Sunday, May 3, 2020
2472: 2476: I Was Just Asked.... from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
Why would President Trump on one
hand jump on the band wagon with Fauci and Gates, who are both
criminals, and order an absurd amount of vaccine?
And with the other hand, establish an Executive Order guaranteeing the right of individuals to refuse vaccination?
The Corporatists are ordering their own employees and dependents to take
the vaccine so that they can charge us Big Bucks for the vaccine.
Simple enough. Doesn't matter if they use all that vaccine. They can dump it like used motor oil and
charge us for it anyway.
charge us for it anyway.
At the same time, they have to leave a way out for themselves and their
own families, so that's what the other Executive Orders and protections
are about.
If I were working for the "Federal" Government at this point, I'd chuck it.
It's only a job and a nasty job at that.
Better to have your health and your life than a job that uses you as a
guinea pig without respect for your individual life and well-being.
Better to quit and forego the pension than die as a result of this garbage being used as a means to get into our pockets.
And if you are in the military, bring forward the fact that you were not
even honestly told who or what you'd be working for when you signed up.
You were deliberately given the impression that you would be working
for the American States and People ---- not some foreign subcontractors
acting "in our names".
That is grounds to sever any contract.
Use it.
Use it.
See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here:
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The Federal Government is Foreign. Hello?
By Anna Von Reitz
And, it operates in foreign jurisdictions of the law.
So do all of its franchises operated
as Territorial or Municipal "state of state" organizations. They all
operate in foreign international and global jurisdictions, too.
All of these entities are organized
as foreign, for-profit "governmental services corporations" or religious
non-profits, most recently as 501(c) (6) service organizations.
So are their courts foreign --- 100% foreign.
You, as a natural-born American,
have less business being in their courts than a pig has being at a tiger
convention. And for much the same reason.
But if you don't strenuously and
knowledgeably object and have evidence on the public record
demonstrating that you have done your homework and declared your
American political status ---- guess what?
Your British and Holy Roman Empire
employees, the corporations subcontracting to provide you with
"governmental services" --- have already and with malice aforethought
foisted Dual Federal Citizenship off onto you.
If they arrest you as a Municipal CITIZEN, they prosecute you in a Municipal COURT,under global commercial law.
If they arrest you as a U.S. Citizen, they prosecute you in a Territorial Court, under Martime or Admiralty law.
Either way, you are stuck and you don't belong in those courts at all.
Simply telling them that is not
enough, because they have long-standing evidence that you are in fact
both a Territorial and Municipal "citizen" and under all the obligations
they suffer from themselves.
That evidence takes the form of
Birth Certificates, Social Security enrollments, Driver Licenses,
Marriage Licenses, etc., etc., etc. ---- all of which have been required
of the employees of these foreign governmental services corporations.
So if you are not a foreigner and
not a federal employee, why do you have all these records attached to
your name that indicate that you are some species of Federal Employee or
You've been hoodwinked and given misleading information, that's what.
You've been told that you had to
have a Social Security Number. You've been told that you had to have a
Driver License and a Marriage License and a Business License, too.
You've even been told the egregious Big Lie that the Constitution can be
"suspended" by an Executive Order.
None of these things are true for an
American, but you have been deliberately misidentified and
mischaracterized as something else ---- as a Federal, aka, "US" citizen
of some kind.
Americans live in States, not States of States.
Americans are not British Territorial U.S. Citizens, nor are they Municipal "citizens of the United States".
We are not naturally subject to any foreign international or commercial law.
We are owed our own court and public elections, not private corporate shareholder elections. And the list goes on.
But if we don't stand up for
ourselves and know who we are and know what we are owed, if we fail to
take action and govern ourselves --- guess what?
You will be "presumed" to be a
foreigner on your own shores and deprived of all your constitutional
guarantees. You will be unable to actually own your own home and will
live your life as a tenant of an absentee landlord instead. You will be
"subjected" to these foreign courts and their black-robed priests will
dispose of you and your property assets however they please and you will
have no way to stop them..... unless......
You wake up. You take charge of the
situation. You object and take exception to all of this. You declare
your political status as an American. You join your State Assembly.
You restore your American Common Law Courts. You hire your own
You do what your Forefathers did,
and instead of trusting and relying upon the foreign corporations and
the Hired Help, you self-govern, instead.
Go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly. net and get started now.
