a further 557 were shot in the province. 20 000
people were injured. {Dagens Nyheter, 1st of December 1990.) Moscow
used 1500 tanks and 150 000 infantry troops. 200 000 people fled from
Hungary. 40 000 were arrested.
In contrast, both the United States and Moscow condemned British and
French aggression during the Suez crisis in the autumn of the same year.
Washington also gave the Kremlin the green light before they marched
into Czechoslovakia. Zdenek Mlynar, who was a member of the Commu-
nist Party's Politburo in Czechoslovakia in 1968, revealed after his escape
to the West that Leonid Brezhnev had told the leaders in Prague at the end
of August 1968 that the American President Lyndon Johnson had assured
the Soviet Union that the United States of America would not interfere
with the Soviet aggression in Czechoslovakia. (Zdenek Mlynar, "Nacht-
frost" / "Night-frost", Cologne/ Frankfurt am Main, 1978, p. 301.)
The United States refused to give the go-ahead when the Soviet Union wanted to attack China in 1969. (Mikhail Heller and Alexander Nekrich, "Utopia in Power", London, 1986, p. 713.) Moscow had to shelve its plans to attack China. But it was quite all right to occupy Kabul in 1979.
The United States also helped to put down the anti-Communist popular movement Solidarity in Poland. The Swedish journalist Ulf Nilson told Expressen the following on July 24, 1989: "The man whom the American president valued most highly - and helped the most - was the ex-dictator Jaruzelski. Without Bush's help, the man who prohibited Solidarity would not have been elected president, but the United States sided with, paradoxically, the Communists."
The CIA headquarters made sure that the operation with 1200 men in the Bay of Pigs at the beginning of April 1961 was foiled. The invisible hand in this case was not at all interested in deposing the freemason and Marrano Fidel Castro, whom it had itself helped into power. Guess who paid for his equipment, food bills and weapons in the Mexican training camps! The historian Jean Boyer stressed that Castro's money and weapons did not come from Moscow but from the United States. It was the freemason Eisenhower who helped Castro to power. The military aid to Cuba was later sent via the Soviet Union. So we need not be surprised at the fact that 5000 Cuban soldiers were used to protect the American and French oil companies in the Cabinda area of Angola when UNITA guerilla forces attacked foreign oil plants. {The Economist, Contra No. 5/1988.)
The United States ceased supporting President Anastasio Somoza in Nicaragua and began secretly helping the Marxist Sandinistas instead. (Svenska Dagbladet, 21 July, 1989.) President James Carter cut off all military assistance to Nicaragua and prohibited sales of military hardware to the country. The Carter administration successfully closed all markets where Nicaragua could purchase arms and ammunition. The International Monetary Fund twice blocked badly needed standby credit for Nicaragua The White House successfully pressured all shipping companies to boycott Nicaragua so that the coffee crop could not be exported. The U.S. Department of Agriculture gave arbitrary instructions to beef inspectors to stop Nicaraguan beef exports to the United States. Public support was given to the Sandinista Communist movement. The White House chose to let the Marxists take over Nicaragua. (Anastasio Somoza and Jack Cox, "Nicaragua Betrayed", Belmont, 1980.)
According to the official version of history, the CIA's aid to the
Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army
invaded Afghanistan, on December 24, 1979. But this is not correct. On
July 3, 1979, President Jimmy Carter secretly signed the first directive for
secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet government in Kabul.
Zbigniew Brezinski, National security Adviser in the Carter Administra-
tion, wrote a note to the president in which he explained to him that this
aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention against Afghanistan.
(Le Nouvel Observateur, interview with Zbigniew Brezinski, January 15-
21, 1998.) Carter wanted to provoke a war in Afghanistan.
As if this was not enough, the CIA even helped the KGB to persecute
and expose critics of the regime. The Soviet propaganda poet and
freemason Yevgeni Yevtushenko (actually Gangsnus) in the periodical
Ogonyok claimed this on the 6th of December 1988. Senator Robert
Kennedy admitted during a conversation with him in 1966 that it was the
CIA exposed the regime critics Yuli Daniel and Andrei Sinyavsky,
who were soon put on trial.
