US Terrorism Against Nord Stream: A Polish Perspective
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So-called World public opinion probably sees my country, Poland, as one of the most involved warmongers, always on the front line of an aggressive imperialist policy steered from Washington and London.
It seems to be confirmed also by the present leaks about at least indirect Polish involvement in the terrorist attack on Nord Stream on 6th September 2022.
As we already know, one of known versions widely discussed in the Western media points to an ‘independent group of friends of Ukraine’ as the perpetrators who, carrying out the act of sabotage, were supposed to travel on a yacht rented from a Ukrainian company registered in Poland.
The story about freelancers and volunteers does not sound particularly credible, neither explaining how they so freely transported tons of explosives needed to initiate the explosion, nor the sources of the rest of the highly specialised equipment necessary for the entire operation. However, this is also a preliminary admission of guilt on the part of the pro-Kiev forces, a confirmation that Russia did not blow up the Nord Stream, but on the contrary, that it was an action clearly in the interest of the current Ukrainian government and the policy implemented through them.
Poland’s energy defeats
One way or another, we are dealing with an attempt to involve Poland, as well as Germany (the mysterious sabotage yacht was supposed to operate from the port of Rostock), i.e. the two countries that were actually most affected by the undersea explosion in the Baltic Sea. And yet Poles are also, and perhaps above all, victims of this extremely dangerous correlation.
Being a peripheral country dependent on the West on all levels, we bear the severe costs of the current global crisis of capitalism, presented as voluntary and inevitable consequences of the energy transformation and alleged climate crisis. Therefore we have been forced to renounce our natural and hitherto basic energy resource, that means hard coal.
In turn, while participating in the anti-Russian coalition, we cut ourselves off from supplies of Russian natural gas, i.e. the basic transitional resource, thanks to which Europe was to survive the initial stage of transformation, planned for no less than couple decades. Unfortunately, first we have been subjected to the extremely restricted policy of the European Commission, known as the Fit for 55 strategy. Complementary we observed speculations on the natural gas options market, which led to a sharp increase in market prices already in autumn 2021. Finally Ukrainian conflict, combined with the energy blockade and economic war against Russia disturbed the very base of the Polish economy, strongly subsidiary to the Germany interests, including assumed success of the Energiewende, German way of the energy transformation with human face. This face, however, was slapped by the Anglo-Saxons.
Time is running out for Europe
Today we can be absolutely sure, that assumptions of the infamous 10-Point Plan to Reduce the European Union’s Reliance on Russian Natural Gas have been clearly propaganda humbug. From all of them the only one actually achieved was introducing harsh austerity policy forced by tough pricing policies, loosening of social covers and forcing ordinary citizens to use less energy. Others, like maximum usage of reserve capacity and rising storage levels, and further transformation towards renewables turned out to be economically unprofitable and technically impossible, at least in a short term. And even if, analytics as e.g. the think-tank Aurora Energy Research, associated with the University of Oxford, warned that all these visions more or less stick together only if the Ukrainian conflict and its consequences last no longer than 2 years. That means if Russian natural gas continues to flow through Ukraine and the NS2 delay will be no longer than until 2025. After that time, Europe would have to return to mutually beneficial economic cooperation with Russia. This is what the Anglo-Saxons had to prevent to.
We know that Americans did it…
From the Polish perspective the American terrorist attack against Nord Stream was undoubtedly the most tragic moment of the current conflict, and it is no coincidence that even mainstream Polish politicians, such as former Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski, were among the first to reveal information about American responsibility for this act of energy sabotage in the Baltic Sea.
After all, one of the important goals of American aggressive politics was to increase the energy and thus economic dependence of Central Europe, including Poland, on American and Qatari LNG supplies, as well as gaining a market for American nuclear technologies. And we must remember that talking about the peaceful use of nuclear energy is a euphemism, because there is no doubt that we are dealing with a desire to quickly resume the nuclear arms race, thanks to the production of a significant amount of fissile material, also in the nuclear plants planned to be built in Poland.
