Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Video: Tucker Carlson Network : Neil Oliver | Tucker Carlson


Tucker Carlson Network : Neil Oliver | Tucker Carlson

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235 Wendy Zeigler/Amy Halpern: The Underground History of Amercian Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


235 Wendy Zeigler/Amy Halpern: The Underground History of Amercian Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



Wendy Zeigler/Amy Halpern 


      How would pedagogical theory explain Wendy Zeigler — my prize student out of Roland's  class at thirteen but fairly anonymous (as most of us are) ever after — springing into  action in her fifth decade, converting her flat in the funky Bernal Heights section of San  Francisco to the day school code through her own labor, and suddenly opening a  magnificently creative place for kids, two an one-half to six, called "Wendy Z's Room to  Grow, " which did land-office business from the first. How would it explain Amy Halpern  devoting a substantial chunk of her life to fine-tuning a personal film, "Falling Lessons, "  which she knew in advance would never earn a penny and might not even be shown?  What drives an artist like Amy to strive for an noncommercial masterpiece? We have no  business imposing a simplistic template on the human spirit. That makes a mockery of  Smith 's brilliant free market. 

Stroke Risk: COVID Shots 200 Times More Likely to Cause Blood Clots in Brain


June 26, 2024 COVID Health Conditions News


Stroke Risk: COVID Shots 200 Times More Likely to Cause Blood Clots in Brain

The COVID-19 vaccines had an over 1,000-fold increased risk of blood clots in the brain compared to the flu vaccine and more than a 200-fold increased risk compared to all other vaccines, according to a study by Dr. Peter McCullough and colleagues.

man holding head and covid vaccine bottle

The COVID-19 vaccines carry a much higher risk of blood clots in the brain compared with other vaccines, according to a new study by Dr. Peter McCullough and colleagues.

The researchers looked at reports in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) from January 1990 through December 2023.

They counted the number of cerebral thromboembolism events — as in, blood clots of the brain’s veins or arteries — reported in people who received a COVID-19 shot compared with those who received a flu shot or other vaccines.

Blood clots that block blood flow to the brain account for roughly 87% of all strokes, according to the American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association.

McCullough — a cardiologist with over 1,000 publications and over 685 citations in the National Library of Medicine — told The Defender the study showed “an unacceptable risk of catastrophic thrombotic injuries to the brain” in individuals who took one or more COVID-19 shots.

McCullough summarized the study’s results on Substack:

Ch. 5 The Greatest Fraud Fluoridation: Errors and Omissions in Experimental Trials - 2a PART THREE CRITICISMS AND COMMENTS by Philip R.N. Sutton from fluoridationfacts.com


Ch. 5 The Greatest Fraud Fluoridation: Errors and Omissions in Experimental Trials - 2a  PART THREE  CRITICISMS AND COMMENTS by Philip R.N. Sutton from fluoridationfacts.com



Errors and Omissions in Experimental Trials - 2a



Soon after the publication of the first edition of this monograph in September 1959, the author was informed by Dr K. T. Adamson, President of the Australian Dental Association, that copies had been sent to "all of the men who are in charge of the experiments" asking them for comments (personal communication). As a result the reviews published in the February 1960 issue of the Australian Dental Journal were contributed by Dr Donald Galagan, Dr J. R. Blayney and Dr I. N. Hill, and by Dr R. M. Grainger. The review in the New Zealand Dental Journal of January 1960 was written by Mr J. Ferris Fuller.

The aim of this monograph is to attempt to clarify some aspects of five crucial trials of artificial fluoridation, those

Plastic Is Piling Up and Poisoning Our Bodies — Industry’s Latest ‘Miracle’ Solution Won’t Solve the Problem


June 25, 2024 Toxic Exposures News

Toxic Exposures

Plastic Is Piling Up and Poisoning Our Bodies — Industry’s Latest ‘Miracle’ Solution Won’t Solve the Problem

The industry’s latest miracle solution is an “advanced” type of recycling known as pyrolysis. But the inconvenient truth is this: Not much is being recycled at all, nor is pyrolysis capable of curbing the plastic crisis. Not now. Maybe not ever.

pile of plastic with poison symbol

By Lisa Song

LAST YEAR, I became obsessed with a plastic cup.

