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An American Affidavit

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations by Dr. John Coleman Appendix from antimatrix.org



Montagu Norman, then Governor of the Bank of England, and a close friend of the family of the Fabian Socialist, Beatrice Potter Webb, paid a surprise visit to the United States as a prelude to
ushering in the Great Depression. As can be seen, this was a "contrived event" like the sinking of the Lusitania that brought the U.S. into WWI.
Events leading up to the Great World Depression of the 1930's.
Feb. 23 - Montagu Norman visits M. Moreau, President of the Bank of France.
June 14 - Herbert Hoover nominated for President by the Republican Party.
Aug. 18 - Montagu Norman reelected President of the Bank of England.
Nov. 6 - Herbert Hoover elected President of the U.S.A.
Nov. 17 - Montagu Norman reelected Governor of the Bank of England.
Jan. 1 - The New York Times states, that a heavy flight of gold from the U.S.A. was expected in 1929.
Jan. 14 - Eugene R. Black was reelected Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Georgia.
Jan. 26 - Press reports indicate that forthcoming visit of Montagu Norman has no connection with the movement of gold from New York to London.
Jan. 30 - Montagu Norman arrives in New York City; claims he is merely paying a courtesy visit to G.L. Harrison.
Jan. 31 - Montagu Norman spends day with Federal Reserve Bank officials.
Feb. 4 - Montagu Norman states no immediate change in the sterling or gold situation expected to arise from his visit. Congressman Loring M. Black, Jr., introduces a resolution asking the Federal Reserve Board, whether it had conferred with Montagu Norman at or about the time it had issued its credit warning.
Feb. 10 - Rep. Black introduces a resolution asking President Coolidge and Secretary Mellon to clarify Norman's visit not as an official of the Bank of England
Feb. 12 - Andrews says claim that Federal Reserve Bank has lost control of the money situation is an illusion and stated the Bank can regulate the market at will through action on rediscounts. His statement "triggered repeated charges that the Federal Reserve System has lost control of the economy. "
Feb. 19 - Black's resolutions were defeated in the Banking and Currency Committee.
Feb. 26 - The New York Times reports that many banks had asked the Federal Advisory Council to cooperate in curbing loans for stock speculation.
Mar. 4 - Herbert Hoover sworn in as President.
Mar. 12 - Secretary of Treasury Mellon says he will not interfere with Board policy.
Mar. 21 - Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago moves to reduce stock loans by 25 to 50% reduction in borrowing for speculation.
Apr. 1 - National City Bank's April review of economy asks discount rate rise to 6% as way for curbing excessive stock speculation. A Rockefeller bank!
May 5 - Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank raises rediscount rates to 5%.
May 14 - Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank raises rediscount rates to 5%.
May 19 - The rise of rediscount rate to 5% is declared to be uniform; request for 6% rate by New York and Chicago denied.
May 23 - Advisory Council recommends 6% rediscount rate.
Aug. 9 - New York Federal Reserve Bank raised rate to 6%; it was called "adroit" measure.
Sep. 3 - National City Bank (a Rockefeller-Standard Oil bank) in its monthly bulletin states the effect of the increase in the rediscount rate uncertain.
Oct. 29 - Stock market crash ends post war prosperity; 16,000.000 shares, including unrestricted short selling, change hands.
By end of year decline in value of stocks reaches $15,000,000,000; by end of 1931 stock losses reached $50, 000.000.000.
Nov. - New York Federal Reserve Bank reduces rediscount rate to 5%.
Nov. 11 - Montagu Norman elected Governor of the Bank of England for eleventh term.
Nov. 15 - Rediscount rate reduced to 4 1/2%.
Throughout the early part of 1929 there were constant reports of shipments of gold to the United States to and from London, thus creating the impression, that the report of January 1 was accurate. With the stock market crash, however, the flight of gold from the U.S.A. commenced, in earnest.

