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An American Affidavit

Sunday, June 2, 2024

On the ugliness of corrupted law as a barrier to seeing it.


On the ugliness of corrupted law as a barrier to seeing it.

Orientation for new readers - American Domestic Bioterrorism Program - Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law

Hedley Rees is engaged an attempt to smear me and Sasha Latypova, and our work, at his Substack. I’ve posted several comments in the thread, some of which are below.

One reason why the smear campaigns are intensifying, I speculate, is that I’ve been writing more for a few months about the non-regulation of the entire worldwide biological product/vaccine manufacturing regulatory system, which has enabled the systematic poisoning of babies and children, since smallpox in early 1900s, polio in 1950s, and the metastizing “childhood immunization schedule” since then.

It’s all been immunotoxic junk for the whole time, not just since 2020 and the Covid vaccines.

As more people understand these legal facts and stop trusting US-FDA as de facto global regulator, taking vaccines and vaccinating their children, vaccine-related depopulation and enslavement projects will face new headwinds.

[Rees asked me to review a declaration he wrote for a consumer protection petition in 2023]

If it's the same declaration as the first link, I looked at it briefly, I'm familiar with Janci Lindsay's efforts in Mississippi, which are similar to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's efforts in Texas, which both describe the products as "consumer" products and attempt to litigate under "consumer protection" laws.

I'm also familiar with an attempt in Oregon to convene a grand jury — Ealy et al. v. Redfield et al, petition filed in 2021 alleging criminal conduct and Administrative Procedures Act violations by CDC, HHS and other agencies and officials, dismissed by US District Court in Nov. 2022, appealed to 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, dismissal upheld by 10th Circuit in Feb. 2024.

Consumer protection laws are inapplicable to Covid-19 vaccines, which are not consumer products, but rather emergency military countermeasures.

Pharmaceutical manufacturing regulations are inapplicable to Covid-19 vaccines, and all vaccines.

Criminal laws (for example, criminalizing fraud) are inapplicable to fraud committed by federal agencies, under public health emergency conditions and biological product regulation generally.

It is false to say [as Rees states] that my approach — which is to uncover and disseminate the truth about US and international law, including contracts and Mutual Recognition Agreements — "does not offer any solutions, just no hope."

In parallel with my investigative and reporting work over the last few years, I've assembled a toolkit to support campaigns for repeal and nullification of bad laws.

The collection is here, and linked at the top of almost all of my posts.

The prior version:

Your approach amounts to an unwillingness to look at the truth of the wholesale corruption of law, and an unwillingness to accept the legal facts as true.

The legal facts are extremely ugly.

It is extremely painful to look at them and understand what they mean about the contempt with which lawmakers, judges, executives and civil administrators regard men, women, children and babies, families and human societies. [Feb. 2022 attempt to articulate this.¹]

It's very difficult to defeat an adversary if you will not look at the adversary, acknowledge the laws as real and bad, and help other people see and understand the laws, and work to repeal and nullify them.

It's even more difficult when you put effort into smearing people who are looking carefully at that adversary — bad laws, passed by real lawmakers, executed by real civil administrators, and upheld by real judges — and developing tools to expose, repeal and nullify those laws.

Some other comments in the thread

[On Rees’ participation in a Zoom call, December 2022, set up by Senator Ron Johnson, during which Sasha and I presented our findings to Sen. Johnson and his staff]

Sasha Latypova:

I remember that call (December 2022), it was set up by Ron Johnson and he asked me and Katherine to provide him with a package of material, which we did. He and his staff all agreed that our interpretation of US law is correct. I don't know what you mean by one-sided. You were invited and given opportunity to speak. It wasn't my call, it was Johnson's call. So, why is it that for another 2 years since that call you are unable to ask me a question? You have my email. I always answered your questions. As I am doing now. I am completely open to discuss this. I do not appreciate being called a "controlled op" simply because I point to a US law and legal precedent that you wish to ignore.

Katherine Watt:

As Sasha indicates, I’m also really interested to know when you developed difficulty understanding what we’ve discovered, and explained, about how US pharmaceutical non-regulation works in the EUA/PREP Act context.

(More recently, I’ve discovered that the same non-regulation framework applies to all biological products allegedly regulated by US-FDA, under non-emergency/routine conditions.)

I’d also like to understand your alternative explanation for the facts, if you have one.

Here are the factual premises Sasha and I work with:

1. Covid vaccines are distributed without manufacturers including complete, accurate information about the contents on the labels [and FDA applications], only partial and/or false information.

