Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Video: The Highwire with Del Bigtree: Episode 371: THE FALL OF ‘SAFE AND EFFECTIVE’


The Fight Against WHO Pandemic Treaty Amendments Faces New Pushback; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on Chris Cuomo’s Unexpected Reversal on the COVID Vaccine and Ivermectin, and Explosive Revelations About Lithium Batteries; Del’s Message to Chris Cuomo and How Del Bigtree “Knew” Before He Did; Unpacking Transhumanism and Preparing For the Age of the Technocrat.

Guests: US Senator Ron Johnson, Patrick Wood

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