Kurt Lewin

Kurt Lewin's (1890-1947) work had a profound impact on social psychology and experiential learning, group dynamics and action research. Lewin was born on September 9, 1890 in the village of Mogilno in Prussia (now part of Poland). He was one of four children in a middle class Jewish family (his father owned a small general store and a farm).
They moved to Berlin when he was fifteen and he was enrolled in the Gymnasium. In 1909 Kurt Lewin entered the University of Freiberg to study medicine. He then transferred to the University of Munich to study biology. Around this time he became in involved in the Socialist movement. His particular concerns appear to have been the combating of anti-Semitism and the democratization of German institutions.
His doctorate was received from the University of Berlin where he developed an interest in the philosophy of science and encountered Gestalt psychology. His PhD was awarded in 1916, but by then he was serving in the German army (he was injured in combat). In 1921 Kurt Lewin joined the Psychological Institute of the University of Berlin - where he gave seminars in both philosophy and psychology. He was starting to make a name for himself both in publishing and teaching. His work became known in America and he was invited to spend six months as a visiting professor at Stanford (1930). With the political position worsening considerably in Germany in 1933 he and his wife and daughter left for the United States.
Thereafter he became involved at the Tavistock Institute in various applied research initiatives linked to the war effort (the Second World War.) These included influencing the morale of the fighting troops and psychological warfare. He was always a strong Socialist. He founded the Center for Group Dynamics at MIT. He was also engaged in a program- the Commission of Community Interrelations in New York. The "T Groups" for which Lewin had become known emerged from this program which was directed toward solving religious and racial prejudices.
Lewin got funding for the Office of Naval Intelligence and worked closely in training its operatives. The National Training Laboratories was another of his mind-control mass brainwashing programs that played a profound role in the corporate world.

Niall Ferguson

Niall Ferguson is a history professor who taught at Cambridge and is now a tenured Oxford don. Those are the credential of a "court historian" whose main purpose is to protect the patriotic, political myths of his government.
Professor Fergusson, however has written an iconoclastic attack on one of the most venerable patriotic myths of the British, namely that of the First World War was a great and necessary war in which the British performed the noble act of intervening to protect Belgian neutrality, French freedom, and the empires of both the French and British from the military aggression of the hated Hun. Politicians like Lloyd George and Churchill argued that the war was not only necessary, but inevitable. In this they were ably assisted by the propaganda factory at Wellington House, "the house of lies" as Toynbee called it.
Ferguson asks and answers ten specific questions about the First World War, one of the most important being whether the war, with its total of ten million casualties, was worth it.
Not only does he answer in the negative, but concludes that the world war was not necessary or inevitable, but was instead the result of grossly erroneous decisions of British political leaders based on an improper perception of the "threat" to the British Empire posed by Germany. Ferguson regards it as "nothing less than the greatest error in modern history."
He goes further and puts most of the blame on the British because it was the British government that ultimately decided to turn the continental war into a world war.
He argues that the British had no legal obligation to protect Belgium or France and that the German naval build-up did not really menace the British.
British political leaders, Ferguson maintains, should have realized that the Germans were mostly fearful of being surrounded the growing Russian industrial and military might, as well as the large French army. He argues further, that the Kaiser would have honored his pledge to London, offered on the eve of the war, to guarantee French and Belgium territorial integrity in exchange for Britain's neutrality.
Ferguson concludes that "Britain's decision to intervene was the result of secret planning by her generals and diplomats, which dated back to 1905" and that it was based on a misreading of German intentions, "which were imagined to be Napoleonic in scale." Political calculations also played their part in bringing on war. Ferguson notes that Foreign Minister Edward Grey provided the leadership that put Britain on the bellicose path. Although a majority of the other ministers were hesitant. "In the end they agreed to support Grey, partly for fear of being turned out of office and letting in the Tories."
Such was the power of the lies and propaganda that flowed out of Wellington House, the forerunner of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.
The First World War continues to disturb the British psyche today, much as the Civil War still haunts Americans. British casualties in the war numbered 723,000 - more than twice the number suffered in World War II. The author writes: "The First World War remains the worst thing the people of my country have ever had to endure."
One of the most important costs of the war, which was prolonged by British and American participation, was the destruction of the Russian government.
Ferguson contends that in the absence of British intervention, the most likely result would have been a quick German victory with some territorial concessions in the east, but no Bolshevik Revolution.
There would have been no Lenin - and no Hitler either. "It was ultimately because of the war that both men were able to rise to establish barbaric despotisms which perpetrated still more mass murder."
Had the British stayed on the sidelines, Ferguson argues, their empire would still be strong and viable. He believes that the British could have easily coexisted with Germany, with which it had good relations before the war. But the British victory came at a price "far in excess of their gains" and "undid the first golden age of economic 'globalization.'" But ruthless anti-German propaganda turned those good relations into enmity and hatred.
World War I also led to a great loss of individual liberty. "Wartime Britain ... became by stages a kind of police state," Ferguson writes. Of course, liberty is always a casualty of war and the author compares the British situation with the draconian measures imposed in America by President Wilson.
The suppression of free speech in America "made a mockery of the Allied powers' claim to be fighting for freedom." What the Professor Fergusson did know was that Wilson had imposed the worst kind of restrictions of free speech. He even tried to get Senator La Follette arrested for opposing the war.
While Ferguson addressed mainly British audiences, it is relevant to Americans who tragically followed the brainwashed propaganda-dazed and nervously drunk British into both world wars at tremendous cost in freedom, the result of the centralization of power in the leviathan government in Washington, D.C.
There are many valuable lessons to be learned from this timely warning that the Tavistock Institute, successor to Wellington House, has shown just how easy it is to condition and mind-control large segments of population groups.

