The Top 6 Reasons to Speak Out Against the Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations
The 75th World Health Assembly adopted amendments to 5 articles of the International Health Regulations on May 27, 2022 and practically NO ONE HAS MENTIONED IT FOR NEARLY 10 MONTHS.
This is NOT about the proposed WHO CA+ (“Pandemic Treaty”).
This IS about the amendments to the International Health Regulations that WERE adopted on May 27, 2022, as well as the 307 proposed amendments that are currently being negotiated in secret.
Please realize that 194 unelected, unaccountable and largely unknown “delegates” to the yearly World Health Assembly have the power to agree to adopt amendments to the International Health Regulations and THEIR DECISION DOES NOT REQUIRE A PRESIDENTIAL SIGNATURE, NOR DOES IT REQUIRE THE ADVICE AND CONSENT OF 2/3 OF THE SENATE.
Please watch the videos below…
Over the past 12 months I have written dozens of articles in which I have attempted to inform people of the unique nature of the method by which the 194 unelected, unaccountable and largely unknown delegates to the World Health Assembly have amended, and are AGAIN proposing to amend the International Health Regulations, without any input whatsoever from “We the People.”
Please realize that 194 unelected, unaccountable and largely unknown “delegates” to the yearly World Health Assembly have the power to agree to adopt amendments to the International Health Regulations and THEIR DECISION DOES NOT REQUIRE A PRESIDENTIAL SIGNATURE, NOR DOES IT REQUIRE THE ADVICE AND CONSENT OF 2/3 OF THE SENATE.
This situation is not right, and it must be changed, but it is the current reality, so we must stand up, speak up and push back against it.
Despite my efforts, the global propaganda machine has mostly succeeded in diverting nearly everyone’s attention away from the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations by getting most people to focus on the proposed WHO CA+ (“Pandemic Treaty”).
Unfortunately, even the people who are opposed to the globalist’s efforts to empower the World Health Organization have been mostly silent regarding the fact that…
All that is required for any member nation to reject the amendments that were adopted last year is a simple letter from their president or prime minister to the WHO stating that their nation wishes to REJECT the amendments.
Every nation on earth still has until late November 2023 to stand up to the World Health Organization and REJECT the amendments that were adopted on May 27, 2022, but first they have to be made aware that the International Health Regulations WERE CHANGED, and they also need to realize that THE AMENDMENTS CAN BE REJECTED!
Please do NOT confuse the 307 amendments that are currently being negotiated by the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations with the amendments to 5 Articles that were adopted on May 27, 2022 (and can still be rejected by every member nation before late November, 2023).
The amendments that were adopted on May 27, 2022 by the 75th World Health Assembly only applied to 5 Articles of the International Health Regulations. The most significant change that was made by the amendments was to alter the time period during which future amendments would come into effect (Article 59).
Please note that I only recommend rejecting the amendment to Article 59.
I recommend accepting the amendments to Articles 55, 61, 62 and 63.
CLICK HERE to download the amendments that were adopted by the 75th World health Assembly on May 27, 2022.
The period of time after which future amendments would enter into force was shortened from 24 to 12 months.
There period of time during which a member nation could exercise its right of rejection under Article 61 was shortened from 18 to 10 months.
In my humble opinion, these amendments should be REJECTED.
I am NOT claiming that the 307 newly proposed amendments are going to be adopted during the 76th World Health Assembly this May 21-30, 2023. The WHO has consistently stated that they are merely negotiating and hope to vote on whether or not to adopt the amendments to the IHR at the 77th World Health Assembly in May 2024. I demand that they keep their word and NOT adopt any amendments during the 76th World Health Assembly.
CLICK HERE to download the 307 proposed amendments to the IHR - February 6, 2023 original nations’ submissions - 197 pages
CLICK HERE to download the existing International Health Regulations (2005) (84 pages)
CLICK HERE to download the initial compilation version of the proposed amendments to the IHR - December 14, 2022 (46 pages)
CLICK HERE to download the WGIHR compilation version of the proposed amendments to the IHR - February 6, 2023 (51 pages)
CLICK HERE to download the 307 proposed amendments to the IHR - December 14, 2022 (original nations’ submissions - 197 pages)
CLICK HERE to download the IHRRC final report (97 pages)
CLICK HERE to download the combined amendment compilation and IHRRC final report (105 pages)
CLICK HERE to watch 4 of the 10 meetings (6 were held in secret) of the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations that were held from February 20-24, 2023.
Please read my previous articles on this topic:
If you are as concerned about this issue as I am, please feel free to contact me directly via phone, text, Signal, WhatsApp or Telegram at +1 310-619-3055
by James Roguski
The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.
If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.
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