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An American Affidavit

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Ivermectin Emerges as a Significant Aid in Cancer Treatment/Putin Has Allowed the Ukraine Conflict to Spiral Out of Control


Ivermectin Emerges as a Significant Aid in Cancer Treatment

Ivermectin Emerges as a Significant Aid in Cancer Treatment

Paul Craig Roberts

Roman Balmakov of EpochTV is the best news presenter in the business. In this 13 minute video Balmakov reports successes from the use of Ivermectin in cancer treatment. https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/ivermectin-as-a-powerful-drug-for-fighting-cancer-a-look-at-the-evidence-facts-matter-5622050?utm_source=Enews&utm_campaign=etv1-2024-04-05&utm_medium=email&utm_content=upvideo&est=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAceE5JjMFys3H%2BbdAvWpUcQzPZ0WlGLZbDFlFfmdQNQ%3D%3D

As I reported during the 3 years of orchestrated Covid hysteria, both HCQ and Ivermectin are preventers and cures of Covid. The medical authorities knew this, but they suppressed it,
because if they acknowledged that a cure existed, the Covid “vaccine” could not be released under emergency authorization.

As the “vaccine” had not gone through the required testing, it could not be released for use under normal conditions. Therefore, it was a known risk, and the emergency use authorization protected the pharmaceutical companies from liability.

As the “medical authorities” –FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO–are all shills for the profits of Big Pharma and exist in a revolving door relationship with Big Pharma–Fauci himself shared patent ownership with Big Pharma–an untested vaccine was falsely and illegally released under false pretenses. Big Pharma made billions of dollars, and millions of “vaccinated” victims died or had health injuries. This is an established fact, not a “conspiracy theory” as Big Pharma’s “fact checkers” proclaim. It is an established scientific fact totally ignored by the whore media, medical boards, and the Big Pharma operatives that constitute the “medical regulatory authorities.”

As a consequence of legislation lobbied to passage by Big Pharma and insurance companies, fewer and fewer doctors are in private practice. Instead they are employees, which means they are accountable to their employer, some HMO, and not to their patients. Medical insurance has not adjusted to this fact.

I have a friend who is a doctor employed by a HMO. Observing the failure of ventilators and the non-treatment process for Covid, he cured patients with Ivermectin. Three times he was called in by his employer and ordered to stop treatment with Ivermectin. He ignored the orders on the grounds that they were an illegitimate interference in the doctor-patient relationship and an interference in his obligation to his patients and the Hippocratic Oath. Understanding that a fourth reprimand was a firing, leaving his patients unprotected, he diagnosed Covid infected patients with lupus and other health problems traditionally treated with Ivermectin or HCQ.

In other words, in the “free” United States of America, now seen worldwide as “a shithole country,” the only way a conscientious medical doctor should serve the health of his patients was through subterfuge.

Recently, as I reported, a federal court ordered the Big Pharma marketing agent, the FDA, to remove its online warnings against the use of Ivermectin, a long approved drug for general use based solely on the doctor’s opinion. All of the totally corrupt federal agencies–FDA, NIH, CDC, along with Bill Gates’ WHO–declared Ivermectin, long a preventer in Africa of River Blindness, to be a “horse medicine.”

No one in Africa taking Ivermectin as “the Sunday medicine” to prevent river blindness got Covid.

No one in Africa taking HCQ as “the Sunday medicine” to prevent malaria got Covid.

Four states in India successfully used Ivermectin to prevent Covid, did not use the “vaccine” and experienced little, if any, Covid. The same in parts of Brazil.

Today it is the Covid-Vaccinated countries where athletes in their prime are dropping dead on the playing field, where entertainers are dropping dead during performances, where airlines are running out of pilots due to the airline vaccine mandates, where babies and kids are dying from heart attacks, where never before seen turbo cancers are appearing among children and adults, where male and female fertility are declining, where miscarriages are rising.

The question before us is: Will the scientific information reported by Balmakov advance the use of Ivermectin in the cure and prevention of cancer, or will Ivermectin, a very inexpensive medicine, be seen as a threat to the existing institutionalized profitable treatment of cancer, which basically destroys a person’s immunize system so cancer can win.

Americans being naive souls trusting authority are perfect victims for the likely renewed demonization of Ivermectin.

