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An American Affidavit

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

CHAPTER NINE HOW YOU ROB A REALLY BIG BANK: Fruit from a Poisonous Tree by Mel Stamper





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My research uncovered the following information that was never intended by the government to be revealed, ever! What you are about to discover will shock and anger the average hard working, tax paying American. I know it did me!

The law requires that the Secretary of the Treasury submit to Congress a report on the amount and value of gold held in the vaults at Fort Knox each year. Yet, the Secretary has issued no report in the last twenty- five years. No person has been allowed to view the contents of the vaults at Fort Knox. And no audit of the gold supplies belonging to the United States Treasury can be found for at least the last twenty-five years.

The government is covering up the fact that Fort Knox has been systematically looted.

In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt penned executive orders that confiscated all privately held gold and that did so without compensation. The American people were forced to exchange their gold for valueless Federal Reserve Notes. The rate of exchange fixed by the government was about 40% below the market price. The total loss to the American economy was approximately $5 billion. All gold exchanged was added to the supply in the vaults at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Records show that the total gold supply in the vaults in 1935 was worth about $28 billion, or $350 billion in today’s market.

World in debt to U.S.

Between 1935 and 1956 most of the nations of the world became indebted to the United States. Most of the indebtedness was incurred when the U.S. furnished aid to its allies during World Wars I and II. Debts between nations have been traditionally satisfied by payment in gold. Thus our gold supplies should have escalated exponentially. A few nations did make payments on their debt and one or two may have even paid the entire amount. Most, however, delayed payment, and eventually the United States Congress forgave their debt. In any event by 1956, our gold supplies should have been far in excess of $940 billion, but even if they were not, where is the $80 billion that should have been there?

U.S. News and World Report published the following in an article dated February 24, 1956:

“U.S. could get into a ‘tight’ gold supply position, if the countries were to decide to withdraw the gold reserves on which they hold claims. In 1953, our gold reserve was $23.3 Billions; in 1956 it is down to $21.8 Billions; but other nations hold claim against our gold totaling $13.8 billions; so in an emergency, available for our need is a gold reserve of only $8 billions; whereas we need $12 billions of gold reserve, to backup our currency.”

How could this be when most of the nations in the world owed the United States billions of dollars? How could there have ever been a claim against our gold, $13.8 billions over the gold owed the U.S., by the allied nations and the defeated Germany and Japan? Is the U.S. government covering up the theft of U.S. gold by misinforming the public?

Let’s support Communism

The answer can be found in a book entitled From Major Jordan’s Diaries, by George Racey Jordan. There are several other sources which all agree upon basic facts. Major Jordan recounts in his diary that during a farewell talk with Russian Colonel Kotikov he was told that a “money plane” had crashed in Siberia and had to be replaced. Kotikov explained that the U.S. Treasury was shipping engraving plates, ink, paper, and other materials to Russia so that they could print the same occupation money for Germans as the United States was printing.

Colonel Kotikov insisted the equipment had been shipped through Great Falls, Montana, in May of 1944 in two shipments in five C-47s each. The shipments had been arranged on the highest level in Washington and the planes had been loaded at the Washington National Airport.

Years later a Senate investigation into the scandal found and confirmed the fact that in spite of widespread protests and warnings, Harry Hopkins, Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, U.S. Ambassador to Russia Averell Harriman and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Harry Dexter White were able to exert enough pressure to see that Russia got the plates. Later White was exposed as a Russian agent.

Occupation Money Printed in Leipzig, Germany

Official records show that the photographic plates and all the materials necessary for making high quality plates and high quality reproductions were shipped from Washington, D.C., on May 24, 1944. A second shipment to

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replace the equipment “lost” in the alleged crash was sent on June 7, 1944. The Red army set up shop in a former Nazi printing plant in Leipzig and started the presses rolling and rolling and rolling.

The Russians insisted upon printing the occupation currency in their own territory where there could be no accountability. They knew that the U.S. Army would convert such currency into dollars. As a result every Russian printed occupation Mark that fell into the hands of an American soldier or accredited civilian became a potential charge against the Treasury of the United States. The Russians paid their own occupation forces with these Marks, adding a two-year bonus for good measure.

The American taxpayer footed the bill. By using the occupation currency which cost them nothing, the Russians snapped up anything of value left in the German economy. When they could get purchases out of America, that was even better. By December 1946, the U.S. Military government found itself $250,000,000 or more in the red. It had redeemed in dollars at least 2,500,000,000 Marks in excess of the total Marks issued by its Finance Office. The deficit could have had no other origin than the Russian plant in Leipzig, Germany.

Harry Dexter White, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, conspired with the Russians to give them the plates, ink, paper, formulas, and the correct serial numbers needed for Russia to print U.S. currency that could be redeemed in gold. This could not have been done without the full knowledge and approval of Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau.

Morgenthau and White then traitorously sent five planeloads of money plates, paper and ink to Russia for the printing of $5,000 and $10,000 Federal Reserve Notes, which could be redeemed in gold. It is the responsibility of the Federal Reserve System to secure the plates. When I asked the Treasury Department to advise me of the whereabouts of those plates they replied, “We do not know.”

The United States Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve are very sensitive, even threatening, on this issue. This information proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that Senator Joseph McCarthy was absolutely right about the infiltration and takeover of the United States government by communist agents.

