Monday, November 12, 2018
1357-1361: Dear Kim -- A Reply, November 12, 2018 from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
First, I had visitors come here today and threaten to kill me over this
conversation. Ever see what happens when arrogant idiots get the
attention of a Battle Class Seraph from the Age of Storms? Let’s just
say that they left here considerably faster than they came. I doubt
that you will get a full and honest report about this from them, but the
Galactic Council certainly will hear about it.
Second, we are the “unknown country” --- the "dust that returneth to
dust" (land and soil) fixed in “a time that is not a time and a place
that is not a place”. We are not his dominion and the unknown country
has nothing whatsoever to do with the family business of Marduk, Satan,
and Sons, which was supposed to be turned over to new management circa
500 AD. They decided not to keep their end of the bargain they made
with The Anointed One, so that resulted in a major diplomatic faux pas.
New Precessional Guardians have been dispatched to replace the
Saturnine Brotherhood and more than sufficient firepower is present to
blow any resistance clear out of this sector of the Galaxy.
They are not going to get their way. In fact, they are just going to
sit down and shut up and observe basic math. A negative seven plus a
negative seven equals negative fourteen. They are, by my count, 1500
years and counting behind on their rent. And this planet, which
actually belongs to the people and other beings who live here, is long
past due for maintenance and renewal.
Third, you must realize that “money” is a child’s game where I come
from. It’s like everyone is expecting me to play Barbie’s Pet Shop
with them, which is very frustrating for me. Money and routing it
around and sharing it out so that people can live decent lives should be
the least of our problems. It's like telling me people can't move
widgets from Point A to Point B because Standard Oil still controls the
oil pipelines in Texas. Say what?
Fourth, there’s no need for all this distress. I already have what you
need as a system to trade freely and to get relief to everyone on the
planet. It’s already here, ready to deploy, safe, private, seamless and
200 years ahead of anything that now exists. A brand new clean and
supremely user-friendly worldwide system could have been in place months
ago---- which is what winds my clock. We can simply bypass the
existing banks.
Fifth, each one is indeed sacred and doesn’t need “management” in the
form of oppression and Group Think, however, until education and
emotional support catches up with everyone -- there has to be a
transition. We both know that. Thanks to the way this world has been
plundered and mismanaged, the majority of adults are like children
---scared, miserable, confused children. And you know that, too.
These people need help establishing self-rule because they have been
abused and oppressed and not just for a little while –for generations.
Sixth, Bank of Dene is not my bank and never has been. Our
International Trade Bank is called The American States and Nations Bank,
“ASAN” for short. It isn’t part of the commercial system. As you have
so clearly described the endless rabbit warren of their corruption, I
don’t have to explain the desirability and even the necessity of
starting over.
Seventh, like most of those who have fought with this “System” Michael
has had his share of troubles and run-ins with what passes for law here
in a country which depends on securitization --- completely illegal and
unlawful processes--- to generate an economy for itself. Most of my
friends have spent time in jail, been hauled over the coals, and many
have suffered alcoholism, drug addictions, broken marriages and
heartbreak of all sorts, because they haven’t meekly gone along with
injustice and criminality.
I don’t know where you are getting your DNA results, because I have seen
reports confirming not only his Native heritage, but everything else he
has claimed in his book, The Shekinah Prophecy. Maybe you are the one
that needs to take a second look? In any event, my support of Michael
is based on his heart, not his war record. I can see his heart. I know
what he wants. And he truly wants nothing for himself, but to share in
building something beautiful for all the people he loves --- which is
darn near everyone. Not just the Natives. Not just the Hispanics. Not
just the Cowboys. And that, IMHO, is exactly the kind of man that is
needed to build a new world --- a man who still has his heart intact.
Think closely --- there aren’t that many of them left.
Eighth, my political system and their political system are two different
things, operating under different forms of law --- and they are
subservient to my system which is sovereign. We charter and license and
if they misbehave, we liquidate corporations, not the other way around.
Now, that is hard for people to understand because they are used to
being bullied by corporate bureaucrats, but it is nonetheless the
truth. We have Law. They have what passes for Law. So when you are
dealing with huge issues like rebuilding the entire world and providing
new banking services and new medical tech and all the rest of what needs
to go on ---- it’s my brand of Law that you need to be using, not
theirs. I am sorry if you got the impression that I wasn’t willing to
help you, because I am willing to help anyone (see above) who wants to
do the right thing by the Earth and its people.
