Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Friday, October 25, 2024




Well folks I am now in the "clean up phase" of the hot water heater leak-removal-replacement-inspection nightmare.  By clean up I'm going through a bunch of stuff I had stored in the room where the heater was, throwing some out, and trying to "consolidate" things a bit before moving everything back in.  So by the time this blog appears, it will be Thursday, and I'm hoping to be able to do my normal News and Views on that day, and hopefully will be able to announce whether or not there will be a vidchat the following Friday night. If there is, then it will be a one-off "flashchat," with questions being taken directly from the chat room, but more on that on the News and Views and if it happens.

In the meantime, I am through for this day, another exhausting and tiring one. But I did want to finish at least one more blog for this week's quota, because it's a story that T.S. sent me, and one that I found extremely interesting, and, as we're going to see, a bit of confirmation of a high octane speculation that Richard Sauder, Catherine Austin Fitts, I, and many others have had for some time.  Before we get to that, here's the article:

Since the ’60s, Ford Has Stored Cars Underground in a Kansas City Cave

Now, if you read that story, and more importantly, absorbed the pictures it contains you'll have noted that the underground facility in question is not only definitely underground, but quite large, even dwarfing some of those massive underground World War Two Nazi installations (and in case you didn't read the article, here's a couple of pictures from it to convince you:)

Hunt Midwest Subtropolis Ford Transit Vans


Hunt Midwest Subtropolis Empty Space

Now here's where it gets interesting. If you've been around the alternative research community for a number of years, you might have run into the many rumors concerning underground installations in this country. Southern California, in and around Hellendale in San Bernardino county, has long been a hub for such rumors. A number of defense contractors have elaborate underground facilities there, including Northrup-Gruman and Lockheed-Martin, among others. To the west in Nevada, in and around the famous Area 51, more rumors credit the facility as being mostly underground. And there are, of course, the rumors of massive underground installations at the Denver airport. We know of the underground bunkers inside Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, home of NORAD (and supposedly where the 1980s movie Wargames with Matthew Broderik took place), and similar large underground bunker facilities exist at Mount Weather.

Pressing further into these rumors, one encounters the work of Dr. Richard Sauder, who wrote two books in the 1990s about the subject of secret and hidden underground installations, including reviews of Navy proposals for underground submarine pens that were entered and exited beneath the surface of the ocean, whose entrances were thus not even visible above water. Other rumors have the installations being so extensive that entire underground "railways" supposedly exist, connecting facilities that are hundreds of miles apart. One might wonder how such vast facilities could even be constructed.  In the case of Nazi Germany, we know the gruesome answer: slave labor.  In the case of the rumored facilities, the possibility should not be too quickly dismissed. After all, we've seen a massive amount of human trafficking in recent years, and many thousands of missing people.

There is, however, another technology often mentioned, about which there is little hard proof other than a few plans and patents for a nuclear plasma borer. The idea is that instead of a conventional massive boring machine which crawls and literally chews its way through the rock, a nuclear plasma is "squirted" at the rock, literally melting it, and as the borer moves through the rock, the rock cools to a shiny and glistening - and very hard - surface that provides load bearing strength to the walls just bored. Fanciful, to be sure, but an intriguing idea.

Tunnel boring machine

A Large Tunnel Boring Machine (qv; https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/tunnel-boring-machine-67725721/67725721#7)

All this I mention because, having had a "second home town" in Topeka, Kansas when I was much younger, I often heard of such rumors about massive underground facilities in Kansas City, facilities that were so large that a semi-truck could literally drive into them and unload and reload cargos... ponder that long and hard for all of its nasty implications for smuggling, trafficking, and so on.

And now, at last, after years of having heard such rumors, there is finally a little bit of corroboration.  One wonders just how many such facilities there really are...

...and if they are, as the rumors have alleged, connected to each other underground.

Missing trillions of dollars will buy a lot of subway railroads...

See you on the flip side...

(If you enjoyed today's blog please share it with your friends.)

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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

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