Thursday, June 27, 2024

Video: Government Contractor Exposes Planning of Profitable Lethal Injections


Dr. David Martin witnessed decades of criminal preparations years before 2020

Visit The Other Great Infowars Hosts and Shows:
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229 George Meegan: The Underground History of Amercian Education by John Taylor Gatto from


229 George Meegan: The Underground History of Amercian Education by John Taylor Gatto from



George Meegan


  George Meegan was twenty-five years old and an elementary school dropout, a British  merchant seaman when he decided to take the longest walk in human history, without any  special equipment, foundation bankroll, or backing of any kind. Leaving his ship in South  America he made his way to Tierra del Fuego alone and just began to walk. Seven years  later after crossing the Andes, making his way through the trackless Darien Gap, and  after taking a long detour on foot to see Washington, D. C, he arrived at the Arctic Ocean  with a wife he met and married along the way, and their two children. In that instant,  part of the high academic story of human migrations received its death blow from a  dropout. His book was published in 1982.  

Protocol 7 opens July 10 in theaters


Protocol 7 opens July 10 in theaters

Reserve your tickets now. This film is a MUST SEE.

I just saw the movie tonight. It’s awesome. Just go see it. You will not be disappointed.

The ratings from movie critics is 96% on Rotten Tomatoes. That is insanely high, but the movie is that good. You can read the reviews here.

Ironically, the current audience score 96% exactly matches the MMR efficacy level demanded by the FDA.

Where you can see it

Here’s where you can see it in the US and Canada. It opens in theaters on Jun 28 in Canada and July 10 in the US.

You can reserve your seats now on Fandango and other movie sites.

Watch it and tell your friends.

Ch. 4 The Greatest Fraud Fluoridation: Errors and Omissions in Experimental Trials - 1d THE BRANTFORD STUDIES [cont.] Delayed eruption or "weighting"? by Philip R.N. Sutton from


Ch. 4 The Greatest Fraud Fluoridation: Errors and Omissions in Experimental Trials - 1d THE BRANTFORD STUDIES [cont.] Delayed eruption or "weighting"? by Philip R.N. Sutton from

Errors and Omissions in Experimental Trials - 1d


Delayed eruption or "weighting"? These results could have arisen by there being a delay in the eruption of these teeth in the Newburgh children, for it is unlikely that the eruption rate altered in the Kingston subjects. However, Ast et al., (195 1) said that "there does not seem to be any change in the eruption pattern among the children in Newburgh, the study city, as compared with those in Kingston, the control city." No definition of an "erupted tooth" was given, but it is presumed that the authors of this study did not adopt the odd method used in Evanston, where "Only teeth which were 50 per cent or more erupted were considered. A carious or filled tooth was, of course, considered regardless of its stage of eruption" (Hill et al., 1955).

The conclusion of Ast et al. that has just been mentioned was reached only four years after the commencement of

State Ignored ‘Hundreds’ of Public Comments Alleging Smart Meters Harm Health, Group Says


June 20, 2024 Health Conditions Toxic Exposures News

Toxic Exposures

State Ignored ‘Hundreds’ of Public Comments Alleging Smart Meters Harm Health, Group Says

New Mexico regulators should consider public comments before deciding whether to allow smart meters in the state, according to a legal brief filed by New Mexicans for Utility Safety.

smart meter on podium with question marks

New Mexico continues to be one of the few states without smart meters — and many are working hard to ensure that it stays that way.

New Mexicans for Utility Safety — a public advocacy group that “has successfully opposed smart meters in the state of New Mexico for health and environmental reasons since 2016” — filed a legal brief this month with the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission.

The group alleges that “hundreds” of public comments testifying to smart meters’ dangerous impacts on human health and wildlife went overlooked in a case before the state’s regulatory commission.

Smart meters — sometimes referred to as AMI (advanced metering infrastructure) — are digital devices that measure and record electricity, gas or water consumption in real time and relay the information to utility companies, according to IBM. In addition to potentially harming health, many say the meters present privacy and cybersecurity risks.

The news comes as Children’s Health Defense seeks plaintiffs for its new series of strategic lawsuits to protect people from the harmful wireless radiation emitted by smart meters. People disabled by radiofrequency (RF) radiation emitted by their smart meters are invited to apply.

