The Murder Of Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr - Unspoken
Details - Part One
By Sherman H. Skolnick <>
Luther King, Jr - Unspoken
Details - Part One
By Sherman H. Skolnick <>
a period of more than four decades, my associates and I have learned a lot
about two activities in particular. About reporters and journalists in the
mass media. And about various movements and persons supposedly promoting
equal rights.
in Law and legal research, but not comfortable to become a member of the
I became widely known in the 1960s. In Illinois, in the federal courts, I
brought and won a whole series of voting cases to re-do malapportioned voting
districts. Some voting districts had 50 per cent more people than other
districts, diluting their vote. Although not an attorney, I was grudgingly
allowed to represent the entire class of aggrieved voters. Because of various
court hearings, I was often for a minute or so on the evening TV local news.
constantly risked jail for so-called "contempt of court". Why? I
often put the judges' financial corruption in their faces in Court. I
documented, for example, how the Chief District Judge in one of my numerous
voting cases, was an official of a so-called "foundation" set up as
a money laundry by a known hoodlum and thus, the Chief Judge was subject to
blackmail. [The Albert Parvin Foundation, of which a U.S. Supreme Court
Justice, William O. Douglas, was the President.] When I confronted the Chief
Judge in Court, he had two Court bailiffs suddenly grab my wheelchair and try
to turn it upside down. This was witnessed by 18 news reporters in Court for
the voting case. Their stories about this, if any, never got on the air or in
print. My suit against the bailiffs for assault and battery was torpedoed by
the banker-judges in Chicago's federal appeals court.They alleged in their
published ruling [Skolnick vs. Guadagno et al.] that the Law does not permit
damage cases against court personnel.
became known as "Mr. One Man, One Vote", a take-off on the slogan
for reapportionment. In those days this type of case required a special
three-judge panel in the U.S. District Court. With such cases, I tied up 24
judges, more than all they had in the courthouse. The Judges were sore at me.
types, who I got to know by way of such cases, seeing I am an independent,
surviving on a shoe-string, and not tied to corporate interests, confided in
me. In effect, I became their "Father Confessor". They knew I would
risk jail but would never give out their identity in their lifetime. They
communicated with me on the sly, sometimes at an out-of-the-way, all night
eatery. I found out and fingered:
A CBS Network bigshot with a sideline of illegally selling babies from Europe
to couples in the U.S. who could not have children.
An NBC Network Vice-President in the dope traffic. Hushed up, it was publicly
instead blamed onto a lower level technician who was railroaded into prison
as a scapegoat.
Hot items reporters are working on which they know endanger their jobs and
their career in the media. They knew and know, that off-the-record, I will
aid them in some way.
The buying and selling ot TV jobs. One TV reporter, with a three-year
contract, said he cannot be fired but was. "I bought my job, it is mine,
dammit. Don't you know of a lawyer that will sue?" He thus protested to
me. Sensitive to his plight, I quietly told him such suits are not allowed,
being against Public Policy. Sort of like a bank robber himself robbed by
corrupt police on the way from the stick-up; he cannot sue for theft. As I
found out from him and others, it is a wide-spread media policy: you have to
pay 15 per cent in front in cash, of the first year's contract. One-third
goes to the union business agent. One-third goes to the "celebrity"
lawyer specializing in arranging such deals. [I fingered six such lawyers in
Chicago.] And one-third of the bribe goes to the station manager or news
director. The IRS is well aware of all this but uses the details as blackmail
to get the mass media to say nice things about America's fearful Gestapo, the
1988, I got into a big ruckus with "60 Minutes" CBS Program boss
Don Hewitt by confronting him with the details. His team vowed to keep me off
the air forever and to shut me up. [Without public access Cable TV I would
not be seen "on the air".]
honest, hard-hitting reporter, Ted Smart, I knew from NBC's Chicago outlet,
WMAQ-TV, Channel 5. "I got the goods, Sherman. I can prove it.
FBI was implicated in the assassination of Dr.King" he confided to me.
"Ted, it's a death warrant and you know it. Cool it." I responded.
My pal, Ted Smart, was murdered on the night before July 4, 1970. Another
journalist, Louis Lomax, on the track of the same data, was murdered about
three weeks later.
an evil role as to the murder of Dr. King and its aftermath, was Rev. Jesse
Jackson. He falsely claimed he had been up on the motel balcony and that Dr.
King died in his arms. In 1975, Barbara Reynolds, a reporter for the Chicago
Tribune, wrote a book about Rev. Jackson, "The Man, The Myth, and the
Movement". It was loaded with eye-opening details. It surely painted
Jesse as a charlatan and scoundrel. Such as, the tricks he used to reportedly
put the arm on local businesses. The tricks he used to replace Dr. King. Some
claim the reputed Dr. King blood on Jesse's shirt was actually chicken blood.
the book was coming out, I spoke to Barbara Reynolds. She met me at a
restaurant near Tribune Tower. She kept looking apprehensively at the door.
"Jesse is going to run me out of this town. I can't stay here
anymore" she told me. Someone came to the door and looked right at her.