It was a small container that held diced fruit, the type thrown into lunch boxes. And it was the first product I’d seen born of what’s being touted as a cure for a crisis.

Plastic doesn’t break down in nature. If you turned all of what’s been made into cling wrap, it would cover every inch of the globe. It’s piling up, leaching into our water and poisoning our bodies.

Scientists say the key to fixing this is to make less of it; the world churns out 430 million metric tons each year.

But businesses that rely on plastic production, like fossil fuel and chemical companies, have worked since the 1980s to spin the pollution as a failure of waste management — one that can be solved with recycling.

Industry leaders knew then what we know now: Traditional recycling would barely put a dent in the trash heap. It’s hard to transform flimsy candy wrappers into sandwich bags or to make containers that once held motor oil clean enough for milk.

Now, the industry is heralding nothing short of a miracle: an “advanced” type of recycling known as pyrolysis — “pyro” means fire and “lysis” means separation. It uses heat to break plastic all the way down to its molecular building blocks.

While old-school, “mechanical” recycling yields plastic that’s degraded or contaminated, this type of “chemical” recycling promises plastic that behaves like it’s new, and could usher in what the industry casts as a green revolution: Not only would it save hard-to-recycle plastics like frozen food wrappers from the dumpster, but it would turn them into new products that can replace the old ones and be chemically recycled again and again.

On confidential settlements and hush money to suppress public understanding of government-directed killing programs.


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On confidential settlements and hush money to suppress public understanding of government-directed killing programs.

Orientation for new readers - American Domestic Bioterrorism Program - Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law

Information pulled together for an email exchange about settlements in civil litigation seeking redress for the survivors of those killed by hospital homicide protocols and vaccination: non-validated Covid diagnostic testing, Covid diagnostic coding, isolation, restraint, starvation, dehydration, sedation, poisoning with EUA products, and suffocation with ventilators.

Part of my reply to the correspondent, expandednhb :

…I think there have been and will be many private, confidential settlements for hospital homicides.

Under the terms of the settlements, the hospitals and nursing homes (long-term care facilities) will not admit wrongdoing or commit to not doing the same murderous acts in the future, and the survivors will not be allowed to discuss the settlements publicly.

FDA Licenses Merck’s Capvaxive Pneumococcal Vaccine


FDA Licenses Merck’s Capvaxive Pneumococcal Vaccine

On June 17, 2024, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) licensed Merck & Company, Inc.’s new pneumococcal conjugate vaccine Capvaxive (formerly V116) for adults 18 years of age and older. The vaccine is designed to protect against 21 types of the bacteria causing pneumococcal disease, which can lead to severe infection in the lungs (pneumococcal pneumonia) or in the blood and spinal cord (pneumococcal meningitis).1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 According to Paula Annunziato, MD, Vice President and Therapeutic Area Head for Vaccine Clinical Development at Merck:

[Capvaxive] will be the first approved pneumococcal conjugate vaccine specifically designed to help protect against the serotypes that cause the majority of invasive pneumococcal disease in adults. It covers the serotypes responsible for 84% of cases of [invasive pneumococcal disease] in adults 50 years and older.1

It is estimated that some 150,000 adults in the United States are hospitalized for pneumococcal pneumonia annually and about one in 20 who develop the disease die from it. About 3,000 older adults in the U.S. are estimated to die from pneumococcal meningitis infections each year, with one in six infected persons dying.2 4 6

4916: On Self-Government from Lincoln County Watch


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

4916: On Self-Government from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

While we often speak of self-governance and make it clear that self-governance of a country begins with self-governance of one's own life, there seems to be little conscious knowledge left in the world of what "self-governance" might mean. 

This morning one of our readers who is being inspired to do some research shared these words about self-government from an Icelandic writer who lived at the end of the 12th century: 

"Accustom thyself to a busy and wakeful life, but not so as to injure health by over-exertion. 

Keep aloof from sadness, for sadness is sickness of the soul.  

Be kind and gay, equable and changeable (that is, of easy manners and not stiff) . 

Avoid evil speaking, and give your counsel to him who will accept it. 

Seek the company of the best men. 

Keep thy tongue carefully --- it may honor, it may also condemn thee. 

If thou wax angry, speak little, and that little not vehemently. 