"The Great War:" The Power of Propaganda

The fruits of the war that ordinary people of Britain, France, Germany, Belgium and Russia did not want: Killed in the prime of their lives:
  • Britain and Empire 2,998,671
  • France 1,357,800
  • Germany 2,037,700
  • Belgium 58,402
These are mainly deaths on the so-called "Western Front" and "Eastern Front" and do not include casualties sustained on other fronts by other nations. The cost in monetary terms was $180,000,000,000 in direct accounting and indirectly another $151,612,500,000.
The two WWI battles mentioned in this book: Passchendaele. Began on July 31, 1917 the battle raged for three months. Casualties amounted to 400,000 men.
Verdun. Began February 21, 1916 and ended on June 7. 700.000 men killed.

Later Propaganda Efforts

Tavistock Institute has so perfected its techniques that recent expert opinion has it that 70% of all capital and human resources that the US government advertising/propaganda programs devotes to for strategic objectives, going to psychological operations, the propaganda which these psychological operations are comprised have become the single most significant part of what it means to be American and British.
The level of propaganda is now so, high, so all encompassing, that Social Scientist count on it to be the totality of American life, and as a result of sustained propaganda, life in these two countries has become a simulation. Tavistock predicts, as do philosophers and sociologists from Beaudrilliard to McLuhan, that this simulation will soon be substituted for reality.
The public perception of propaganda associates it with advertising and the kind of partisan propaganda disseminated by radio talk shows, or with a zealous radio preacher. Indeed these are all forms of propaganda, but for the most part they are recognized as such.
The advertiser is tries to instill his particular product or service on the minds of the audience. Political commentary does the very same thing and likewise religious programming is intended as much to motivate followers to take a particular course of action such as supporting the war or some country they ascribe as "biblical" we need to support at the exclusion of others) to change the spiritual orientation of non- committed listeners. Thus, they hope that audiences will be persuaded to embrace the ideas of the speakers or to follow their lead to support such and such an objective. Any "preaching" about the Middle East over American radio in particular soon reveals this objective.
Other types of communication in all forms of the media are far more intrusive such as deliberately slanted and or false, incomplete news reporting, presented as truth or objective fact. The reality is that it is naked propaganda disguised as news at which Tavistock graduates excel.

