Stop Spraying Us with Aerosolized Pandemics!Pandemics are caused by aerosolized bioweapons, including H5N1. Dr. Demetri Daskalakis stated on CNN 2 days ago that there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission of H5N1 bird flu.January 2, 2025: With the recent increase in chemtrail skies, the emergence of unmanned, low-orbit drones spraying local communities across America, and the emergence of a mysterious fog across Europe and North America, the 2021-22 breaking news that COVID-19 was an aerosolized bioweapon attack is now “breaking news” again. Over the past 4 years, I’ve frequently reported that the there was no human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2, but that the COVID-19 pandemic was caused by aerosolized biosynthetic proteins encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles during interviews with Brannon Howse., including this June 16, 2022, interview. You can view the full 23-minute interview on “Viruses” are Biosynthetic Nanotechnology BioweaponsIn 2023, the producers of Died Suddenly and I even made a movie entitled, “Final Days,” detailing the patents, EcoHealth Alliance DARPA proposal, and statements from James Giordano (DARPA contractor) explaining how militaries can aerosolize nanoparticle technologies to cause illness, disease and death in the population, as well as induce neurocognitive dysfunction (aka - the nanoparticles are also neuroweapons).You can view the 1-hour documentary Final Days on Rumble.Is H5N1 an Aerosolized Bioweapon Pandemic Too?Yes. H5N1 is also a nanoparticle lab-created pathogen created and funded by NIH/DARPA/DoD/BARDA that is currently inoculating mammals around the globe, specifically targeting dairy cows and chickens, through aerosol attacks, as well as contaminated food and/or water. On October 10, 2024, members of the WHO, FDA, CDC, NIH, ASPR, BARDA, as well as U.S. infectious disease pediatricians, held a 6.5 hour meeting to discuss the current status and further development of vaccines for an emerging 2024-2025 H5N1 global flu pandemic. During the meeting, representatives, including Dr. Paul Offit, talked about how the dangerous subclass of H5N1 hasn’t jumped from animals to humans ‘yet’. Presenting data from the WHO, Dr. Todd Davis of the CDC gave a 1-hour presentation on the “Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5NX) Virus Surveillance and Characterization in the US and Globally and Recommendations for Candidate Vaccine Virus Development.” H5N1 Causes Asymptomatic Infections in Dairy Cows and ChickensSimilar to the stories from the NIH, NIAID, USAID and EcoHealth Alliance about the SARS-CoV-2 virus jumping across various animal species and eventually to humans, Dr. Todd Davis’ presentation was highly focused on the ‘unscientific story’ about inert genetic material from birds (H5NX) spontaneously jumping from birds to all different types of species and eventually crossing over humans, thereby causing a highly infectious disease-causing and deadly pandemic. This is all nonsense. ‘Viruses’ (aka proteins, aka genetic material that is foreign to a species) doesn’t spontaneously mutate and jump from one species to another. In other words, you have zero risk of contracting dog DNA from petting your dog. Cells in your body won’t spontaneously be penetrated by a ‘dog virus’ (aka dog DNA/RNA proteins) and then begin producing dog DNA in your body making you an infectious carrier of dog DNA. During the October 10th Mega-WEF’y FDA meeting, the co-conspirators completely left out the discussion of the vector (vehicle or delivery mechanism) that is required to for a human to be inoculated with innate genetic material (aka a virus) foreign to our species, which would be an insect (such as a mosquito) or a vaccine. At least with COVID-19, DARPA based their original COVID-19 pandemic story in some realism alleging a mosquito as a potential vector. Even if someone is infected with foreign genetic material via a bug bite or if they got bird or bat poop in their eyes or mouth, they still would not be able to infect other human beings with the alleged zoonic ‘virus,’ despite what Deborah Birx recently said on CNN. The Bird-DNA-Based H5N1 Virus is Not transmitted via Human-to Human ContactDon’t believe me? Even the CDC’s infectious disease specialist, Dr. Demetri Daskalakis stated on CNN 2 days ago that there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission of H5N1 bird flu. What did he say?On November 7, 2024, Dr. Daskalakis also stated during a CDC weekly meeting, that the most common symptom of the ‘highly-deadly’ bird flu in livestock and humans is no symptoms at all or very mild symptoms (meaning….the potential for H5N1 to become a pandemic is made-up story). So, if there is no human-to-human transmission of H5N1 and the most common symptoms of sickness are no symptoms at all….. “How Do Humans Get Infected and SICK with Disease-Causing Nanoparticle Encapsulated Biosynthetic ‘Viruses’ such as SARS-2 or H5N1?”US Marine Jason Murphy later exposed in a whistleblower letter that the COVID-19 injections were the ultimate vector turning human beings into ‘bioweapon factories.’