Frightened, she fled our table. Three weeks after the publication of her
book, it was withdrawn. I have one of the few copies of the original book. In
the early 1990s, Barbara Reynolds finally went public with what happened to
her and her long-suppressed book. The Establishment had been plainly
protecting their man, Rev. Jackson. She told of her plight while on
"Tony Brown's Journal" TV Program. About that time her book was
re-issued but not widely mentioned.
former U.S. Justice Department official, who once held a key position,
responded to my questions about the Rev. Jesse Jackson. "I examined
Jesse's secret file locked up in our office. I shouldn't be talking about
this", he leaned over and spoke in a low voice. "It was a stack of
paper several feet high", he added. Impatient, I asked, "So what
did it show?" And he confirmed what I found out from other sources over
the years,"Jesse has been an FBI informant most of his adult life".
"So he's a government fink" I added. "Absolutely. My boss
knew, I knew it" he said as he cut-off the discussion.
about 1970, my associates and I became very knowledgeable about the financial
dirty business of Rev.Jackson. We had volunteered as consultants to a group
made up of 25 thousand would-be home owners, Afro-Americans. They called
themselves the South Side Contract Buyers League. In those years, mortgage
companies "red-lined" certain neighborhoods, such as where blacks
lived. No mortgages were to be issued in such areas. So, desperate to live in
their own home instead of an apartment, the blacks were forced to buy
"on contract". An examination of the area and the contracts showed
the blacks were paying TWICE THE MARKET PRICE for the homes they were occupying.
It was blatant racial discrimination.
South Side Contract Buyers League had an office a few feet away from Jesse
Jackson's office which was an abandoned movie theater. For a while Jesse paid
no attention to them. He failed their repeated requests for aid. The Buyers
League members organized a payment boycott. One morning the Cook County
Sheriff, Joe Woods [brother of Rose Mary Woods, Nixon's secretary that
reportedly doctored up the mysterious 18-1/2 minute Watergate tape] was set
to evict Buyers League members, all at once, for engaging in a payment
boycott. For that purpose, the Sheriff arranged with the phone company and
the electric company to shut off the entire area so blacks would have no
lights and could not communicate with each other about the mass eviction.
Residents in the area who were not even members of the group also had their
phones and electric all cut off. After the eviction, the whole area looked
like a war zone. Household goods scattered on the street. Fronts of houses crashed
in. Windows and doors smashed, all around the house.
leaders of the Buyers League found out that my associates and I were
investigating and researching the lawyers who sold them out in Court, the
banker-judges trying to control the blacks, and such. So I was invited to be
the guest speaker at a huge mass meeting in a large Church. There was about
650 people packed in there. I detailed to them the dirty financial forces and
public officials that were their sworn enemies, and what I suggested be done.
I continued to make suggestions and show up at most every session in Court,
Rev. Jesse Jackson pulled a trick on the leaders of the Buyers League, to get
them falsely jailed. He had a group of ruffians, he called "Black Men
Moving", who filled up the Courtroom and shouted slogans and would not
be still, and stood next to the leaders of the Buyers League. Instead of
blaming Jesse who was present, the Judge arrested the leadership and had them
locked up in the basement of the Courthouse. At that point, Jesse crossed the
street to the Mayor's office apparently to work a deal to take over the
Buyers League now that the leaders were jailed.
group of Buyers League women showed up as I was sitting in front of Jesse in
the Mayor's outer office. "Rev.Jackson, you do not represent the Buyers
League". Jesse must have thought I was just another wilted, foolish
"liberal", and snarled at me and shouted, "What are you doing
here white face?" Although angered how he was trying to psych me out
with black-white slogans, I simply said, "Rev. Jackson, the leaders have
told me that you repeatedly refused to help them.
went into the Mayor's inner office as the women, by now alarmed, pounded on
the Mayor's office door, "Jesse, come out of there! YOU are NOT our
leader!" they screamed at the door. As Jesse came out, he walked past
me, and with a vicious look, turned to me, "I am going to get you for
this!" Little if anything about this was mentioned in print or on the
air. But my confronting Jesse on his trick apparently got the Buyers League
leaders released from the court basement jail.
various strategies that I suggested resulted in the Buyers League members
being issued mortgages at half the price of the contracts. That is, a mortgage
for the true, not inflated, value of the homes.
built up, however, against Rev. Jesse Jackson in the black community.