Ninth, for the purposes of the current discussion I am not talking about
all the accounts. I am talking about the approximately 4,800 Historic
Trust and Private Accounts held as Special Deposits that contain the
bulk of the precious metal assets on Earth. What we are left with are
two basic kinds of accounts containing large quantities of gold, silver,
and other assets that people have traditionally used as tokens and
commodities in trade that have been left on deposit in banks and which
you have gained control of via computer programs. Control of the assets
needs to be returned to the Depositors, both Public and Private. There
needs to be a cooperative but honest effort on all parts to resolve
these issues.
Tenth, one of the exit interviews I had with Marduk and with Satan was
about the Big Lies they have told. If you listen to them, black will be
white and up will be down, because truly, actually, factually---- and
despite all their intellect and knowledge --- the Truth is not in them.
Even basic logic such as Who Owns What gets distorted in their
presence. This is because the Truth departed from them when they
rebelled, and has never returned. This leaves them and their progeny in
the unenviable position of being permanently out of tune with the
Universe, living in their own self-created and egotistical world,
separated from All That Is.
Eleventh, if we were to allow all their premises and what they have
taught about the “Unknown Country”--- which is not their dominion, then
this alienation and separation from the Truth would continue for more
generations on Earth. I don't want that. I don't get the impression
you want that, either. So why not focus on resolving the nuts and bolts
and getting on with it?
See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:
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See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:
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Counter-Offer to Manna World Holdings Trust, November 11, 2018
By Anna Von Reitz
1. Perhaps you could explain how Marduk had any legitimate right of control or ownership of the assets he transferred to you? Because to my certain knowledge, you are claiming control of assets that weren't his and aren't yours to meddle with. The law is: possession by pirates does not change ownership. He could not give you authority or legitimacy he didn't have himself. So let's see Marduk's chain of provenance and bona fides establishing his interest and role in assets like the V.K. Durham Trust and the D'Avila Trust .... all approximately 5,000 of the private trusts that have been swept up in a big bag and handed to you to dispose of.
2. Renaming a trust or group of
trusts to create a new legal person, e.g., changing the name of Alpha
and Omega Trust to Manna World Holdings Trust doesn't give you any new
authority or grant any new authority to the trust you made up out of
thin air. Remember that these trusts contain actual assets, not digits,
and fall under the Law of the Land, not legal and statutory
3. I didn't credit or accuse you of
creating the QFS--- simply using it with Marduk's help--- to purloin
control of approximately 5,000 Special Deposit Accounts, the actual
donors of which never elected you (or him) as trustees. This is a
sticking point. Actual assets deposited by people and organizations in
Good Faith in a bank should not be seized upon by anyone but the lawful
depositors. Interference with these assets and normal bank protocols is a
threat to all private property rights and also whatever public
confidence people can still have in the banks.
4. You are not the only good person
out there. I have met plenty of good solid people who are legitimate
private trustees with proof of trusteeship over accounts you are now
controlling as an Executor de Son Tort. You blame them for not deploying
assets to help Mankind sooner --- but surely you know or have cause to
know that these same Trustees have been blocked from having access to
their accounts for decades? The Committee of 300, the Trilateral
Commission, the Bilderburgers, the Roman Cartel, and the guilty banks
were all too busy using these private assets to make money for
themselves. The actual trustees AND beneficiaries went hungry to bed
---- some, like the intended beneficiaries of the Guadalupe Hidalgo
Treaty Trust have been kept waiting for relief for literally hundreds of
years and anyone who stepped forward as a Fiduciary to deploy the
funding has been refused access, too. So it isn't like you can sit
there and blame the people I am talking about. They have been victims
as much as anyone else. Their Good Will should not be impugned for not
doing something that they couldn't do through no fault of their own.
5. Generally speaking, the assets in
the trusts you are seizing upon belong to private people, not "the
People". Special Deposits belong to the Depositors, unless you can
prove that the funds are the fruit of money laundering or other serious
crimes---- and unless you have a receipt that says, "The People" on it,
"The People" don't have anything to say. There are some trusts like
those belonging to The United States of America [Unincorporated] and our
member States that actually do belong to The People, but these are
dedicated trusts in the National Interest.
In our case the plan is simply to
transfer the assets to our International Trade Bank and from there
disperse into fifty State accounts on a per capita basis. Each State
Account will be assigned a competent Fiduciary CFO and from there, "The
People" will be fully informed about their inheritance and enabled to
make choices individually and via plebiscite. Each State Fiduciary
issues a yearly online report and an abstract report. In this way each
State is responsible for maintaining accountability to "The People" and
reflecting the actual Will of the People in that State.
(6) Trust beneficiaries are not and
cannot be "required" to appoint agents with plenary control over their
assets, especially when the Donors didn't mandate any such condition.
