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An American Affidavit

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

White Ethnicities Are Being Replaced/Putin’s Strategic Blunder


White Ethnicities Are Being Replaced

White Ethnicities Are Being Replaced
The Western Tower of Babel Continues Its Collapse

Paul Craig Roberts

What is happening in the US is happening everywhere in the Western world. As the empire itself is rotten, so must be its constituent parts.

In the US white parents have to take their kids out of public schools, because public schools are indoctrination centers where white kids are indoctrinated that they, their parents, and their relatives are racist exploiters of “people of color” and that they are born into the wrong body and need to be sterilized in order to escape the wrong gender, thus further reducing the white birth rate.

In Jean Raspal’s The Camp of The Saints, white Europeans are prohibited from marrying within their white ethnicity. In America’s edition of The Camp of the Saints, white youth are simply sterilized by sex change operations.

The American federal courts have set it up so that parents have no say about the sterilization of their children. Despite this ruthless tyranny, America thinks it is a free society, and conservatives chant “USA, USA, USA.” A country with a population this stupid cannot survive.

The website Axios seems to blame declining white public school enrollments not on the coerced indoctrination of white kids but on whites’ alleged desire for racial segregation. In other words, whites are racist for resisting propaganda that they are racists. https://www.axios.com/2024/05/17/suburban-schools-white-latino-segregation?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter_axiosam&stream=top

In a few years there will be no place in America for a white person. Their country has been stolen from them. White Americans are such second class citizens that they are not protected by the 1964 Civil Rights Act and are openly discriminated against in employment. The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the federal agency that ignored the statutory language of the Civil Rights Act and imposed illegal and unconstitutional racial quotas to the disadvantage of white Americans, requires companies with 100 or more employees to report annually the racial composition of their work force. Bloomberg News obtained the data for 2020 and 2021 and found that 94% of the 323,094 new jobs created by the companies went to blacks. This constitutes discrimination against whites that goes far beyond coerced proportional representation.

White Americans have been discriminated against ever since Alfred Blumrosen broke the law in the 1960s and imposed discriminatory racial quotas. White Americans did nothing about their loss of constitutional protection. Consequently, after more than a half century of institionalized racism against white Americans, white people cannot even get a job. In 2021 blacks comprised 12.6% of the population and got 94% of the new jobs. Whites comprised 59.3% of the population and got 4% of the jobs. Bloomberg News seems to think that institutionalized racial discrimination against white people is a great achievement. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2023-black-lives-matter-equal-opportunity-corporate-diversity/#:~:text=The%20overall%20job%20growth%20included,underrepresented%20at%20big%20US%20companies

Whites were intimidated by charges that they are racists. They opposed racial quotas on the basis that it was abandonment of a merit-based system, not on their loss of constitutional protection. The 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause no longer applies to white people. Corporations (and universities and US military) can openly discriminate against white Americans and nothing is done about it.

The loss of Constitutional protection is the first step in extermination. The Biden regime and the ruling elites are determined to replace the white population. This is the reason for the US policy of open borders and the use of US of government tax revenues to recruit immigrant-invaders from 160 countries and fly them into red states. This is being done to Americans–and to Europeans–by their own white leaders, not by blacks or the West’s alleged enemies, the Russians, Chinese, and Iranians.

It is totally clear that the “refugee policy” is a white replacement policy. And the moronic whites keep voting for those who are determined to replace them. The Democrat Party which is committed to white replacement is actually poised to become the dominant party.

How do we avoid the question whether people this stupid deserve their displacement?


Putin’s Strategic Blunder

Putin’s Strategic Blunder

Paul Craig Roberts

The blunder began years before February 2022. Putin failed to realize that the US was preparing the overthrow of the Ukraine government. When the overthrow began, Putin took no action to prevent the overthrow. Instead, Russia permitted Washington to take over the former province of the Russian state.

A hostile Ukraine is an existential threat to Russia. Why did Russia stand aside and permit Washington’s takeover? Why did Russia sit for the next 8 years on its hands, rejecting the votes of the independent Donbas republics to be reunited with Russia from which they were torn by Soviet leaders and stuck in Ukraine? The culprit in these strategic blunders was the Kremlin’s lack of realism. Putin relied on diplomacy despite the fact that Washington relies on threats, bribes, and coercion. The Kremlin simply did not understand that with the Minsk Agreement it was saddling a dead horse that could go nowhere.

When Putin was finally forced to intervene by the prospect that the inhabitants of Russian Donbas were about to be slaughtered like Palestinians in Gaza today, Putin failed to respond decisively. Still playing all by himself a diplomatic game, he insisted that there be no Russian invasion of Ukraine, only a “special military operation” to clear hostile Ukrainian forces from Donbas. Lost in a diplomatic world that no longer exists, Putin failed to realize that regardless of what he said or did, Western propaganda would present the intervention as a reconstruction of the Soviet Empire that would extend to all of Europe.

It was immediately obvious that the limited and slow-paced “special military operation” would provide Washington and its NATO puppets abundant time to become involved in the conflict, thus endlessly widening the conflict until the conflict became an existential issue for Russia. This is what has occurred.

Still the Kremlin thinks unrealistically. Putin is on the verge of succeeding with his purpose of driving Ukrainian forces out of, and away from, the Russian populated areas, and the assumption is that the war will be over and Russia’s success will be acknowledged in a negotiated settlement.

This delusion persists despite Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov’s acknowledgement that Washington intends Russia’s destruction. Both Lavrov and Putin continue to stress that they are willing to negotiate with Washington Washington’s intention to destroy Russia. It would be hilarious if it were not so deadly.

Listen to Lavrov’s speech. He understands the threat to Russia but is incapable of matching a Russian response to the threat. https://informationclearinghouse.blog/2024/05/19/the-west-has-decided-to-sort-things-out-on-the-battlefield-russia-is-ready-lavrov/13/

Thinking Russia’s intervention to be limited, Putin was unprepared for war. He has done very little to hamper the Ukrainian government’s ability to conduct war. Rather than shutting down Ukraine, Putin chose a long drawn-out village by village conquest. The West interpreted this as limited Russian military capability, and this provided both encouragement and time for the West to involve itself in the conflict.

The West is so involved now and the Western political leaders are so certain that Russia intends more aggression that they are preparing for war against Russia. Still, Putin and Lavrov speak of negotiation. After a decade of the West’s rejection of negotiation, how can the Kremlin still see negotiation as a solution?

What needed to be done was to knock Kiev out of the war, install a Russian friendly government in place of the American puppet regime, and present the West with a fait accompli before the West had time to get involved. It is Western involvement that presents the danger of the conflict widening into a war between Russia and the West.

Possibly the solution is still viable. It would leave a neutral Ukrainian state west of the Dnieper River with no Black Sea access. It is highly unlikely that such an outcome can be achieved by negotiation. It can only be imposed by force.

By restraining Russia’s use of force, Putin has opened the road to nuclear Armageddon.


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