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Monday, June 3, 2024

The Challenge of the 2020-2021 Corona Crisis: Your Life, Your Mind, Your Soul. Dr. Pascal Sacré


The Challenge of the 2020-2021 Corona Crisis: Your Life, Your Mind, Your Soul. Dr. Pascal Sacré

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First published on May 15, 2024


The world is dangerous to live, 

not so much because of those who do evil, 

but because of those who watch and let it happen. *

Let’s not go around the bush. 

I am referring to the so-called COVID-19 pandemic that led to the injection of a product of composition still unknown to billions of people, from 2021, under a pretext advanced as an indisputable dogma, that of stopping the said pandemic.

So-called experts took turns on all the radio and television waves of the world to tell us that this infection was fatal and that the only way to stop it was to be injected with a product presented as a new generation, effective and harmless vaccine.

And billions of people believed it and received this injection, not once, but for a large number, several times. And it is not over and continues to be advocated, strongly recommended for pregnant women, children and old people.

Today, in May 2024, what can we say about it, by being humble, honest, scientific, the most impartial examiner possible of the facts, free from any conflict or even any link of interest and only seeking to get as close as possible to the truth, whether we like it or not?

As soon as I perceived the discrepancies in the official speech (the canary in the mine**), fully assuming my function as anesthesiologist-resuscitator, intensivist, at the front lines in a large acute hospitalization service in Belgium, I published an article entitled:

COVID-19, check your sources. War against…corruption? “, April 12, 2020 [1].

The term “war” refers to the expression used six times by French President Emmanuel Macron in his speech of March 16, 2020, We are at war“, implied, for him, against a virus while a war against pandemic scientific and media corruption would save many more human lives!

It was premonitory because it is vital in this kind of crisis to discern the truth of the lie; to verify what we are told, especially when the author of the lie is presented as an expert and expresses himself without citing any of his sources, relying only on his largely manufactured reputation and on the complicity, conscious or not, of journalists who do not question anything that this expert says.

Beware that the most effective lies are half-truths or are sown in the otherwise coherent discourse, like almost invisible, imperceptible grains.

The devil is always in the details.

This is what has happened to almost all the official statements denounced in the last four years as indisputable truths by our “benevolent” authorities, assertions subsequently denied, quickly or later, by the facts and serious, independent and courageous analysts given the extreme censorship and extensive intimidation to which they have been subjected.

For my part, I refer you to the many articles written between April 2020 and January 2023, on this site www.mondialisation.ca, addressing almost all the subjects concerned, confinements, early treatments including ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, RT-PCR diagnostic technique, vaccines, masks and totalitarian drift [2].

For almost everything, the facts will have proved me right.

I’m far from being the only one.

I only come back to a few illustrative points.

Hydroxychloroquine, an old and well-known treatment, with marginal side effects if the pharmacology and dosages (doses) are respected and which has been shown to be effective in the early treatment of COVID-19. 

With other doctors, including many fields, from many nations, I said this very early and the facts confirmed this truth yet offended by official experts, including the prestigious medical journal, the Lancet, which withdrew its hostile and fraudulent article 12 days after its publication [3] creating the scandal called Lancetgate.

However, you will notice, and it is a habit, that all the doctors in the world, those in the field called general practitioners or family doctors, have not been warned of this rehabilitation of hydroxychloroquine by these same media from all countries, unanimous and very noisy when it came to spreading a lie, discreet or even silent when it came to restoring the truth.

We can make the same observation with ivermectin [4].

As a doctor, I personally treated hundreds of people with acute respiratory infection labeled COVID-19 in 2021 with correctly dosed ivermectin.

This treatment has been safe and effective, often from the first day of treatment, including in people at risk and fragile, very old, obese, chronic heart or respiratory insufficiency, thus avoiding changes to more serious forms, reducing hospital overload and the period of contagiousness; with an inexpensive, harmless drug that can be prescribed to pregnant women without risk to the fetus, and known since the 1980s, widely prescribed in Africa in particular.

Where are the articles and documentaries relating this truth, in all our written or spoken media?

Have you seen a rehabilitation of these really effective and safe treatments (at the recommended dosages) since the facts proved right to all those who advocated them as early as 2020 or 2021?

Me, no.

On the contrary, doctors, among others, who have treated and talked about their success have been (and still are) threatened with radiation, suspension, prosecution and defamed in this press that continues to lie and support the vaccine in its entirety.