The smart meter case before New Mexico’s regulatory commission involves whether the commission will approve or deny a “grid modernization” plan — which includes a smart meter rollout — proposed by the Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM).

Infants Who Receive Multiple Vaccines at Once at ‘Exponentially’ Greater Risk of Disease, Developmental Delays


June 20, 2024 Agency Capture COVID News

Toxic Exposures

Infants Who Receive Multiple Vaccines at Once at ‘Exponentially’ Greater Risk of Disease, Developmental Delays

“If safety signals sounded alarms, the results would be deafening,” said Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D., senior research scientist at Children’s Health Defense (CHD), co-author along with CHD Chief Scientific Officer Brian Hooker, Ph.D., of a study published Wednesday in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.

syringes on left with a mom holding her infant on the right

The more vaccines an infant receives at once, the greater the chance the infant will develop an infection, a respiratory illness or developmental delays following their shots, according to a peer-reviewed study published Wednesday in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.

“If safety signals sounded alarms, the results would be deafening,” lead author Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D., senior research scientist at Children’s Health Defense (CHD), told The Defender. “The sheer number of diseases increases exponentially with every added vaccine.”

Jablonowski and CHD’s Chief Scientific Officer Brian Hooker, Ph.D., analyzed 20 years’ worth of data from 1,542,076 vaccine combinations administered to infants under age 1.

The data, collected from July 1, 1991, to May 31, 2011, came from the publicly available Florida Medicaid Database, which contains more than 460 million billing claims from over 10 million people.

The researchers examined the medical diagnoses given to vaccinated infants within 30 days after vaccination. They excluded diagnoses made on the day the babies received the shots, to eliminate any possible preexisting conditions.

'Alarming' Levels of Toxins Found in Popular Frozen Meals


'Alarming' Levels of Toxins Found in Popular Frozen Meals

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Aggressive marketing campaigns and advertising by food companies promote ultraprocessed foods as desirable and convenient
  • Many brands, like Stouffer’s, also promote a wholesome image with “scratch-made taste,” but many contain “alarming” levels of toxins in every bite
  • Many Stouffer’s products received the worst “10” rating from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) Food Scores, due to poor nutrition, ingredient concerns and processing concerns
  • Ultraprocessed foods have infiltrated the globe, bringing with them rapid increases in obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and 13 of 15 major cancers
  • Ultraprocessed foods contain a number of harmful ingredients and contaminants, including seeds oils rich in linoleic acid (LA), additives, artificial sweeteners, emulsifiers, colorants, bisphenols and phthalates

4908-4910: International Public Notice: Seeing Is Believing from Lincoln County Watch


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

4908-4910: International Public Notice: Seeing Is Believing from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Some people resist the news that their beloved national government has been usurped by dirty crooked mercenary corporations merely in the business of providing "governmental services".  

Even the idea that their State of Idaho or State of Florida administration could be exactly such a corporation and nothing more, is such anathema that they spend their days muttering under their breath and saying the equivalent of, "Oh, what nonsense! Our government --- a foreign for-profit corporation?" 

Surely, that's not possible, right? 

If anyone reading this has doubts that the organizations that have been deceiving you and bossing you around are incorporated entities no more sacred than Raytheon, Inc., McDonalds, Inc. and Starbucks, Inc. --- here is your chance to prove it to yourself. 

Our Republican Form of Government: Section 39 — Parting of the Waters from Anna Von Reitz


Our Republican Form of Government: Section 39 — Parting of the Waters from Anna Von Reitz


Section 39 — Parting of the Waters
So, the original American Government as of 1781, consisted of a Union, a Federation, and a Confederation of different kinds of “states” and “states of states” operating in different jurisdictions — and there is a hard and fast demarcation between Soil/Land and Sea/Air.
The Soil/Land jurisdictions are populated by people, that is, Lawful Persons. The Sea/Air jurisdictions are inhabited by persons, that is, Legal Persons. And never the twain shall meet, like the
land is separated from the sea.
The only interface is located in international jurisdiction where Lawful Persons populate the land and Legal Persons inhabit the sea, and they may be converted either unlawfully or lawfully, one into the other.
What we are doing by reclaiming our birthright political status as American State Nationals and American State Citizens and by expatriating from all presumed Territorial and Municipal citizenship(s) is to lawfully convert Legal Persons back into Lawful Persons.

