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An American Affidavit

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

4964-4965: International Public Notice: Military Darkness Indeed from Lincoln County Watch


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

4964-4965: International Public Notice: Military Darkness Indeed from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have recently received correspondence from numerous parties concerning admissions of the facts concerning the nature of Donald Trump's "Presidency" of the United States of America, Inc -- a British Territorial Corporation, and alleging various authorities for the "military" based on the idea that "the military came first" and was active in 1775. 

We have a number of observations and objections to relay concerning these public announcements. 

First, we agree and know that Donald Trump is still "President" of the United States of America, Incorporated, also known as the USA, Inc. or otherwise indicated by the acronym USA.  

As the USA is a foreign and private corporation, we have nothing to say, other than to note that this is the kind of corporate "presidency" Donald Trump holds, and that this does not imply that he or Joe Biden, who has similarly functioned as the "President" of a foreign corporation, is The President nor occupying the Presidential Office owed to the American Government and People.  

One can be the "President" of a foreign corporation or the "President" of a domestic corporation, or, as in our case, President of an unincorporated domestic company. 

Suffice it to say that Donald Trump and Joseph Biden have both functioned as the "Presidents" of foreign corporations named after The United States of America and The United States, respectively, and that these corporations have at least claimed or implied that they are the Successors to Contract inherited from two of our original Federal Government Subcontractors. 

Those service contracts are The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States, respectively, though each of these "Presidents" have erroneously claimed to have the power to suspend their own service contracts and to have various empowerments never vouchsafed to their corporations.  

We say that they either have a contract and must perform upon it, or they don't have a contract, and are merely renegade foreign corporations operating on our shores with no further right to be here nor any purpose or authority related to us.  

Which condition is true can best be judged by their adherence to their historical contracts, including their respect for the limitations that those venerable agreements established. 

Second, we have observed that, to our knowledge, no "military" is present nor has there been any military here since 1861, with the possible exception of the U.S. Navy.  

This is because our military was unlawfully converted into mercenary service by Abraham Lincoln, and has operated as a commercial mercenary service employed by foreign corporations ever since.  

This has also resulted in all "wars" declared or undeclared since 1861 being defined as Mercenary Conflicts, instead. 

There is no evidence that "our" military was ever lawfully converted back into a national military service.  

The current paymaster is a British Municipal Corporation doing business as SERCO, INC., and it may be assumed that this is the organization responsible for contracting out the services of what merely appears to be our national military. 

So, under conditions of fraud, substitution, and deceit, the only "military" our country has, is vested in the unincorporated Assembly Militias.  Neither the so-called "National Guard, Inc." nor the Armed Forces run by the US, INC. or the USA, INC., or their associated franchises are military forces. 

They are mercenary forces run by corporations, not the national government.  

The U.S. Navy may be properly organized to serve as part of the national military of Puerto Rico, a British Commonwealth nation. We are not privy to the necessary information needed to resolve this question.  If so, it would be the only organized military entity with any direct connection to our national government, and that would be in service in the United States Territories and Possessions.  

This circumstance is evidenced by the nature of the "Presidencies", the identity of the Paymaster, the effort recently made by the U.S. Navy to deputize all the other branches of the various services, and the fact that these "Presidents" such as George H.W. Bush and these "Generals" such as Norman Schwarzkopf, have accepted knighthoods from the British Monarchy, even though this is prohibited to any Officer or Official of the American Government. 

Finally, we object to any suppositions, such as those recently evidenced by Larry Martin, to the effect that the "military came first": 

In fact, the military derived expressly from the people who populated this country for more than 165 years prior to the onset of the military effort that began in 1775, and the military organization arose from and was populated by the people of this country.    

The word "people" is a synonym for "militia" and it was our militia functioning as a national military that won the day and established this country.  

This country was not established via the efforts of any bought and paid for professional standing army of foreign mercenaries.  

Our people acting as our national military won this country by force of arms, fair and square.  There were volunteers, like LaFayette, who fought by our sides, but we did not hire any mercenaries nor did we allow our own people to act as mercenaries for hire. 

The people giving rise to the military are the ultimate owners and this is reflected in our reasonable and customary demand that our military, including any military-for-hire, serves and takes its direction from us, and not from a foreign corporation or its "President" operating a commercial mercenary force "in our names". 

