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An American Affidavit

Friday, October 4, 2024

Open Letter to Students and Parents about Vaccines


Open Letter to Students and Parents about Vaccines

Dear Students and Parents: Another school year is upon us.

For many people, including students, the Covid era seems to be over. That confusing, frightening, and traumatic time finally feels like a thing of the past.

However, the harms we suffered linger on. The educational losses and the mental health trauma suffered by millions of students are just two examples.

Also, the threat of future pandemics is constantly promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other supposed experts. Their non-stop plague-of-the-month campaign has mutated from Covid, to “Disease X,” to Bird flu, and now to Monkeypox (which, having failed to create sufficient fear last time, has been rebranded as “Mpox”).

The threat of another pandemic does exist. But it does not come directly from nature, as the WHO and other alarmists claim.

Instead, the danger comes from human-manipulated viruses, as it was with the SARS-CoV-2 virus that got out of the Wuhan lab in late 2019. Countless gain-of-function labs, both in the United States and abroad, are playing dangerous games with nature, genetically altering viruses to make them more transmissible and more virulent.

These so-called scientists create bioweapons, and yet incredibly they defend this in the name of vaccine research! If this sounds too crazy to believe, too Sci-Fi to be true, consider: Many, many laboratories start with viruses obtained from nature that infect animals and genetically change them so that, in their lab-altered form, they will infect humans and transmit among us. Such altered viruses are bioweapons. In the process, those doing this “research” obtain patents on the viruses and the alterations made to them. Why?

They do this so that when the bioweapons get into the human population, either by accident or intentionally, the same people and organizations that created the bioweapons can create the supposed remedy, the “countermeasure,” in the form of a vaccine. They use government money to develop it, impose it on everyone else, and make gigantic profits in the process, since they hold the patent rights to the medical technology. This happened during Covid, and there is reason to believe it will happen again.

To put it another way, In the world of “Pandemic Preparedness,” there are arsonists running the Fire Department.

Couple this with the already highly profitable traditional vaccine industry, and it is no surprise that the number of vaccines on the CDC vaccine schedules continues to increase.

Why Does This Concern Students?

There are 2 reasons why this problem is so important to students:

  • First, because governments and Pharma use school enrollment at nearly all levels of education as a key mechanism to push the ever-growing vaccine agenda.
  • Second, because young people have the most to lose from these policies.

If you are a college student today, the number of childhood vaccines you have received may be 2 to 3 times the number your parents received. If you have a sibling or cousin in elementary school, the number may be even greater for them. Unless the current situation changes, these numbers will only continue to increase.

However, as you may know, children’s health is significantly worse for your generation than it was for your parents, with dramatic increases in autism, allergies, and other chronic illnesses, among other problems. Autism in particular has increased alarmingly and in direct proportion to the increase in childhood vaccines.

However, governments and the medical establishment continue to push for more vaccines.

The Situation for College and Health Care Studies Students

During Covid, millions of college students were mandated to get the experimental Covid injections to be allowed to attend school. Colleges mandated the shots despite the facts that:

  • These injections did not stop infection or transmission of the virus.
  • Healthy young people had essentially zero risk of serious illness and death from Covid.

Since the Covid mRNA “vaccines” were given to the public, over 1.6 million adverse events and over 38,000 deaths related to these injections have been reported to the CDC’s own Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). Among these toxicities, increased rates of myocarditis—sometimes fatal—in young people, especially boys, have been demonstrated in recipients of the mRNA injections.

About 550 colleges in the U.S. never required Covid vaccines for undergraduate students. However, some of those colleges would have mandated them if state law had not forbidden it, and still pressured their students to take the shots. (We encourage high school students and parents currently researching colleges to strongly consider those schools that never mandated the Covid vaccines, but to carefully read the notes in the above link, and consult with current students and their families.)