While the facts prove us right. And the so-called “vaccine”?

Based on current data and the decline since 2021, in England, it has been known since September 2023 that COVID-19 vaccinated people die more than unvaccinated people: Further Proof: The “Age Adjusted Argument” has been Crushed by the mRNA Data Avalanche. While this will thankfully Crush mRNA investment, sadly it has also Crushed so many Victims along the way. (substack.com), as analyzed by the French statistician Pierre Chaillot, author of a remarkable book, COVID-19, which is revealed by the official figures, éditions l’Artilleur. Here is the video where Pierre Chaillot analyzes English statistics: Revelation of a new English study: we know who dies the most! (youtube.com).

Really, I encourage you, 4 years after my first article, to reread them all.

On the one hand, we have inexpensive treatments, effective especially since they are early, harmless in case of use according to the prescription rules, treatments that have proven their worth (I can attest to it personally), 

And on the other hand, we have injections of a product with an unknown complete composition, fraudulently called “vaccines”, very expensive but very profitable for the shareholders of the companies that manufacture them and all those they have corrupted, and which we now know to cause excess mortality and an outbreak of side effects in populations around the world (cancers, autoimmune diseases, degeneration, acceleration of cellular aging…).

But our authorities, the press, the official “experts” continue their way without blinking, continuing to shoot honest scientists and caregivers who are independent of any financial link with the globalized system, and who contradict them by relying on the facts.

Why do the vast majority of people continue to let it happen? And to let yourself go? Because the key to the exit door is in them.

In each of us.

It’s about our survival.

Now, I will give more of my personal opinion, my deduction. 

It’s only that, my opinion, even if the past showed that I had seen clearly on many of the subjects concerned, do not believe me on my word or by friendship.

Check, check, read articles, books, watch the videos I inform you to enlighten you, and make your own opinion.

Everything I say from now on can still evolve. 

This is the true honest science, never to freeze on a position, a belief that would become an unbeatable dogma, regardless of the contradictory facts or the painful need to admit to having been wrong. No. Especially not.

While having the courage to affirm what we think at some point, whether we like it or not, even if it attracts us trouble, suspension, cancellation, tax control, or even worse.

I hope that all readers on this site will therefore have understood that we have been lied to; sometimes intelligently and subtly, more often in a rude and authoritarian way, using human weaknesses through fear, conformism, selfishness and lazioness.


To depopulate an overcrowded land, using odious means, an almost imperceptible, “sweet” genocide, in which, if we do nothing, do not react, we are all accomplices, by action or omission.

It began with the abandonment of vulnerable and fragile people, the elderly, isolated, dead of dehydration, deprivation of affection, love, and the most basic care on the pretext of… saving them!

This continued by prohibiting early treatments that were safe and effective and by inducing immense fear in people, since they were told to wait to get worse, that while waiting for that, they could do nothing (impotence) except ingest paracetamol, toxic to the only element that could still protect them, glutathione.

I will always remember this elderly doctor, abandoned to his fate, and crying when he came to my house, just because I had listened to him and reassured him.

This has been amplified by launching this global campaign to inject a toxic, ineffective and yet presented as safe and effective product and of which we know today, at least on the basis of the statistics of the countries that want to publish them, that it kills more than it saves.

While everything or almost everything is forbidden in pregnant women, magically, it had become acceptable to “violate” their immune-compromised sacred body, endangering the most vulnerable being, totally dependent on others for its survival, the human fetus.

How many miscarriages, stillbirths, malformations in the world today, in connection with this criminal policy?

This video, the first chapter of a series that has three, based on serious and documented research (sources cited in the video), will enlighten you on the issues and the underside of this tragedy.

🧠Eugenist 2.0 & Transhumanist: their open war against peoples – 1/3🗣️ Alain Schollaert – CrowdBunker

It is on the Crowdbunker platform, because on YouTube, immediately published, immediately censored which, indirectly, is a strong indication that it really disturbs liars, as only the truth can do.

The following episodes will be published on May 19 and May 26.

Watch, listen and draw your conclusions.

It is vital because we want to train you in a world that you, here, do not want, neither for you, nor above all, for your children.