US, UK and EU Preparing for War Against Russia. Reinstating the Draft


US, UK and EU Preparing for War Against Russia. Reinstating the Draft

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We all know that the political elites of the collective West are mostly populated by warmongers and war criminals.

They’ve been controlling various key positions of power for decades, perpetually pushing for wars, invasions or, at the very least, black/deniable ops designed to wreak havoc on entire nations.

However, there were always nominally less-than-hardline politicians whose purpose was to at least create the illusion of political plurality in Western countries. It seems even they are “too much” now, so they’re being replaced by bureaucratic yes-men and hardliners as the United States and its vassals and satellite states are preparing for an all-out war.

In line with this, on June 14, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives (you know, the one we were told will “change things”) passed an amended version of the annual “defense” policy bill, finally clearing the way for the “paltry” $883.7 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to go ahead.

The Reason Conservatives Are Ineffective Defenders of Liberty


The Reason Conservatives Are Ineffective Defenders of Liberty

The Reason Conservatives Are Ineffective Defenders of Liberty

Paul Craig Roberts

Occasionally I note that conservatives are ineffective defenders of liberty. The primary reason is that they confuse America with the government. The government is not America. As our Founding Fathers understood, government is our enemy. They attempted to restrain our enemy with the Constitution and the separation of its powers. In effect, America is the Constitution, and the government’s attacks on the Constitution are attacks on America.

Conservatives confuse the government’s attacks on the Constitution with defenses of America. If you make immoral, illegal, and unconstitutional actions of the government known, as Assange did, you are denounced as a “commie who hates America,” not heralded as a watchdog for accountable government. Conservatives accepted the suspension of habeas corpus and spying on citizens without warrants as protections against terrorism despite the fact that these attacks on the Constitution stripped away our protections against arbitrary and unaccountable government.

Mike Pence personifies the conservative mentality. Read his response to Assange’s release.

Vaxxes, Viruses, and Taking Back Science


Vaxxes, Viruses, and Taking Back Science




The so-called “anti-vaxxers” figured out pre-COVID-19 that “safe, necessary and effective” is a mere slogan. They came to this realization by looking under the hood of the prevailing vaccine story. A little checking into the actual facts was all it took to shatter the story. Most of what they found fell into a few categories, which are listed below. It turns out that anti-vaxxers who move on to examine the prevailing virus story will experience a déjà vu of sorts—but more on that later.

Also, later, is a discussion of two recent developments which may prompt a major shift in the public’s understanding as to viruses—the publication of a fascinating new book entitled Can you Catch a Cold? Untold History & Human Experiments by Daniel Roytas, and groundbreaking research underway with findings that arguably call into question the field of virology.


Below is a refresher on some of what the anti-vaxxers found upon examining the vaccine story.

An untold history much different than the prevailing story

The anti-vaxxers learned that the prevailing story about vaccines bears little resemblance to the actual historic record. For example, they learned that the Leicester method was used in Leicester, England and elsewhere in the late 1800s to achieve better results against smallpox, without mass vaccination, than nearby towns with high vaccination rates. They also learned that there was a dramatic overall decline in deaths purportedly caused by infectious agents prior to the use of vaccines, and that improved standards of living were largely responsible for it.

A change in the meaning of terms

Phony Civil Rights


Phony Civil Rights




Natural-rights libertarians reject egalitarianism, regarding it as a revolt against nature. On that premise, the only valid rights are those that give effect to self-ownership and private property. All rights created to give effect to egalitarian values are phony rights, and as Lew Rockwell has explained, “phony civil rights put your life in danger.”

Murray Rothbard was against all phony rights, “all ‘rights’ for special groups,” with no exceptions. He explains:

Government has been used to create a phony set of “rights” for every designated victim group under the sun, to be used to dominate and exploit the rest of us for the special gain of these cosseted groups. . . . The malignant New Class grant themselves and accredited victim groups ever increasing power to exploit, dominate, and loot an ever-dwindling group of middle-aged, white, English-speaking, Christian and especially heterosexual male parents.

These rights are constructed within the civil rights framework, which is convenient for constructing phony rights because civil rights law is “preapproved” as “our shared values.” Fighting against phony rights means rejecting the Civil Rights Act, and nobody wants to do that. They prefer to suppose that the Civil Rights Act has been hijacked to suit Far Left and communist ideals or that civil rights law is being “misrepresented,” and if correctly interpreted, its worst excesses will be avoided. However, the truth is that this legislation is designed to achieve precisely the goals it is in fact achieving. All these phony rights are a feature, not a flaw, of this legislation.

