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An American Affidavit

Thursday, September 21, 2017

4.Wolfgang Halbig goes for the Jugular in his FOIA Hearing by Jim Fetzer , Ph.D. from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook

Wolfgang Halbig goes for the 
Jugular in his FOIA Hearing 

by Jim Fetzer , Ph.D. 

Wolfgang Halbig, a former Florida State Trooper, school principal and 
nationally recognized school safety expert, may be the leading researcher 
into the Sandy Hook affair. After filing complaint upon complaint about 

the failure of responses to his FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) 
requests, he was granted ahearing, which was initially scheduled for 
March 31, 2015. Wolfgang waited, but the time came and went. It was re- 
booked for April 24th and has taken place. Here is an exclusive interview 
withWolfgang by MBC (Media Broadcasting Center), where a video 
recording of the hearing and a panel discussion of what had transpired during 
the hearing with many serious students of Sandy Hook follows (search by 
title on YouTube): 

For those who are less familiar 
with the background of the Sandy 
Hook hoax, here is a summary of 
key aspects, which include ample 
proof that the school had been closed 
by 2008, which included that it was 
not compliant with Connecticut 
laws implementing the Americans 
with Disabilities Act, where there is 
a complete absence of the familiar 
white-and-blue parking areas and 
corresponding signage, where the exterior of the building is in deplorable 
condition and the inside was being used for storage (search by title on YouTube) : 

Among our most important discoveries has been the FEMA manual for 
the Sandy Hook event (Appendix A), which specifies that a rehearsal will be 


Jim Fetzer Ph.D. 

conducted on December 13, 2012, 
with the event going “LIVE” on the 
14th, which explains why Wolf has 
been unable to obtain information 
about the Port-A-Potties, which 
on its face seems very obscure, but 
where releasing the documents he 
has requested would reveal that 
they were delivered on the 13th, 
which blows the cover for the whole 
event. Bear in mind that, while we 
already know that it was a scam, H 
as a matter of law. 

If is proceeding to establish that point 

Photos from “The Crime Scene” 

One of Wolf’s successes has been to gain access to dozens and dozens 
of photographs taken of the school the day after the alleged shooting. MBC 
has included them with its broadcast, where I am offering a sample of what 
they tell us about the condition of the school, both inside and out. These 
photographs provide further substantiation of my inference that the school 
had been closed by 2008, which I published (with Amanda) in “Sandy Hook 
Elementary School: Closed in 2008, a stage in 2012”. The building is covered 
with moss and grime, with many indications of repairs left undone: 


Goes for the Jugular in his FOIA Hearing 

The interior shots provide even more damning proof that the school had 
long-since been abandoned, with loose electrical chords dangling, unkempt 
offices and rooms, with materials stored everywhere. Anyone who reviews 
these photos should have a more profound appreciation for the points 
that 1 made in “Sandy Hook: Ten More Proofs that Vitiate the ‘Official 
Account’” and in “Sandy Hook Elementary School: Closed in 2008, a stage 
in 2012”, at least one of which remains accessible on YouTube today: 

The FOIA Hearing (April 24, 2015) 

Kelley Watt has summarized the event as follows: On Friday, April 
24, 2015, Wolfgang had his long overdue and awaited hearing before the 
Freedom of Information Commission. The Commissioner is a Governor 
Malloy appointee. The discussion dealt with the consent agenda regarding 
the Super Bowl permission by Dawn Hochsprung ( “the hoax was sprung 
in the dawn’’), documents for which Wolf had requested. Monte Frank, an 
attorney, was present representing the School Board, the Newtown Police 
and the Town of Newtown. 

Frank claimed Wolf had the documents he needed and had requested but 
Wolf stood firm and stated he wanted permission slips of children to sing, 
authorization from Dawn and the school board approving the field trip and 
those documents he did not receive. Wolf also took issue with documents 


Jim Fetzer Ph.D. 

regarding Chatfield’s regarding the Porta-A-Potties and who called for them; 
he wanted but did not receive the documents from the school board or the 
school. The school would have to have been the party ordering them, since 
they are on their property. 

Wolf then brought up the fact 
that there were no documents 
pertaining to communications 
between Connecticut Trooper One 
and the Newtown police. Chief 
Kehoe of the Newtown Police 
Department has claimed there were 
no communication logs, yet it was 
the Newtown police who asked 
for Trooper One helicopter to help 
search for a shooter or multiple 
shooters in the woods behind the school. (Search YouTube by title.) 

Then it was the man in charge of maintenance for Sandy Hook schools 
who garnered laughter from the crowd when he stated he had read the work 
orders but didn ’ t know if they existed. The FOIA requests that Wolf received 
had two unsigned signature lines at the bottom stating that the work had been 
done and signed off on by a supervisor; however, this man stated that they 
were not signed and that they just signed off verbally. 