2. Many people have been injured and killed by Covid vaccines.

3. Many independent researchers have identified many compounds in sample vials, that were not listed on the labels [and FDA applications]. Under typical drug regulations, this is called contamination or adulteration.

4. FDA has been notified of the contamination/adulteration, and the injuries and deaths.

5. FDA officials, knowing about the contamination and adulteration, and the injuries and deaths, continue to publicly support public health officials who urge the public to consume the products, and continue to publicly support the pharmaceutical companies manufacturing the products.

6. Regulatory agencies are not issuing cease and desist orders or recall orders for any Covid vaccines.

After studying the laws and contracts, Sasha and I have concluded:

7. Relevant US laws, and through international contracts and Mutual Recognition Agreements, relevant legal instruments in other countries, legalize the worldwide distribution and use of toxic, contaminated products under EUA/PREP conditions.

8. FDA’s legal and political function, under EUA/PREP law, is not a regulatory function. FDA’s role is to pretend-regulate, solely to give the public worldwide the false impression that a publicly-accountable agency is enforcing pharmaceutical company compliance with pharmaceutical regulations, because otherwise, worldwide mass vaccination campaigns would rely solely on public trust in private pharmaceutical manufacturers telling the public to take injections of unknown contents.

Do you think any of the factual premises are false?

And if you reach different conclusions, what are those conclusions, and how have you reached them?

On Rees comment that, in his view, “the key to it is making public the inspections that have been carried out by US FDA, the only regulator carrying out inspections.”

Katherine Watt:

The FDA has not carried out valid inspections, and is legally authorized to non-inspect.

Legalized FDA non-regulation of biological products effective May 2, 2019, by Federal Register Final Rule, signed by then-FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb.

Available FDA inspection documents are fraudulent/invalid theatrical props.

They have nothing to do with enforcing compliance with cGMP or any other pharmaceutical cGxP standards.

Ongoing series on these subjects, nine parts so far:

1. Regulatory simulations at home and abroad: Mutual Recognition Agreements. Part 1 of series on legal links connecting domestic and international non-regulation of non-medicines.

…Mutual Recognition Agreements are mechanisms through which regulatory agencies in one country can legally rely on the claimed validity of another country's regulatory reviews and decisions, to authorize import and use of the allegedly regulated product in the importing country.

International MRAs were put into place in the 1990s, and should be understood as working together with the gutting of US biological product regulation under non-emergency conditions, which predates Covid…

2. Statutory and regulatory definitions for drugs, biological products, and biosimilars. Information to support further reporting on regulation and non-regulation of biological product manufacturing, sample testing, lot-release, use.

…There are many terms for, and/or related to, biological products currently in use.

Many of the documents acknowledge the extent to which biological product manufacturing cannot be standardized, such that product purity is an impossible regulatory standard for any biological product to achieve.

Manufacturing quality for a given package of biological material can, at best, contain a percentage of product assayed to be in conformity with contents as described on the label, at the moment of sample testing.

Even if products meet limited, fractional purity standards at the moment of sample testing, the contents of each package are subject to further changes over time due to metabolic processes and byproducts, sedimentation, mixing, temperature changes, degradation and other factors, because the contents are comprised of living, dynamic and therefore non-stable components.

After entering the body of each recipient, each biological product undergoes additional unpredictable, widely variant changes as the components interact with the living organism through billions of biological events…

3. Deregulation of biological product manufacturing, mid-1990s to present. Don't-ask-don't-tell as applied to vaccines and other difficult-to-characterize, highly-susceptible-to-contamination medical-military poisons.

…The mechanisms for legalized non-regulation of biological products are very similar in structure to “Don’t ask, don’t tell.”

Briefly, since the mid-1990s, citing authority derived from Congressional acts and Presidential executive orders, the Food and Drug Administration has been quietly eliminating its own regulatory functions through Federal Register rule-making notices and Guidance for Industry publications.

The ostensible reason was to relieve paperwork burdens and costs on pharmaceutical manufacturers. The changes are scientifically pseudo-justified with assertions that manufacturers have developed such excellent internal quality-control processes and technologies, that FDA validation of manufacturer claims about product purity, sterility and safety are no longer needed.

This is nonsense, as are many other FDA claims to be found in Federal Register notices and guidance documents.

Biological products, including but not limited to vaccines, are inherently heterogeneous, impure, non-sterile, immuno-toxic, and unstable.

FDA lawyers, pharmacologists, toxicologists, factory inspectors and product reviewers know those truths. They have known those truths for many, many decades.