When these bills printed in Russia were spent into circulation in foreign countries or used in trade, the result was an equivalent value of gold directly transferred from Fort Knox to an overseas destination. Over a period of years, the Treasury was emptied of its gold. The bills that reached the Federal Reserve or the Treasury Department were destroyed. The bills that fell into the hands of the American public and eventually the vaults of collectors have revealed the greatest gold theft in the history of the world.

Serial Numbers Tell the Tale

The proof may be found in the statistics of the U.S. Treasury. Check the Woods-Mellon, large letter in seal, denoting bank of issue, $5,000 Federal Reserve Notes, Series 1928. The record shows that for the Federal Reserve Bank in Boston, only 960 were printed, with the first note delivered on November 19th, 1929, and the last note delivered on July 26th, 1933. Mysteriously in 1977, the record shows that there are 1,320 of these notes known to exist. The record shows the same notes were printed at the Federal Reserve Bank in San Francisco in the number of 1,224 with the first note delivered on November 19th, 1929, and the last note delivered on July 23rd, 1930. Mysteriously in 1977 the record shows that there are 51,300 notes known to exist.

If you check the Julian-Morgenthau letter in seal, $10,000 Federal Reserve Notes, Series 1934, the record shows that the five Federal Reserve Banks in Cleveland, Richmond, Atlanta, Kansas City, and Dallas were never issued plates for these notes. No notes were printed and none were delivered. Mysteriously in 1977 the record shows that 1,480 exist from Cleveland, 1,200 exist from Richmond, 2,400 exist from Atlanta, 1,200 exist from Kansas City, and 1,200 exist from Dallas.

I have included the documentation the Treasury does not want you to see. Compare for yourself the number of notes authorized and the number of notes that were actually printed and redeemed in gold. Then you tell me whether the International Bankers and the Russians robbed Fort Knox in their plan to enslave the American people.

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Federal Reserve Bank Boston

New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago

St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas

San Francisco

Number of Notes Authorized 960

2,400 None 2,400 3,192 1,032 4,440 None None 480 240 1,224

Federal Reserve Bank Boston

New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago

St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas

San Francisco

Number of Notes Authorized 3,600

7,800 600 None None None 3,600 1,200 None None None 1,800




Mel Stamper 􏰀 167

Federal Reserve Bank Boston

New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago

St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas

San Francisco

Number of Notes Printed 1,320

No Record 3,000 3,984 1,440 3,480
No Record No Record 720
360 51,300

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Federal Reserve Bank

New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago
St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas
San Francisco

Number of Notes Printed

9,720 11,520 6,000 1,480 1,200 2,400 3,840 2,040
No Record 1,200 1,200 3,600

1938 Law Used to Hide Theft of Gold


I believe this Public Law was used to hide the statistics that would have revealed the transactions of foreign countries or corporations, including banks, which redeemed the notes for gold. The fact that this law was passed years before the transfer of printing technology to the Russians is of little significance, as the plans for the destruction of America’s monetary system have been long in existence, at least since 1910, as evidenced by the banking collapse of 1933. Public Laws §11-13 Jan. 27, 29, 1938, Feb. 3, 1938 (52 §.]) (Chapter 11)

The money that was printed in Russia and laundered through the U.S. Army and the international banking circles was used to purchase technology. It funded the communist agenda in third world nations, financed wars of liberation, and promoted the cause of international socialism. This drained the U.S. Gold reserves, weakened the United States of America, and placed you and your future generations into perpetual bankruptcy and servitude.

Mel Stamper 􏰀 169 We Financed Soviet Weapons

William Casey was Director of the Central Intelligence Agency during Iran-Contra. He was the head of AID, an Agency of the United Nations. He and the Federal Reserve Bank funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to the Soviet Union. The money being spent financed the Kama River Truck Factory, the largest military production facility for tanks, trucks, armored personnel carriers, and other wheeled vehicles in the world. The Kama River factory has a production capability larger than all combined automobile and truck manufacturing plants in the United States.

IRS/AID Service Agreement

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The agreement states:

“Authority is hereby delegated to the Assistant Commissioner International to develop and enter into the service agreement between the Treasury Department and the Agency for International Development.”

The Secretary of the Treasury is always appointed U.S. Governor of the International Monetary Fund in accordance with the international Bretton Woods agreement that created the IMF. The IMF pays the Secretary of the Treasury while serving as Governor, not the United States Treasury.

Agent of Foreign Powers

The Secretary of the Treasury holds the following positions, and at the same time he serves as the Secretary of the Treasury:

  • U.S. Governor of the International Monetary Fund

  • U.S. Governor of the International Bank for Reconstruction and


  • U.S. Governor of the Inter-American Development Bank

  • U.S. Governor of the African Development Bank

  • U.S. Governor of the Asian Development Bank

  • U.S. Governor of the African Development Fund

  • U.S. Governor of the European Bank for Reconstruction and


The Secretary of the Treasury received a salary from each of these

organizations, which literally makes him an unregistered agent of several foreign powers, as are any personnel that serve under him. This includes the Internal Revenue Service.


Those whom we trusted have betrayed the American people. We have been robbed of our dignity, our money, property, our freedom and life. By choice and consent it happened, because we trusted imperfect men to rule imperfect men and we failed in our duty as watchdog. It happened because we have been intellectually lazy, ignorant, apathetic, and mostly stupid; you choose your own adjective.

The following chapter demonstrates the enormous fraud foisted upon us without our detecting it. There must have been a perpetual fog of ignorance embracing the entire country during the early 1900s.

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