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An American Affidavit

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Which American federal laws must be repealed by Congress and nullified by states to shut down worldwide public health-emergency preparedness and response-kill box programs?


Which American federal laws must be repealed by Congress and nullified by states to shut down worldwide public health-emergency preparedness and response-kill box programs?

Orientation for new readers - American Domestic Bioterrorism Program - Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law

Reader asked for more information about the model nullification act mentioned in this post:

The US federal emergency preparedness and response laws that enable military officers, pharmaceutical manufacturers and medical professionals to use intentionally toxic products deceptively presented to recipients as beneficial medicines (including vaccines), to deliberately mutilate and kill human men, women, children, infants and babies in the womb, with civil and criminal impunity include:

The model nullification bill I’m working on lists these laws, along with their development over time through the Congressional adoption of public laws amending or expanding the original statutes, along with brief descriptions of how each one contributes to the legalization of ongoing mass mutilation and mass killing of human beings, by other human beings, using intentionally-harmful biological agents and toxins labeled and presented to targets as medicines and vaccines, and thus why each one should be repealed by Congress and nullified by states.


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