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An American Affidavit

Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Ever Widening War/Et tu, Trump


The Ever Widening War

The Ever Widening War

Paul Craig Roberts

Washington’s provocations of Russia are recklessly worsening. As the Kremlin’s spokesman says, NATO is falling into wartime ecstasy.

No one among Western politicians other than the leader of Hungary shows any inclination to abandon the road to Armageddon. The situation today is far more dangerous than during the Cold War when US and Soviet leaders were cooperating in efforts to reduce tensions and build trust. The entire Western world seems to have gone insane. The moronic Western leadership believes that having Ukraine in NATO is more important than avoiding war with Russia.

As I have emphasized, Russia needed to use sufficient force to quickly end the conflict with Ukraine before the West could get involved and with provocation on top of provocation spin the conflict out of control. This is the real threat of the conflict, one that Russia has been slow to realize.

With Washington now attempting to reproduce the Maidan Revolution in the former Russian province of Georgia, thus opening a second front against Russia, and the provisioning of long range missiles to Ukraine, the conflict is on the edge of spinning out of control.

We are in dire danger, and there is no concern among Western leaders.

NATO training for nuclear strike on Russia

US strike on Russian targets would be ‘start of world war’

NATO falling into ‘wartime ecstasy’


Et tu, Trump

Et tu, Trump

Paul Craig Roberts

No sooner do I finish an interview about the rapidity with which we are traveling the road to Armageddon than we pick up speed. Trump campaign donors report that Trump told them he would have bombed Moscow and Beijing if they’d attacked Ukraine and Taiwan on his watch. https://www.rt.com/news/598373-trump-bomb-moscow-beijing/

So the likely next US president tells the world that in the interest of Ukraine and Taiwan, two artificial states created by Washington, he is prepared to launch World War III. No more talk about normalizing relations with Russia. That talk brought him eight years of troubles and indictments. Trump now out-neocons the neocons.

There is no doubt that Trump has been persecuted for eight years and faces a collection of civil and criminal indictments simply because he said he intended to normalize relations with Russia. This was seen as an attack on the budget and power of the military/security complex. Trump was threatening their world by taking away their necessary enemy. The CIA director called Trump a traitor to America.

My position has always been that Americans must stand up to the Democrats’ weaponization of law and show that such law is unacceptable by vindicating Trump in the November election. Otherwise, the result will be the institutionalization of weaponized law, which means tyranny.

As important as law is as a shield of the people instead of a weapon in the hands of the state, it takes second place to avoiding nuclear 
Armageddon. I can no longer support Trump.

The situation could not be more dangerous. The entire leadership of the Western world is committed to war with Russia. European leaders are telling Europeans that Europe must be prepared for war with Russia. No one in Washington, and precious few among policy analysts, will admit to any US responsibility for the dangerous situation. The fact that Washington overthrew the government in Ukraine, installed a puppet, trained and equipped a large Ukrainian army to retake the independent Donbas republics, deceived Putin with the Minsk Agreement, mischaracterized Putin’s protection of Donbas as an invasion of Ukraine, and used every opportunity to widen the war is simply unspeakable in the Western world. Anyone who tells the truth is a “Putin agent/dupe.”

The denial of the reality of the conflict is leading directly to a major war, perhaps humanity’s last war, and no Western leader is alarmed. They are only alarmed that Washington is losing its proxy war. The determination is not to end the war but to expand it with long-range missiles and NATO troops to prevent Washington from losing the war.

A few brave American students protest Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians, but no one protests the rapidity at which we are traveling the road to nuclear Armageddon. The American public is unaware of, or unconcerned with, the risk. Nowhere in any of the “Western democracies” do the people have a voice. The Western media is given over to war propaganda.

Compared to the emphasis on reducing tensions that characterized the long Cold War, I can only conclude that the West has gone insane and is incapable of recognizing reality and behaving responsibly. Biden has refused the responsibility of his office to meet with Putin and resolve the dangerous situation. Instead, Biden insists on continuing an existential threat to Russia.

All news reports illustrate the rush to war:

How US is Flirting With Idea of ‘Limited’ Nuclear Conflict With Russia and China

Poland Okays Its Weapons to Be Used by Ukraine for Strikes on Russia

Minsk Forced to Suspend CFE Treaty to Ensure National Security

European countries back to discussing compulsory military conscription

US May Ask More Asian Countries to Deploy Its Middle-Range, Long-Range Missiles

Russia May Spur Development of Mid-Range Missiles Due to Aggressive NATO Plans

NATO’s Latest Actions Against Russia Tantamount to Declaration of War

One marginalized French politician says NATO is dragging the European Union into World War III.


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