Wednesday, January 16, 2019
1498-1499: The Payseur Myth from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
There is another Big Story floating
around that virtually everything in this country is owned by a bastard
son of the King of France named "Payseur" and his progeny.
To the Old (especially Catholic)
Monarchs, a bastard son was the carrier of their sins. Royal bastards
were routinely forced to practice usury for Dear Old Dad, just like the
Jews were. This was called "Bastardy" and unfortunately, enough years
elapsed between its well-deserved end in the 1700's and its resurgence
in the 1850's, that the public no longer recognized its evil.
So if Payseur was the illegitimate
son of a French King during the referenced time period, you may be sure
he was doing the King's dirty laundry for him. The claim of his
parentage is not incompatible with his Office --- that of Payseur ---
Purser, aka, Paymaster for the French Army in America.
I have already explained to you how
the French Monarchs claimed over the British Monarchs ever since the
Norman Conquest and how both countries have been ruled by various
permutations of both genuine bloodline kings and usurpers ever since.
France and Britain are not the
"natural enemies" everyone assumes. They have been ruled over by
sometimes the same and sometimes different branches of the same
Franco-Celtic families for centuries. So what you are actually
witnessing as wars are mostly internal squabbles, usually over money.
Anyway, like the current scam,
Payseur is claiming to "own" the corporations. Look up the legal meaning
of "own". It's not what you assume.
And considering that Lincoln made
the Territorial United States' Army responsible for safe-guarding our
money and everything that happened afterward with the bankruptcy of the
Northern Federal States of States, it is consistent that the Payseur
would act as the Receiver of Title.
But that is not "ownership" in the popular sense that everyone assumes, either.
These videos suddenly appearing on
the internet claiming that the Payseur Family "owns" everything in sight
are dangerously misleading because 99% of Americans don't know what a
Payseur is or how his office (hereditary) functions, nor do they know
the actual meaning of "ownership".
Suffice it to say that all those
corporations and holdings do not belong to any hereditary Payseur, nor
to the French Government.
See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Owning Trillionaires -- Read This Conversation
By Anna Von Reitz
Nearly every day I get calls from
wealthy people saying -- "I have billions of dollars (or more) of
assets in bank accounts and its all right there on the FED Grey
Screen..... but I can't access anything. What is going on?"
While the Trillionaires and
Billionaires have been working their tails off to operate all
these assets and exercise all these ownership interests for profits
appearing to benefit themselves, the Federal Reserve has been claiming
to own the Trillionaires and Billionaires. For free. As a "gift".
It's really that simple.
The Vermin "took title" to living
men, created ESTATES named after us, sold our assets to investors
without our knowledge or consent, and now, the investors are coming
after us in the mistaken belief that they have a valid interest in our
You see how the Middlemen worked
this scam, so that both the actual owners and the investors are
defrauded while they, the Middlemen, pocketed the ill-gotten gains?
It would be like me selling your
house to Joe Baxter, and when Joe and his family show up ready to move
in, there you are going --- "What the $!$#!@!?" ---Now, that's a helluva
situation, isn't it?
Both Joe and you are screwed and the
Middlemen "holding the title" to your Name and those holding title to
your ESTATE, are long gone.
This has been going on for a long time. That is exactly what the whole Mortgage Fraud Scheme has been about.
The British Monarch was obligated to
act as our Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways by
Treaty and Commercial Contract with The United States of America--- our
unincorporated government. He saw a chance of pulling a fast one after
the Civil War, and of substituting himself as the Beneficiary instead of
the Trustee.
So he gave the Trustee position to
the Pope and the Pope named him the "Presumed" Beneficiary of our
birthright trust. And things went downhill from there to their current
state of criminality.
The "State of Ohio" or the
"Government of Moldavia" or the "CITY OF CHICAGO" or the "County Clare
Municipal District" --- ad infinitum --- set up franchises for
themselves, copyrighted our Names, registered them as property belonging
to their corporation(s) --- and there you have it.
"But, my dear don't even
own your own name," I tell the astonished victim. (pause) "A corporation
called the "State of Ohio" copyrighted your name and registered it as
property belonging to them in 1964...." (pause)
"They claimed it was a "gift" from
your Mother." (pause) "So everything owned under that name
is ---according to the records--- owned and controlled by the "State of
Ohio", not "James Leland Zwinke" (pause)
"Yes, I know it's fraud." (pause)
"Yes, I do "give a damn" that they falsified the public records."