It is in this case of a cruel, revolting cynicism because those who decide to do so do it in their golden bunker, well sheltered, having proclaimed themselves kings of the world simply because they have looted this world, stolen the riches that belong to all humanity and that strong of their dollars and euros, their relationships, their “powers”, they decide who will die or live. 

They use lies brilliantly and coldly, they exploit the flaws of the democratic system and above all, rely on our weaknesses skilfully excited by all the means at their disposal, drugs, sports, music, television, agitation, sex…

We have become too many for them, walking on their flower beds and they have launched what corresponds to the 2030 agenda. Yes, you read well, it’s for 2030 and we are there!

Psychological manipulation pushed to its climax, fears, invisible or little visible attacks for many years [5] by chemical pollution of air (chemtrails), water, electromagnetic waves (4G, 5G, but also our Wifi, televisions, electrical appliances…), and today, these nanomolecular poisons directly injected into the human body.

As a corollary, it is a question of removing cash and replacing it with all-digital.

To make the human as inert and predictable as a machine without a soul or own mind, much easier to direct and exploit.

This video developed by the Corsican-Belgian researcher Alain Schollaert, on the channel of the very good Akina, the Media Front, also talks about a delicate but oh so vital subject, too!

The manufactured, so-called “controlled” opposition. The false opposition or Trojan horse that participates in a perverse, sometimes unconscious way, in the dissemination of the official narrative and its fulfillment by capturing dissenting wills.

How to find your way around without paranoia or discouragement?

Here again, these are my deductions, I assume them but make your own opinion.

However, do not delay or make a mistake because this is what your life is at stake, yours and that of your loved ones.

The decisions you will make, the actions you take will all depend on the information you have chosen to trust, the whistleblowers you have chosen to follow because yes, there are false ones, more or less aware of what they are doing.

First, beware of the “heroes” made by this tragedy. 

Seek humility, discretion, true modesty in those who speak to you.

There are no heroes. No pedestal, no resistance elites, no prestigious characters! 

Look for those who can talk about everything, without taboos, both messenger RNA and graphene oxide, programmed genocide and the deadly vaccine industry! Look for those who admit their mistakes, are tolerant, those who do not take others from above, who do not present themselves as experts in turn, which would mean that by their title alone, we should listen to them religiously.

Do you remember the Swiss researcher Astrid Stuckelberger, censored in a congress of “resistants” just because she wanted to address the subject of graphene oxide, as if some could decide their sole authority on what we can talk about or not.

We are all ordinary citizens immersed in extraordinary circumstances that have revealed what our true nature is made of. 

Those who spoke and acted, some of whom were very conformist in normal times, those who resisted, refused to blindly follow the orders only did so because they could not do otherwise, yet very lucid about the terrible risks they ran, dismissal, harassment, imprisonment, poisoning, social or fiscal murder.

It is not out of heroism but out of moral obligation.

It is in these circumstances, at the heart of the action, that we really discover who we are. Not before.

Then, look at who was visible, carried to the clouds even, and who was ostracized, very quickly or gradually. 

Look at who is censored especially on YouTube and who is not or less so. Do not draw hasty conclusions but make your spirit of deduction work.

When some have been able to publish books without problems, translated even into several languages, talk about them on radio, you have other serious authors who are never talked about and translated. It’s a sign.

Do you know Didier Raoult, Louis Fouché, Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Jean-Dominique Michel, Xavier Azalbert…? 

I’m sure it is. The “tenors“, the “pillars“…

And Melody Feron, Denis Rancourt, Sasha Latypova, Tess Lawrie, Alain Schollaert, Laurence Kayser? Much less, right?

But again and it’s crucial, make your own opinion.

The real whistleblowers are invisible. It makes sense. The lie does not tolerate the truth that destroys it with a single glance. 

The real resistance fighters are excluded, even by the so-called resistant or awakened circles, who therefore do what they criticize precisely in the other camp, elitism and selection.

The video report by Alain Schollaert, sourced, connecting all the points of this labyrinth of corruption and secret objectives, speaks for itself.

The intention of these forces of evil is terrible.

It is Primum Nocere: above all, harm (as opposed to the oath of any caregiver, primum non nocere, above all not to harm).

These are conspiracies. This is not a theory and those who still tell you this are either individuals of the mental age of a child preferring a false world but they know, or dishonest or even complicit people.

All the evidence of this plot against humanity is there, before our eyes, today. As evidenced by the enormous work of lawyer Reiner Fuellmich now imprisoned [6]. 