This is just another example of British Substitution Fraud against their American Employers, another example of unlawful conversion resulting in Gross Breach of Trust and Violation of their Service Contracts, another example of the British Monarchs and Roman Popes acting in collusion and mutual self-interest to bilk the people and obtain unlawful and illegal coercive powers that were never granted to them by our American Government.

We note that the Brits maintain their silence in our presence, but the Officers of the Holy Roman Empire are very familiar with the existence of the original Federal Constitution issued in 1787 to our Confederation, and resulting in the Federal Republic being organized.  

We are not "talking through our hats" about any of this; there are many foreign governments including the HRE and the governments of Russia, Morocco, Iran and others worldwide, that know our history and know who we are.  

We maintain that the people of this country are the owners of this country and no attempt to "redefine" the American people as British Territorial U.S. Citizens via undisclosed and unconscionable "birth registrations" will suffice to vitiate our claims.  

More British Bunko is not the answer.  The answer is for our British Territorial Employees to get back in step and for the mercenary forces to be lawfully converted back into national military forces. 

And as for these various "Presidents" of foreign corporations named after The United States and The United States of America, it's time for them to come home and face actual public elections. 

We note, in passing, that certain officers have recently created a new corporation calling itself the "American Government, Incorporated" --- apparently, a new twist on their old game of impersonating their targeted victims; we, however, are the actual American Government, and we are not amenable to being impersonated or substituted. 

The delegated powers that we entrusted to our federal subcontractors are limited powers; they don't include any "emergency powers" nor do they grant "war powers" to our foreign subcontractors to wage war in our names, nor to they include any provision allowing any "Commander in Chief" to suspend the Constitution under which he is obligated to operate. 

This should be immediately apparent to anyone with even a cursory familiarity with our Constitutions. 

We suspect that these foreign Subcontractors have gotten away with claiming to have extra non-enumerated emergency powers, war powers, and even the ability to suspend the Constitutions, for lack of public objection from our American Government -- so here it is--- Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principal is Notice to Agents: 

We, the American Government -- unincorporated, object to the presumptions of our foreign federal Subcontractors pretending to have additional non-enumerated powers, such as Emergency Powers, War Powers, and the ability to suspend both the Constitutions and such basic principles of law as Habeas Corpus.  We insist that our erstwhile employees, including any mercenaries hired "for" us in our purported absence, resume their customary duties, including their duty to maintain our collective borders, and we otherwise demand that they observe the limitations of their contracts. 

The military did not come first; but even if it had, our military is vested in our State Assembly Militias.  

All fifty State Assemblies are populated and now in Session. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

August 6th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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International Public Notice: The Most Important Page

 By Anna Von Reitz

Many years ago now, I wrote a book.  It's called "Disclosure 101". 

The most important page in the book is page 19. 

It discloses, as of 1995, exactly where in the United States Municipal Code the Birth Certificate Trust is created and it explains the circumstance of its creation. 

This is extremely rare information.   

A British Territorial corporation doing business as "the United States of America, Inc." went bankrupt in 1933.  This has been publicly admitted in many places, including the Minutes of the Conference of Governors meeting on March 6, 1933.  

All the British Territorial U.S. Citizens were bankrupted as franchises of this corporation.  

So, as you can see, the Puerto Rican Bankruptcy Trustee set their individual estates aside in a sort of legal limbo. 

They --- members of the U.S. Military and Dependents --- could, if they wished, claim their "reversionary trust interest" as Americans. 

The details of this are on page 19.  

As the U.S. Military had incorrectly misidentified all of us as their "dependents" we were all cast into this same limbo. 

And all our estates were classified as belonging to "infant decedents".  

What this means is either: (1) the estate of a baby who literally died in infancy; or, (2) the estate of a baby whose birthright estate was waived. 

In our case, our birthright estates were waived by our unwitting Mothers when they signed the "birth registration" paperwork at the hospital. 

That allowed us to be human trafficked on paper and deprived us of our birthright as Americans. 

Instead, we were assigned the political status of Puerto Ricans, U.S. Citizenship, and, please note. Puerto Rico is a British Commonwealth nation. 

None of this was lawful or legal, either one.  It was not disclosed to our Mothers.  It was not disclosed to us when we were older. 

It's disclosed on page 19.  

In order to "legalize" this mammoth crime and fraud, they allowed the victims (if they knew about it) to assert their reversionary trust interest -- that is, reclaim their birthright estate, so long as they rolled it over into the United States (Trust) --- and what is the United States Trust? 

Remember that the Confederation and the Federal Republic were both rendered inoperable in 1861?  And all their assets were rolled up into trusts? 