(pause) "I am aware of that, sir, but they have stolen your identity and
your assets, sold them to Third Parties, pocketed the profits, and are
now sitting on a beach in Puerto Rico getting smashed." (pause) "Yes,
both you and the investors are being screwed senseless." (pause)
"I know you were never told a word
about this." (pause) "Your Mother wasn't told either." (pause) "They
aren't allowed to talk about it --- see 18 USC 472." (pause) "I am
terribly sorry." (pause) "They are outside our American jurisdiction."
(pause) "Yes, I know, but here's the problem --- you have been
defrauded, no question about it, but where are you going to prosecute
them? Their own courts?" (pause)
"Bombing London and Rome isn't
really an option." (pause) "Besides, how are you going to pay to bomb
the Vermin? They stole all your money, all the assets you had in the
bank under that name." (pause) "They took title to your home and land in
the same way." (pause) "Well, yes, I agree, there has to be a way to
return the favor." (pause)
"Reclaim your Good Name and Estate
and permanently domicile them on the land and soil of Ohio." (pause) "No
"State of Anything" ---just Ohio." (pause)
"Then join your State Jural Assembly." (pause) "Set up your local courts and State Courts, elect your Sheriffs, elect your Justices of the Peace." (pause) "Then set up your actual State Legislature. The Ohio Legislature --- no "Ohio State" Legislature and no "State of Ohio" Legislature --- just "The Ohio Legislature" and select your Deputies to attend the Continental Congress. (pause) "And never incorporate anything, not even a dog house. Run everything as an unincorporated business in international trade." (pause).
"Then join your State Jural Assembly." (pause) "Set up your local courts and State Courts, elect your Sheriffs, elect your Justices of the Peace." (pause) "Then set up your actual State Legislature. The Ohio Legislature --- no "Ohio State" Legislature and no "State of Ohio" Legislature --- just "The Ohio Legislature" and select your Deputies to attend the Continental Congress. (pause) "And never incorporate anything, not even a dog house. Run everything as an unincorporated business in international trade." (pause).
"Well, the quickest way to end this,
is by informing everyone you know and exposing the rats." (pause) "Rule
of law? Hahahah! That's a good one!" (pause) "I did tell the
Generals!" (pause) "The only reason they will do anything, is that they
realize that the Chinese are in line to get the new contract for cheap
mercenary services." (pause)
"Boycotts, shut downs, marches,
education of the people....." (pause) "I think he's doing his best with a
bad situation." (pause) "Put pressure on your local bank to "resolve"
this in your favor." (pause) "Hey, it's the military and the bankers and
the Catholic clergy and politicians and Bar Attorneys and European
monarchies that created this mess. (pause) "Go after all of them. Rag
their asses clean off---not mine." (pause)
"Nationalize the whole
thing---especially all the railroads. Close off any inroads they have.
Give the public property back to the actual States and all the private
property back to the people. Just need to get our tails in the air and
do it." (pause) "Lock down their accounts, seize their assets as unjust
enrichment, put new managers in charge of the banks --- arrest them."
"Why not? They are criminals."
(pause) "In the old days, we just found a tall tree and a short rope."
(pause) "These guys have rustled a lot more than cattle." (pause) "You
are a case in point.... everything that you assumed was yours, has been
stolen by fraud that began when you were just a few days old, long
before you could know a thing about it." (pause) "That is known as an
unconscionable contract. It's supposed to be readily recognized as null
and void, but of course, their hired Bill Collectors running these
courts routinely ignore both the facts and the law." (pause) "I guess it
has to be run up their rectums with a rubber hose."
"Technically, if the local "sheriff"
--- and bear in mind, these guys are not actual sheriffs and not
occupying actual public offices, they are all working for corporations
and have been elected in corporate elections--- but if the local guy
pretending to be "Sheriff" doesn't obey the Public Law and is
misapplying statutory law to people, the United States Marshals are
supposed to arrest him and return your property." (pause) "In fact, it's
like pulling teeth to get them--the Marshals-- to do anything." (pause)
"That's because the Marshals work for the Pope and the Pope is in on
this crap---profiting from it." (pause)
"Look, the Municipal Corporation
that was claiming to act as your Trustee, the STATE OF OHIO, has been
bankrupted and liquidated along with all its franchises including "JAMES
LELAND ZWINKE". (pause) "Now the Territorial Corporation claiming to
be the Beneficiary of "JAMES LELAND ZWINKE" will come forward and claim
"HIS" assets, but they are bankrupt, too, so----" (pause) "Oh, yes, all
these jokers are subject to Bankruptcy Trustees named by the
banks." (pause) "The Trustees and the banks are the real problem."
"If Iceland can do it, so can we."