Which is why FDA vaccine director, Dr. Jerry Weir, stated on October 10, 2024, that the FDA plans on fully approving pathogenic (disease-causing) H5N1-virus vaccines for use in Americans and global citizens as young as 6 months old without reviewing any safety or efficacy data first. Pandemics are the Business of BioWarfareFormer Russian Biodefense General, Igor Kirillov, (who was recently assassinated), frequently reported that WHO declared pandemics were created by ‘biosynthetic pathogens’ for the purposes of releasing high-risk, disease-causing vaccines made by US manufacturers, for purpose of monetary gain. Per a May 6, 2023, Russian Press Statement:
The NIH Has Invested Over $1.5 Billion in H5N1It’s important to note that the NIH has invested over $1.5 billion in developing H5N1 vaccines since 2006 and is financially invested in ensuring the H5N1 vaccines gain global market access. Reference: What is the End Goal?Per a 2022 interview with Dr. Robert Malone and Glenn Beck, the end goal is transhumanism. While transhumanism is often described as the merger of man with machine, in reality, it is the extinction of the human species and all biological life forms. In a recently leaked presentation (allegedly from NASA) entitled, “Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare (Circa 2025), NASA presents a plan for the extinction of humanity that includes the emergence of cyborgs. Slide 2 is clearly titled, 'The Bots, Borgs, & Humans Welcome You to 2025 A.D.’ This war on humanity is being coordinated by US national security agencies (i.e. FBI and CIA), as well as US military departments (i.e. US Airforce). The presentation describes humans as a type of pestilence on ‘Spaceship Earth’. While this may be shocking to some, in Pfizer’s mRNA partner’s January 2021, investor presentation, BioNTech describes the human species as ‘a disease.’ The end goal is to have human beings only exist ‘virtually’. The end goal of global powers working together to exterminate the human species and upload ‘human consciousness’ to a cloud, is confirmed by the China National GeneBank educational video promoting the promise of ‘everlasting life’ through the reduction of human population and digitization of all life forms. What Can We Do to Stop This?The first step is to stop repeating the lies of the unelected overlords that are trying to control, this includes dismantling the made-up story that today’s pandemics are caused by ‘viruses,’ when they’re in fact, caused by military-grade nanoparticle bioweapons that are spread via aerosol attacks, and/or food and beverage contamination. A health freedom attorney or law firm can act swiftly to file a restraining order against CA Governor Gavin Newsom for declaring an H5N1 state of emergency based on fraud. Attorneys and/or pro se litigants can bring criminal charges against Pfizer and have the PREP Act vacated (not repealed) because Congress cannot pass laws that override state criminal laws under Article 1, section 1 of the Constitution. We can all petition the new administration, HHS and Congress to issue a Class 1 recall of the COVID-19 mRNA injections immediately after Trump takes office. We Should Be Praying for Each Other, Not Attacking One AnotherI’ve recently observed much infighting amongst the medical freedom movement and IMO, this needs to stop immediately. We don’t need a ‘few good men,’ we need an army of courageous individuals who are willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of our country, our liberties, our children, and our species. True warriors who can actually move the needle have been and will continue to be threatened, attacked, injured and terrorized in this war to save humanity. We should be praying for each other, not attacking one another. I strongly recommend subscribing to Dr. Peter McCullough’s Substack for verifiable updates on the origins, spread, and potential devastation of H5N1 if immediate actions are not taken. James 2: 20-26You foolish person, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless? Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend. You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone. In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction? As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. The Kingston Report. TRUTH WINS.If You’d Like to Further Support My WorkMail: Karen Kingston/miFight Inc., 960 Postal Way #307, Vista, CA 92085 The Kingston Report is reader-supported. Consider becoming a paid subscriber to support me and my work. Contact: I can be contacted via email at You're currently a free subscriber to The Kingston Report. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |
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