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An American Affidavit

Monday, November 28, 2022

The Irony of All Ironies/Covid Roundup


The Irony of All Ironies

The Irony of All Ironies

Paul Craig Roberts

The state of Florida recently enacted legislation against teaching “critical race theory” in Florida public schools and universities.  Critical race theory amounts to indoctrinating white kids into the belief that they are racist, because being a racist is what it means to be white.  The white population in Florida who foot the tax bill for public education don’t like paying for brainwashing their kids with the belief that the kids and their parents are racists.

A couple of leftwing freaks, Adriana Novoa, a professor at the University of South Florida, and a student, Sam Rechek, sued the state of Florida in federal court claiming that the law is government censorship. US federal district judge Mark Walker, a highly partisan Democrat and Obama appointee, has blocked enforcement of the law.

In ordering an injunction blocking enforcement of the law, Judge Walker said that the law struck “at the heart of open-mindedness and critical inquiry.”  He accused the government of Florida  of “taking over the marketplace of ideas to suppress disfavored viewpoints,” thereby limiting what professors could teach.

Think for a moment about the utter absurdity of what this highly partisan Democrat “judge” has said.  Do universities have speech codes?  Yes.  Do these speech codes “suppress disfavored viewpoints,” thereby limiting what professors can teach and students can say?  Yes.  Are these speech codes that “strike at the heart of open-mindedness and critical inquiry” enforced by the universities?  Yes. Are the speech codes discriminatory in their application?  Yes.  Whose speech is limited?  Whites.  What speech is limited?  Truthful statements that “aversive racism”–the doctrine that whites are racist regardless of intention–is false, and that gender is biologically determined and not self-selected.  

There are many other false arguments that cannot be challenged–such as the Civil War was fought over slavery.  Indeed, no one dares ask, if the liberal account of the Civil War is correct and it was fought over slavery, how whites could possibly be aversive racists when hundreds of thousands of them died died fighting to free the black slaves?  If white Americans are racists, how did Obama get elected? Was it another stolen election?

But, of course, nothing today makes any sense, least of all anything coming out of Judge Walker’s mouth.

Does anyone believe that it would be possible to teach critical race theory if the target was blacks or Jews and not whites?  It would be hate speech, a hate crime.  Professors would be fired and students ejected from the university.  They would be unemployable.  

But it is permissible to offend white Americans. They can be called racists and worse all day long and no one is fired and no federal judge intercedes.  When democracy intercedes, Democrat judges like Walker overrule the people.  

To be clear, what has been established in America, allegedly a democracy, is an evil program that occupies the moral high ground and is dedicated to demonizing white people, to destroy their confidence in themselves, their history, literature, culture, to reduce them to second class, if not criminal, citizenship.  

We see it everywhere. Merit is demonized as racist, as a tool of white supremacy.  Merit has allegedly been used to suppress people of color.  The “solution” chosen is to establish a system of rights based on race.  Restitution requires more rights for people of color than whites are permitted to have.  Blacks and Jews can claim to be offended, but whites cannot.  Anything can be said against whites, and if a white challenges it, his challenge is proof that he is a racist and in denial.

This is the state of American democracy today.  America is in ruins. What does America stand for?  There is no obvious answer. 

One hundred years ago Novoa, Rechek, and Judge Walker would have been hung off the nearest tree limb by enraged citizens.  But the erosion of white confidence has taken a toll. Today the white majority accepts what is happening to them, hoping that they will be the last sent to the camps.

Dear White American, your future is here in The Camp of the Saints:  https://www.jrbooksonline.com/PDFs/Camp_of_the_Saints_2col%20.pdf

Covid Roundup

Covid Roundup

Paul Craig Roberts

Dear Readers,  I have presented you with enough information over the last couple of years for you to have learned that the Covid virus was not the threat it was presented to be and that the “vaccine” was neither effective nor safe.  The Covid virus did not come from a bat cave but from NIH funding first at the University of North Carolina and then Wuhan, China. The “pandemic” was an orchestration for profit, power, and, it appears from the deaths, disabilities, infertility, and stillbirths caused by the “vaccine,” population reduction.  In effect, whether intended or not, the mRNA “vaccines” are bioweapons.

The Pfizer documents released by court order show that Pfizer knew in advance from its testing that the “vaccine” caused miscarriages and stillbirths, heart problems, neurological  problems, and death.  Yet the company and the public health agencies responsible for protecting public health went ahead and created a climate of fear, based on the lie that there was no available treatment, and injected 70% of the US population with an untested substance on an “emergency use authorization.”  

To put it clearly, the pharmaceutical companies, NIH, CDC, FDA, WHO, politicians, presstitutes, medical societies and medical boards coerced a majority of the US population with fear and mandates to play Russian roulette with a “vaccine” that could end or destroy their lives.  

Despite this enormous crime, so far the only demand for accountability is civil law suits.  

