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An American Affidavit

Friday, October 4, 2024

5047-5049: Internal Memo: No "Stand Down" Orders from Lincoln County Watch


Thursday, October 3, 2024

5047-5049: Internal Memo: No "Stand Down" Orders from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

There's no "Stand Down Orders" --- there's just lack of money and power on the part of the Harris Administration to do anything, so they are telling everyone to "Stand Down" and preventing civilians from rescuing other civilians --- and costing American lives. 

These idiots must be removed and the political party crap has to come to an end right now.  

No "legitimacy" can be gained by continuing it. 

We are deeply offended that these foreign persons are still being allowed to give "orders" that are costing American lives.  

Shut them down and shut them up.  Now. 

Rescue of flood victims is Job One. Repairing infrastructure is Job Two to be pursued in tandem with Job One.  

We have the funding and don't need the approval of any Congress, because the Federation of States doesn't stand under any Constitution.  We are the Employers, not the Employees. 

So, all government employees at all levels shake a leg and coordinate with our Peacekeeping Task Force.  Pay no attention whatsoever to anything that the so-called Harris Administration says. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 2nd 2024

International Public Notice: Freedom -- and the Question

 By Anna Von Reitz

For the last several hundred years it has been a matter of open debate in some sectors whether or not the human race has the ability to self-govern. 

One side says, yes, of course, they can self-govern.  They only need to be taught the principles and skills of self-governance and they will be able to go forward from there. 

The other side says, no, they are hopelessly immoral and lack self-discipline and self-awareness.  They can't self-govern, so they will have to be governed and disciplined and treated like farm animals or babies, dependent on someone or something else to make their decisions for them. 

Our side of the issue has won consistently over time, but each time, our efforts have been undermined by ignorance and poverty, so that no fair trial of the question has ever succeeded for more than a few decades, before a network of self-interested goons have prevailed in ruining it for everyone.  

The last so-called "American Experiment" lasted from 1776 to 1860, not even a full 100 years, before part of our government was taken down and the rest paralyzed by corrupt members of the military and equally corrupt politicians in the employ of foreign governments. 

So what do you say this time?  Are you all aware and ready to accept the challenges of learning a new way of living?  

Are the "terrors" of self-governance so awful, that you prefer life as a farm animal?  

If you are ready for the challenge of making your own choices, not only as an individual but as a self-aware part of a County, a State, a nation-state and a world, then give your attention to this question: 
What do you want? 

Nobody in the Nanny State mentality ever asks you what you want, because your needs and desires don't matter.  You are a farm animal.  The "Farmers" only invest in your health and continued existence to the extent that it profits them.  Your other needs, your feelings, your consciousness is immaterial and unimportant, because they are "governing" you and your existence.  

To them, it doesn't matter what you want. 

To us, it does matter. And so, we ask you to think about what you want, maybe for the first time in your life.  

Really.  Sit down and think.  What kind of world do I want?  What do I want to spend my life doing?  What matters?  

It doesn't take a crystal ball to determine that a great many of us, if not all of us, want basically the same things: 

Good food. 
Clean water. 
Decent shelter.
Tools of all kinds. 
Healthy soil. 
Healthy animals. 
Healthy forests. 
Healthy oceans. 

It's just basic stuff on our Wish Lists, and then, there are the other things that, by working at it and choosing our outcomes, we can give to each other: 


Love is a decision.  It's not first and foremost an emotion. The emotion is the very last step of a process that begins when we accept someone "as is".  

The first step is a willful decision. We think about it.  We decide to love them.  We decide to approve of them, as individuals.  We cut them the slack that everyone needs.  We commit to their welfare. 

And then the thought becomes reality.  It takes on energy.  It blooms into emotion.  And it becomes action. 

And that is when the "magic" all happens and we are honest with ourselves down to the core. 

What is the truth about mankind?  That we are Creators.  That we are Nurturers, because we are Creators.  

That is the truth, and to the extent that we honor the Truth and honor our creative self and find proper conduits and purposes for our creativity, we succeed beyond anyone's wildest expectations.  

So as you are asking yourselves, what do I want?  

Don't say, a Lexus.  

A Lexus is just a car, a thing.  

Think of it in a Big Way.  What do you really want?  Health, life, joy, the freedom to create beauty, the time to nurture your child, a cadre of loyal friends, a happy family, a safe, snug home?  What do you want in the grandest scale you can imagine?  

Answer the question the Universe has been asking you --- what do you want?  And let your heart go straight to the mark.  Imagine the world as you want your world to be.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 2nd 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

International Public Notice: Announcement

 By Anna Von Reitz

As of yesterday, at 1 PM Eastern Standard Time, the United States, Incorporated, ceased to exist. An emergency appropriation of Territorial funds has provided a three-month transition period during which truly essential services will be further identified and extraneous or illegal services will be shut down.  

