The code words were everywhere on social media; Trump was consistently called a “traitor,” and “Putin’s bitch.” Alleged “journalists” dropped their facade further than they ever had; former CIA intern Anderson Cooper declared, “You’ve just seen the most disgraceful performance by a U.S. president.” #TreasonSummit was all the rage on twitter.
My colleagues in the JFK assassination research community were mostly apoplectic over the summit. Laughably, they insisted it was “treason” for Trump to seemingly side with Vladimir Putin over his own intelligence agencies. Yes, these are the same researchers who are quite aware of just how extensively these same intelligence agencies have covered up the truth about the assassination for decades. They are relegated to cheering on the likes of war lover extraordinaire John McCainiac and former President George W. Bush, who both of course opposed the summit.
McCainiac, still clinging to life and still possessing the strength to issue more pro-war soundbites, used another popular keyword, “disgraceful,” calling it “one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory.” Former CIA director John Brennan claimed it was “nothing short of treasonous.” Neocon veteran Newt Gingrich said it was “the most serious mistake of his presidency.”

Deluded Republican Never Trump Jeff Flake declared, “I never thought I would see the day when our American President would stand on the stage with the Russian President and place blame on the United States for Russian aggression.” Exactly what “aggression” he was talking about wasn’t specified. Flake, like all neocons, supports America’s quite real, continuous aggression all over the globe. Ayn Rand disciple Paul Ryan lectured Trump that “the president must appreciate that Russia is not our ally.” Another Republican, Senator Bob Corker, ominously stated that this was not “a good moment for our country.” Mitt Romney joined the chorus of those calling the summit “disgraceful.”
Exactly what are all these critics- from all across the phony “left” and “right” spectrum, so upset about? Was Trump scheming to turn over the reigns of government to Putin? Was he advocating Russian as the new American language? Was he promising massive amounts of foreign aid to Russia?
I watched the Trump-Putin press conference. Aside from Trump’s predictable lapses into mindless, juvenile boasting and off-the-cuff embarrassing articulation, both of them sounded reasonable and refreshingly sane. If this had been Obama or Clinton on the stage, with any of China’s totalitarian rulers, the same kept press and deluded celebrities would have been just as over-the-top in their effusive praise.
What critics are seemingly saying here is that Russia is our “enemy,” as the likes of certifiably insane Keith Olbermann screamed on air last year. Another celebrity who is fortunate to be outside a padded room, comedian Chelsea Handler, described with her typical classiness, how Trump was “blowing his boyfriend.” This was a sub- theme in all the criticism; Trump had been taken to the cleaners by Putin, and was a “traitor” for simply talking to him. The inevitable comparisons to Hitler were there; while Trump has been compared to Hitler himself, this time it was Putin as the ultimate bogeyman, and Trump in the role of hapless “appeaser” Neville Chamberlain.
Young actor Chris Evans, who plays Captain America among other things, figuratively screamed on twitter, “This moron, puppet, coward sided with Putin over our own intelligence agencies!” Yes, Chris, the same perpetually corrupt agencies that now have script approval over anything that comes out of Hollywood. Evans, like many, also questioned, “Where are you GOP?” He was seemingly unaware that every high profile member of the GOP blasted Trump, as they have whenever he’s taken a step towards sanity or reform.
Piper Perabo, an actress best known for playing a CIA agent, breathlessly tweeted, “The President works for the American people, right?” Judd Apatow demanded that Fox News- which contrary to his contention was just as transparently appalled by the summit as CNN or MSNBC- not “collude with Trump.” Apparently, Apatow didn’t hear Fox’s Neil Cavuto call the summit “disgusting.”
“Collusion” is the main code word in all this. It has set off the establishment “left” much as words like “commie,” “pinko” and “fellow traveler” once set off the “right” back in the 1950s. The only ostensible reason that Vladimir Putin is so despised is because the mainstream media has relentlessly pushed the theme that Russia “colluded” to steal the election away from the humble and lovable Hillary Clinton. Who was frothing at the mouth for war with Russia, of course.
Former FBI Director James Comey, another unlikely hero of today’s “left,” tweeted out, “This was the day an American president stood on foreign soil next to a murderous lying thug and refused to back his own country.” Comey, like every other triggered, hysterical public figure, refused to elaborate on just how Putin is “lying” or a “murderous thug.” I’m sure he’s cool with our drones killing American citizens who weren’t even charged with a crime, and our nonstop invasion and bombing of small countries all over the world, which have resulted in untold numbers of dead civilians. Some might even call that a “murderous” policy.