Was this enormous evil merely a mistake?  Absolutely not.  As the Pfizer documents that Pfizer wanted locked up for 75 years make clear, the pharmaceutical companies knew of the outsized danger of the “vaccine.”  

Was the vaccine intended as a population reduction measure?  The circumstantial evidence is substantial that it was.  The multi-decade agitation for population reduction by Bill Gates and a passel of elites and organizations and a decade or longer of research to develop the Covid virus suggest that the “vaccine” had an intent that is not acknowledged, but we will never know unless someone confesses.

The process of defrocking doctors, medical scientists, and nurse whistleblowers who provide facts unwelcome by authorities continues.  The whore media has done everything possible to cover up the crime that has been inflicted on humanity.  The evil is so satanic that it will be a miracle if challenging the official Covid narrative is not made illegal.  This outcome seems unavoidable, because if the truth gets out confidence in government collapses.  

It is possible that the public is not sufficiently strong mentally and emotionally to accept the facts.  Government, having got away with the murders of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, 9/11 used to launch two decades of war in the Middle East and North Africa, and a number of other crimes, is counting on the belief that “our government wouldn’t do this to us.”  Such belief dooms humanity to control by The Matrix.

Below are some more reports on the “vaccine”:

Previously Suppressed Research Confirms Vaccine Dangers

by Dr. Russell Blaylock

Experts have observed that very little of the information that appears in medical journals is reliable. The manipulation of scientific journals is a growing problem I have addressed in the past, including research influenced or directly controlled by pharmaceutical companies appearing as ghostwritten medical articles.

The goal, of course, is to induce practicing doctors to use the drugs made by these companies.

In addition, pharmaceutical companies heavily influence the research, medical education, and physician training at major medical centers through massive donations and by manipulating federal agencies such as the CDC, FDA, and NIH.

This influence spreads to virtually all medical associations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the AMA, and most others.

Lastly, pharmaceutical manufacturers use their massive wealth to influence media outlets, even local news programs.

See the Full Letter Here:  http://newsletters.newsmax.com/blaylock/issues/D-20-1024D/1222_BWR.pdf?ns_mail_uid=4db8c050-1e80-490d-a783-3fe0649129c7&ns_mail_job=DM404742_&s=acs&dkt_nbr=9898-1 

Was Profit the Only Reason for Intentionally Injecting 70% of the US Population with a Deadly Substance? What percent of Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa?

Can so many governments, medical authorities, and media scum  involved be held accountable for the worst genocide in human history?

The Covid “Killer Vaccine”. People Are Dying All Over the World. It’s A Criminal Undertaking


Video: Warning: ‘Vaccine Is Worse than We Feared, Could be Looking at Hundreds of Thousands More Dead’


“The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity” by Michel Chossudovsky


The Corrupt Biden Regime Served as Marketer for the Death Jab

Pfizer annual revenue expected to reach $101.3 billion in 2022, thanks to COVID jab, which doesn’t prevent infection or spread

Pfizer annual revenue: In a November 4, 2022, article,9 clinical and public health physician Dr. David Bell discusses the art — and price — of lying, noting that the more divorced a lie is from reality, the more likely it is to succeed, thanks to the quirks of human nature and normal psychology:

“In a former role I had a boss who lied a lot. The lies were pure fantasy, but massive in scope and delivered with sincerity. They were very successful.

“This success was based on the reluctance of most people to consider that someone in a position of authority in a humanitarian organization would completely ignore all semblance of reality.

“People assumed the claims must be true as fabricating information to that extent in those circumstances seemed to defy logic.

“The principle of Really Big Lies is based on the lies being so divorced from reality that the listener will assume their own perception must be flawed, rather than doubt the claims of the person telling the lies.

“Only an insane or ridiculous person would make such outlandish claims, and a credible institution would not employ such a person.

“Therefore, given that the institution is apparently credible, the statements must also be credible, and the listener’s prior perception of reality was therefore flawed.

“Lesser lies, by contrast, are likely to be perceived as sufficiently close to known reality to be demonstrably wrong. Inventing truth can be more effective than bending it.”

I believe this is precisely the strategy employed by Big Pharma, health agencies, government officials and the deep state propaganda arm over the past three years.

Their claims have been so far from any semblance of reality, anyone aware of the facts has been left feeling more than a little crazy.

Unfortunately, while most humans have a moral and ethical compass, few end up following it when confronted by psychopaths in authority and the peer pressure to conform. As noted by Bell, good team players almost always end up supporting false narratives, and those who refuse to go along with what are clearly lies tend to be but a tiny minority.

Profit Through Deception

Read more:   https://hannenabintuherland.com/usa/pfizer-annual-revenue-expected-to-reach-101-3-billion-in-2022-thanks-to-covid-jab-which-doesnt-prevent-infection-or-spread/ 

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