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An American Affidavit

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

4598-4600: Would You Extend Credit to Uncle Eddie? -- Mortgage Madness from Lincoln County Watch


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

4598-4600: Would You Extend Credit to Uncle Eddie? -- Mortgage Madness from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Uncle Eddie is a great guy, friendly, personable, but he's a loafer and ne'er do well.  He doesn't like to work and never makes a profit.  He is always cheering for the wrong team, and spends money like --- well, worse than a drunken sailor.  

Uncle Eddie has been in and out of jail and bankruptcy court repeatedly.  And now, he wants you to loan him more money.  

That's what you do every time you give someone Federal Reserve Notes in exchange for goods and services.  

You extend more and more and more credit to Uncle Eddie.  

He already owes you so much that you know he will never see daylight, but still, you go on loaning him more?  What do you think is going to happen?  Can you say the words "debt collapse"? 

It took 232 years for the UNITED STATES to rack up a $10 Trillion debt.  Then another nine years to double that, and now, just five years to add another $10 Trillion debt. 

And it's all because you don't straighten up, wake up, find your voice and say, "No!  I'm not giving Uncle Eddie another dime!" 

It's your money these yahoos are spending and your credit they are extending--- and always to Uncle Eddie and always with the same result. 

One of our guys is in court and the Bank of America is demanding payment on a mortgage from him, but, true to form, they haven't actually produced and placed a True Bill in evidence.  

A True Bill (look up the definition) is different from a "Billing Statement" but they always try to get away with a Billing Statement instead.  

They avoid producing a True Bill, because the victim of their schemes could use that True Bill to discharge or swap the debt.  

Their failure to produce a True Bill  is like talking about a horse instead of demonstrating the existence of a horse. 

And it leaves the Judge in the untenable position of enforcing eviction notices and property seizures without a leg to stand on-- or horse to ride. 

The government owes you money, so the government's bank owes you money and you also owe the bank. 

So you are requesting a debt swap instead, a swap of any debt you owe the government's bank, for an equal amount of what the government owes to you forgiven. 

This is a perfectly reasonable request. Federal Title 12 calls it a "Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption" and guarantees it as a remedy for government debt.

The situation is that the government corporation owes you money and you owe the government's bank money.  That being the case, you can swap debts instead of extending any additional credit to Uncle Eddie--- which would only increase their national debt and harm everyone involved. 

Also.... try a little educational demonstration.

Take a United States Silver Dollar to court with you and a stack of $1 Federal Reserve Notes and put both down where the judge can see them.  

Ask if "his honor" is familiar with the concept of positive and negative numbers?  

If so, point at the silver dollar and say, now, this here is the positive number one, and these over here, this stack of Federal Reserve notes is the number negative five (or however many there are).... 

So, it should be clear that this one positive number is worth more than all these negative numbers put together. 

"If we aren't going to offset the debts involved, this one silver dollar is all I have that is subject to an exchange rate, that I can actually pay a debt with, and obviously, one positive number is worth more than all the negative numbers combined, so the bank should be happy no matter what we do here. 

If we swap debts, their debt is reduced by a substantial amount.  If I pay with a silver dollar, at least they have something of substance to credit, which is greater than all the negative numbers combined. 

So, you conclude ---- "The bank has no cause to complain against me in any case, and still hasn't produced either a true Bill signed and verified by a bank officer, or an equitable exchange voucher for me to sign. 

They aren't doing their part.  I am here ready and willing to do mine.  

So where's the controversy? 

Until they produce a signed and validated True Bill and place it in evidence, there's just talk about a horse and no horse here." 

They may produce a Promissory Note and allege that it was signed by you (and maybe it was) but you scoff and say, rightly, that that is no proof of the existence of any current debt and neither is a Billing Statement. 

In order to establish a cause upon which relief may be granted a bank officer has to validate the debt and sign an actual True Bill and enter it into evidence. Until then, the Bank is making frivolous nuisance charges and not only wasting the court's time--- they are endangering the reputation of the court should the court be led to act on their unfounded allegations. 

