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An American Affidavit

Thursday, June 20, 2024

A strange American tale of raw numbers


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A strange American tale of raw numbers

Raw medical numbers

The total number of Americans who are…



Hospital employees of any kind…

Medical school employees…

Medical journal employees…

Military medical employees…

Health insurance company employees…

Medical research lab employees…

Pharmaceutical company employees…

Medical foundation and charity employees…

Medical device company employees…

Federal and state and local government employees in medical agencies and departments…



Total number of employed adults in America? 155 million.

So 1 in 9 employed adult Americans work for the medical cartel.

Again, 17 million Americans work for the medical cartel. By comparison, 16 million Americans work in retail trade. 14 million Americans work in educational services. 12 million Americans work in manufacturing.

All these numbers give you an explosive look at how big the medical cartel is, how many Americans are sick, how much disease the cartel is causing, how much fake disease the cartel is inventing and promoting, how much illness Americans are causing themselves, how much fake disease Americans are inventing in their own minds, how much disease the cartel claims is medical but is actually the result of non-medical factors like eating bad food.

How many Americans (adults and children) visit a doctor at least once a year?...

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