Those present in this country will have noticed that the Internal Revenue/IRS offices in the States have all been shut down and no longer have mailing addresses that work.  This is because these organizations never had any right or reason to be in this country demanding payments from average Americans who were never employed by nor knowingly associated with the Federal Government. 

The issue of whether or not a "payroll kickback tax" can be attached to Federal Employment as a condition of employment is yet to be addressed, but as all kickbacks are illegal and extortionary in nature, we are firmly of the opinion that these demands on Federal Workers are now and always were both illegal and unlawful and that the institution of the Internal Revenue Service/IRS should be unequivocally and universally liquidated.  

Another result of the changes being made is that the American Military is a military service again, no longer being operated as a mercenary service, and the "war" that has been promoted on our shores for the past 160-plus years, is ended.  Some people are still not aware of this fact, but they are being diligently informed. 

There has been an unfortunate delay in deploying disaster relief and assistance throughout the Southeastern United States which were hard hit by high winds and flooding associated with Hurricane Helene, as jurisdictional issues were not immediately apparent and resolved, resulting in mass confusion and overall lack of coordination of rescue efforts. 

This was hopefully resolved by directives issued to the Joint Chiefs of Staff this morning, ordering the military to provide all helicopter assistance available or available under civilian contract to provide search and rescue operations throughout the region.  

The Federation of States has ingress/egress treaties allowing Federal Military and State of State National Guard units to provide this service to the States and within State borders during natural disaster calamities and the Joint Chiefs have been fully informed and authorized to provide search and rescue equipment and personnel and fully inform the State of State Governors regarding search and rescue operations deployment and funding support.  

The Joint Chiefs are additionally hereby instructed to deploy and make available mobile military hospitals, camp kitchens, sanitation services, water supply units, communications support and Army Corps of Engineers support together with all necessary personnel and supplies needed to construct emergency bridges and roads. 

The Federation of States does not need to make appropriations through any Congress as we are not under the Constitutions and are instead a direct instrumentality of the States responsible for the safety and protection of the living people and their property assets. 

We maintain that protection of the living people and their assets is the only rightful, reasonable, and proper reason for any government to exist, and that any failure to protect both life and property assets is a failure of government.  

Our Peacekeeping Task Force is on the ground and in communication support of the State Assemblies in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Eastern Tennessee where there is widespread damage and a massive death toll that is as yet unreported.  

In some areas, entire towns have been swept away.  There are reports of rescue operations being hindered by local and state police
trying to control various operations areas to the detriment of actual rescue efforts in the Black Mountain area of North Carolina.  There are reports of entire cemeteries and morgues being washed away.  

Let everyone and every level of government involved work together with one single-minded accord and with one purpose --- to preserve life and restore basic public services in the flood ravaged areas.  Be practical about it and do not allow anything to interfere with the rescue of the living people.  That is Job One.  Whoever does it, civilian or military, and however it is accomplished, get it done.   

Our Federation of States has a long-standing Alliance with Russia (1858) which both we and the Russians have always honored; there will be no war with Russia.  Our nations are allied and will continue to work together in the interests of mutual prosperity and peace on the Pacific Rim.  Funding to the Ukraine Proxy War by the USA, Inc. is a private matter best addressed by invoking Public Law against this foreign corporation, which was organized for "lawful purposes" and is not allowed to invest in unlawful activities carried out by Third Parties.  

Similar to using Jews to commit usury on behalf of Christian Monarchs in the 1300's, or the various iterations of Congresses using Agencies to promulgate law, accountability for these investment activities rests on the British Territorial U.S. Congress; any continuance of using a Proxy War and Proxy Government in the Ukraine to promote war against Russia is not only a violation of our stated Will to honorably maintain our alliance with Russia, but a violation of international and commercial law.  

The funding that has been syphoned off the China Trade will be restored, so that China need not be desperate or think in terms of economic warfare or actual warfare to realize recoupment.  A normalization and recoupment process will allow not only repayment but assistance to China to solve its food resource and energy and sanitation and housing needs.  

Our actual government which has always been here despite false representations pretending that we were "missing" and "in interregnum" is committed to peace and prosperity for everyone.  As such we promote mutual benefit and mutual understanding. The crimes that have been promoted against all of us under color of law for commercial benefit need to be recognized for what they are: crimes. 

A final piece of the puzzle involves restructuring the banking system. 
We have firmly rebutted the use of the "United States Note" as a Debt Note backed by our purloined assets; as faithful Fiduciaries we do not agree to pay fictitious debt, and instead direct that the "United States Notes" be immediately redeemed and reissued as Credit Notes. 

A general revaluation of currencies against the gold standard will be commencing at the public level to establish new commodity valuations and address the widespread rigging of the commodity markets worldwide. 

American asset-currency investors are advised to negotiate currency exchanges through their own Global Family International Trade Bank; it's safer and yields more value to the investor. 

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 2nd 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

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