When asked when the new security system was installed, he stated it 
was last updated in 2007! This was new information to all researchers and 
when Wolf was asked why he thought there was a new system, Wolf said 
every news outlet in America reported that the school had a new system and 
that the school principal, Mrs. Hochsprung, had sent out letters to parents 
describing the new security upgrades. 

Monte said it was “hearsay” and he objected to it being in the record based 
on hearsay. The question also arose during the hearing why, after the first 
911 calls were made, the police records indicate the incident was “moderate” 
rather than an emergency, where the unknown person in the vicinity was said 
to be “unwanted”. Most of the meeting consisted of Monte Frank objecting to 
things, asking that things not be put in the record, and contending that most 
of the items Wolf was pursuing were irrelevant. 

Wolf visits with Governor Malloy 

After the meeting it was decided to take Wolf over to the state legislature in 
order to go to Malloy’s office and ask him a question. They had to park a mile 


Goes for the Jugular in his FOIA Hearing 

away but they went to the Governor’s 
office and Wolf made a request 
of his aide, “Can you ask Malloy 
who spoke to him during the press 
conference he referenced that, ‘The 
Lt. Governor and I have been spoken 
to that something like this may be 
played out in our state ’? ” And you 
can watch and hear the Governor 
make precisely that remark in this 
video (search YouTube by title): 

Much to Wolf’s amazement, the 
Lt. Governor and Malloy walked 
right by Wolf, so Wolf said, “Hello, 
lam Wolfgang Halbig. Can Iaskyou 
a question ?” Malloy said “Sure. ” So 
Wolf asked who had spoken to 
him in advance apprising him that 
something like this might happen 
in your state. Governor Malloy’s 
response was “I never said that! ”, 
which was rather astonishing, since 
the Governor’s press conference the day of the event was recorded and widely 
publicized at the time. Wolf now has his denial on film! (Search YouTube by title.) 

Governor Malloy blundered here, no doubt because he did not want 
to admit that the person who had warned him “something like this might 
happen” appears to have been Attorney General Eric Holder, who visited 
with the governor on November 27, 2012, which was only a few weeks 
before the event at Sandy Hook would go down. Yet the governor made no 
effort to warn Connecticut school districts to enhance their security due to 
an imminent threat. 1 surmise he was in fact told they were going to take an 
abandoned school and conduct a drill and present it as real to promote the 
administration’s anti-gun agenda. 

Conclusion and Discussion 

The room was full of Wolf’s supporters. Wolf was told subpoenas were 
irrelevant because it was not a courtroom, where Monte Frank told Pat 
Llodra and the head custodian they did not have to obey the subpoenas and 
not to show up. It was reported that Monte was trembling. They ran out of 
time so the hearing will be held at a later date to finish up. I just listened to 
the hearing once and 1 think this all pretty accurate. Wolf’s attorney did a 


Jim Fetzer Ph.D. 

great job considering she believed 
at first this really happened. I 
wonder what she thinks now ! Thus 
concludes Kelley Watts summary 
of the initial hearing. But many of 
Wolf’s supporters joined him in a 
round-table discussion of what he 
had accomplished thus far: 

While many other photos and 
videos of the deplorable condition of 
Sandy Hook Elementary School may be found in “Sandy Hook Elementary 
School: Closed by 2008, a stage in 2012”, I would like to offer a few 
examples of the photos that are now in the public domain, which illustrate 
the key point— reinforced by the report that the school’s security system had 
most recently been updated in 2007 ! — by examples of the deplorable state 
of the school inside and out, where it was clearly being used for storage and 
was not operating at the time, one of which I have taken from that article 
for inclusion here: 

Exhibit (1): Absence of compbance with Americans with 
Disabilities Act: 

Exhibit (2): Presence electrical hazards for teachers, staff and 
students alike: 


Goes for the Jugular in his FOIA Hearing 

Exhibit (3): Absence of wheelchair accessibility and of proper 

Exhibit (4): Presence of stored items of every shape, kind and 

If these are not compelling, there are many more. You will find gutters 
in need of repair, walls covered with moss, leaks and stains that require 


Jim Fetzer Ph.D. 

attention, classrooms filled with boxes and miscellaneous stuff, which have 
now been released because of Wolfgang’s heroic actions. 1 have no doubt 
that his approach is going to drive legal nails into the coffin of the Sandy Hook 
hoax, where 1 encourage everyone to visit his site and contribute to his cause. 
He is a good and decent man, whom I personally support 100%. 

This chapter originally appeared as “SANDY HOOK: Wolfgang Halbig goes 
for the jugular in FOIA Hearings ” (8 May 2015), on jamesfetzer.blogspot. 

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