A great many students in health care fields are still required to get these Covid injections to continue their studies. And according to the student advocacy group No College Mandates, 20 American colleges and universities still mandate the Covid shots for their undergraduates.

There is zero legitimate medical indication for healthy children or young adults to get the Covid mRNA injections. None. Any institution insisting upon this, especially at this late date, demonstrates a total disregard for the physical health and well-being of its students.

As a physician and parent, I will say this regarding those last holdout colleges: I would not send a stray dog to any one of those schools to be housetrained, much less send a child to be educated.

The Situation for Elementary, Middle School, and High School Students

At present, five U.S. states (California, New York, Maine, Connecticut, and West Virginia) allow no religious or conscience exemption from vaccination for children to attend public schools. In some of these states, significant pressure is put on physicians not to write medical exemptions either.

“Minor consent”—a child being legally able to consent to vaccinations or other treatments without parental consent—exists in multiple U.S. states. For example, in California, minor consent is legal for some vaccines beginning at age 12, while in New York, there is no set lower age limit for a child to consent to Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination. Washington State is among the most extreme. The pro-vaccine organization Vaxteen describes Washington’s “mature minor doctrine” as follows:

In Washington, minors of any age do not need their parent’s consent to receive all healthcare services, including vaccinations. This is called a “mature minor doctrine” and essentially means that if you talk to your doctor/healthcare provider and they decide you are “mature enough” to make your own health care decisions, you can.

Recently, the Vermont Supreme Court released a controversial decision in the case of Politella v. Windham, ruling that the government can vaccinate children without parental consent or legal recourse under some circumstances. As attorney John Klar explains:

The Vermont Supreme Court ruled that the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act immunized school officials from “all state-law claims…as a matter of law.” The Court did not address state or federal constitutional privacy protections or bodily autonomy, merely swallowing these paramount individual rights in a perverse, all-entrusting servitude to federal preemption by an omnipotent administrative state.

Across all levels of education, governments are using school enrollment to push the ever-growing vaccine agenda.

Safety Concerns About the mRNA “VINOs”

The Pfizer and Moderna Covid mRNA injections, while commonly called vaccines, are not true vaccines, but a type of mRNA-based gene therapy. In effect, they are Vaccines-In-Name-Only, or “VINOs.” As pointed out by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) and others, the CDC’s definition of “vaccination” was altered during Covid to allow new types of drugs to be described as vaccines. (According to US Federal law, vaccine manufacturers have extremely protected legal status against lawsuits compared to makers of other drugs.)

Even with all the safety concerns surrounding traditional vaccines, these mRNA products may well prove to be much more toxic than traditional vaccines over time.

The mRNA technology platform has numerous mechanisms by which it can potentially be toxic to multiple organ systems. As outlined in detail by researchers examining the adverse reactions of the Covid mRNA VINOs, these systems include 1) cardiovascular, (2) neurological, (3) hematologic, (4) immunological, (5) oncological, and (6) reproductive.

The mRNA platform has not been adequately studied for the widespread use that it is now receiving. Traditional vaccines—which still have toxicities—often underwent up to 10 years of trials before being approved for widespread use. However, during the pandemic, the Covid mRNA shots were rushed into use in about one year, through the so-called “Operation Warp Speed” program and by being granted Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) from the Federal Government, thereby bypassing usual safety testing.

Because the mRNA VINOs were rushed into use so quickly, there have been no long-term safety studies done on them. None. How could there be long-term studies on a product brought to market in one year?

This is concerning for anyone who receives this type of injection, but it is especially so for young people. After all, young children and students may have to deal with the potential side effects and toxicities of these products for as long as a century.

Now that the Covid pandemic has receded, reasonable people might assume that Pharma and government agencies would slow down and properly study the mRNA platform and the VINOs they plan to produce using this technology. Unfortunately, the opposite has been the case.

On its own website, Moderna describes a pipeline of mRNA VINOs currently in development for Influenza, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Norovirus, Lyme disease, Zika virus, Nipah virus, Monkeypox, and others.

