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Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Almost a Quarter of COVID Patients in England Are Being Treated for Something Else

Almost a Quarter of COVID Patients in England Are Being Treated for Something Else

Half of daily hospitalizations test positive for COVID after having entered for something else.


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Almost a quarter of people in hospitals in England who are being counted as ‘COVID patients’ are actually being treated for other illnesses, according to a new report.

“Health service statistics show there were 6,146 NHS beds taken up by people who were Covid

positive on September 14th, the latest date data is available for,” reports the Daily Mail.

“But just 4,721 patients (77%) were primarily being treated for the virus, with the remaining 1,425 receiving care for other illnesses or injuries. They could include patients who’ve had a fall or even new mothers who tested positive after giving birth.”

In the Midlands area meanwhile, a full third of patients supposedly being treated for COVID were actually in hospital for different reasons.

The report also acknowledges that as many of half of patients who enter hospital only test positive for COVID after being admitted for an unrelated illness.

The difference between the ‘official’ figure and the real one is important because the UK government has said it won’t hesitate to re-enforce mask mandates, vaccine passports and a new lockdown this winter if hospitalizations continue to rise.

As we previously highlighted, despite the fact that the vaccine was supposed to prevent hospitalizations, many of the same experts who lobbied for the previous lockdowns are claiming that numbers are on a trajectory that will mandate new lockdown restrictions.

Just 24 hours after health secretary Sajid Javid asserted that they had been completely scrapped, the government reversed its position, saying that vaccine passports will in fact form a “first-line defence” against a winter wave of coronavirus.

Back in December, the same government told the public that there was no plan whatsoever to introduce vaccine passports even as they were paying private corporations to build the system.


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