The United States Also Helped the Chinese Communists Gain Power
The stablishment of Communism in China was also supported by the
Americans through Moscow or sometimes even directly. As early as in the
1920s, highly placed Jewish functionaries were visiting China to introduce
Communism into certain areas. Among those "advisers" were Adolf
Yoffe, Michael Borodin (real name: Jakob Grusenberg, founder of the
Communist Party in Mexico in 1919), Bela Kun, Enrique Fischer (actually
Heinz Neumann) and Vasili Bluecher (Galen-Chesin), who became
responsible for gruesome atrocities against the Chinese people. Another
Soviet Jew, Anatoli Gekker, who had been the veiled power behind the
puppet Communist leaders Damdin Sukhkhe-Bator (1893-1923) and
Khorlogin Choibalsan (1895-1952) in Mongolia in 1922, became political
commissar for the Communist regions of China in 1924. Communism was
introduced into Mongolia in 1921. Two Jews from Russia, V. Levichev
and Yan Gamarnik, led the Chinese Red Army. An English Jew named
Billmeier saw to it that the Chinese Reds were armed with Soviet
The Chinese Marxist Sun Yatsen (Sun Yixian) was an eminent freema- son. Even Chiang Kaishek (Jiang Jieshi) co-operated with the Communists in the beginning. He was a 33rd degree freemason (of the Scottish rite) who later broke away from the Communists and became the leader of bourgeois China.
The United States demanded of the Japanese to stop fighting the Chinese Communists between 1937 and 1945. The American government betrayed Chiang Kaishek's anti-Communist front in the autumn of 1948. General George C. Marshall (1880-1959), then secretary of state, demanded that Chiang Kaishek allow the Communists into his govern- ment. Marshall had been President Truman's special envoy in China from 1945 to 1947. He asserted that the Communists were good people but Chiang Kaishek refused to comply. This refusal was all the Americans needed and Chiang Kaishek was left without help. Instead, the support for Mao Zedong increased (the aid to the Chinese Communists went via Moscow). On the 31st of January 1949, Communists in American tanks rolled into Beijing and on the 31st of October, the People's Republic of China was officially proclaimed. The civil war ended after having claimed 20 million lives. In the following year the United States claimed that Mao Zedong had distanced himself from dictatorship and sought to introduce democracy. Of course this was a lie, but they needed to show a good picture of the Chinese Communists.
This was planned as early as the Potsdam Conference in the summer of 1945, according to Gary Allen. Understandably, USA wished to conceal its role in this process. This was confirmed by the representative of the State Department, Owen Lattimore: "The problem was how to allow them [China] to fall without making it look as if the United States had pushed them."
China is now an environmental disaster area. The most infamous area of industrial pollution in Russia and Eastern Europe seem like nature reserves by comparison. There are towns like Benxi (perhaps the world's dirtiest town) where 25-year-old Chinese die of cancer. (Dagens Nyhetcr, 9th of January 1994.)
Mao Zedong had several Jewish advisers behind him. One of these was the British Jew Sidney Rittenberg who worked for Mao from 1946 to 1976. They were called "voluntary advisers". Thanks to such advice, Mao murdered 46 000 well-educated people in his campaign against intel-
lectuals in 1957. The number of such victims was later to rise. 43 million people died of starvation during a three year period in connection with the "Great Leap Forward". Another two million were murdered. The agri- cultural "reforms" had earlier killed 1.5 million landowners. During the cultural revolution, the Red Guards persecuted 100 million people, approximately half of which are believed to have died. It is known that at least 400 000 were murdered. No one knows the exact figures - the real figures may well be twice as high.
90 000 people were reported to have been massacred in Guangxi alone,
according to incomplete statistics. (Dagens Nyheter, 17th of August
1992.) At the same time, an epidemic of cannibalism swept across
Wuxuan. Its most extreme forms were "cannibal banquets": meat, liver,
heart, kidneys, thighs, shins... boiled, fried, roasted. At the "highest" point
of this epidemic, human meat was even prepared in the dining rooms of
the revolutionary committee for the town of Wuxuan. (Dagens Nyheter,
17th of August 1992.)