Considering the aggressive approach to the use of the mRNA platform by companies like Pfizer and Moderna, it is possible and perhaps likely that in the near future, traditional antigen-based vaccines may be mostly or even entirely replaced by mRNA-based “VINOs.”

Many physicians and scientists who are not industry or Government insiders believe the use of the mRNA platform as a whole should be put completely on hold while the full scope of its toxicities, both short and long-term, are properly studied. However, the opposite is currently happening.


At the start of a new school year, who wants to be confronted with these scary topics? It is only natural that we should want things to return to the way they were before Covid. But these issues are both real and important, and every one of us must be aware of them and must face them, for the sake of our own health and well-being.

This letter cannot and should not be considered personal medical advice. Unlike the thousands of colleges, employers, and others who mandated the Covid shots, this letter is not here to tell you what to do. On the contrary.

Instead, this letter is intended to serve two purposes: First, to inform and emphasize to students and parents that the situation with both traditional vaccines and the newer mRNA VINOs is problematic at best, and very harmful at worst. Even now, when Covid seems behind us, the situation is becoming more concerning, especially for young people.

Second, to remind all young people of their fundamental human right to determine for themselves what is and is not done to their body. In the field of medical ethics, this is called autonomy. It is the first and foremost pillar of medical ethics. Much of what happened in medicine during Covid was unethical and immoral. But that does not change the fact that doctors, nurses, health care systems, schools, universities, and government agencies have an ethical and moral responsibility to respect your bodily autonomy. Don’t ever let anyone convince you otherwise, and don’t trust anyone who tries to deny you autonomy over your own body.

In conclusion, to students and parents: please consider the following.

  1. Do your own research before you accept any medical treatment – be it a vaccine or anything else. Do not accept any medical therapy simply out of convenience, or because someone else “mandates” it. Do not “take one for the team.” Accept nothing based only on the assurances of others – not those of your school, your government, your doctor, and certainly not Pharma. Do your own research, maintain a healthy skepticism, and seek honest and impartial information about things you don’t understand. Do not allow anyone to do anything to you that you are not confident is both safe and in your best interest.
  2. Learn to say “no.” There are many times in life when it is better in the long run to say “no,” but easier in the moment to say “yes.” Such careless compliance can often bring you to grief. Sadly, this is true in the world of medicine, as it is elsewhere in life.
  3. Learn what your options are and pursue them. If you’re a high schooler looking into colleges now, consider those schools that never mandated Covid vaccines. If you’re a healthcare student still facing mandates, learn about exemptions and pursue one if you wish. If you’re a parent of young children in an area where you feel there is excessive state overreach in public schools, consider alternative schools, homeschooling, or moving. Options still exist for students both to get an education and protect their health and autonomy, but you must learn what the options are and actively pursue them.
  4. Speak out. Until the “Pandemic Industrial Complex” is stopped and the mRNA and vaccine pipelines are brought under proper control, the bodies of our young people will continue to be subjected to more novel pharmaceutical products of unknown toxicity. Is this the world you want to live in? For college students: does your school conduct gain-of-function research? Students at Wisconsin, North Carolina, Boston University, and numerous other institutions should consider taking action to get their alma maters to divest from such activity. Consider starting a student organization to advocate and protect your rights. Two good existing organizations you may wish to contact are Students Against Mandates and No College Mandates.
  5. Most of all, protect yourselves. Your elders have mostly failed you in this matter. You have many years of life ahead of you. It is up to you to safeguard your own health.

May every student have a happy, successful, and healthy school year.

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This article was originally published by the Brownstone Institute. C.J. Baker, MD is an internal medicine physician with a quarter century in clinical practice. He has held numerous academic medical appointments, and his work has appeared in many journals, including the Journal of the American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine. From 2012 to 2018 he was Clinical Associate Professor of Medical Humanities and Bioethics at the University of Rochester.

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