Record Excess Deaths in the Canadian Province of Nova Scotia — 1:1000 Population Died in 2022

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A March 7, 2023 CBC article headline reads: “Nova Scotia tight-lipped about spike in deaths – Unexpectedly high numbers of people are dying in an untimely fashion,’ expert says” (click here)
All highly COVID-19 vaccinated countries and jurisdictions are seeing record excess deaths on the order of 1 per 1000 population in 2022.
- USA – 270,000 in 2022 (source: Ethical Skeptic, BMC Skidmore,
- Germany – 103,000 in 2022 (source: German govt, OECD, EuroMOMO click here)
- UK – 54,000 in 2022 (source: BBC click here)
- Japan – 91,000 in 2022 (source: click here)
- Australia – 42,000 in 2022 (source: click here)
- Alberta – 4000 in 2022 (source: click here)
Now we can add the small Canadian province of Nova Scotia to the list.
From CBC article: “For the first 10 months of 2022, there were 848 more deaths than expected in Nova Scotia. The province said 546 of those were due to COVID-19. That means almost 36 per cent of the deaths are attributable to other causes.”
CBC News asked the Nova Scotia government what is causing the excess mortality in this province, but did not receive a specific answer. A spokeswoman noted excess mortality “represents all deaths — cancer, suicide, heart disease, natural causes, etc. — not just COVID-19.”
But it’s unclear what those other causes are. The province declined interview requests with Health Department officials and the chief medical examiner.
The population of Nova Scotia is 971, 395.
The annualized 2022 excess deaths is 848/(10/12) = 1018.
1018 deaths in 2022 for a population of 971, 395, is around 1 death per 1000 population.
Excess deaths in Canada
According to Statistics Canada, there were 53,741 excess deaths in Canada from March 2020 until end of August 2022 (click here)
Then we subtract “COVID-19 deaths” of 14,642 in 2020 (click here)
We are left with 39,099 deaths since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, until end of August 2022. Extrapolate that to end of 2022 and it’s about 47,000 deaths with more of those deaths occurring in 2022.
I believe when the numbers are in, we will see somewhere between 30,000 to 35,000 excess deaths in Canada in 2022, or about 1 in 1000 population.
My take
Over 80% of COVID-19 deaths in 2020 were in Long Term Care home settings where vulnerable elderly were euthanized with drugs like Midazolam + Morphine or abandoned and left to die. (click here) Most deaths were “with COVID” not “from COVID”.
Once COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out in late December 2020, all deaths in the first 14 days post vaccination were counted as unvaccinated COVID-19 deaths – this was done to fraudulently create a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” which didn’t exist.
This “pandemic of the unvaccinated” fraud was pushed by US President Joe Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and their Public Health henchmen Anthony Fauci and Teresa Tam. In Alberta, it was pushed by Deena Hinshaw.
I believe there were very few true COVID-19 deaths in 2021 and 2022. Many of the deaths were in the COVID-19 vaccinated whose immune systems were severely damaged by the jabs, or they were post vaccine deaths in the first 14 days.
Therefore the vast majority of excess deaths in 2021 and 2022 were most likely due to COVID-19 vaccines.
These post COVID-19 vaccine deaths are accelerating. 2022 was worse than 2021 and we are seeing deaths on the order of 1 per 1000 population in 2022.
2023 is shaping up to be even worse than 2022.
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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.
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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity
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