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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Monkeypox Fear Fest: Is Smallpox Vaccine on Its Way Back?


Monkeypox Fear Fest: Is Smallpox Vaccine on Its Way Back?

This article is an excerpt from a longer fully referenced report by NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher on Mutated Monkeypox Outbreaks and the Anticipated Return of Smallpox Vaccine, which can be read on NVIC.org.

A day before the July 4, 2024 holiday, Business Insider published an article warning that “Experts are racing to contain ‘the most dangerous’ monkeypox virus yet before it causes a global outbreak.” 1 A week earlier, Reuters reported that World Health Organization (WHO) scientists have called “for urgent action to contain a “dangerous” mutated clade Ib Central African monkeypox (mpox) that is spreading in 24 of 26 provinces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with “fatality rates of around 5% in adults and 10% in children.2 On July 6, there was an announcement that neighboring Uganda was on “high alert” because the WHO had reported there have been 7,851 monkeypox cases with 384 deaths in the Congo in the first six months of 2024.3 On July 8, a researcher in Africa was quoted as warning that the mutated clade is more virulent and better adapted for human-to-human transmission, allowing it to spread silently between individuals and potentially sustain itself globally.4

Monkeypox Gain of Function Research Parallels Bird Flu GOF Research

Monkeypox outbreak reports this month follow the release of a June 11, 2024 investigation by the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee into a risky gain-of-function (GOF) experiment on monkeypox conducted with approval from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).5 Controversy over GOF research to make animal viruses more lethal and transmissible dates back to 2011, when US scientists revealed they had conducted H5N1 avian influenza studies to create bird flu mutations enabling the RNA virus to spread easily among mammals, including humans.6 7 Today, mutated H5N1 is spreading among cattle in the U.S. and there are warnings that a bird flu pandemic could be coming.8 9

New Report on SARS-CoV-2 Origins and Coronavirus Gain of Function Research

Renewed interest in the dangers of GOF research were highlighted by a July 8, 2024 report published by the Heritage Foundation’s non-partisan Commission on China and COVID-19, which found the origin of the highly infectious and transmissible mutated SARS-CoV-2 virus “very likely stemmed from a research-related incident in China.” The report estimated that the COVID pandemic so far has cost the U.S. $18 trillion in economic losses from excess deaths; lost income; chronic conditions like “long COVID,” as well as damage to mental health and education.10 11 Not factored into that equation was the damage done by the first genetically engineered mRNA lipid nanoparticle containing biological product ever to be injected into humans on a mass basis after the global pharmaceutical industry, in collaboration with the WHO and the U.S. and other governments, secured Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to fast track the experimental product labeled a “vaccine” to market.12

Monkeypox Spreads Outside of and Mutates in the Congo

In the meantime, after the milder West African clade II monkeypox outbreaks suddenly spread from the Congo to Europe, the U.S. and many other countries in 2022, drug companies and governments accelerated development of mRNA and other types of genetically engineered smallpox/monkeypox “vaccines” targeting DNA orthopoxviruses.13 14 Notably, on Mar. 26, 2024, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine published a report Future State of Smallpox Medical Countermeasures15 and issued a press release warning that “action is needed to enhance U.S. readiness for smallpox and related diseases, as well as to improve diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutics that could be used in case of an outbreak.”16

Here Come the mRNA Smallpox and Monkeypox Vaccines

Amid unanswered questions about why the monkeypox virus is suddenly mutating and becoming more virulent and transmissible among humans, it sure looks like the Public Health Empire is gearing up for a global monkeypox pandemic. 17 If it does come to pass, the solution they will offer is to make sure that everyone gets an orthopoxvirus vaccine, just like in the old days when every child was mandated to get the highly reactive smallpox vaccine without understanding just how lethal the side effects were and how many infants, children and adults would be injured or die from those side effects.

The difference between today and the old days is that people around the world are suffering with broad based immune dysfunction due to either infection with the lab mutated SARS-CoV-2 virus or injection with the lethal mRNA biological or both, and that makes the addition of another mRNA biological a potential prescription for disaster.

Reactive mRNA “Plug & Play” Platform Leads the Race

The mRNA platform used to make the COVID biological has not been proven to be safe or effective and yet, since the COVID biological was rushed to market without adequate testing, scientists all over the world have assumed that the mRNA platform is the one that should be used to create biological products targeting “every imaginable infectious disease”18 and non-infectious disease19 that has caused, is causing, or could cause human suffering in the future – including smallpox and monkeypox.20 21

Scientists and vaccinologists inside and outside of governments anxious to jump on the mRNA “plug and play” platform bandwagon in 2022 began publishing articles in the medical literature extolling the virtues of using mRNA technology to quickly address the threat of a global monkeypox pandemic. Employees of Moderna, co-inventors with NIH (NIAID) of the fast-tracked mRNA Spikevax COVID shot, were among the first to publish. They noted the “imminent threat of additional zoonotic evens as well as the [monkeypox] virus’ evolving ability to drive human to human transmission” and “urgent need for the development of a MPXV-specific vaccine that is able to confer broad protection against evolving strains and related orthopoxviruses.”22

In 2023, scientists in China published a paper on creation of multi-valent vaccines against monkeypox, stating:

The swift responsible time and flexibility of mRNA vaccines provide an un-paralleled platform for rapid development of vaccines against any threat of pathogenic outbreaks. We developed an array of multi-valent MRNA vaccines that target monkeypox virus…23

In March of this year, vaccine developers at BioNTech, the German company that partnered with Pfizer to create and manufacture the mRNA Comirnaty COVID shot, published an article describing their creation of a multi-valent mRNA monkeypox virus vaccine (BNT166) that would protect against not only monkeypox but also related orthopoxviruses. They stated:

The design of BNT166 draws extensively from the study of immune responses to live VACV [vaccinia virus] vaccines that formed the basis of the successful global campaign to eradicate smallpox.

The Vacuum of Scientific Knowledge

The dream of every drug company marketing a biological product labeled a “vaccine” is that public health officials and lawmakers will mandate the purchase and use of that product for everyone,24 whether or not it causes injury and death or fails to prevent infection and transmission. Invoking the fear of smallpox and holding out the promise of eradication of orthopoxvirus disease, the way is being paved for the brave new world of genetically engineered mRNA orthopox “vaccines” that may well be fast tracked and mandated in the future without a real understanding of how much immune and brain dysfunction and death it will cause.

All you have to do is read the delusional article published on July 11 in the New England Journal of Medicine written by four well known vaccine risk denialists and forced vaccination proponents to appreciate just how huge the scientific knowledge gaps are when it comes to scientific understanding of how and why vaccines can injure and kill and who is at greater genetic, epigenetic and environmental risk for being harmed by vaccination.25 For more than 30 years, committees appointed by the National Academy of Sciences have repeatedly warned that there are not enough quality vaccine safety studies—studies that parents of vaccine injured children have been calling for since 1982—to allow definitive conclusions to be made about causal relationships for the majority of reported vaccine complications causing harm, including those following receipt of COVID shots.26

The warnings by parents of smallpox vaccine injured children were ignored in the 19th century by the medical profession, government and industry,27 just like the warnings by parents of DPT vaccine injured children were ignored in the 20th century.28

So the band played on.

At this point, the public has good reason to be vaccine hesitant. We have good reason to question why there are so many pathogens suddenly mutating, like coronavirus and H5N1 avian influenza and monkeypox, which are prompting the accelerated development of more genetically engineered biological products called “vaccines” in a vacuum of scientific knowledge about how those products could compromise the biological integrity of humans.

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