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Friday, June 7, 2024

Brain implants ALREADY being used on psychiatric patients


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Brain implants ALREADY being used on psychiatric patients

In fact, there are several different kinds of “therapies” deploying brain implants.

In this article, I focus on DBS, Deep Brain Stimulation.

DBS is used on patients diagnosed with depression, when doctors decide drugs and psychotherapy aren’t working.

If this sounds like a kind of mind control, it is.

Electrodes are implanted in the brain.

A pulse generator is implanted in the chest.

The generator sends electrical signals to the electrodes in the brain.

That’s right.

The intent is alleviating depression. BUT researchers and psychiatrists don’t actually know how the process works. They don’t understand “the mechanism of action.” They have hypotheses. That’s all.

And yet, there they are. Sending electricity into the brain.

They target various areas, to “modulate” them. To “normalize” what they claim is excessive or abnormal brain activity.

To create moods that “aren’t too high or too low.”

The professionals wouldn’t like it if you called this brainwashing.

DBS is also used on patients diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The professionals wouldn’t like it you said this reminds you of the movie, A Clockwork Orange.

DBS is based on the premise that the brain is a machine that runs on electricity. Therefore, why not intervene with implanted electrodes and pulse generators, to improve the machine?...

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