Wisconsin Dane County Judge Remington rips Due Process in Sandy Hook appeal: Calls Wisconsin law “factually and legally” not applicable in litigation!


Wisconsin Dane County Judge Remington rips Due Process in Sandy Hook appeal: Calls Wisconsin law “factually and legally” not applicable in litigation!

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D.

Wisconsin Dane County Judge Remington rips due process in Sandy Hook appealCalls Wisconsin law “factually and legally” not applicable in litigation!

Denies State of Connecticut Emergency Management website is judicially recognizable evidence on its face

June 26, 2024–James Fetzer, PhD, University of Minnesota Professor Emeritus, was sued for defamation for his 425-page book “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook: It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control” (3015; 2nd ed., 2016), the redacted edition of which can now be downloaded from Fetzer’s blog. For background, try reading Kevin Barrett’s masterpiece, “The Legal Lynching of a Truth-Seeker: Jim Fetzer’s Stalinist-Style Show Trial (Expanded)”. Be prepared to be disillusioned regarding your expectations of what to expert from a court of law (in this case, in Madison, WI).

Download the book to your computer here: NobodyDiedAtSandyHookExpandedRevised_Redacted

In the litigation that ensued, Judge Remington divided the case into two parts. Remington summarily convicted Fetzer without a jury trial on summary judgment (no jury trial on the facts). Then, he

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Video: THE ANTIDOTE | The Explosive Truth, Origin, and Antidote for Covid-19 | SHARE EVERYWHERE.


Watch this explosive interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis and Jason Shurka exposing the truth, origin, and unexpected antidote for C19 that ravaged the world.
Dr. Bryan Ardis is a renowned doctor and researcher who has been at the forefront of uncovering the origins of C19 and finding ways to counter its effects. Despite facing resistance from major pharmaceutical companies, Dr. Ardis remains steadfast in his mission to unearth the truth.

TLS has been closely monitoring Dr. Ardis's progress over the past year and supports his efforts to disseminate this vital information to a global audience. This interview serves to bring his valuable insights to the forefront.

Share this interview far and wide to reach the world.

228 The Bell Curve: The Underground History of Amercian Education by John Taylor Gatto from


228 The Bell Curve: The Underground History of Amercian Education by John Taylor Gatto from



The Bell Curve 


    We still have to face the propaganda barrier set up by statistical psychology — I mean the  scam which demonstrates mathematically that most people don't have the stuff to do it.  This is the   rocket driving School at breakneck speed across the barren land it traverses as a mobile  hospital for the detritus of evolution. Could it be that all the pedagogical scientists have  gotten it wrong? Are ordinary people better than they think? 


      I found a telling clue in Charles Murray's best seller, The Bell Curve, at the spot when  Murray pauses to politely denounce black schoolteacher Marva Collins' fantastic claim  that ghetto black children had real enthusiasm for difficult intellectual work. Oddly  enough that was exactly my own experience as a white schoolteacher with black thirteen-  year-olds from Harlem. I was curious why Dr. Murray or Dr. Herrnstein, or both, became  so exercised, since Marva Collins otherwise doesn't figure in the book. So certain were  the authors that Collins couldn 't be telling the truth, that they dismissed her data while  admitting they hadn 't examined the situation firsthand. That is contempt of a very high  order, however decorously phrased. 

Hospital homicides, draft discovery questions.


The Rockefeller Bloodline: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier


The Rockefeller Bloodline: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier



The Rockefeller Bloodline

One of the 13 Satanic bloodlines that rule the world is the Rockefeller bloodline. Today, there are around 190 members of this family with
the Rockefeller name and of course some others by other last names. This article is to explore further for those who investigate the Illuminati, how the Rockefeller bloodline is involved in the promotion of the occult and Satanism, and how they are involved in the control of the Christian denominations.
This article keys in on just one family, the Rockefellers. To understand the full extent of the Illuminati’s control of religion, including Christendom, would require perhaps several books. The Illuminati itself draws its lifeblood from around 500 very powerful families worldwide. This article will
not attempt to explain their networks and the many organizations of the Illuminati. It will not even try to do this for the Rockefellers. In fact, no one knows how many trusts and foundations the Rockefellers have.
They have hidden trusts within secret trusts within secret trusts. It is estimated that they have between 200 and several thousand trusts and foundations. The finances of the Rockefellers are so well covered that Nelson Rockefeller did not pay one cent in income taxes in 1970, yet he was perhaps the richest man in the U.S. The Rockefellers exert enormous influence over religion in this nation in the following ways:

1. They provide a large share of the money that Seminaries in the United States need to operate.
2. They provide a large share of the money that universities need to operate. Education influences the religious values of our people.