And it will not be the well-known collectives, which have become well-oiled and admitted machines for some time, nor the so-called resistant press organs that will help you get out of there.

It’s you, us, me, you, him, her.

We. Together.

Everyone defending their soul and spirit in the face of the devastating attack.

Starting by freeing yourself from the evil influences that capture you and lock you in a dead end of the labyrinth. They have foreseen an impasse for each of us, since the time they have been working on this diabolical project.

They knew very well that some would not swallow their lies and would have the courage to resist. They left nothing to chance. They tried to plan everything, to propose an alternative solution for each of us.

Whatever the name of this trap for you, I pray that as many people as possible, after reading this article and especially the vision of Eugenist 2.0 & Transhumanist: their open war against the peoples, directed by Alain Schollaert, will see clearly and take back the personal power they have at the bottom of their soul and we will survive all this.

Because they won’t win. 

They cannot violate your soul without your consent, which is why they do everything to deceive it, mislead it, weaken it and steer it in the wrong direction.

Be brave, lucid, calm, think and then act, be afraid of nothing and allow the best in you, brighter, good and beautiful, the love force of your blazing heart to radiate and extinguish all this darkness.

Dr. Pascal Sacré

Featured image: Screenshot. Whistleblower.

* I do not put an author because this kind of sentence is attributed to one or the other, without the possibility of verifying it. It is the sentence itself, universal, that is important because it summarizes the whole current problem.

** the canary in the coal mine: What does it mean to be a canary in a coal mine? – Spiegato

Endnotes: title translated into English, link to the original French

[1] COVID-19 – Check your sources. War against… corruption? | Globalization – Center for Research on Globalization

[2] Dr. Pascal Sacré | Globalization – Globalization Research Center

[3] The corruption of science. The scandal of the hydroxychloroquine study. Who was behind all this? Anthony Fauci’s intention to block the HCQ on behalf of major pharmaceutical companies | Globalization – Center for Research on Globalization

[4] COVID-19, a simple change of method and it’s over | Globalization – Globalization Research Center 

[5] Read the author Claire Séverac, and her book “the war against the peoples”: Claire Séverac – The secret war against the peoples: Claire Séverac: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming: Internet Archive. This courageous activist was murdered through a mysterious dazzling disease in December 2016 (The death of Claire Séverac, an activist who disturbed the “establishment” – Health and Well-being – Sott.net)

[6] This is the beginning of the trial of Reiner Fuellmich (youtube.com)


Pascal Sacré has graduated in medicine, in Belgium, since 1995, at the University of Liège. He began a specialty in anesthesia-resuscitation in 1997, completed in 2002 and supplemented by a specialization in critical care in 2003.
He worked in a hospital environment, mainly in intensive care, for 18 years without anything ever being blamed for.
In his department, he worked on the development of a protocol for the management of pain, drug sedation and neurological complications such as delirium, a protocol retained by many peers in other hospitals.
Dismissed in 2020 from the hospital where he had been working for 9 years, due to positions contrary to the official health policy and a conflict with management over the COVID-19 crisis, he continued to defend his point of view despite adversity (dismissal without compensation, summons to the police station, defamation in the press, blacklisting in all Belgian intensive care services despite the recognition of his competence and professionalism, invisibility).
In 2021, he found an anesthesio-intensivist position at the center of the great burns, at the military hospital, in Belgium. This center depends on the Ministry of Defence and not directly on the Ministry of Health.
Dr Sacré trained at the University of Liège (Professor M-E Faymonville) in hypnotherapy in a medical environment.
Interested in everything that can help his patient get better, Dr. Sacré considers that nothing can be a priori rejected, such as the addition of natural medicines to chemical practices recognized in hospital settings, or conversely, a priori considered an untouchable dogma such as vaccination.
Everything deserves open-mindedness, tolerance, curiosity and honest research, with humility and good faith.
His mantra: “think for yourself”.
 Dr. Sacré, in order to help each person regain control of his health without waiting for interested circles to do so, gives training in the management of the mind, emotions, stress through the tools he has himself learned (cardiac coherence, breathing, language, self-hypnosis) and organizes workshops on health topics such as digestion, endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenal…), vagus nerves, in a language that is simple and accessible to all.
Its website: www.pascal-sacre.be and the associated email: psformation222@gmail.com 
He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization since 2009.

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