The real reason for the rule changes was to enable biological product factories to be more fully converted to non-regulated, black-box poison factories and to increase the toxicity of the poisons distributed from their loading bays…

4. Vaccines have always been heterogeneous mixtures of toxins used to intentionally sicken people and animals. Public health and regulatory systems have consistently hidden those truths behind false claims about effects of vaccines; legalized non-regulation of biological product manufacturing.

…A defining characteristic of biological products, in legal terms, is their rule-governed exemption from regulatory oversight that applies to and is enforceable for drugs manufactured using chemical processes.

One of several defining characteristics of biological products as murder weapons, is their ability to biologically incorporate into the target's body, such that weapons become indistinguishable from victims. Empty vials, syringes and other residual evidence disappears into garbage dumps and medical waste incinerators…

5. Vaccine and related biological product manufacturing as US government-licensed poison manufacturing. Evidence from November 1986 'mandate for safer childhood vaccines' codified at 42 USC 300aa-27, and July 2018 stipulation by HHS

…if there had ever been any legal requirement for FDA to prevent Covid-19 vaccines from harming clinical trial subjects, and from later harming recipients in what many still irrationally insist is a consumer product market, FDA officials would have denied all of the Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers' licensing applications submitted starting in February and March 2020.

FDA would have denied the applications based on evidence accrued since genetic engineering research began, about harms caused to animal and human recipients of cell- and gene-based compounds, lipid nanoparticles, and other components listed on and/or redacted from application documents.

FDA did not deny manufacturers legal access to human targets.

Instead, FDA authorized legal access to several thousand targets in spring, summer and fall 2020, and then authorized legal access to everyone else in the world in December 2020.

Following FDA’s failure to deny manufacturers' authorization to conduct what have since been revealed as fake clinical trials, if FDA had held a legal obligation to protect the public from biological product poisons, FDA officials would have immediately halted the alleged clinical trials in mid-2020 upon the first reported adverse effects and deaths.

Failing that, a drug manufacturing regulator with a legal obligation to protect people from harm would have immediately recalled all Covid-19 vaccines as soon as general public recipients in December 2020 and early 2021 started having anaphylactic reactions, developing heart damage and turbo-cancers and dropping dead; as soon as women started shedding decidual casts and miscarrying babies in the womb; and as soon as all the other injuries, diseases and deaths became clearly observable worldwide. (See, for example, Pfizer 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports received through Feb. 28, 2021, Table 1 at p. 7)

FDA did not halt the pretend clinical trials, and has not recalled the vaccines, ordered the manufacturers to cease production, or ordered pharmacists, nurses and doctors to stop using them…

6. On why FDA revised written non-rules for non-regulation of biological products to make them more unintelligible, inapplicable and unenforceable since the 1990s.

…Part of the reason has to do with pretend-oversight events by Congress, such as after thalidomide in the late 1950s, after some Government Accountability Office (GAO) and news reports about vaccines in the early 1970s, and then after the military anthrax vaccine events in the early 1990s. After each such event, a new shuffling of departments and/or set of non-rule rules came into play.

I think another reason is that the non-regulation rules had to be aligned with technical improvements in the ability to sequence biological and genetic samples.

If it’s correct that the 1990s were the beginning of more widespread laboratory access to equipment and computer software capable of processing samples and producing a more accurate, detailed gene map of what was in the samples, and the graduates of more biology and chemistry programs would have known how to use that equipment and interpret that data as they started filling the lab positions at FDA, then there would have been a need to make sure that the equipment either never got installed at FDA, or got installed in alignment with proper indoctrination of the incoming FDA lab technicians/inspectors alongside the elimination of the procedures for manufacturers to submit samples and protocols to be tested by the FDA technicians…

7. Terms, phrases and organizations involved in worldwide regulatory and manufacturing deception surrounding vaccines and other biological products.

…a lot of the legal mechanisms that enable health care workers to mutilate and kill people with impunity using EUA countermeasures (including vaccines) under declared emergency conditions, and to also mutilate and kill people with impunity using non-EUA biological products and vaccines under routine, non-emergency conditions, are suspensions, waivers, exclusions and exemptions from clinical trial conduct rules and drug manufacturing quality control rules.

Because of that legal framework, one of the best ways to understand what’s happened, is to draw the negative or adverse inferences that can be drawn from the absence of valid regulatory and quality control records.

'Smoking gun' documents, through which identifiable regulators and vaccine factory employees would disclose which toxic ingredients were added to which batch on which date and time, with foreknowledge as to subsequent molecular stability or decay, and foreknowledge as to harmful biological effects on recipients, are unlikely to appear.

