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An American Affidavit

Thursday, August 1, 2024

My Friend Daniel No Longer Uses His Cell Phone Because of a Washington DC Judge


My Friend Daniel No Longer Uses His Cell Phone Because of a Washington DC Judge





Daniel Goodwyn was there on January 6, 2021. Had I gone to Washington DC that week, I would likely have travelled there with Daniel. Instead, I was at home, organizing people and arranging buses for travel with me to the January 20, 2021 inauguration, which I believed would take place with Donald Trump placing his hand upon the Bible.

I understood this because I have been an international election observer, having watched scores of elections over some two decades with intimate detail both in the United States and abroad. I had seen stolen elections and I had seen legitimate elections. I knew intimately what each looked like. What took place in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Michigan were not legitimate elections.  Understanding World Wa... Unz, Ron Best Price: $9.99 Buy New $13.99 (as of 12:37 UTC - Details)

It was evident at that point. The idea that the members of the US Congress could possibly know less than me about that would be preposterous. The idea that others in the government could possibly know less than me about that was preposterous. What was not preposterous was how poorly motivated they were to do anything about that. They were motivated, members of both parties, to use this opportunity to let Trump pass away from the body politic.

With few exceptions, that was the case.

I am certain that day that some Republicans reasoned to themselves, “He should count his blessings that he has not been killed. And we should count our blessings that we can do this without having his blood on our hands.”

It is nearly impossible for the average American to even conceptualize the utter cynicism that exists in the halls of power in Washington DC. Sometimes it appears depicted in cinema, but it seldom comes out with the fervor of the true-to-life cynicism.

Similarly, by the end of February 2020, I was certain that public health officials would not allow the lockdowns to proceed. They could see all the same publicly available data I could.

The Grand Princess data and the Diamond Princess data in February 2020 told us everything we needed to know then and almost everything we know today about the illness that people were getting, an illness that was later given the name Covid-19. What we knew from that cruise ship data in February 2020, among other things, was that this was little different than other standard annual fatality rates — approximately 1% of the population dies in a given year. The same was true for that year. It was not 5%, 10%, or 20%.

Based purely on openly declared public health standards, long-touted to bring greater health to the populace, the case for lockdowns was 100% null and void by the end of February 2020. The lockdowns went totally against all such standards.

So of course the reasonable and upstanding thing would happen, rather than the extreme and sociopathic thing, right?

But just like January 6, 2021, that is not what happened.

The period from December 1, 2019 to January 20, 2021 represents the enacting of a color revolution on the American people. Every freedom-loving American must wrap their head around that. This is not about Donald Trump. This is about you. His mean tweets do not matter. Your feelings about his brusqueness do not matter. You fool. You utter fool. Get your stupidity out of the way. Can you move your government to act or are you but a tax slave subject to its whims? That is a question that matters.

Stop looking to Trump as the savior of the American people. Stop looking to Trump as just a politician. Stop looking at Trump as a common New York City boor.

If they can destroy his life, they can destroy yours.

Case in point…

Daniel Goodwyn, on January 6, 2021, entered the US Capitol building non-violently, spending less than one minute there. Go read all the lie-filled horror stories about him on the internet. The government wishes for you to read their misinformation and to make it the story that you consider true. I suggest, instead, watching this 5-minute Tucker Carlson interview with Daniel Goodwyn and his lawyer done when Carlson was still on Fox.

As a result of this, Goodwyn, after agreeing to a surrender, was subjected to an early morning SWAT-team style raid along with the rest of his family. He was hounded for three years through the legal system, which brought total disruption to nearly all areas of his life. The Department of Justice knows exactly what they are doing in such moments. They know how to drive many defendants to the brink of suicide and to push them over. That is what some of our trusted civil servants do for a living, in fact. They get a sick pleasure out of it.

Goodwyn was held indefinitely, with little outside communication, released after three weeks. The idea of being thrown in a cage and having no idea when you will be removed from that cage can be quite a despair-filled experience. No one told him what was happening or even what the plan for him was.

Goodwyn, after years of nonsense in and out of courts in various parts of the country, was finally sentenced to prison — maybe the least awful part of it all — for 60 days total, part of that time already having been served. Now 60 days doesn’t sound that bad. I’ll give you that. Though one day is too much. The other three years is the torturous part. He endured three years of torture at the hands of our government.

A decent and upright man was obstructed from going on with his life so that he could be used as a political patsy by Democrats and Republicans who did not care for Donald Trump interrupting their gravy train.

Once his prison sentence was done, did that come to an end? No. He had to live his life under the continued supervision of the Department of Justice for the following year.