Extending more credit isn't good for Uncle Eddie and it definitely isn't good for you, because after you loan him the credit and he spends it, he's going to come back and expect you to pay off his credit card bill -- with 20% interest. 

So insist that they produce a True Bill and when they do, you sign it "Accepted for value in the amount by: Your Name" -- and date it. 

This turns the validated True Bill into a Voucher that the Bank can ledger as a credit against the debt held in YOUR NAME on its books. 

Many of you have complained that "A4V" doesn't work -- and no, it doesn't work unless you have an actual True Bill from the bank (or other creditor) to sign.  

It does you no good to sign a Billing Statement and similar wannabe documents as accepted for value, because a Billing Statement has no value. 

Find yourself a Financial Dictionary or Financial Encyclopedia that defines "Bill" or "Elements of a Bill" --- some older versions call it a "True Bill".  

You will see what I mean.  

What these banks are trotting in as evidence of debt is a bank's "billing statement" and not actually a Bill at all.  

You can't pay anything or credit anything off a Billing Statement and that is exactly why they give you a Billing Statement instead of a Bill. 

It's yet another substitution fraud. 

Another thing they try to do is leave the "dollar sign" off the Bill, so that what appears is just a number, like this --- 126,784.00.  This suggests that this is the amount of dollars owing, but doesn't say so. Until it is expressed as United States Dollars, or Euros or some recognizable currency it is meaningless and undefined.

You might as well be talking about the number of grains of sand in a bottle.  

These are some of the tricks that Uncle Eddie (and Uncle Eddie's banks and courts) use to fool you into thinking that your debt to them is the Big Deal, when actually, it's their debt to you that now stands at around $33 Trillion USD, that should be the issue. 

The banks routinely trick people into thinking that they are private banks because they have shareholders and boards of directors, but all the banks were "nationalized" back in the 1930's and they all belong to and are controlled by the same government that owes you your share of $33T. 

Same thing with the courts, only they convince you that they are public courts, when they are working for the same government that owes you $33T. 

Naturally, the banks and the courts collude to force you to extend more credit to them and their parent corporation, Uncle Eddie, and to avoid paying anyone back the least little bit of the credit they owe. 

When you correct your birthright political status records and walk in as an American who is owed $33T, whatever you could possibly owe to Uncle Eddie is going to look awfully small by comparison. 

And you are going to have a whole different attitude, aren't you? 


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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Stop Using Old Processes

 By Anna Von Reitz

I have tried to get this message out to people and maybe we need to put up a Day-Glo banner at the top of the page at www.annavonreitz.com saying, "For current information go to the bottom of the list!" 

In the past few years we have endured two (2) major bankruptcies of the Federal Government service corporations --- Chapter 7 for the British Crown corporation dba UNITED STATES, and Chapter 11 for the British Crown corporation dba UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  

The instruction to file a Form 56 naming the British Territorial Secretary of the Treasury as "your" Trustee and to surrender the Municipal Franchise PERSON to the British Territorial Treasury (1789) was to protect the asset's existence from the Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy and bulwark the British Territorial Treasury with the assets --- while making the Secretary of the Treasury accountable for it. 

Why would we want to do that? 

To "roll" all the assets attached to your name to safe harbors. This action took the air jurisdiction assets and landed them in the jurisdiction of the sea, where they weathered the storm in Chapter 11. 

In the years since then, equal protection clauses have been invoked, and even PERSONS that were not moved by Form 56 individual transfer action have been safeguarded and rolled home to the land and soil jurisdiction as of 2016. 

Obviously, all those instructions and actions were taken at a specific prior time for specific purposes related to the now-resolved federal bankruptcies, and no longer apply, eight years later. 

You should no longer be doing any of that. 

Please use your heads.  When you go to www.annavonreitz.com you are reading a steadily accumulating compendium of information and topics laid down day after day and year after year.  