See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
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Help for Attorneys --- Yes
By Anna Von Reitz
As more and more attorneys wake up
with a shudder — just like the rest of us, more and more of them are
coming to us wondering what they can do and how they can live without
betraying their country and their countrymen.
Understanding the options and the different court systems is crucial and so is your own situation.
Many of the members of the early
Living Law Firm team were retired judges and bar attorneys who, at a
certain point, retired and “came home” to the land and soil. They gave
up their bar memberships and turned their skills toward research and
That is still certainly an option, if you are ready to retire. We can use all the help we can get.
That said there are plenty of loyal
Americans who are bar attorneys who aren’t ready to retire and can’t
afford to quit their profession. They have families to support like
everyone else.
Because millions upon millions of
Americans have been subjected to False Registration and Impersonation
those same Americans have been subjected to the foreign
Maritime/Admiralty and Commercial Courts.
As a result, that’s where the bulk of the work is.
As our American Common Law Courts reopen this will change as more and more people come under our Public Law.
However, for right now, many
attorneys who want to do the right thing feel that they are between a
rock and a hard place. There aren't enough American Common Law Courts
set up locally to provide them with a living, yet they don't want to
participate in a crooked court system once they know what's going on.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
If you are a Bar Attorney and you
were born in one of the States of the Union, you still qualify to claim
your State National status. Doing so is a benefit to you, as it brings
you back under the protections and guarantees of the Constitution(s).
It also makes it possible to work in multiple court systems.
You can work as a Counselor of Law
in the American Common Law Courts, where your job is to stand at the
elbow of either Plaintiff or Defendant and give good advice.
You can also work in the foreign Bar
Association courts and help Americans rebut the false legal
presumptions being held against them as a Counselor-at-Law.
And, finally, when you represent
clients that actually are Federal Citizens or Corporations you continue
to act as an Attorney-at-Law in those cases.
So— Counselor of Law, working for
Americans in American Common Law Courts, Counselor-at-Law working for
Americans being improperly addressed by foreign Maritime/Admiralty or
Commercial courts, or Attorney-at-Law working for corporations and/or
Federal Citizens who really are Federal Citizens—- all these are options
you can exercise without ripping up your Bar membership and without
That’s all good news— protection of
the Constitutions and plenty of work and lots of options, simply by
filling out the 1779 Declaration for Federal Employees and checking the
“State National” box.
But, but, but—- someone will say, “I am not a Federal Employee!”
All Bar Attorneys are “Federal
Franchises” by definition and technically fall under the Foreign Agents
Registration Act (FARA) either directly or indirectly.
As long as you keep your Bar Membership, you are under obligations of Federal Citizenship, and therein lies the rub.
Bar Attorneys are prohibited from
holding public offices in our government, because they are already part
of a different government in their capacity as Dual Federal Citizens.
If you don't want to hold a public office, that's neither here nor there. It's just something to be aware of.
Of course, this is only talking
about the actual American Government, not the U.S. Government or the
government of the federally incorporated State of State franchises.
Those are all private offices and you are free to occupy them.
Here's something else to be aware
of. When you work in Federal or incorporated state-of-state courts, the
money you make is "federally connected income" and every penny is
taxable. When you work for the American Common Law Courts, every penny
is yours to keep.
That, and preserving the cause of
freedom, is a mighty incentive to get involved and stay involved in the
restoration of the American Common Law Courts.
Our courts are much simpler and less
hide-bound than the European-style international courts that have
become more and more prevalent as more and more Americans have been
mischaracterized as "U.S. Citizens".
For starters, all decisions in our
courts --other than decisions about court rules and that kind of
thing--are rendered by juries. All cases (other than probate)
involve actual injuries to living
people or their property, and the injured Parties all speak for
themselves and produce their own evidence. Lawyers only advise.
The sole exception where we employ
Public Prosecutors is when the Injured Party is dead or physically or
mentally incapacitated to the point that they can't represent
Most Bar Attorneys find our way of
doing things disconcerting after spending decades in the foreign
courts. It takes a while to get used to the American Way, which is
simpler, more direct, and far more interested in justice for living
For example, our courts have the
power of Jury Nullification. If a jury finds a law repugnant, vague, or
otherwise flawed or unfair, our juries can judge both the law and the
facts and toss bad laws out on their noses.
I have now known many Bar Attorneys
who turned the corner and saw the light and I have witnessed their
struggles coming to terms with American Justice --- real American
Justice. It isn't always easy, but it is always enlightening and
If you cherish the purposes of
Justice, if you care about your country, we are in the process of
resurrecting the American Court System from its faint embers, and need
your help to serve the millions of Americans who need to come home to
America and stand on the land and soil again.