My laughable United States Senator, former car dealer Don Beyer, called Trump’s performance “the most astonishing display of weakness and submission that I have ever seen from an American President.” This theme of Trump’s “weakness” suggests to the layman that his critics want him to confront Putin personally. Would they applaud Trump if he’d punched Putin in the nose? Clearly, they are in favor of going to war with this latest “murderous thug” who undoubtedly “hates our freedom.” Democrat swamp veterans Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi both stressed yet another absurd theme; that Trump’s “cowardly” bowing to Putin suggest the Russian president has some incriminating information on him.
Another code word which has been associated with the thoroughly demonized Senator Joseph McCarthy for my entire lifetime- “un-American,” has also been thrown around repeatedly by today’s “left.” There is not the slightest sense of irony in their pronouncements that Trump is “un-American” for seeking detente with Russia. Picture Frank Church and other liberals of the 1970s calling Jimmy Carter “un-American” for sitting down with Leonid Brezhnev.
Trump himself unleashed a typical tweet: “Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!” With his patented eloquence, Trump was making the point I’ve been trying to make; this has been a witch hunt, and it has been rigged. The totally corrupt swamp has succeeded in converting the very real, documented fraud perpetrated by the DNC, to rob Bernie Sanders of the party nomination, into a Hollywoodian fantasy where “Russians” robbed the true beneficiary of that fraud, Hillary Clinton, of the presidency.

At least a few prominent people reacted favorably to Trump’s effort at diplomacy rather than confrontation. Both Ron Paul and his son, Senator Rand Paul, supported the president. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer nearly jumped through the screen in a desperate attempt to get Senator Paul to denounce Trump like all the other Republicans. And my friend, former Rep. Cynthia McKinney, wrote on Facebook, “I hope Trump is undeterred by the nattering naybobs of negativism. I’m shocked at all of these Black warmongers being trotted out on TV to spout the talking points they’ve been given. Notice, all criticism are exactly the same, Dem & Repub.” I particularly loved the use of Pat Buchanan’s old “naybobs” quote. Like Buchanan, Cynthia McKinney doesn’t play into the phony “left” and “right” paradigm.
Trump’s statement, “I would rather take a political risk in pursuit of peace, than to risk peace in pursuit of politics” rekindled memories of some of his anti- establishment 2016 campaign rhetoric. Knowing Trump, he’ll follow this with another bombing of Syria. After all, this peace summit followed one of his dumbest moves to date; the nomination of the man who covered up Vince Foster’s death, Brett Kavanaugh, to the Supreme Court.
But it’s been a good week for Trump. Before the summit, he enraged “leftists” again by refusing to bow to the Queen of England, and in his patented style walking in front of her in what we are told is beyond the pale behavior. The same “left” that wants war with Russia, and calls those who don’t “un-American” and “traitors,” believes that the ultimate One Percenter, a relic of the dark ages, deserves tremendous respect because she has been declared “royalty.”
We fought a war of independence to shatter this notion that one’s bloodlines grant one a special authority, and untold, unearned wealth and perks. But in today’s cockeyed, crumbling America, the royals are worshiped by those who despise a leader who has banned GMOs and threatened any Rothschilds who enter his country with arrest. Putin is a “murderous thug” but “Uncle Joe” Stalin, who presided over perhaps the most diabolical regime in modern history, was our ally.
Monty Python once joked, “In 1945, peace broke out.” Clearly, a large number of Americans don’t want peace to break out. Ever. They are addicted to the same tired propaganda that has been regurgitated by generations of establishment “journalists” since the Spanish-American War of 1898. They killed JFK because he advocated peace. As Benjamin Franklin said, “There is no such thing as a good war, or a bad peace.”
Political Theatre
- Massive Iceberg Threatens Greenland Village
- “This Is Utterly Ridiculous”
- Ron Paul: ‘MSM wants us to cast Russia as an enemy & it’s wrong.’
- Rand does a pretty good job standing up to evil CBS News morons…
- Putin Says U.S. Intelligence Agents Funneled $400 Million
- Creepy Sacha Baron Cohen
- Ron Paul: This is the ‘biggest bubble in the history of mankind.’
- Johnstone: “Peace Talk Between Nuclear Superpowers Offends America’s
- The Woke War on Comedy
- One-on-one meeting with Putin a ‘good start,’
LRC Blog
- What a Disgrace
- The Latest from the All-Loving, All-Peaceful “Love Trumps Hate” Crowd
- Stephen Cohen on the Hysterical Reaction to the Trump-Putin Summit
- Trump-Putin Fallout: Bipartisan Hysteria Against Peace
- Yes, Now We Know
- The Nattering Nabobs of Neocon Nonsense
- Chasm Between Media and Reality
- Nominate a Hero
- Putin-Trump Summit Advances the Cause of Peace
- Anderson “CIA” Cooper Throws a Hissy Fit
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