Especially in dealing with the Federal Contractors, things change constantly. Processes change, the meaning of words change, even the offices that perform functions change, change, change. 

Even public records and court cases regularly "disappear", because they change their cataloging schemes like teenagers change clothes. 

We call this "moving the cheese" and it requires constant adjustment as time goes by.  

So, start with the most recent articles at the bottom of the long, long list at www.annavonreitz.com and read the articles backwards to get grounded with what's current.  

And when you see something from years ago, ask yourself -- is this current?  Is this what we are doing now?  Probably not. 

We are living and growing and changing every day, bringing new resources to bear, developing new answers, and streamlining everything. 

Your State Assembly has the latest news, so ask them --- what's current now? 


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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Your "Christian" Blood Oath

 By Anna Von Reitz

Many years ago, like most of you who consider yourselves Christians, I believed that, obviously -- or so it appeared,  this religion advocated "The Way" or "Road Map" that Yeshuah (in English, Joshua) taught in the New Testament, and that Christianity was a religion all about life and love and compassion and fellowship, suffering, overcoming, and faith in God.    

I suppose my innocent belief and the love for Yeshuah that inspired me, was rooted in the same tradition as the popular Passion Play musical, "Godspell" --which I still love for the music and sentiment, but now view with a far more mature and jaundiced perspective. 

To make this an example, doesn't it give you pause to look at the name, "Godspell" --- as in "God's spell" as in a spell of witchcraft?  Spell-binding?  Why call it that, if that's not what it is? 

Remember that the Liars are required to declare the Truth of what they are doing.

In later years, I came to know that all "Christians" take a "Blood Oath" though I never recognized it as such when I was a young woman. 

The Pastors of the Evangelical Lutheran Church that I attended faithfully and took seriously as a teenager and young adult certainly never breathed a word of any such thing, but having studied Law and History and Religion for five decades, I know what they didn't tell me.  

The Blood Oath is the Apostle's Creed, and the blood is the Communion wine. Simple as that. 

You've been asking me about my "Blood Oath", but what you need to worry about is your own.  

In reviewing the Catholic Doctrine of Transubstantiation, which teaches that the Communion wine mysteriously becomes actual blood in the cup, and the implications of cannibalism this carries with it, I became truly alarmed. 

And I started investigating, just as I did when I went to the IRS Office for answers and was told that the workers couldn't affirm the answers they'd given me. 

One of the other things that initially raised my eyebrows and sent my Shinola Sensor off-scale was the fact that The Holy Bible is a copyrighted work of the Roman Catholic Church.  

This implies that they literally wrote it as a unique work of art and they claim authorship, as their work, and not a compendium of ancient manuscripts brought together and compiled and "approved" as genuine by Catholic scholars and theologians.  

No, they claim authorship, which is quite a different matter. 

And that was a shock. 

I had to think -- and you should, too --   I am committing my life and soul and money and time to a novel written by the Roman Catholic Church? 

A novel which is periodically revisited every fifty years and changed -- just enough -- to earn a new copyright?  Really?  

And yet, further investigation yields that this is exactly true, and timed out that way, too.  Every fifty years like clockwork, a new version is released and a new copyright is obtained.

All the various other renditions and translations of The Bible from the King's James Version to the NIV and even the Jehovah Witnesses' rendition, all do the same thing.

They all claim to be copyrighted works of art. 

Works of art.  Like a play.  Like Georgette Heyer. Like David Copperfield or Moby Dick. 

Let that sink in. 

Then, I started thinking--- his name was Yeshuah and that translates directly as Joshua in English, so why is everyone calling him "Jesus"? 

That doesn't even make sense. 

Saint Jerome knew this as well as I do. 

So why change his name? Just for the sake of obfuscation? To hide the fact that he was Jewish?  

Or to make him into someone else?  

The more I thought about this and delved into it, the tighter the little knot of wrinkles at the bridge of my nose got.  

