It All Started In Waco from
It All Started In Waco
From Israel Shamir
Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.
It All Started In Waco from
It All Started In Waco
From Israel Shamir
142. Industrial Efficiency: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from
Industrial Efficiency
After the Civil War, the guaranteed customer was not a thing prudent businessmen were willing to surrender. Could there be some different way to bring about uniformity again without another conflict? Vast fortunes awaited those who would hasten such a jubilee. Consolidation. Specialization. These were the magical principles President Harper was to preach forty years later at the University of Chicago. Whatever sustained national unity was good, including war, whatever retarded it was bad. School was an answer, but it seemed hopelessly far away in 1865.
Things were moving slowly on these appointed tracks when a gigantic mass of Latin, and then Slavic, immigrants was summoned to the United States to labor, in the 1870s and afterwards. It came colorfully dressed, swilling wine, hugging and kissing children, eyes full of hope. Latin immigration would seem to represent a
George Orwell's 1984 -- Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Winston was writing in his diary:
It was three years ago. It was on a dark evening, in a narrow side-street near one of the big railway stations. She was standing near a doorway in the wall, under a street lamp that hardly gave any light. She had a young face, painted very thick. It was really the paint that appealed to me, the whiteness of it, like a mask, and the bright red lips. Party women never paint their faces. There was nobody else in the street, and no telescreens. She said two dollars. I
For the moment it was too difficult to go on. He shut his eyes and pressed his fingers against them, trying to squeeze out the vision that kept recurring. He had an almost overwhelming temptation to shout a string of filthy words at the top of his voice. Or to bang his head against the wall, to kick over the table, and hurl the inkpot through the window — to do any violent or noisy or painful thing that might black out the memory that was tormenting him.
As I may have mentioned, Lester Holt, national anchor for NBC News, is a vampire. He does his broadcasts after the sun goes down.
The other day, however, a puny little intern made the mistake of tapping on his coffin and awakening him at 10 in the morning.
Through an ensuing series of blunders, executed by the network’s affirmative action, diversity, equity, and inclusion hires, Lester went on the air, LIVE, at noon—and in a quite grumpy and disassembled state of mind, spoke the following:
“As you probably know by now, the pussified Bidenites, colleges, hospitals, and other functionaries are leaning into COVID restrictions again. Masks, distancing, take the vaccine or else—all that.
“As luck would have it, there are people all around us who experience intense pleasure at the prospect of going on lockdowns again. Nothing else in their lives gives them the same adrenaline push. They’re not just complying. They’re renewing marriage vows on a vacation cruise, on the good ship Shit for Brains. Freedom means as much to them as the latest sex crime series spun out by Netflix. Give them that in their state room, popcorn, and a lock on their door, and they’re in heaven.
McCullough, Peter A;
Wynn, Cade;
Procter, Brian C
The spike protein is responsible for the pathogenicity of the SARS-CoV-2 infection and drives the development of adverse events, injuries, disabilities, and death after vaccination through immunologic and thrombotic mechanisms. The long-lasting spike protein has been found in the brain, heart, liver, kidneys, ovaries, testicles and other vital organs at autopsy in cases of death after vaccination. In the case of vaccine-induced thrombotic injury, the spike protein has been found within the blood clot itself. Thus, there is strong rationale for considering residual SARS-CoV-2 spike protein as a treatment target in post COVID-19 and vaccine injury syndromes. The spike protein participates directly in pathophysiology, incites inflammation, and propels thrombosis. While specific syndromes (cardiovascular, neurological, endocrine, thrombotic, immunological) will require additional therapies, we propose the clinical rationale for a base detoxification regimen of oral nattokinase, bromelain, and curcumin for patients with post-acute sequalae from SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccination.
The empiric regimen can be continued for 3-12 months or more and be guided by clinical parameters:
-Nattokinase 2000 FU (100) mg orally twice a day without food
-Bromelain 500 mg orally once a day without food
-Curcumin 500 mg orally twice a day (nano, liposomal, or with piperine additive suggested)
Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) relieve heartburn in adults, but they’re also prescribed to children. A French study reported in JAMA Pediatrics found young children on PPIs had higher rates of bacterial, viral, respiratory and other infections.
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A study appearing earlier this month in JAMA Pediatrics reported that children who took proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) for stomach upset experienced a marked increase in infections requiring hospitalization.
