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An American Affidavit

Saturday, June 15, 2024

National and worldwide vaccination programs and US-FDA vaccine non-regulation as among the longest of long cons.


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National and worldwide vaccination programs and US-FDA vaccine non-regulation as among the longest of long cons.

Learn to distrust pharma, FDA, Congress, vaccination, vaccine-regulation, and 'vaccine confidence' promotional campaigns.

Orientation for new readers - American Domestic Bioterrorism Program - Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law


  • June 5, 2024 - Why is Del Bigtree Promoting"Vaccine Confidence"?! (Peggy Hall) - “…what this bill ACTUALLY states is that there is NO EXEMPTION for any “mandated vaccines” that have been shown by the FDA to be “safe” following one year of study; and if the FDA states on its website how many diseases or injuries are caused by the vaccine and at what rate; and that the vaccine manufacturer is liable for such injuries; and that the risk of the vaccine is less than the harms of the diseases or side effects it could cause…How could Del Bigtree be in favor of promoting this bill (which, “thanks” to ICAN, has already been introduced into several state legislatures). Well, this is exactly what I wanted to find out, so I directed my assistant to dig into the bill and ask questions to both Bigtree and his organization’s attorney, Aaron Siri…”

  • June 6, 2024 - Boy, Did I Ruffle Some Feathers! Bigtree's "Vaccine Confidence Bill" is getting lots of feedback (Peggy Hall)

  • June 8, 2024 - Good News! Del Bigtree and ICAN "will increase confidence in mandated vaccines." (Sage Hana) - “And the next thing you know you are cleverly slipping “mandated vaccines” into your VACCINE CONFIDENCE LAW and framing it as…WE JUST WANT YOU TO HAVE AN EXEMPTION FELLOW KIDS…Bobby and Del are clever guys. They know what they are saying in the legalese…”

  • June 10, 2024 - Translation from the Orwellian pandemic-speak (Sasha Latypova) - …Strengthening regulatory systems…and approaches to liability risk management” means remove any and all enforceable pharmaceutical/medical device regulations for poisoning and murdering systems we will be deploying world wide under false narratives of “pandemic response”. Specifically, “MCM” [medical countermeasures] EUA Countermeasures are not subject to pharmaceutical regulations in any enforceable manner…”

National and worldwide vaccination programs and US-FDA vaccine non-regulation as among the longest of long cons.

Learn to distrust pharma, FDA, Congress, vaccination, vaccine-regulation, and 'vaccine confidence' promotional campaigns.

For more than 100 years, confidence men (con men) have been inducing marks to accept real chronic disease and sudden death, caused by vaccination, in exchange for false protection against communicable disease, by deceiving marks into believing the lie that communicable diseases pose mortal threats to people and societies (‘public health,’) and by deceiving marks into believing the lie that vaccines are developed, manufactured and FDA-regulated to be safe, pure, and effective at preventing infection and transmission of communicable diseases.

Scam (Wikipedia)

A scam, or a confidence trick, is an attempt to defraud a person or group after first gaining their trust.

Confidence tricks exploit victims using a combination of the victim's credulity, naïveté, compassion, vanity, confidence, irresponsibility, and greed.

Researchers have defined confidence tricks as "a distinctive species of fraudulent conduct ... intending to further voluntary exchanges that are not mutually beneficial," as they "benefit con operators ('con men') at the expense of their victims (the 'marks')...

Other terms for scam (aside from confidence trick) include con, con game, confidence game, confidence scheme, ripoff, stratagem, finesse, grift, hustle, bunko (or bunco), swindle, flimflam, gaffle, and bamboozle.

The perpetrator is often referred to as a scammer, confidence man (or con man), con artist, grifter, hustler, or swindler.

The intended victims are known as marks, suckers, stooges, mugs, rubes, or gulls (from the word gullible).  

When accomplices are employed, they are known as shills…

Over the last few years, detractors trying to undermine her credibility have falsely characterized Sasha Latypova as being a "pharma shill," ostensibly because she has decades of professional experience in pharmaceutical product development and regulatory compliance procedures for drug-products and devices that are not classified as biological products, vaccines and/or EUA medical countermeasures.

Her decades of professional experience in pharmaceutical regulation procedures gave her the knowledge and skills to quickly see and understand that fake Covid-19 product regulatory procedures — for products that are classified as biological products, vaccines and/or EUA medical countermeasures — although presented to the public as true, were in fact false.

