Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Sunday, June 9, 2024




People, respectfully, please stop emailing us about RFK, Jr.

State of the Nation

First of all it’s of paramount important to properly understand that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is not his father or his uncle or his cousin.  In fact, he’s a completely different animal.  Here’s why.

Every major political dynasty since the founding of the United States of America has been targeted for a complete takeover by the dark side.  That’s just the way the chief Satan works. He lets you create your thing … … … and then he takes it over when the time is right and/or necessary.

Now let’s take a close look at the Kennedy political dynasty.

The very dark forces who assassinated John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy Jr. and Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. knew that the patriarch of the Kennedy clan was not down with the New World Order agenda.

The Kennedy Assassination That
No One Ever Talks About

As a matter of historical fact, Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. wanted to keep the US out of World War II before Nazi Germany was provoked into going rogue.  Which is why JPK Sr., on October 6, 1940, wrote a letter to FDR asking that he be relieved of his duties as the US ambassador to Great Britain and demanded that he be brought home. See: Joseph P. Kennedy: Most Controversial Ambassador to Great Britain?

What’s the critical point?

Before Joseph Sr. set in motion the various plans for his three accomplished sons to become POTUS, he himself wanted the job … but he knew he had been already tarred with the brush of anti-semitism in the circles of power that really mattered for him to occupy the Oval Office.

Now let’s fast forward to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Because of the enduring power of the Kennedy political brand, every single Kennedy since the two brothers occupied the White House are the most monitored and controlled politicians in America, and that includes the totally taken over Sen. Ted Kennedy.  The Chappaquiddick incident is how they completely took him over in order to advance the NWO implementation plan.

This process of taking over Kennedys is a little different than the one used for all the other American political dynasties because all of those crime families were already closely aligned with the New World Order globalist cabal.

So, when it came to RFK Jr, The Powers That Be knew they had to absolutely control him before he left the reservation for good and established a powerful political base with which to advance his uncle’s and father’s conservative agenda.

Remember, both JFK and RFK were much more conservative and Christian and traditional than the most conservative Republicans today.

RFK Jr may be cut from the same bolt of cloth, but that cloth has been methodically washed in the polluted waters of liberalism and globalism and socialism and marxism and wokism.  In short, RFK Jr doesn’t even know who he is or what he stands for.  Truly, he is the most confused politician in America today and, therefore, extremely dangerous to the body politic.

But how did they get to him?

Drugs.  Alcohol. CIA-directed mind control programming he did not even know was taking place.  They totally wrecked his first marriage, which can only be described as a stunningly unmitigated disaster with his ex-wife committing suicide.  There are so many ways they used to get to him that it boggles the mind, and we state that with deep compassion, the poor guy!

Just listen to RFK Jr’s voice to understand how determined his enemies were to make sure he would have a difficult time in advancing his political career.

RFK Jr’s Political Platform

First of all, RFK Jr, is fully supportive of Israel’s Gaza genocide.  Really, he’s all in with this utterly horrific mass murder of innocent women and children, elderly and infirm.  Since his declaration, he’s perfectly okay with the the Palestinian Holocaust in all of it hideousness and slaughter.  And this is the guy who founded an organization by the name of Children’s Health Defense with a newsletter called The Defender.  WOW!!!

What else needs to be said?

However, much more can be said about the shockingly confused RFK Jr.

For example, Del Bigtree from ICAN was made the communications director of his campaign.  That occurred well after former CIA officer Amaryllis Fox Kennedy took over as his campaign director after Dennis Kucinich stepped down in disgust.

Now, after reading all of Kennedy’ books, one would think that he would be an arch anti-vaxxer; however, he is not.  He has repeatedly stated verbally that he’s all for safe vaccines, as if Big Pharma would ever produce a safe vaccine.

In view of the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda being pushed on every US citizen, how, pray tell, does RFK Jr. still believe in a safe childhood vaccination schedule or adult flu vaccine program.

Everything points to his current wife — actress Cheryl Hines — being RFK jr’s handler, especially when it came out that she required all attendees of a social gathering in her home must be Covid-vaccinated.  WTF!!!

“She portrayed Larry David’s wife, Cheryl, on HBO’s Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000–24), for which she received two Emmy Award nominations.”

So his wife is a super-woke, ultra-liberal, hyper-progressive, diehard Democrat Karen who apparently gives the orders in the home and business and politics.

How Many Times did Zionist Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Ride on Epstein’s Lolita Express?

Now here’s the real problem.

RFK Jr is a flaming fraud, particularly where it concerns his stance on all vaccines, except the Covid jabs.  Whether the severity of his ongoing mind-control program permits him to see just how BIG of a fraud he is remains to be seen.

The following two videos are proof positive of how RFK Jr is actually, wittingly or unwittingly, working for Big Pharma—24/7.



There’s something very wrong with the vaccine
advocacy promoted by RFK Jr and Del Bigtree!

State of the Nation
June 7, 2024


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