Indeed, we have a forerunner from federal “medical authorities” who have set their sights on banning NAC, a long-used supplement that greatly improves human health.

The last thing Big Pharma wants is a healthy population. Big Pharma needs a sick population for its profitability. Indeed, Big Pharma creates vaccines and “medicines” that make us sicker so we need more medication.

Insouciant Americans don’t understand that Big Pharma controls medical research and increasingly the curriculums of medical schools. Not long ago when the editors of the two most prestigious medical research publications resigned, the New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet, both said that they had no confidence in the articles that their journals published, because 70% of the articles were written with Big Pharma grants.

In the world today, American youth are the most medicated, vaccinated kids in the world, and hardly any of them are healthy.

The question before us is: How did a people intended by their founders to be the most free in human history end up subservient to official narratives that destroy their freedom, their health, their independence?

Why is the American population content with its impotence and loyal to a government that is unaccountable to the people?

The only answer is that the insouciant American population has zero awareness of their situation. When people don’t understand that they are threatened, how can they resist a threat of which they are unaware?

It is not Putin, XI, Iran, who are overthrowing America. America has been overthrown by the insouciance of the population.


Putin Has Allowed the Ukraine Conflict to Spiral Out of Control

Putin Has Allowed the Ukraine Conflict to Spiral Out of Control

Paul Craig Roberts

As I have consistently warned, it is only a matter of time before Putin’s never-ending war spirals out of control. That time is now.

The war has widened far from Donbass into Russian cities–Belgorod from which there have been evacuations, Tula, Kalunga, 
Bryansk, and Moscow–and military bases, oil refineries, and concert halls. The attacks are mainly defeated by Russian air defense, but the attacks show that the conflict has spread beyond Donbas into Russia. NATO satellites and personnel are providing the intelligence for Ukraine’s attacks on Russia. NATO members have announced that most NATO members already have troops serving various capacities in Ukraine.

There is a perceived NATO force buildup around Russia. American tanks and armored vehicles have been sent to Greek ports. https://tass.com/world/1761465#:~:text=US-made%20Abrams%20tanks%20and%20Bradley,increase%20NATO’s%20potential%20in%20Europe

In Romania the largest military base in Europe is being built near the border with Ukraine. https://www.twz.com/news-features/romanian-airfields-transformation-into-a-giant-nato-base-is-underway

Romanian soldiers together with their American instructors are conducting exercises with Moldavian soldiers, possibly with the intent of occupying Transnistria, a breakaway province in which 2,000 Russian troops guard a large arms depot from Soviet days. https://voicefromrussia.ch/en/moldova-transnistria-the-next-stage-of-escalation-between-russia-and-nato/
There are indications that the US and NATO may move soldiers into Odessa in order to prevent Russian military support to Transnistria and to save Ukraine’s last port on the Black Sea. A move of NATO forces into Odessa could be part of a general move of NATO soldiers into Western Ukraine.

Remember that US Secretary of State Blinken recently declared that Ukraine for certain would be incorporated into NATO and that the process is underway. Both the occupation of Odessa by NATO forces and Ukraine’s membership in NATO are Putin red lines that he would have to enforce or be discredited in the eyes of Russia and the world.

These facts indicate that Macron, the French president, was not speaking out of turn when he said that it is necessary to save the West from a shattering defeat that would destroy its prestige by sending NATO and French troops to Ukraine. As I warned early on, prestige gets involved in conflicts, and the conflicts spin out of control. To avoid this, Putin needed to use sufficient force to immediately terminate the conflict. This failure has brought on wider war.

Don’t be fooled that these expensive developments are just a bluff to force Putin into a peace deal favorable to Ukraine. These are moves toward general war.

It is a war that Putin has brought on by trying to avoid it.

As I recently wrote, Putin has a very short time in which to end Ukraine’s resistance before he finds Russia in war with the West.

Note: Geoffrey Pyatt, a US State Department official who conspired with Victoria Nuland to install a puppet government in Ukraine following Washington’s overthrow of the elected government, has announced that the US government intends to prevent Russia’s Arctic development of liquid natural gas. “Our goal is to ensure that Arctic LNG i2 is dead in the water.”

Sounds like another Nord Stream Pipeline event is being planned. Will Putin for a third time after the pipeline and Crocus refuse to name Washington as the perpetrator?


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