Help restore the courts we all are heir to.
See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
How do we use your donations? Find out here.
Covid 19 Not Natural -- Neither is 5G
By Anna Von Reitz
In fact, Electromagnetic Radiation pollution is not natural and has a
strong polluting effect on the environment, and is subject to the ENMOD
Treaties as a result, wherever "non-domestic" populations are involved.
We, Americans, are "non-domestic" with respect to the Federal
corporations and entities that are running like wild horses toward this
new technological nightmare. We are being harmed and we have every right
to bring forward our evidence and demand that these "tests" and other war simulations stop.
Please note:
The Japanese professor of physiology or medicine, Professor Dr Tasuku
Honjo, caused a sensation today in the media by saying that the corona
virus is not natural. if it is natural, it will not have affected the
whole world like that. Because, depending on the nature, the temperature
is different in different countries. if it were natural, it would only
have affected countries with the same temperature as China. instead, it
spreads to a country like Switzerland, the same way it spreads to desert
areas. whereas if it were natural, it would have spread in cold places,
but would have died in hot places. I have done 40 years of research on
animals and viruses. It is not natural. It is manufactured and the virus
is completely artificial. I have been working for 4 years in the Wuhan
laboratory in China. I know all the staff of this laboratory well. I
called them all after the Corona accident. but, all of their phones have
been dead for 3 months. It is now understood that all of these
laboratory technicians are dead.
Based on all of my knowledge and research to date, I can say this with
100% confidence that Corona is not natural. It did not come from bats.
China made it. if what I say today turns out to be false now or even
after I die, the government can withdraw my Nobel Prize. but China is
lying and this truth will one day be revealed to all.
We still don't know if the "China virus" was actually a Chinese virus or
one that was imported to China and then escaped there, or from Dr.
Fauci and colleagues, or the Pirbright Institute, or that UN-connected
lab in North Carolina, or from Fort Detrick, or Bill Gates and one of
his numerous vaccine manufacturers, or just plain another CIA set-up
---- but we will know. We will get to the bottom of it and we will hang
'em high.
Meantime, take the presumptions about the "source" of the virus with a
grain of salt, and instead focus on the fact that the virus unleashed in
Wuhan was manufactured, not natural, and therefore subject to the ENMOD
Treaties, too. More engineered pollution of the environment tested on
innocent people who are not naturally "domestic" with respect to any of
these corporations.
See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
How do we use your donations? Find out here.
For Our British Friends -- "The Rule" --- Hahah! --- "Of Law"
By Anna Von Reitz
Yes, we have had lawful money all
along and the power to create more, simply by publishing a standard and
doing it. Our United States Silver Dollars and your British Pound
Sterling still exist and new standards can also be created.
What happened is that the
Corporatists set up legal tender laws and insisted that the military and
civil servants use “Notes”—- military script for money— or rather, in
replacement of money.
Because we had to deal with them all
the time and they could only use script, we had to convert our lawful
money into their script to pay taxes and conduct other business, just as
you might have to convert Euros to Yen.
In this process they received back
lawful money which they couldn’t use, so they cashiered it away in Slush
Funds and used our lawful money and the silver it represents as the
collateral for their “credit spending” — the basis for their I.O.U.s.
The problem for them is that their
script was based on our credit to start with and as corporations
chartered under our authority they didn’t have the power to tax our
labor or our land and so, didn’t give us anything of value in exchange
for our lawful money in the first place.
So the whole thing was fraud and
“nothing from nothing remains”. We are owed back our silver and our
lawful money plus interest and damages and accruals— which of course,
their organizations can’t pay.
So they are bankrupt and we are
defrauded and all of these fraud schemes lead back to the banks and the
politicians and Principals who allowed this.
We, Americans, know what we are owed
and it is actually pretty easy to track the embezzlement simply in
terms of “what should be there and isn’t” and their own double set of
books known as the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports in this
Long story short, both fraud and
embezzlement are crimes and they are desperately trying to avoid
admitting what they’ve done and are trying to use the black robes to
defend them under the “Rule of Law” which is simply the court rules that
govern things like “Rules of Evidence” — and are not Law at all.
So bugger the “Rules of Law” and pay
attention to truth and justice and the actual Public Law and make sure
these jokers enforce it or swing for treason and Breach of Trust.
See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
How do we use your donations? Find out here.
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