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An American Affidavit

Thursday, January 18, 2024

A personal message from Jon Rappoport


A personal message from Jon Rappoport

Dear Reader,

This one has been a long time coming.

I offer it to writers everywhere, and to lawyers and judges.

And to you. Especially you.

Sooner or later, every writer collides with the concept of JUSTICE. He can’t avoid it. Nor should he.

He is arguing a case. A case on behalf of a “client”—which may be all citizens. Or one person.

Writers are many things. For instance, they’re lawyers. In their souls.

The writer will argue that his “client” is being railroaded, because the letter and spirit of the law aren’t being honestly applied. Or the law itself is unjust and must be changed.

I’ve made many such arguments over the years concerning medical issues. For example, doctors are routinely prescribing approved but highly dangerous and destructive drugs to their unwitting patients.

In these cases, the “prosecution” is claiming government approval of the drugs adds up to “safe and effective,” and the doctors and pharmaceutical companies should be exempt from criminal consequences.

I’m arguing the doctors and pharmaceutical executives should be sent to prison.

Writers, as they describe what justice is or should be, are making their cases out in the open, away from courtrooms. They intend to impose an influence on the law. And on society. And on readers. And on the public. And on the future. And on our chances of survival.

This approach poses a number of problems for the writer. Over decades, I’ve watched them suffer the effects of working pro bono. As lawyers, they have no paying client.

A publisher could be that client—but the landscape has changed in recent years. The literary industrial complex, as I call it, is collapsing.

It was always a tight squeeze for the writer, but now publishers and reviewers and critics and publicists are facing the Internet, which is training generations of audiences to believe all information should be free—freely offered by writers, and freely received by readers.

So the dedicated writer, who is arguing his case for justice, is doing it for nothing, for no pay.

He isn’t doing this occasionally. He’s doing it over and over, on and on.

This situation is untenable. The writer is going to be squeezed into a level far lower than the lowest public defender.

As he keeps arguing for justice, in the most insightful and influential way he can, he is going to see ever-diminishing returns.

This is NOT the “eternal problem” of the struggling writer. This is much worse. This is a sweeping cultural trend that demands the writer give away his work for nothing.

No one in his right mind would take a job in a company that demanded he work for nothing.

Here is what has happened: the vast Internet has provided readers with an array of material they’ve never been able to access before. The scope and range are astonishing. But at the same time, the people who are providing all this material—the writers—are being told to act as if they are a charitable foundation—backed by zero donations.

And, again, what are these writers, at their best, doing? They’re carrying on a tradition that goes back at least as far as Socrates and Plato: describing, defining, characterizing the Ideal without which all civilizations fall:


Unless readers are willing to support writers, that whole effort on behalf of justice is going to fade, and the writers are going to sink into oblivion.

Already we’re witnessing the use of AI to stand in for and take the place of INDIVIDUAL writers. And what does AI offer? A pretense of objectivity, which is really programmed ill-intent on behalf of the unjust powers-that-be.

We’re also seeing writers, who work for online publications, slant their stories to attract clicks. Their bosses demand and need those clicks to satisfy advertisers, who are keeping these websites alive.

In my career, I’ve seen something else. The spread of truth, which defends justice and clarifies what justice is and wakes people up to actual, not fake, justice.

I’ve seen writers—including myself—exert an influence on people far and wide who come to realize what lies below the surface of phony justice: manipulation of knowledge and consciousness.

Manipulation of the letter and spirit of the Constitution.

Implicit in that Constitution is the construction of an economy, in which a person can seek and gain reward for his work.

Not because the government provides the reward (which is ultimately tyranny), but because the free market provides it. People provide it. Willingly.

That’s why, a year and half ago, I started this Substack. Because it and similar models DO set up a simple proposition: readers are willing to pay a small price for writing. For writing that goes beyond dancing and prancing and posturing for clicks.

For example, writing that attacks the subject of JUSTICE from many angles and perspectives, and in many situations.

Writing that explodes lies and elevates the Ideal of Justice.

Writing that reveals traps people are unwittingly walking into.

My move to Substack was for the purpose of sustaining my work and obtaining reward for it. Based on the simple formula of VALUE ECXHANGED FOR VALUE.

That is my personal economic position. I offer value, and people who accept it pay a small price for it.

My personal economics are part of a concept of JUSTICE.

This country and many countries are going right down the drain because they’re abandoning free economies for government control.

That control looks like largesse, looks like a gift, but it really isn’t. It’s an elite taking over.

And if it succeeds, EVERYBODY will be a beggar shaking a can on a street corner. That’s a promise you can take to the bank—where all your funds will be government supplied. And held. And released to you, on the condition that you pledge allegiance to the government in every way, no matter what.

As you know, because you’ve been reading my work, I champion meritocracy. People earn their own way, in a free market.

Without that element, justice itself is a beggar on the street corner. Justice becomes a plea, not a right. Justice becomes a victim and an addict looking for his fix.

And freedom is gone.

Life as we know it is gone.

When I wrote several hundred articles taking COVID apart, from top to bottom, I was also always talking about JUSTICE. As it should be applied. As it should exist, beyond any elite effort to destroy it.

So I’m a writer who is often a “lawyer.” But a lawyer who is always arguing what the law should be.

I’m not constrained by the need to wheedle and cut corners and turn the law to my advantage for the sake of a criminal client.

In these strange times, I’m arguing for the right of every dedicated writer to earn a living. I’m moving against the tide of sentiment that says: the writer has to donate his time and well-being for nothing.

And I’m arguing for that right for myself, too. Strictly on the basis of merit. Value for value.

I argue for that right for you, too. You offer something of value in your work, and you’re paid for it.

The free market.

Try applying the Constitution without it, and see how far you get.

The world is being subjected to a massive mind control program, wherein no one is supposed to defend or work in a free market.

That’s Injustice personified.

That takes away a basic spirit of life.

—So subscribe to my Substack. A yearly subscription costs $1.15 a week, and, yearly subscribers are afforded extra benefits. This is detailed out here:

Yearly Benefits

A general summary of the benefits of being a paid subscriber are listed here:

General Benefits

As always, thank you for your support. When you give it, I give you what I’m writing every day.

-- Jon Rappoport

Writer and unofficial lawyer for 40 years

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