And then, there's the rest of the name they attached to him posthumously, "Christ". 

Christ means "the Anointed One" -- and it is an office of priesthood -- the priesthood of Baal. 

Okay, take a deep breath and go back and read the last several books of the Gospels.  What do you see now that you didn't see before? 

According to the narrative, when the Jews rejected him, Yeshuah turned to the Gentiles and Samaritans instead, and accepted being anointed as a priest of Baal by Mary Magdalene. 

So, Jesus Christ isn't Yeshuah.  

It's another Substitution Scheme. 

And the religion you have been depending on for your moral guidance and ethical inspiration and eternal salvation is just another shell game. 

Like Gollum, the purveyors of Christianity have served an unintended purpose, and have preserved and popularized the teachings of Yeshuah (many of which were borrowed from earlier teachers and wisdom traditions) and that has had an amazing and transformative effect on our lives -- for the better. 

Yet, the downsides have to be admitted, too --- fear, coercion, superstition, religious prejudice and elitism, not to mention innumerable acts of cruelty, murder, and theft and fraud which have been excused in the name of different religious beliefs. 

And then, the final straw was discovering that they were using baptism as an excuse to claim an ownership interest in the Nephesh, the part of a living soul that gives us animal energy and the ability to perform labor.  

They have been buying, selling, trading, and monetizing the value of this part of our soul and used baptismal certificates to do it -- and have been creating labor bonds to harvest this venal undisclosed claim upon the value of our labor. 

They've claimed that your innocent acceptance of "Christian" baptism gives them an ownership interest in the Nephesh part of your soul, and a private contract claim on the value of your labor --- and never a whisper to you about this.  

This is the private "contract" that the Internal Revenue Service / IRS is enforcing. 

To which I said, eff them forever, the dirty, rotten, lying, sneak-thief bastards. Enslaving people and condemning them to lifelong peonage, behind the face of a "purifying sacrament"! 

I'll purify them, and when I am done, they will be lucky to have any skin left. 

I meant it, too, from the bottom of my soul. 

The Ruach, God's Breath within me, affirmed my complete, utter, unrelenting disgust with them and what they have done "in the name of God". 

So I wrote the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Black River Falls, Wisconsin, a nice succinct letter, told them what they were engaged in, and instructed them in no uncertain terms to strike my name off their baptismal enrollment register -- for lack of disclosure.  

And damn you, very much.  

I don't consider myself a "Christian", and it has nothing to do with my love for Joshua or his teachings, which remains.  

It has to do with what the word "Christian" really means and the practices these Liars have employed to mislead, rob, and abuse generations of innocent people who relied on them for truth, comfort, protection, and solace. 

I'll go toe to toe with the phony "Pope" Francis or the Eastern Patriarch or the Archbishop of Canterbury any day they want to face me --- but they won't want to face me. 

In their tradition, they will be staring into the face of the Primal Creator, Durga, the Great Mother, come now to reap their souls for their iniquity -- and take away all their unjust enrichment, too.  

So don't expect any chummy ecumenical councils from me.  Expect me to drive them like so many foxes before the hounds. 

My advice to you, good Christians all -- stop calling yourselves "Christians" when that doesn't mean what you think it means, stop relying on these evil, selfish, venal men for anything but a nose-bleed.  

They don't know God. They don't know Joshua or his teachings in their hearts. Most of them don't even know what their own churches have been doing. 

Stop taking Blood Oaths substituted for any kind of true Communion and submitting to their filthy excuse for a Baptism.  

Look within yourselves for the Truth and the Way and the Life, and make your own quiet Communion with your Lord whenever you drink wine or eat bread.  

Bless it in his true name--Joshua, and pray in his true name, too.  Then step back and see what miracles come to you.  

Proof is in the pudding, dear hearts.  

Just as it was in the days of Elijah and Ezekial, you shall see what you shall see. 

Anna Maria


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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