Instead, ingredients and processing techniques are redacted from publicly-available regulatory review and manufacturing contracts. Package inserts are blank. When asked for unredacted, complete, accurate clinical trial and manufacturing quality control compliance records, regulators and manufacturers simply and accurately state that they cannot produce such records, because they are not legally obligated to produce such records, and therefore those records do not exist…

8. There is no legal limit to the amount of so-called contamination that can legally be included in vaccines or any other biological products.

…Long-term, over several decades, the perpetrators want to lower vitality, fertility and life expectancy among the population and thereby bring down budget expenditures for education, health care and pensions.

Short-to-medium term, the perpetrators want to increase profits, kickbacks and money-laundering for pharmaceutical corporation shareholders and Congress members, by supplying additional poisons to sick people, to manage the symptoms of induced chronic diseases.

To meet those dual goals, the most important thing was to build and maintain unquestioning public trust in the product class of vaccines.

The best way to build and maintain that trust — to shield the intentional poisoning from public view — was to pretend to operate a regulatory system that sets standards for product safety, efficacy and purity; monitors vaccine production to assess compliance by testing samples; and removes unsafe, ineffective and contaminated vaccines from the supply chain…

If you work for an organization (Public Health Service-HHS-FDA-CDC-NIH-NIAID) that’s systematically poisoning people with intrinsically heterogeneous, unstable, immunotoxic products, and you understand that parents will eventually start to notice the sickliness of their children and themselves, the last thing you want is a regulatory process — supported by analytical equipment and techniques — through which toxins might be identified and disclosed to the public, justifying removal of those toxic products from the supply chain.

But you also don’t want to reduce public trust in the poison-products known as vaccines.

That’s the point the systematic poisoners had reached by the mid-1990s.

The solution, to buy themselves what turned out to be another 30 years, was to further eliminate the pretend-regulatory functions they had pretend-fulfilled, by simply claiming that the manufacturers would self-regulate using the analytical equipment, methods and skilled labor that became available by the mid-1990s…

9. On FDA buildings as virtual mailboxes to project the public illusion of biological product manufacturing regulation.

My hypothesis is that they have maintained a bunch of empty office buildings that serve only as mailing addresses (virtual mailboxes), without having any actual technical staff, laboratory equipment, or application and sample processing procedures.

They do that so that they can have fake forms for vaccine manufacturers to fill out. These included both the establishment license application, ELA, and product license application, PLA, from 1973 to the mid-1990s.

The ELA+PLA application process became, in the mid-1990s, the biologics license application, or BLA, by eliminating even the ostensible/fake requirement for establishment inspections and licensing, and by breaking up the "responsible head" at the factories, into multiple responsible people, so that no one would be responsible.

The factory employees, who are also just a handful of paper pushers with no scientific knowledge or responsibility, in a building whose equipment just makes immunotoxic junk and puts it in vials and slaps labels on it, filled out the application forms and mailed them to the FDA addresses (Bureau of Biologics in 1973, all its NIH predecessors and FDA successors, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research-CBER now).

The application forms arrived at that address where another one or two paper pushers put them in a filing cabinet and then shredded them a few years later. 

Since the advent of electronic filing systems, the application and licensing forms have been filed, transferred and stored electronically, and deleted at regular intervals.

There are no technicians in the buildings, there's no equipment, no sample testing occurs.

It's all a front: statutes, regulations, procedures, application forms, buildings, addresses, offices, labs, approved applications and licenses sent by FDA back to the factories, everything.

A handful of people at pharma companies know it.

A handful of people at FDA know it.

And everyone else just assumes that a different, specialized department with specialized staff, equipment and procedures, is handling it somewhere in the factory, and somewhere within FDA.

St. Bede the Venerable translates John. Painting by James Doyle Penrose.


Feb. 26, 2022 - Legal Walls of the Covid-19 Kill Box

The goals and actions of the individual humans working on the global Covid-19 democide project are so brazenly and profoundly evil that good human minds shut down the instant they confront the information. We recoil instinctively — emotionally, cognitively and spiritually — from the extraordinary saturation of evil; we struggle to grasp how it can be so comprehensive in its scope and destructive in its force.

The human perpetrators and their Satanic accomplices have instituted many layers of legal and media control and distortion of information to demoralize and confuse their victims.

But our natural recoiling phenomenon, our fingertip-on-a-hot-stove natural human withdrawal from evil, provides them with powerful additional camouflage for the evil acts, because the mind of the observer will self-add the camouflage of "this is so evil, it can't possibly be true" adding to the layers of legal and media propaganda cover the perpetrators control and impose themselves.

Please pray for the courage to overcome the recoil, so we can fight back better.

All content is free to all readers.

All support — reading, sharing and financial — is deeply appreciated.


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