Forceful propaganda

Forceful propaganda, first introduced by Bernays at Wellington House to forcefully persuade the unwilling population is by scientific repetition. World War I was a field day for Wellington House with thousands of reputations of "the Butcher of Berlin" etc.
In the latest Gulf war the people of the United States were not inclined to worry very much about an invasion by Saddam Hussein, but Powell, Rice, Cheney and a succession of "authorities" dinned it into the heads of the American people that Saddam Hussein might soon cause a "mushroom cloud" to appear over the United States, even though there was no truth in their claims.
The statement that "Saddam was a threat to his neighbors" stressed again and again - by government operatives and military leaders, who were soon joined by vast numbers of private organizations, political commentators, intellectuals, entertainers, and, of course, the news media carried the day even though based upon layers of lies.
Propaganda messages do differ although the core message is always the same and the sheer volume of warnings and the diversity of the sources involved served to confirm in people s minds that the threat is indeed very real. Slogans help listeners and readers of this propaganda material to visualize the "danger." orchestrated not so much to protect the country as to bring about active participation by raising the level of hysteria.
This was standard practice in use by Britain and the United States in all the wars in which they were combatants from 1900 up to the present time. The resulting climate of fear brought the desired effect; rapid expansion of military research and arms stockpiling and "pre-emptive strikes" in Serbia and Iraq.
Propaganda took a nasty fall during the Vietnam War when Americans actually saw the brutality of battle in their living rooms and the notion of a "defensive" war took a nosedive. The purveyors of the wars in Serbia and Iraq took good care not to allow the mistake to be repeated.
The effect of propaganda was so great that most Americans still believe that Vietnam was an "anti-communist" war. From the cold war generally - the Cuban missile crisis - Serbia propaganda helped hostilities to flourish and multiply.
The propaganda of the anti-communist era was tailor made by Tavistock and designed to facilitate the development of a global U.S. military expansion that has been going on since the Institute for Pacific Relations was established in the 1930s and upon which Mc McCarthy stumbled.
There are other type of insidious propaganda other types of propaganda are directed toward social behavior or group loyalties. We see it in the emergence of the decline in morals that has swept the world on a wave of well-directed propaganda of the type favored by H.V. Dicks, R Bion, Hadley Cantril and Edward Bernays, the Social Scientists who at one stage ran operations at Tavistock Their product, propaganda, is the illusion of truth fabricated by the whores of deception.