A crooked Washington DC judge named Reggie B. Walton, had additional plans. Here is a link to a photo of that judge being his usual humble self, one that I quite like.

And by crooked, I do not mean he is necessarily paid off, though that may be true. I mean he bends the law to suit his needs, to assuage his easily triggered worries, and to serve not justice but the political “clients” who demand his obedience.

Daniel won on appeal. The matter was sent back to the same judge. The judge hardly attended to the guidance of the Appeals Court and ordered Daniel Goodwyn to electronic monitoring. It will go back to appeal, but not without being a months long disruption to Daniel’s life.

Federal prosecutors cited a number of reasons why the monitoring of all his electronic communications were needed, including an organization Daniel and I started — Amnesty National. We are doing the work that Amnesty International is too afraid to do in the United States. We have the Living Heroes project in which we consider the J6ers to not be dangerous pariahs deserving of punishment, but to be Living Heroes deserving of immediate pardon. We also believe they should each be immediately awarded presidential medals. Yes, every J6er needs to be brought to the White House at the start of the next term and given a presidential medal.

That is what we promote with our organization and what we want to see from the next presidential administration. To help make that happen, we have developed a communication pipeline between the prisoners and sympathetic members of Congress. At LivingHeroes.org, you can read some of those letters from the J6 political hostages and can hear them recorded on video. We also have a pen pal project if you would like to get more involved in that way by directly corresponding with J6ers.

We call them hostages because many of them are not afforded the rights of normal prisoners in trial or in prison. They are very touching letters we receive. I recommend listening to a few, especially if you are not well-versed on the happenings of that day. Truly, everyone will benefit from clicking around and listening to a few and hearing the stories of decent men and women betrayed by their government.

It is neat to have had our organization proved threatening enough to be mentioned in a filing by federal prosecutors, but I wish what happened to Daniel as a result would not have happened, since it is a great injustice against him, as well as a loss for each human, a further erosion of basic freedoms.

Well, Daniel Goodwyn, in doing this work and other work was a little too “over the target.” And that real winner of a DC judge put him on another round of additional electronic surveillance.

Now you need to understand what a significant move that is. Daniel is constantly in touch and helping dozens of lawyers and defendants at any given time. He is in touch with a number of political dissidents seeking a more free America. But he is especially in touch with people who have been ground down by the justice system and are just trying to get back home and to make life right again for their often destitute families. He helps all of these people through these difficult circumstances using his extensive knowledge of that day’s events (he’s helped produce five documentaries at this point), and his extensive knowledge of the video footage from that day.

To allow electronic surveillance of these communications would compromise scores of people seeking justice from the justice system. Daniel in response to this electronic monitoring order said, “Fine, I just won’t communicate electronically,” turned off all his devices, and put them all in a box. Not everyone would have made that decision. And admittedly, that has been a disruption in my life, but it has brought about a scenario where Daniel’s electronic communications cannot be compromised by a DC judge. It has also led to the temporary neutralization of Daniel, an impactful figure in a historically important period of time.

Washington DC was not meant to be this way when it was established as a place independent of all states. It was not meant to be this place in which career government insiders were reliably turned to in order to abrogate the rights of anyone the administrative state needed to put in their place.

But you know what?

It is not about Daniel Goodwyn.

It is not about Donald Trump.

It is about you.

If they can do this to those two, then they can do it to you.

And doing it to you is their aim.

They are practicing on men like Donald Trump, Daniel Goodwyn, and others:

1.) So they can teach you to be totally silent until they enslave your children, sterilize your grandchildren, and exterminate you,


2.) So they can be ready for you the moment you get out of hand.

Be scared of them.

Be very scared.

That is what they want.

They want you to see evil and cower at it.

They want you to see evil and run from it.

That is not your job. Those are not the standing orders you have.

The standing orders you have are to stand.

You are to stand in the face of evil.

And I have an honest question for you that only you can answer.

Are you standing in the face of evil?

Are you really standing?

Are you really standing firm, never complying, never backing down?

Because if that does not describe you, you are going to have a problem.

Learning to stand does not happen the moment you find yourself in an existential crisis. The Myth of American M... Unz, Ron Best Price: $29.98 Buy New $29.99 (as of 12:01 UTC - Details)

Learning to stand happens gradually as you exercise courage repeatedly in increasingly difficult circumstances.

Are you doing that?

If you are not, you are making yourself, your family, your community, into sitting ducks, just waiting for the right attacker to prey on each one of you.

You are then exactly who the administrative state wants you to be.

Congratulations. You have become a supple supplicant, the dream of tyrants everywhere.

That can change this very day.

Yes, that can change.

All you need to do is stand.

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