State Trusts were created at the State level, and the United States Trust(s) were created at the Federal level. 

From the foreign perspective of the Perpetrators of this giant con game, we are all assets of the United States Trust and that was where our birthright estate was cashiered. 

We could choose to be bankrupt with them, or we could choose to return to our birthright status and roll all our assets into the United States Trust. 

We had to assert our "reversionary trust interest" -- that is, assert our natural political status and reject being classified as British Territorial U.S. Citizens.  

That's on page 19, too.  

If you think about it, you've seen these trusts all your life.  Northern Trust.  Southern Trust.  U.S. Trust.  United States Trust.   United States Trustees. 

The person to be notified at that time, was the head of the Internal Revenue Service.  

That's on page 19, too. 

Since then, the person(s) to be notified are: the United States Secretary of State, the United States Trustees, and the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service. 

What I didn't go on to explain was the "out of the frying pan and into the fire" nature of this partial remedy.  

Yes, you can assert your natural political birthright, but they will only allow you to claim to be a United States (Federal Republic) Trust chattel, and still not recognize that you are an actual American and not obligatorily attached to the long-vanished American Federal Republic.  

The purported "remedy" leaves you in a false political status either way.    

Either you are mischaracterized as if you were a bankrupt Puerto Rican U.S. Citizen, or, you are mischaracterized as a United States Trust chattel, and they control the United States Trust.

The Truth, of course, is that you were never a U.S. Citizen and never a United States Citizen of the Federal Republic, either.  

You were naturally and factually an American born in one of the States of the Union and take your nationality from the State where you were born.  

All this impersonation and mischaracterization going on in international and global jurisdictions claiming to own you, own your body, own your name and all other assets, etc., and them, claiming to be your Trustees and Representatives, is all fraud.  

The claim that your American Government was in interregnum is also a form of fraud. The American Government was never called into Session because it was never informed of the circumstance. Our Federal Employees owed that Due Diligence to the American People, but instead, they acted in Breach of Trust.  

So, I can, and I have, claimed my inherited "reversionary trust interest" in the Federal Republic and Confederation, but as the presumed Donor of all my assets held in the United States Trust(s), I have also asked my purported Trustees to dissolve the trust. 

The Donor can require the dissolution of the United States Trust(s). The Beneficiary can only request it. 

There you have it. 

They stole my identity and finagled to get my Mother to waive my birthright estate as an American.  They trafficked my stolen identity into the international jurisdiction of the sea and pretended that I was a U.S. Citizen or Dependent thereof.  As a remedy they allowed me to adopt a different foreign political status, that of a United States Citizen (a denizen of the vanished Federal Republic), and having done that, they cashiered my assets in the United States Trust(s) --- which they control, except for one thing.  

Via this operation, I became a Donor, and a Donor can always dissolve the trust.  

So there is a logic to everything, and now you know why they are so desperately trying to "disqualify" me and at the same time, so frantic to "restore" the Federal Republic --- a job they can't do, because they lack the standing as Americans to do it.  

Remember, they are all U.S. Citizens.  They never asserted their reversionary trust interest.  They were never recognizable as United States Citizens of the Federal Republic.  And as I have continued my march home to Wisconsin in the character of a Federal Dual Citizen as originally intended, they've all been left stopgobbered. 

All my actions have been recorded and all claims cured, everything given Due Process.  So even in their whacky fictional world, they have no cause to complain nor any recourse. 

What goes around, comes around. They outsmarted themselves.  They left  themselves ineligible to "restore" anything American or claim anything American.  They certainly don't have any superior claim to the Union States and States of the Union.  Any old Great-Grandma from Wisconsin who stands as a Donor, is first in line, first in time, and has a superior claim to all American assets.

So long as I was leaving their fraudulent con game behind, I made sure to take all my countrymen with me, so that any American who doesn't actually work for the Federal Government Subcontractors, and isn't knowingly and voluntarily adopting their foreign citizenship(s), is free to declare their American State National political status and come home to truth and sanity.  

Even those Americans currently working for a Federal Subcontractor need not worry about this.  When they quit or retire, they can come back home to their natural political status like anyone else.  

To recap:

Undeclared Foreign Agents working for European interests took "me" -- my Given Name-- to sea as a baby only three weeks old, and registered me as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen under British Crown copyright.  As a remedy for this (and to "legalize" their own actions), they "allowed" me to claim my reversionary trust interest as a Donor to the United States Trust(s) -- which I did.  Having arrived back in the American domain, I then exercised my position as a Donor to dissolve the Trust in favor of my Beneficiary, a little ole American Lawful Person born in Wisconsin, on June 6th 1956.  