PPIs are among the most commonly prescribed drugs in infants and children, and their use is on the rise. They work by attaching to parietal cells in the stomach, where they prevent those cells from releasing hydrochloric acid, which works with enzymes and bile juices to digest food.
A growing body of literature on the acute and long-term side effects of PPIs is causing pediatricians to rethink how these drugs are used, particularly in the very young.
The study group, led by Marion Lassalle, Pharm.D., Ph.D., at the French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products, followed more than 1.2 million children born in France between January 2010 and December 2018.
By Anna Von Reitz
Our Republcan Form of Government: Section 33 — The American Civil War from Anna Von Reitz
Section 33 — The American Civil War
From our discussions we have now fully realized that the
Constitutions and the Federal Government arising from these venerable
agreements only affected our country’s operations in the municipal
jurisdiction’s realm of commerce — that is, business conducted between two
fully incorporated, chartered legal fiction entities.
Adoption of the Federal, Territorial, and Municipal
Constitutions didn’t affect our soil jurisdiction estates, doing business as
The United States, nor did they impact our land jurisdiction States doing
business as The United States of America, but they did change
the operations of the States of America, a union of commercial corporations
chartered by the States.
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Many of us shared anecdotes of loved ones vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines – and suffering from all sorts of unrelated illnesses afterward. I know a young individual who, after mandated COVID vaccination, had all sorts of bacterial illnesses that he never had before. (This story was a major impetus to my opening and growing this substack).
International Man: Anarcho-capitalist Javier Milei recently won Argentina’s presidential primary. He is now the undisputed front-runner in the upcoming elections.
The outcome took many by surprise. Milei is an outsider who bested the country’s two entrenched establishment parties.
How did this happen, and why should anyone outside of Argentina care?
Doug Casey: It could be the most dramatic thing that’s happened politically since at least World War II. Anywhere. Why? Because he’s an AnCap libertarian who’d like to abolish the State—or come as close as possible. If he’s elected in October, he’ll make every move possible to eliminate—not just reduce—as many government departments as possible as quickly as possible. And most people seem oblivious to it.
Milei was in first place in the primary. Historically, in Argentina, the person who wins the primary wins the general election. There’s only been one exception to that rule. Even more encouraging is his ratings have gone up from 30% to 40% since the primary. It appears his campaign is not just a flash in the pan but a trend that’s building momentum.
August 31, 2023
“We know our country has been temporarily taken over by domestic and foreign enemies, power hungry war criminals are calling the shots right now, but there are many heroes among us, but you didn’t think our military vets and those who refused the shots were just going to sit back and watch did you?” – Jane Ruby, new media resistance leader- Our Country-Our Choice Movement
“Ban the jab” – Dr. Peter Breggin, MD, National American Renaissance Movement
Not one of the current conservative presidential candidates nor elected conservative representatives have demonstrated leadership even when in office needed to overcome the inaction of federal agencies and congressional committees who:
* Failed to charge those elitist oligarchs and traitorous corporations with racketeering who are funding arsonists and vandals who continue to destroy the center of major American cities, funding the mutilation of autistic adults and children in the name of gender equity, and medically pushing opioids on the public.
Throughout the introduction and Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4, we have established some key facts about the BBC’s “Marianna Spring in Conspiracyland” podcast series.
The great IQ test has commenced. COVID 1.0 was the training round, to present lessons in government tyranny and medical science fraud for all to witness. COVID 2.0 is the final exam to see who is stupid enough to still have not learned the lessons from the training round. However, this “final exam” is more like a final solution, and those who fail this round of the global IQ test will find their projected lifespan rapidly shrinking.
The ramp-up to COVID 2.0 tyranny is already apparent. Joe Biden just announced $1+ billion in funding for a new vaccine, and he’s publicly stating that all Americans will be urged to get the new jab, even after Biden himself has taken five COVID shots but still managed to get infected twice.
The CDC, meanwhile, now admits that all previous COVID shots no longer work against the new “variant” they’ve named BA.2.86, which the CDC says infects those who are fully vaccinated.
We have dubbed the new variant BS.24.7 and called it the “Election Variant” because it’s obvious this new round of a virus scare is intended to steal the 2024 election via nationwide mail-in voting, mandated by yet another ginned up “emergency” fabricated by the lawless Democrats.
Was The 1993 World Trade Center Bombing an FBI ‘Inside Job’?
Was The 1993 World Trade Center Bombing an FBI ‘Inside Job’?