This means that according to the Anglo-Saxons, Central Europe will lose its status of a nuclear-free zone together with relocation of the American and British nuclear weapons directly to the Russian border, what is only a matter of time, rather not long. And that is not all. Every day we can predict and even feel other long-term effects of US terrorism against Nord Stream, including wider energy exclusion; draconian increase in the cost of living in Poland and the already felt recession; deepened dependence on foreign energy supplies, and thus lower economic competitiveness of Polish companies. Above all, the threat of war is growing and the attack in the Baltic only fosters war psychosis, espionage hunting, new Red/Russian Scare and censorship, but not aimed at the real American perpetrators, but against all revealing the truth.
US aggression against Europe
Moreover, the Anglo-Saxons are doing everything to make the peace as difficult as possible also for the Russians too. This is the same kind of blackmail that was used before 24 February 2022, during almost official Ukrainian (Western) preparations for the invasion against Donbass and Crimea, with a provocative message towards Russia AND WHAT WILL YOU DO?! However, when it turned out, that Russians were able to DID at least something, sorry for the Ukrainians, the Anglo-Saxons has continued to play this game successfully, not only by supporting the Kiev resistance, but most significantly by blowing up the Nord Stream BECAUSE WHAT WILL YOU DO?! That flicking Russian open eyes has the same purpose as the tanks sent to Kiev: to keep the war going and provoke Russian reactions. Although we could reverse that reasoning and ask: how we, the Europeans should react?
For Poles, as for all Europeans, the undersea explosion carried out by American, Norwegian and British terrorists is therefore the first shot of America’s full-blown war against Europe. We have been attacked, so we must wage our own defence against terror and tyranny to protect our families, homes and workplaces. Since our real enemies did not hesitate to expose millions of people to death from hypothermia – they will stop at nothing.
This is not the end
What could be the target of the next attacks? For example, TurkStream, and especially the project of its expansion and extension into the entire system supplying southern Europe with Russian gas sent via the Turkish hub. The existing Anapa-Kıyıköy pipeline is already under sanctions, but since those on the example of Nord Stream turned out to be ineffective, there can be no more ‘independent yachts’ with random commandos with tons of explosives. We are clearly entering a period in which the transformation of capitalism, its transition into a phase of low-consumption and zero-growth hibernation will also be carried out with the use of military means and acts of terror.
While we know that the American hegemony, carrying out the tasks of the globalist finances, considers China as its main competitor, associated with the declining stage of industrial-consumer capitalism (the post-Fordist model), then it seems to be logical that the Suez Canal or the new Nicaraguan canal planned by Beijing (which would allow bypass US blockades in Panama) could become equally natural targets of attacks.
Let us recall what happened two years ago, in March 2021, after a seemingly minor failure of the Ever Green container ship sailing from the Malaysian port of Tanjung Pelepas to Rotterdam. At that time, the interruption in communication via Suez lasted only six days, and so it effectively disrupted the supply chain to Europe. Let’s imagine what if there was an explosion on the scale of Nord Stream and the fastest sea route between Asia and Europe was permanently shut down, just as the wars in Ukraine and Syria effectively block land connections.
Just as in particular Central Europe is deprived of energy, it is perfectly possible to imagine Western consumers being cut off from semiconductors, and thus, most of the hardware and software, electronic devices, cars, as well as other consumer goods, as garments and textiles, the oversupply of which we have become accustomed for successive decades of welfare capitalism. Decades that are coming to an end with three main turning points of the long Twentieth Century: the energy transformation, the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. The Anglo-Saxon attack against Nord Stream is only an episode for this breakthrough, but perhaps one with the dimension of Sarajevo and Pearl Harbor.
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Konrad Rękas is a renowned geopolitical analyst and a regular contributor to Global Research.
Featured image is from The Unz Review
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