To symbolically record this in terms that must be understood, I initiated a name change from ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER (the Municipal Trust documented in the first paragraph of page 19) to Anna Maria Riezinger (the name of the "lost" British Territorial Person which is the same as the name of my Lawful State Person).  

I then changed the venue to land jurisdiction by recording the Name Change, and posted my Notice with a Certified Copy of the recording to the Court that granted the name change --- thus returning full circle back to the (Territorial) State of Wisconsin--- where I had been snatched as a baby---- and then into the State Trust, as a State Trust Asset Donor.  As Donor, I ordered my "presumed" Trustees to dissolve the Alaska State Trust and the Wisconsin State Trust, too, and set me and my assets free, returning all my purloined assets to me and to my control, as I am a living, breathing woman, a Wisconsinite, in no need of their services.

These foreign "federal" corporations here on our shores to provide "essential government services" created State-of-State franchises for themselves and had them act as Public Usufructs under color of law. One of these foreign State-of-State franchise corporations, doing business as the State of Wisconsin latched onto my Given Name and used it to create a franchise named after me for their own benefit: Anna Maria Riezinger (Inc.) defined as a British Territorial Person and U.S. Citizen.  They owe me the Usufructuary Duty to hold me harmless from any charges or harm resulting from the existence of this franchise entity.  

Similarly, the Municipal Government did the same thing, only their action resulted in the creation of a Municipal franchise corporation named after me: ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER and numerous derivative corporations, such as:  ANNA M RIEZINGER (a public transmitting utility) and RIEZINGER, ANNA M (the estate of a "lost" sailor in the British Merchant Marines) and so on.  All these are considered "citizens of the United States".   Again, those who created these franchises and named them after me owe me the Usufructuary Duty to hold me harmless from any charges or harms resulting from the existence of these corporate franchises named after me. 

Instead, both of these dishonest "service providers" reorganized as commercial and municipal corporations, respectively, have used these fictional franchises to impersonate me, to subject me under foreign law, and they have enforced laws and fines and fees and performances and mortgages and taxes that I never owed using these devices.  

These are all deliberate crimes of personage and barratry against their actual American employers.  This has been done in Gross Breach of Trust and Violation of their Service Contracts -- that is, The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States.    

If anyone wants to know more about this, they need to read beyond Page 19 of Disclosure 101.  

The more interesting thing about all this, aside from the convoluted and endless impersonations, and the misuse and abuse of trusts to purloin and control assets that never belonged to the perpetrators, is that all that is truly required of me to bust this fraud scheme into a million little pieces, is my clearly stated intention on the record, so here it is in this Court of Record:  Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents:  

It is my intent and act to dissolve all foreign public and private trusts containing assets belonging to me and I direct all my assets to be returned to me, to my possession, and my control.  

It is my intent to live my life as a freeborn American, a Wisconsinite in full possession of my land and soil, my water and air, together with my Good Name under my copyright, and with all my assets in all jurisdictions, both public and private---- meaning all my physical and intellectual and energetic assets---  in my direct control and possession, intact and immune from any foreign legal presumptions or attacks of any kind. 

My intent is to dissolve all foreign-generated trusts and bonds that have been foisted off on me and used to cashier my assets for the benefit of foreign interests both public and private. My intent is to clear the air and vacate the seas, so that there is no longer any question about my identity, my political status, my standing, nor any cause to think that I have abandoned my Natural and Unalienable Rights as an American in favor of any foreign government.

It is my will and intent that all Americans who have been mistreated, impersonated, commandeered, deceived, defrauded, and subjected under unconscionable contracts obtained under color of law and enforced under False Pretense of War, receive back their assets and that their unincorporated American Government is recognized as the true and lawful Government of this country.  So said, so signed, and so sealed. 

I am attaching a photograph of Page 19.

Let those who need to know, know.  Let those who need to act, act. This is a complete and express trust stipulation by the Donor that all government employees and all agency employees, including but not limited to the U.S. Armed Forces and American Armed Forces personnel must comply with. 

It is sufficient that one American stands, and I do.   

I have served as the Fiduciary in the Public Interest of this Country and its People and its unincorporated American Government for over a decade.   

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

August 5th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

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