  • "Journey Into Madness;" Gordon Thomas
  • "MK. Ultra 90;" CIA
  • "American Journal of Psychiatry," Jan. 1956; Dr. Ewan Cameron.
    Documents relating to activities of "The Society for the Investigation of Human Psychology."
    This was a front for CIA experiments into mind control.
  • "Ethics of Terror:" Prof Abraham Kaplan.
  • "The Psychiatrist and Terror;" Prof. John Gun.
  • "The Techniques of Persuasion;" l.R. C.Brown.
  • "The Psychotic;" Understanding Madness; Andrew Crowcroft.
    (When you understand "madness" it can be recreated in any subject.)
  • "The Battle for the Mind;" Private, Invicta Press.
  • "The Mind Possessed;" Private, Invicta Press.
  • "The Collected Works of Dr. Jose Delgado."
  • "The Experiments of Remote Mind Control" (ESB): Dr. Robert Heath.
    Dr. Heath conducted successful experiments with ESB which proved that he could create memory lapses, cause sudden impulses (like random shootings), evoke fear, pleasure and hatred at his command.
  • "ESB Experiments;" Gottlieb.
    Dr. Gottlieb said his experiments were leading to making a psycho-civilized person, and then, an entire psycho-civilized society, in which every human thought, emotion, sensation, desire is completely controlled by electrical stimulations of the brain.
    Dr. Gottleib stated that he could stop a charging bull in its tracks; PROGRAM HUMANS TO KILL ON COMMAND.
    Extensive documentation of experiments conducted by the CIA using ESB-the research under the control of Dr. Stephen Aldrich.
    "The Collected Research Papers of Dr. Alan Cameron." These were found with the huge collection of documents of mind control experiments packed away in 130 boxes, conducted by Dr. Gottleib and which he had not destroyed as ordered by the CIA.
  • "The New York Times, December 1974." An expose of CIA mind control experiments.
    Apart from the above there is Dr. Coleman's own works, "Metaphysics, Mind Control, ELF Radiation and Weather Modifications" published in 1984, and updated 2005.
    In this same work Dr. Coleman explains how mind control works and gives clear examples of it. He expanded on his the earlier work with "Mind Control in the 20 Century," which explicitly details how mind control techniques have advanced.
  • A Dynamic Theory of Personality. Dr. Kurt Lewin
  • Time Perspective and Morale. *
  • The Neurosis of War. W.R Bion. (Macmillan London 1943)
  • Experiences in Groups. * (Lancet Nov. 27, 1943)
  • Leaderless Groups. * (London 1940)
  • Experiences in Groups. * (Bulletin of Messenger)
  • Catastrophic Change. * (The British Psychoanalytical Soc.)
  • Elements of Psychoanalysis. * London 1963
  • Borderline Personality Disorders. * London
  • Force and Ideas. Walter Lippmann
  • Public Opinion. Walter Lippmann
  • Crystallizing Public Opinion. Edward Bernays
  • Propaganda. Edward Bernays
  • The Daily Mirror. Alfred Harmsworth 1903/1904
  • The Sunday Mirror. Alfred Harmsworth 1905/1915
  • Human Quality. Aurelio Peccei 1967
  • The Chasm Ahead. Aurelio Peccei
  • Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany. Correspondence Entre Guillaume II
  • Memories of Lenin. N. Krupskaya (London 1942)
  • The World Crisis. Winston Churchill
  • How We Advertised America. George Creel New York 1920
  • Wilson, The New Freedom. Arthur S. Link 1956
  • The Aquarian Conspiracy. Marilyn Fergusson
  • Some Principles of Mass Persuasion. Dorwin Cartwright
  • Journal of Humanistic Psychology. John Rawlings Reese
  • Understanding Man's Behavior. Gordon Alport
  • Invasion from Mars. Hadley Cantrill
  • War of Worlds. H. G. Wells
  • Terror by Radio. The New York Times
  • Psychology of Science. Aldous Huxley
  • A Kings' Story. The Duke of Windsor
  • My Four Years in Germany. James W. Gerard
  • Under the Iron Heel. G. W. Stevens
  • The Technotronic Era. Zbigniew Brzezinski. Institute for Development and Management Publications.
  • Ronald Lippert. When Action Research Becomes Cold War Methodology
  • The Science of Coercion. Renses Likert
  • Management Systems and Style.
  • Mental Tensions. H.V. Dicks
  • The State of Psychiatry in British Psychiatry. H.V. Dicks
  • The Jungle.
  • Upton Sinclair
  • Appeal to Reason The Money Changers.
  • Propaganda Techniques in the World War. Harold Lasswell
  • Imperial Twilight. Berita Harding
  • Innocence and Experience. Gregory Bateson
  • For God's Sake. Bateson and Margaret Meade
  • They Threw God Out Of the Garden.
  • R.D. Laing
  • Steps to an Ecology of Mind. The Facts of Life.
  • On Our Way. Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • How Democracies Perish. Jean Francois Revel
  • Disraeli. Stanley Weintraub
  • Brute Force: Allied Strategy Tactics WWII. John Ellis
  • The Concentration Camps in South Africa. Napier Davitt
  • The Times History of the War in South Africa. Sampson Low 7 Vols.
  • The Organization's Man Jorgen Schleiman 1965
  • Stalin and German Communism Jorgen Schleiman 1948
  • Willi Munzenberg A Political Biography Babetta Gross 1974
  • Propaganda Technique in the World War Harold Lowell
  • The Propaganda Menace Frederick E. Lumley 1933
  • History of the Russian Communist Party Leonard Schapiro 1960
  • Neue Zurcher Zeitung December 21, 1957
  • The Bolshevik Rise to Power and the November Revolution A.P. Kerensky 1935
  • Ten Days That Shook The World John Reed 1919


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