Rather, it's your job to liquidate or rollover the public trusts to the
actual states and actual people and to return the private property
trusts to their own trustees. If you want to help, you would be welcome
by our Trust Association Members to do so. Everyone understands the
need for disciplined and organized deployment of relief efforts and
infrastructure development funding, so you might logically start with
people who: (1) have valid claims and clear, public aims; (2) have
already agreed to work cooperatively for the common good of all. I will
point out that expecting one woman to act as Trustee of 5,000 trust
accounts is sheer lunacy. The private trust trustees can help you as
much as you can help them.
(7) As for getting four countries to
release control of their trusts "back to their former trustees" ---
there are no such valid trustees that I know of, because any valid
Public Trusteeships have been usurped (in most cases) for over a hundred
years. So why make such a reference to a system that was of the
pirates, by the pirates and for for the pirates? It isn't like
countries can go back to anything like a valid Public Trusteeship, and
you know that. In virtually all cases, the purported trustees of the
incorporated governments weren't even functioning in a fiduciary
capacity--- and you presumably know that, too.
In the world I live in, rights go
hand-in-hand with responsibilities. Anyone who doesn't take
responsibility under The Prudent Man Standard has no right to act as a
Public Trustee. By that standard virtually none of the incorporated
governments on Earth even have Fiduciary Trustees---- the "United
States" certainly hasn't bothered to have Fiduciary Trustees for
decades--- and when you are talking about actual National Trust assets,
Fiduciary Trustees are required. The United States of America
[Unincorporated] does have Fiduciary Trustees in place, so we have our
horses in front of our cart.
(8) As for the Indian Nations, most
of them did sign deals with the Devil, but it is also true that most of
those deals (similar to the U.S. Attorney General's claim to own all of
us via donation) are fraudulent, void for non-disclosure, etc. We call
such nations "dependent sovereignties" because some entity has to hold
the responsibility in order to exercise the rights of the landlord, but
many nations can co-habit the same geographical space.
We, The United States of America
[Unincorporated], are the recognized landlords of this country since
1776. In 2015, we opened up the land jurisdiction to put an end to
second class citizenship in this country. Those Native Americans who
elect State Citizenship instead of U.S. citizenship have been free to
come home to the land jurisdiction of this country since November 6,
2016, and once separated from the international jurisdiction of the sea,
they own their own bodies, so also own soil.
Michael Stephen Young exercised this
option in 2015, thus securing standing as an American and as a Tribal
Chief in America. He waived his rights as a beneficiary of the
Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty Trust, formed a plan, established it as his
Irrevocable Will on the Public Record, and has stood ready to begin
implementation with our full support and approval for three years.
And here we are, looking at another
bitter winter, still fuss-farting around and trading insults about this
situation. A lot of good, worthy --- and needy --- people have been
waiting over 200 years to see any benefit from that trust, and they are
still waiting. One must ask if the trustees have any concern for the
intended beneficiaries --- Native Americans, Hispanics and Cowboys and
Traders in seven western states --- or sense of "reasonable urgency" in
the performance of their duties at all. I certainly consider
promptness an element of Fiduciary Duty and am bewildered how a Treaty
Trust with us could remain in limbo, gathering interest and dust for
over 200 years. And still isn't deployed.
(9) Since we are discussing actual,
factual assets the legal/lawful requirements are a bit different than
you suppose. For example, we don't need to be in good "legal
standing". We need to be in good "lawful standing".
Actual assets exist in the realm of
sovereignty, not the realm of legal fictions. We are the ones that give
corporations licenses -- that is, corporations are licensed by us, not
the other way around.
(10) It appears that you have your
heart in the right place but are confused about various points of law
and nobody is blaming you for that. It is confusing. You have also come
out of ---and cut your teeth inside of--- a criminally malfunctioning
system, so it's not like you have any experience or knowledge of what a
correctly functioning world economy looks like or how it is SUPPOSED to
function. Perhaps, just maybe, if we got together face to face we could
iron it all out enough to MAKE A START.
See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:
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See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:
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Veteran's Day 2018
By Anna Von Reitz
Veteran's Day 2018
I was sixteen years old
And I didn't know why
They looked so haunted.
Now I know
The years have flown
I still see their faces
Etched with pain.
The weeds and flowers
Ramble over their graves
And the flag still waves
Over their heads.
I have to wonder what
Might have been
For all of us
For all of them.
P.S. About Ram-Bubba.... and My Position Regarding Manna Trust
By Anna Von Reitz
I made a joke and said, "Ramses was my Uncle. We used to call him "Ram-Bubba" behind his back."