Energy Drinks Linked to Sudden Cardiac Arrest


Energy Drinks Linked to Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Consuming energy drinks may increase the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, particularly in people with certain genetic heart conditions
  • Among 144 sudden cardiac arrest survivors with pre-existing genetic heart conditions, 5% consumed one or more energy drinks around the time the cardiac arrest occurred
  • For people with genetic heart disease, researchers concluded, “an early warning should be made about the potential risks of these drinks”
  • Other scientists described energy drink consumption as a “rising public health issue,” noting that’s it’s linked to problems with the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, renal, endocrine, psychiatric systems and neurological systems
  • If your energy is lagging and you’re struggling with brain fog, energy drinks are not the answer; optimizing your mitochondrial function is

Moderna Stock Is Lone Omen of Bird Flu Pandemic + More


June 18, 2024 Toxic Exposures

Big Pharma News Watch

Moderna Stock Is Lone Omen of Bird Flu Pandemic + More

The Defender’s Big Pharma Watch delivers the latest headlines related to pharmaceutical companies and their products, including vaccines, drugs, and medical devices and treatments. The views expressed in the below excerpts from other news sources do not necessarily reflect the views of The Defender. Our goal is to provide readers with breaking news that affects human health and the environment.

Moderna Stock Is Lone Omen of Bird Flu Pandemic

Reuters reported:

The recent rise of Moderna’s (MRNA.O) stock tells a grim tale. The $56 billion company that pioneered a COVID vaccine has seen its market value rise 40% since the discovery of bird flu in American cows in March. The benefit to Moderna of a new outbreak is probably far less.

The H5N1 flu that’s common in various animals might mutate to spread between humans. Influenzas have a history of making such jumps. About half of the hundreds of people diagnosed since 2003 have died. This virulence can’t be assumed, however, as mild cases have been missed and the virus will change. Likewise, the odds of a strain spreading easily, and when, are impossible to predict.

More certain is the value of Moderna’s mRNA technology, which uses a virus’ genetic code to instruct the body to make antibodies. The company and its German rival BioNTech developed effective COVID vaccines faster than traditional methods. MRNA vaccines may have another edge. Traditional inoculations use inactivated virus, grown in fertilized eggs. The U.S. government even keeps a secret hoard of hens to ensure millions of eggs are available. The problem is that avian flu might kill fertilized eggs, hampering production.

‘1 in a Billion’ Chance COVID Emerged From Nature, Scientist Tells Lawmakers


June 18, 2024 Agency Capture COVID News


‘1 in a Billion’ Chance COVID Emerged From Nature, Scientist Tells Lawmakers

The COVID-19 lab-leak theory — far from being a myth or conspiracy theory — is supported by a “preponderance of evidence” U.S. senators today acknowledged in a bipartisan hearing.

Steven Quay on the right and coronavirus under a microscope on the left

The COVID-19 lab-leak theory — far from being a myth or conspiracy theory — is supported by a “preponderance of evidence” U.S. senators today acknowledged in a historic bipartisan hearing.

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Gary Peters, a Democratic senator from Michigan, and ranking member Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) led the two-hour committee hearing examining the available evidence on the origins of COVID-19. CHD.TV aired the hearing.

The Chinese government refuses to release key data from the Wuhan Institute of Virology from around the time COVID-19 emerged, making it difficult to assess the lab-leak theory and come to a conclusion.

Nonetheless, much evidence points toward a lab leak rather than a natural spillover from animals, according to both expert witnesses Steven C. Quay, M.D., Ph.D. — CEO of Atossa Therapeutics Inc. and former faculty member at Stanford University’s School of Medicine — and Richard H. Ebright, Ph.D., professor of chemistry and chemical biology and lab director at the Waksman Institute of Microbiology at Rutgers University.