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An American Affidavit

Monday, June 10, 2024

211. Letter To The Editor: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


211. Letter To The Editor: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



Letter To The Editor


  March 22, 1995  Letters to the Editor  The Education News 


   When I began teaching in 1961, the student population of School District 3 on the  prosperous Upper West Side of Manhattan was over 20,000, and the cry was heard  everywhere from the four district administrative employees (!) that schools were  overcrowded.   


     But I was fresh from western Pennsylvania and saw something different, a small but  significant fraction of the school's enrollment was made up of phantom kids in several  categories: kids on the school register who had never shown up but were carried as if they  had; kids who were absent but who for revenue purposes were entered as present; kids  who were assigned to out-of-school programs of various sorts, some term-long, but who  continued as phantoms to swell the apparent school rolls. Then

there were the absentees,  about 10 percent a day, who were actually marked absent, and the curious fact that after  lunch attendance dipped precipitously sending that fraction soaring, although there  seemed to be a gentlemen's agreement not to document the fact.  


     So it was that when the press announced horrendous class sizes of 35 and 50, in my  school, at least, the real number was about 28 — still too many, of course, but manageable.  Although everyone agreed there was absolutely no space available anywhere, by greasing  the custodian's palm I was able to obtain a master key and a priceless document known  as the "empty-room schedule." Would you believe there was never a time when multiple  rooms in that building weren't empty? By training my kids in low-profile guerrilla tactics  I was able to spread about half my class into different cubbyholes around the building  where they worked happily and productively, in teams or alone. 


      Beginning in the 1980s this tactic became impossible because all the empty spaces did fill  up — even though the number of students District 3 was managing fell sharply from  20,000 to 10,000, and with even more lax procedures to account for them than when I  was originally hired. This latter development caused phantom children to multiply like  rabbits. A simple act of long division will explain in outline what had happened: by  dividing the number of students enrolled in my building by the number of teachers on the  class register, I was able to discover that average class sizes should have been 17 kids.    


     And yet actual class sizes were about 28. The mystery of the now unavailable empty  space vanishes in the ballooning numbers of "coordinators," "special supervisors,"  "community programs officers," and various other titular masks behind which deadwood  was piling up. Each of these people required an "office" whether that be the former  Nurse's Room, the dressing room behind the stage, or a conveniently large storage closet.  It had happened to the Army and to IBM, why should schools be exempt?  



John Taylor Gatto  New York, New York  





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