Men would give gold sometimes to buy back a passionate word; and I know nothing that so destroys unity, as the exchange of evil language, especially in the moment of strife, and there is no nobler, no higher power than that by which a man can keep his own from cursing, slandering, and other foolish prate. 

Our Republican Form of Government: Section 45 — Religion and State Assemblies from Anna Von Reitz


Our Republican Form of Government: Section 45 — Religion and State Assemblies from Anna Von Reitz


Section 45 — Religion and State Assemblies
While it is each State’s right to determine its day to day organizational course within the Public Law, the Organic Law, and the International Treaties we inherit, it requires negotiation with the other States and the convening of a Continental Congress to address issues of fundamental change.
Various religious groups have offered to take over and use the reins of the civilian government to promote their own beliefs and practices, which is a violation of the fundamental separation between church and state.

While the vast majority of our ancestors were Christian, most of them had suffered or had family members who suffered religious persecution. They well understood that giving the government any oversight at all of religion led to abuses of religious freedom. To secure and guarantee religious freedom for themselves, they guaranteed the same for everyone and set religion outside the purview of government.

The Supreme Court Makes the President a Dictator for Life


The Supreme Court Makes the President a Dictator for Life


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“The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.”—Justice Sonia Sotomayor dissenting in Trump v. United States

The U.S. Supreme Court has made it official: the president of the United States can now literally get away with murder.

In a devastating 6-3 ruling in Trump v. United States that is equal parts politically short-sighted, self-servingly partisan, and utterly devoid of any pretense that the president is anything other than a dictator, the Supreme Court has validated what Richard Nixon once claimed: “When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.”

As Justice Sotomayor concluded in her powerful dissent:

The Supreme Court Ruled Not for Trump But for the Office of the President


The Supreme Court Ruled Not for Trump But for the Office of the President

The Supreme Court Ruled Not for Trump But for the Office of the President

Paul Craig Roberts

The US Supreme Court has ruled that a president has immunity for official acts, but not for personal acts. Which is which will be a contentious issue. For example, if a president were to have the CIA, FBI, or Secret Service murder a political rival that would be a personal act. But when President Obama had the US military murder a US citizen suspected of being a terrorist, it was an official act.

But was it? The justification for the murder was suspicion alone, a bare-faced accusation unconfirmed by a trial and therefore in violation of due process. Has it ever been established that it is an official act for a president to have a US citizen murdered without due process? Perhaps it has happened secretly by the CIA but my impression is that President Obama’s murder of the Muslim religious leader who was an American citizen was the first public murder without due process and conviction delivering a death penalty.

Nothing was made of the murder because Americans had been indoctrinated with fear of Muslim terrorists and regarded the murder as an act of war.

My Corona Investigative Committee Presentation (7/1/22)


My Corona Investigative Committee Presentation (7/1/22)

Today is the two-year anniversary of my Corona Investigative Committee interview.

Many of you may have read my presentation notes in A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation, but you probably haven’t seen the video (transcript included below courtesy of a reader who generously volunteered to tidy up the AI transcript).

On June 24, 2022, I published my Anatomy of a Philanthropath series in which I coined “philanthropath.”

The next day, my fearless friend Leslie Manookian—founder of the Health Freedom Defense Fund (which just won a major legal victory against vaccine mandates, incidentally)—emailed me this note:

“I told Reiner about you and your work on propaganda and manipulation and recommended he have you on the Corona Investigative Committee.

“I’m writing now to connect you two and will leave it to you to take it from here.

“PS Reiner gets zillions of emails so don’t stress if he doesn’t reply right away!”

I was moved by Leslie’s out-of-the-blue recommendation but assumed I wouldn’t hear back for a while or at all given the lengthy queue the Ausschuss surely has.

There’s only one earthly power that is bringing about the real-time destruction of the Democrat Party.


There’s only one earthly power that is bringing about the real-time destruction of the Democrat Party.

DISASTER: But who’s really behind
the perfectly controlled demolition?

State of the Nation

No one anywhere in the American political commentariat has even come close to understanding or describing just how highly consequential the first 2024 POTUS election debate really is.

First of all, nothing like that “Daffy Debate Debacle” has ever occurred before in U.S. political history—ANYWHERE IN THE 50 STATES.  This totally crazy stuff just doesn’t happen … … … until now.