(pause) "No, all of this is totally bogus, unlawful and illegal ---
both. Mis-characterizing a living man as a citizen of a foreign
country-- such as mis-characterizing an American as a "U.S. Citizen"
--is a capitol crime under the Geneva Conventions." (pause)
"And "securitization" of a living
man is totally illegal. It's been outlawed for generations. So has
conscription and press-ganging." (pause) "And so is Bastardy and Bono
Vacantia in America. None of our actual States allow it." (pause)
"Well, yes, I know. They will get
away with what they can get away with." (pause) "And though they can't
actually own you, as long as you let them own and control your
Name---they can do whatever they want to you and your assets using that
as a ploy." (pause) "Looks like most of them, especially the Democrats,
have Dual Citizenship in Israel." (pause) "I hear that Trump has opened a
branch of the Ritz-Carlton in Cuba." (pause)
"It's all Banker's Wars, one group
of thugs and criminals thumping on another group of thugs and
criminals." (pause) "My approach is simple. Bring your proof and claim,
assemble your Jural Assembly...." (pause) "That's right. Get organized
and do for yourself what you have been paying them to do for you."
"Hey, it's better than paying
someone who rips you off, right?" (pause) "These are grossly disloyal
and insubordinate employees. They haven't just failed to do their jobs
--- they have done "other" jobs instead, jobs that have served to
defraud and rob and enslave you. You paid their salaries while they
were doing this." (pause) "Yes, and if that doesn't make you mad,
nothing will."
"I am terrible sorry, but until this
mess gets straightened out, you won't have access to your assets."
(pause) "Because, even if the boneheads in charge knew for sure who owns
what, they wouldn't know how to pay them out." (pause) "Ha! How do you
want it? Federal Reserve Notes? Yen? Monopoly Money? Shares in diamond
mines that may not exist? Shares of cotton for shares of pork bellies?"
(pause) "Now, you begin to see what I mean. The criminals have wrecked
the basis for everything, including trust." (pause)
"It's not a matter
of making a deal anymore." (pause) "It's an operational system
that's out of commission because of abuse by criminals. Both the
pipeline and what goes in the pipeline --- kaput until further notice."
(pause) "I mean "broke" like a truck without an axle.
That kind of "broke". Of course, your assets have value, but
translating that value into symbols, digits, and currency is another
matter." (pause)
"What do I suggest? I gave them the
way to convert the debt system to a credit system in three days without
hurting anyone. They laughed at me." (pause) "They think they can ride
it out --- come up with a new scam or a new version of the old one."
"Of course, they think people are
that stupid. They got away with this fraud for a 150 years and glutted
like pigs, had us paying them for the privilege of being screwed over by
them." (pause) "They have to be convinced otherwise. They have to know
that we know, and that we mean business." (pause)
"I think Trump will take care of his
own business. That doesn't mean he will take care of mine." (pause)
"Remember --- it was the military and the Territorial Government that
Lincoln made responsible for protecting our money. And you see where
your money is now --- locked up on a Grey Screen at the Federal Reserve,
claimed as part of the "abandoned gift ESTATE of JAMES LELAND ZWINKE", a
franchise operated by the bankrupt "STATE OF OHIO", claimed by the
Territorial "State of Ohio" and --- more importantly, claimed by the
Bankruptcy Trustees and Creditors of the "State of Ohio". (pause)
"According to them, it's not even your money. Never has been." (pause)
"Yes, I did something about it."
(pause) "I claimed back my name and returned it to the land and soil of
Wisconsin --- reclaiming the land of Wisconsin in the process. Then I
placed claims against all these rotten corporations in the name of the
actual State, "Ohio", and the living Ohioans. I did this for all fifty
States." (pause)
"I did it for everyone. Every State.
Every American. So the claim is there and lodged with Notice and Liens
established." (pause) 'I also established a Private Registered
Indemnity Bond covering all the States."
"In fact, the Vermin tried to
re-claim "me" by making up a different version of my name and asserting
an ownership interest, but they weren't fast enough and I wasn't stupid
enough. I officially claimed that version, too, and certified it."
"Of course, all this is fraudulent. Grossly so. All of it." (pause) "But what are you going to do about it?" (pause)
All I heard was the sound of a round
being jacked into a .12 gauge shotgun and the line went dead. I don't
think he was mad at me. I don't know what state he was from. I just
used "Ohio" as an example. I'm not even sure I caught his name. I have
talked to so many people like this, in this situation, that I lose
I hope he didn't do himself harm over money. I hope he doesn't do anyone else harm over money.
The criminals will come to justice
and it will all get straightened out, but in the meantime, folks, be
advised and hunker down. Do what you can to preserve and protect your
own lives and assets.
Adopt my motto: "Keep Calm--- and Get Even".
See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
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