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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Google AI cannot find a single COVID vaccine success story


Google AI cannot find a single COVID vaccine success story

If the COVID vaccine is so darn effective, why are there no success stories? If it worked, the biggest impact would be in the nursing homes. Every nursing home should be a success story, right?

Executive summary

The reason we never hear about COVID vaccine success stories in nursing homes is because the vaccine rollout was a train wreck and increased all-cause mortality.


I just made the following query:

Let’s examine the three excuses it gave for its inability to answer a simple question:

  1. This is not true. The case fatality rate information for each facility is publicly reported and available to the public.

  2. Not true. My query was just asking if the CFR dropped. If the vaccine worked, then nearly every nursing home in the US would be a success story. So they wouldn’t be hard to find at all. It should require, on average, one phone call.

  3. I didn’t say I’d judge the program based on a single success anecdote. I just asked for the name of a place where there was a documented success.

Do you have a success or failure story for a US Nursing home you’d like to share? Let me know in the comments!

If you personally know of a COVID vaccine success OR failure story in a US nursing home facility, please let me know in the comments.

Please talk about the COVID case fatality rate before vs. after the vaccine rollout. Include the name of the facility and the before/after case fatality numbers.

So I need the death/cases ratio, not just deaths.

However, since most facilities have a relatively stable population, just providing all-cause deaths per month BEFORE shot rollout vs. all-cause deaths after shot rollout would work as well.



The reason that there isn’t a real-world success anecdote is because the COVID shots didn’t work.

Only in the fantasy world of papers in the peer-reviewed journals did the COVID vaccines save lives.


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