Which ought to tell every voter in the electorate that things are about to be very, VERY, interesting indeed.  As in totally out-of-control and chaotic in the political space because of the many powerful forces and overwhelming influences at work, many of them furiously working at cross purposes to each other especially on the Left.

In other words, the Democrat Party — right now — is undergoing an unparalleled [CONTROLLED] demolition, the likes of which this nation has never witnessed before.  For example:

Kamala Harris Has Very Tense Post-Debate
Interview With CNN’s Anderson Cooper




Honestly, sometimes I think I've gone to sleep, died, and woke up in a bad dream being run by Looney Tunes cartoon characters, like I'm the guest star in some new version of Who Framed Roger Rabbit? where cartoons and real people mix and mingle in one world, with the corresponding chaos that ensues (like falling ACME safes, elevators in tall buildings that break the sound barrier on the way up or down, with corresponding G forces, and so on). In this case, the insanity was spotted and shared by one of our regular article spotters-and-sharers, V.T., who saw the following priceless example of Everything That Is Wrong And Just Frankly Completely Nuts About The West And Its Criminally Insane "Leadership".:

Beyond NATO's carefully disguised swastika logo(yes, it's there, you just have to think about it), the insanity here is a snapshot of Everything That is Wrong And Just Frankly Completely Nuts &c &c... the opening sentence in this article says it all:

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg proposed sanctioning China over its support for Russia amid the Russia-Ukraine war. Unlike the West, China has not directly provided countless aid packages to Russia, but China has kept trade open and exchanged technology with Moscow. Stoltenberg believes China must face “consequences” for not aligning with NATO.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Video: Blaming Farmers

 Just as it is with medicine, when farmers become reliant on the products they utilize to provide the world with food, they become customers for life. It all traces back to the Big Pharma model, a disastrous cycle of dependence, and the chemical manufactures that profit from it. When landowners can no longer sustain the high price necessary to continue the normal growth processes — while also feeding the environment’s addiction to modern practices and human demand for conventional commodities — they are forced to turn over the keys to industrial, prodigious companies and walk away from a multi-generational career.
But today’s guests on ‘Financial Rebellion’ are some of the farmers who refuse to fall in line with this devastating reality which has affected many of their colleagues across the globe. They explain how we got to this point, current issues facing modern agriculture and future possibilities of an optimistic food future. Listen in!

234 The Squeeze: The Underground History of Amercian Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


234 The Squeeze: The Underground History of Amercian Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



The Squeeze


      Of course when you cheat people good you start to worry about your victims getting  even. David Gordon's 1996 book Fa? and Mean: The Corporate Squeeze of Working  Americans and the Myth of Managerial Downsizing catches the spirit of the national  guilty conscience this way:   


     Can't trust your workers when left to their own devices? Peer over their shoulders. Watch  behind their backs. Record their movements. Monitor them. Supervise them. Boss them.     Above all else, don't leave them alone. As one recent study observed, "American  companies tend, fundamentally, to mistrust workers, whether they are salaried employees  or blue collar workers." 


      And American schools tend, fundamentally, to mistrust students. One way to deal with  danger from the middle and bottom of the evolutionary order is to buy off the people's  natural leaders. Instead of killing Zapata, smart money deals Zapata in for his share.  We've seen this principle as it downloaded into "gifted and talented" classrooms from the  lofty abstractions of Pareto and Mosca. Now it's time to regard those de-fanged "gifted"  children grown up, waiting at the trough like the others. What do they in their turn have  to teach anyone?  

NIH Scientists Tried to Conceal $710 Million Pandemic Royalty Payout


NIH Scientists Tried to Conceal $710 Million Pandemic Royalty Payout

Data from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) revealed that the nation’s medical research agency and its scientists collected hundreds of millions of dollars in royalties for COVID-19 pandemic-related drugs and vaccines between 2021 and 2023. This information was initially kept secret by the NIH. It was made public by OpenTheBooks.com, an organization that aims to post all disclosed U.S. government spending at every level after the organization sued the NIH in federal court with the assistance of Judicial Watch.1

After a two-year legal battle, it was discovered that $690 million in royalty payments made by pharmaceutical companies for licensing medical innovations went to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), led by Anthony Fauci, MD, the government’s highest-paid employee, and 260 of his fellow scientists employed at NIAID.2

The findings come after Dr. Fauci mocked questions about potential conflicts of interest between