My point is to shed light on the
ridiculousness of claiming to be heirs to ancient trusts that
are--purportedly-- thousands of years old, and claiming to be heirs of
Ramses and heirs of Montezuma and and heirs of Big King Put and Tut.
The actual history is written in
stone in Ten Mile Canyon, if anyone can still read it and needs to
know. But it doesn't matter.
Because life goes on. People die,
possessions are recycled, new generations take over and make their
mistakes and their good decisions, too.
What we are left with is the present
moment and the fact that some people gained more than others by fraud
and deceit, and others gained more than others by hard work and
diligence, and still others gained more than others by sheer luck and
It's not okay to universally hate
and rob from rich people on the presumption that they all got what they
got by crime and cruelty. Some of them did, but many of them didn't.
Why should the good suffer with the bad?
And what kind of judge would I be to
stand here and agree to some kind of mindless pogrom against "the rich"
any more than I should stand here and agree with some mindless pogrom
against "the poor"?
Each situation has to be considered on its merits for justice to be done.
We all know that, as inconvenient as that may be.
So, no, I won't give a Green Light
and Happy Happy to Kim Goguen seizing 5,000 private trusts that belong
to families and organizations that deposited those assets in Good Faith,
and just letting her decide who gets what.
These are private property assets
and if you disrespect someone else's private property, you know what
you can expect when it comes to your own.
See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:
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See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:
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Securitization is Illegal and Unlawful
By Anna Von Reitz
Securitization is illegal and unlawful. And it has been the backbone of the world economy since 1934. Think about that.
I have pointed out that
securitization of a man's Good Name and Estate is completely illegal and
unlawful because it is an act of personage and results in enslavement
--- both of which are crimes.
And here to discuss the point
further is an excerpt from British researchers published in 2010, with
more explicit detail of exactly why securitization, or, as the Brits
write it, "securitisation" is illegal in the U.S. and throughout most
the world:
Securitisation is illegal under US legislation – primarily because it is fraudulent and causes specific violations of R.I.C.O., usury, Antitrust and bankruptcy laws. And it flies in the face of public policy in numerous ways, as is expounded in extensive detail in an analysis to be published in our journal Economic Intelligence Review 2009Q1 (7) with several pages of book, article and case references.
To begin with, securitisation violates US State usury legislation. Secondly, all ‘true-sale’, ‘disguised loan’ as well as ‘assignment’ securitisations are essentially tax evasion schemes, and the penalties for tax evasion in the United States are excessively severe.
Thirdly, in all ‘true-sale’, ‘disguised loan’ and ‘assignment’ securitisations, the conflict of interest inherent in the sponsor also serving as the servicer constitutes fraud and conversion. In the fourth place, in all ‘true-sale’, ‘disguised loan’ and ‘assignment’ securitisations where the Special Purpose Vehicle [SPV] is a trust, the declaration of trust is void, as it exists for an illegal purpose.
In the fifth place, off-balance sheet treatment of asset-backed securities (both for ‘true-sale’ and for assignment transactions) constitutes fraud.
Sixth, all ‘true-sale’, ‘disguised loan’ and ‘assignment’ securitisations involve blatant fraudulent conveyances. In the seventh place, securitisation usurps United States bankruptcy laws and is accordingly illegal, as well as being also demonstrably contrary to public policy.
In ‘true-sale’, ‘disguised loan’ and ‘assignment’ securitisations, there are fraudulent transactions which serve as ‘predicate acts’ under US Federal R.I.C.O. statutes.
The specific R.I.C.O. sections are: Section 1341 (mail fraud); Section 1343 (wire fraud); Section 1344 (financial institution fraud); Section 1957 (engaging in monetary transactions improperly derived from specified unlawful activity) [‘the money you make from the illegal exploitation of my money, is my money’]; and Section 1952 (racketeering).
Furthermore, securitisation constitutes violations of American antitrust statutes through market integration, syndicate collusion, price formation, vertical foreclosure, tying, price-fixing, predatory pricing, and the rigging of allocations.
Securitisation also involves void contracts, given the lack of consideration, illusory promises, the absence of any actual bargain, the absence of mutuality – and finally illegal subject matter and the contravention of public policy.
Securitisation is riddled with Fraudulent Transfer, Fraud in the Inducement, Fraud in Fact by Deceit, Theft by Deception (Fraudulent Concealment) and Fraudulent Conveyance: see the US securities regulations routinely breached in such activity, listed at the foot of this report and of most of these reports for THE PAST THREE YEARS, and other laws also routinely flouted in this context.
See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:
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See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:
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