First Published: March 1, 2017 Last updated: April 2nd, 2018
Written by Oliver Grant Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes
The death from natural causes of Omar Abdel-Rahman last week while in prison
serves as a reminder that 9/11 was, in fact, the second terrorist attack on the
Trade Center. Dubbed ‘the blind sheikh’, the 78-year-old
extremist Egyptian Muslim cleric was one of a number sentenced to life
imprisonment for plotting the first WTC bombing in 1993.
New York Daily News front page, Feb 26th, 1993.
But, just as evidence has emerged that 9/11 was an
‘inside job’, evidence emerged to suggest that the ‘93 attack could also
have been one; that the FBI — and possibly The Mossad, Israel’s CIA equivalent
— had some involvement. Moreover, that the U.S. justice system, in the face of
scant evidence, unfairly treated the alleged plotters to ensure their
It was 12.18pm on February 26th, 1993, when a massive subterranean explosion
rocked the WTC complex. Six people were killed, over 1,000 were injured, most
due to smoke inhalation, and 50,000 workers had to be evacuated from the
complex. The event caused more hospital casualties on American soil than at any
time since the Civil War.
141. Guaranteed Customers: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from
Guaranteed Customers
Prior to 1860 Americans didn't demand a high level of national solidarity — a loose sort of catch-as-catch-can unity satisfied the nation in spite of the existence even then of patriotic special interest groups like Know-Nothings. Neither by geography, culture, common experience, or preference was the United States naturally a single country although it did possess a common language. But conformity had been ordered by corporate and banking interests from the Northeast, so one country it would become.
According to vaccinologist Geert Vanden Bossche, DVM, Ph.D., continued mass COVID-19 vaccination is driving more infectious and potentially dangerous viral variants, increasing the risk of severe COVID-19, aggressive cancers and autoimmune diseases in vaccinated populations.
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Pointed or pointless?
The public is understandably confused. On the one hand, major scientific journals, news outlets and authorities have used, and continue to use, superlatives to describe COVID-19 genetic vaccines.
The journal Science called the results of a Moderna trial “absolutely remarkable,” The Washington Post referred to them as “an extraordinary success story,” BuzzFeed claimed the vaccines “work way better than we had ever expected,” while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.K. National Health Service and other authorities continue to cite the mantra used for all approved vaccines, referring them as “safe and effective” (here and here, respectively).
Conflicting information about an uncertain and unpredictable interaction
Yet, on the other hand, the scientific literature is increasingly awash with articles that suggest something quite different.
FOX'S BOOK OF MARTYRS CHAPTER XVII Rise and Progress of the Protestant Religion in Ireland; with an Account of the Barbarous Massacre of 1641
Rise and Progress of the Protestant Religion in Ireland; with an
Account of the Barbarous Massacre of 1641
The gloom of popery had overshadowed Ireland from its first establishment there until the reign of Henry VIII when the rays of the Gospel began to dispel the darkness, and afford that light which until then had been unknown in that island. The abject ignorance in which the people were held, with the absurd and superstitious notions they entertained, were sufficiently evident to many; and the artifices of their priests were so conspicuous, that several persons of distinction, who had hitherto been strenuous papists, would willingly have endeavored to shake off the yoke, and embrace the Protestant religion; but the
natural ferocity of the people, and their strong attachment to the ridiculous doctrines which they had been taught, made the attempt dangerous. It was, however, at length undertaken, though attended with the most horrid and disastrous consequences.
The introduction of the Protestant religion into Ireland may be principally attributed to George Browne, an Englishman, who was consecrated archbishop of Dublin on the nineteenth of March, 1535. He had formerly been an Augustine friar, and was promoted to the mitre on account of his merit.
Reader comment:
I am trying to track the actual cite that shows that through HHS Secretary continuing authority, the CV emergency has not truly been lifted. Any help would be appreciated.
Key premises:
The US Health and Human Services Secretary (first Alex Azar, now Xavier Becerra), by Congressional authorization under Congressionally-repealable statutes (42 USC 247d/Public Health Service Act Section 319, 21 USC 360bbb/Food Drug and Cosmetics Act Section 564 and related) has been the de facto administrative dictator of America, directing a covert mass murder campaign, since January 2020.
Azar and Becerra’s lethal power has been consolidated under the many mutually-reinforcing Covid-19 “public health emergency” lies, deceptions and illusions promulgated by government and government media outlets.