Her decades of professional experience also gave her the knowledge and skills to read and correctly interpret pre-positioned public health emergency law; understand what it means for plaintiffs and lawyers suing pharmaceutical companies for injuries caused by Covid vaccines, remdesivir, ventilators and other EUA countermeasures; and explain what she learned to other people in her writing, interviews and public speeches.

People may have levied the “pharma shill” accusation against me. I don't know because I don't closely follow the work of people who demonstrate a pattern of lying and mischaracterizations, after I've concluded that they're prone to lying and mischaracterizations. If they've tried to paint me as a pharma shill, it's probably been a little more difficult, because I have no background in the pharmaceutical industry.

Sasha and I have not urged and still don’t urge those who read, hear or view our findings to trust pharmaceutical companies involved in the Covid vaccine and EUA countermeasures confidence game (and emerging and forthcoming sequels), including Pfizer, Moderna and many other large and small companies.

We urge people to distrust pharmaceutical companies.

We also urge people distrust the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Our work exposes the essential complicity of the US-FDA and other fake drug regulation agencies around the world, in the vaccination and pandemic-preparedness-and-response long con, alongside the pharmaceutical companies, under statutory legal authority and funding programs enacted by US Congress members and US Presidents, under operational direction of the US Department of Defense, US Department of Health and Human Services, US Department of Homeland Security, US Department of Agriculture, US State Department, US Treasury Department, US Justice Department, US Commerce Department and other federal agencies in collaboration with the Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements and United Nations World Health Organization.

Our work exposes how pre-positioned legal structures preclude judicial relief for individuals injured and killed by acts of product manufacturing committed by pharmaceutical company executives and employees; acts of fake FDA product regulation committed by fake FDA manufacturing regulators; and acts of product use committed by medical-mercenary killers, until Congress repeals the crime-enabling, criminal-act-inducing laws and states nullify them and repeal state-level public health emergency, emergency management and communicable disease control laws.

Three examples of the pre-positioned federal legal and financial inducement structures:

  • Public Health Service Act (PHSA) PREP Act liability immunity provisions and Food Drug and Cosmetics Act (FDCA) EUA countermeasure provisions provide manufacturers, regulators and distributors of drugs, devices and biological products, and nurses, doctors and pharmacists, as administrators of drugs, devices and biological products, with legal license to intentionally poison people with drugs and biological products, and intentionally misuse devices, to injure and kill people, with impunity.

  • DoD contracts are financial inducements to commit crimes, for manufacturers, regulators and distributors working under declared 'public health emergency' conditions.

  • CMS reimbursement policies are financial inducements to commit crimes, for nurses, doctors and pharmacists working in hospitals, nursing homes, and clinics under declared 'public health emergency' conditions.

We have urged — and still urge — those who read or view our work to distrust pharmaceutical companies and to also distrust the FDA, whose fake manufacturing compliance reviews and fake regulatory authorizations and approval documents enable deceitful public officials worldwide to more effectively lie to the public about the safety, efficacy and purity of intentionally-toxic products bearing name-brand pharmaceutical company labels.

Have zero confidence in pharmaceutical companies.

Have zero confidence in FDA officers.

Have zero confidence in NIH, CDC, CMS and NIAID officers.

Distrust Congress until Congress repeals the American federal enabling laws.

Distrust Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and his subordinates and successors in the military chain of command.

Distrust HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and his subordinates and successors in the Public Health Service of the military chain of command.

Distrust OPPR Director Paul Friedrichs and his subordinates and successors in the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy.

Distrust USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack and his subordinates and successors in the US Department of Agriculture.

Distrust DHS Alejandro Majorkas and his subordinates and successors in the Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Distrust Attorney General Merrick Garland and his subordinates and successors in the Department of Justice.

Distrust State Secretary Antony Blinken and his subordinates and successors in the State Department, including Samantha Power, Administrator of the US Agency for International Development.

Distrust Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and her subordinates and successors in the Treasury Department.

Distrust Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and her subordinates and successors in the Commerce Department.

Distrust Director-General Tedros Adhanom-Ghebreyesus and his subordinates and successors in the UN-World Health Organization and World Health Assembly military chain of command.

Distrust anyone who suggests that it's good idea to trust any of those people and federal agencies.

FDA history of non-regulation of vaccines and other biological products, series:

St. Margaret of Scotland. Painting by Nicolas de Lagilliere.

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