Zheng Yi, a Beijing Red Guard, related the following in an interview
for a BBC documentary about Mao Zedong in 1993: "In the beginning
people murdered one another because of their political convictions. Then
they began to eat people. Just killing them wasn't enough. Only by eating
the flesh of their enemies could they show their class-consciousness. You
would torture someone first, then cut up their stomach while they were still
alive. Like at the slaughter of a pig, you would cut out the heart and liver,
chop them up and eat them."
Zheng Yi later became a dissident and succeeded in photographing
some secret documents concerning Communist crimes in China. At least
137 people and probably hundreds more were eaten, according to secret
documents about cannibalism among the Red Guards in the Guangxi
province at the end of the 1980s. (Dagens Nyheter, 8th January 1993.)
Approximately 30 million people are assumed to have been killed
during the first ten years up to 1959. The bloody terror began in Beijing on
the 24th of March 1951 and spread to other major cities. In 1960 alone,
morc people were killed in China than during the entire Sino-Japanese
War. Professor Richard L. Walker at the University of South Carolina
estimated the casualties of Chinese Communism up to 1971 to be 62.5
million at the least. In July 1994, after the release of new, shocking
documents, Chen Yizi at Princeton University told the Washington Post
that the total number of Chinese killed during the Communist terror was at least 80 million. (Dagens Nyheter, 19th of July 1994, A 9.) It came to light later that the number of victims to Communism in China was 140 million. (Hufvudstadsbladet, Helsinki, 23 December 1997.) The United States of America is also responsible for those lives.
The wealthy Jewish banker and Illuminatus, David Rockefeller, described Chairman Mao's terror regime as "one of the most important and successful in human history". He believed that it had succeeded in fostering high moral and common purpose in China. (The New York Times, 10th of August, 1973, Gary Allen, "The Rockefeller File".)
After the massacre in Tienanmen Square in 1989, when Washington imposed official sanctions against Beijing, American companies continued to sell their products in China as if nothing had happened. The sanctions were not observed; they were just a play to the gallery. (Dagens Nyheter, 13th of December 1989.) Israel has also given China military and economic aid.
The United States helped Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot's terrorists in Cambodia, Saddam Hussein (who, with this help, murdered at least 300 000 Arabs living in the oil-rich marshes between the Tigris and Euphrates in March 1991) and other political terrorists. But that is another story...
The difference in living standards between the Soviet Union and its
neighbouring states (above all Finland and the Baltic states Estonia, Latvia
and Lithuania, which had been spared from Bolshevism) was all too
obvious and in order to even out this difference, Moscow made prepa-
rations to incorporate those states in the Soviet Empire. The international
financial elite gave Stalin a free hand to act. The Baltic states were to have
been the Soviet Union's base for its planned attack against Germany. (Carl
O. Nordling, "Defence or Imperialism? An Aspect of Stalin's Military and
Foreign Policy", Uppsala, 1984.)
The extremist Jews of course played the key role in this action. A
certain part of the Jewish population (the initiated) in the Baltic states had
been prepared for the take-over for a long time. In Moscow, the
preparations were finished as early as in 1937, when the Kremlin had the
first maps of the Baltic states printed with the names "Latvian SSR" and
"Estonian SSR". Phrase books in the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian
languages were printed for the Soviet soldiers in 1940 (just before the
The preparations also included plans for the deportation of Baltic citi-
zens. Information about this was immediately spread to the international
Zionist organisations. Vladimir Jabotinsky (born in Odessa 1880, died in
1940), a well-known Zionist activist who also founded the terror organi-
sation Warriors of Zion, wrote a letter to one of the leading Zionist
functionaries in the United States on the 2nd of November 1939. The letter
dealt with the treatment of the Palestinians, whom the Zionists wanted to
deport from Palestine. There was one very remarkable sentence in the
letter concerning plans for a future deportation of the Palestinians: "If it
was possible to transfer the Baltic peoples, it is also possible to move
the Palestinian Arabs."
Jabotinsky's letter is preserved in the Israeli National Archives. (The
Washington Post, 7th of February 1988.) The letter was quoted and
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