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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Summa Logica LLC formed to analyze and solve public concerns


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Summa Logica LLC formed to analyze and solve public concerns

Summa Press Release #1

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Summa Logica LLC formed to analyze and solve public concerns

WINCHESTER, New Hampshire – May 21, 2024 – Summa Logica LLC today announced its formation. Summa will address the market scarcity of expert knowledge in: 1) Executive strategy planning, 2) Open publishing, and 3) Whole Systems analysis. “In my career, I used Summa’s strategy planning processes to win multi-corporation, multi-national contracts that yielded billions of dollars in revenue,” said Summa’s President, CEO, and founding member, John Paul Beaudoin, Sr.. Summa also offers publishing services to authors who wish to control their creations and income. Beaudoin learned to navigate the quagmires of the publishing industry and wishes to help others. Summa’s third offering is whole systems analysis. Many experts are blind to the negative consequences that result from factors outside their expert domain. Summa considers all perspectives in systems analysis

including morality, economics, sociology, psychology, law, philosophy, physical sciences, biology, and finance. Summa’s first projects are targeted to bring covid era TRUTH to The People. Summa delivered unique and groundbreaking truth to The People, while redefining epidemiology and public health in the publications, The Real CdC and found at TheRealCdC.com.

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