Well-informed black business people began meeting me on the sly. I became an
authority on Jesse's rise to be a multi-millionaire. We compiled files with
details. The Federal Government apparently gave him a 16-room house to live
in a swank neighborhood not far from the University of Chicago. The
pressfakers often said Jesse lives in the "ghetto". They never showed
a picture of his mansion.
reportedly owned a private garbage truck business, Cross City Scavengers. The
traditional mafia apparently made a deal with him, allowing him to horn in on
their trade. They reportedly allowed him to empty off his garbage trucks in
dumps under the control of the Mob. Jesse reportedly shook down a major food
store chain in Chicago, claiming "discrimination". They apparently
set him up in numerous businesses as a pay-off, concealed from the IRS. He
reportedly got a major interest in a dairy that supplied--now get this--Grade
"B" milk instead of Grade "A", foisted by strong-arm
methods on certain stores and restaurants. He likewise used his gangster-like
methods to reportedly force his orange juice company products on various
a mobster-type shakedown, Jesse began marching his troops on a near lakefront
restaurant that had a black cook who was QUITE SATISFIED, WELL-PAID, and had
no grievance. Jesse demanded the restaurant owner use his Grade "B"
milk which the owner refused. Jesse demanded that the owner use Jesse's
garbage removal services at TWICE THE RATE PER BARREL as charged by others in
the industry. Jesse demanded that the restaurant use his pesticide services.
restaurant owner told me how he got rid of Jesse's shakedown. He
matter-of-factly pointed out, "The owner of this building where I lease
space for my restaurant is a known hoodlum. He threatened to have Jesse's
office bombed. You know, gangster versus gangster, stay out of my territory,
you understand."
ended the problem. A gangster firm itself took over the restaurant later and
the nearby motel.
downtown bank that had Jesse's secret accounts interested me, Amalgamated
Bank and Trust. They are a long-time highly-political, reputed mob front. At
great risk to themselves and their jobs, some of the bank clerks, on the sly,
informed us of how Jesse pulls up in his Rolls Royce, is taken downstairs by
a Bank Director especially assigned to reportedly hide Jesse's transactions,
and everyone that works at that Bank is warned that they see nothing.
small, elite team of federal agents were interested in all these financial
rackets. About 1972, using our numerous details and witnessess, they got
Rev.Jesse Jackson indicted on federal criminal charges of massive tax evasion
and extortion done in the name of human rights. Jesse's cronies reportedly
paid 850 thousand dollars to the Nixon White House to secretly quash the
indictment. The money reportedly was conveyed through an Indiana GOP National
Committeeman. The Chief Federal Prosecutor set to proceed with the
prosecution, was forced out of his office.
and two friends of mine in the media came to a secret meeting. A former
member of the elite federal team ticked off to us how they got Jesse
indicted, how he corruptly squelched the charges, and how the matter was
covered up. One of the media people got himself a good job with the Wall
Street Journal and never wrote what he found out. Do some get their jobs by
blackmailing others? The other reporter, from ABC Network, died in a
sabotaged plane crash enroute to a Mid-East assignment. His friends are mad
how he was steered onto that doomed plane. And I dare mention all of this.
session 1975-76, was the House Subcommittee on Assassinations, delving into
the murders of President Kennedy and Dr. King. A staff member who I knew told
me of records they had which will be locked up and not included in the
Subcommittee's Report. The records show, he said, that the FBI hand-picked
Rev. Jesse Jackson to replace Dr. King BEFORE King was assassinated BY THE
FBI. That Dr. King opposed the Viet Nam War and was threatening to interfere
with U.S. foreign policy. Dr. King in a speech he made exactly one year prior
to his death said he planned to go to Viet Nam to tell black GIs they should
not be killing yellow-skinned people in someone else's civil war. The staff
member led me to understand that the records take the position that Rev.
Jesse Jackson is acceptable to Federal agencies like the FBI and CIA, and Dr.
King, perceived as a national security risk, was not. These bombshell
disclosures will not be publicly divulged for thirty years, he told me.
was the late Ted Smart, a murdered reporter, correct? What did Louis Lomax.
another murdered reporter, find out? Oh, so you are naive and you think
reporters are only murdered in Mexico and Third World countries. Is Barbara
Reynolds correct in her book? Rev. Jesse Jackson has plenty to consider and
plenty to conceal. Reports are circulating that a key Chinese witness is set
to testify that the Clinton White House demanded he come up with several
million dollars from Bejing, for the political ambitions of Jesse's son,
Jesse Jackson, Jr., a U.S. Congressman from Chicago's south side. Junior
before becoming a Congressman, worked for the mafia-linked Hotel Workers
Union. When grilled on this, on a radio show, Jesse Jr. said he never heard
of the mobster who headed the Union for which Junior worked. Yet Junior was
paid 59 thousand dollars a year as an alleged "organizer". Some
contend Junior performed little, if any work.
bottom line: was reputed FBI stool pigeon, Rev. Jesse Jackson, complicit in
the murder of Dr. King, whose position Jesse coveted? Stay tuned. More
details in further stories on this subject. _____
1958, Mr. Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman,
Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of
judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since 1991, a regular panelist,
and since 1995, moderator/producer of "Broadsides", a public access
Cable TV one hour weekly program, cablecast in Chicago, each Monday evening,
9 p.m., Ch.21 Cable. For a heavy packet of our printed stories, send
$5.00[U.S. funds] and a self-addressed, stamped business size envelope[4-1/4
x-9-1/2, #10 envelope] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen's Committee to
Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, chairman, 9800 So. Oglesby Ave.,
Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 8 midnight, 7 days: (773) 375-5741
[PLEASE, no "just routine" calls]. Call before sending FAX.
[note "s" after name in URL]. E-mail:

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