Thursday, July 26, 2018
1152-1153:Who to Light a Fire Under.....? from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
Where to go to report a crime? Like you
being falsely identified and impersonated as a "US CITIZEN" or "citizen
of the United States" and presented with federal tax bills
and liens? Well, here it is, folks! Thank you, Texas!
and liens? Well, here it is, folks! Thank you, Texas!
Claim your indemnity from all this bull crap and make it stick.
Make them go through the process they are
supposed to go through --- present the bill for your approval, accept
your signature to release the credit, take the signed "voucher" to their
TTL Officer at their bank and submit it to the U.S. Treasury for
permission to deposit equal credit in the Billing Party's account. After
the Treasury returns the green Return Receipt to the TTL Officer
submitting the request, they have to wait sixteen days from the return
date before issuing the credit equal to the debt. The Billing Bank and
the U.S. Treasury are supposed to be cancelling out all these bogus
charges being sent to Americans.
Report Fraud, Waste, & Abuse
If you are aware of fraud, waste, mismanagement, and abuse in the IRS programs and operations, report it to the TIGTA Hotline!
What kinds of things should you report?
Allegations of violations that impact the integrity of Federal tax administration and IRS programs. This includes allegations of misconduct by IRS employees.
Allegations of improprieties, false claims and fraud by outside contractors attempting to defraud the IRS by utilizing deceptive contract methods.
Allegations of identity theft where any individual (s) impersonated the IRS or an IRS employee or used words, letters, symbols, or IRS emblems to illegally obtain personal, confidential or private financial information.
Examples of specific allegations that should be reported include, but are not limited to: attempts by taxpayers to bribe IRS personnel; extortion or misuse of position by IRS personnel; assaults and/or threats by taxpayers against IRS employees; schemes involving the use of computer technology or mail that impersonate the IRS or IRS personnel; misconduct by tax practitioners (falsification of qualifications, theft of IRS tax remittances and theft of IRS tax refunds).
Note: Contact IRS for tax related issues -
Your complaint will be kept confidential if it is received on the phone, through the mail, or in person. We cannot guarantee confidentiality if you send your complaint via the online form or e-mail.
Laws protect you from reprisals (any action taken against you because you filed this complaint).
You can submit your complaint by these methods:
By Online Form or Email (TIGTA Hotline Complaints Unit):
Remember: if you submit your complaint via the online form or email, it is possible - though unlikely - that others could read it since the internet is not secure.
By Phone:
Call toll free: 1-800-366-4484
By Fax:
(202) 927-7018
By Mail:
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
P.O. Box 589
Ben Franklin Station
Washington, DC 20044-0589
What kinds of things should you report?
Allegations of violations that impact the integrity of Federal tax administration and IRS programs. This includes allegations of misconduct by IRS employees.
Allegations of improprieties, false claims and fraud by outside contractors attempting to defraud the IRS by utilizing deceptive contract methods.
Allegations of identity theft where any individual (s) impersonated the IRS or an IRS employee or used words, letters, symbols, or IRS emblems to illegally obtain personal, confidential or private financial information.
Examples of specific allegations that should be reported include, but are not limited to: attempts by taxpayers to bribe IRS personnel; extortion or misuse of position by IRS personnel; assaults and/or threats by taxpayers against IRS employees; schemes involving the use of computer technology or mail that impersonate the IRS or IRS personnel; misconduct by tax practitioners (falsification of qualifications, theft of IRS tax remittances and theft of IRS tax refunds).
Note: Contact IRS for tax related issues -
Your complaint will be kept confidential if it is received on the phone, through the mail, or in person. We cannot guarantee confidentiality if you send your complaint via the online form or e-mail.
Laws protect you from reprisals (any action taken against you because you filed this complaint).
You can submit your complaint by these methods:
By Online Form or Email (TIGTA Hotline Complaints Unit):
Remember: if you submit your complaint via the online form or email, it is possible - though unlikely - that others could read it since the internet is not secure.
By Phone:
Call toll free: 1-800-366-4484
By Fax:
(202) 927-7018
By Mail:
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
P.O. Box 589
Ben Franklin Station
Washington, DC 20044-0589
Trying not to lose my property
By Anna Von Reitz
Anna answers the following question from one of our readers.
"Howdy Paul , I was trying to offset some debts. Had some luck with an A4V, offset 39k of student loans. But have had no success otherwise. Trying not to lose my property. What do you know about the BC and Indemnity bonds? I really appreciate your time and I would like Anna to know the same. I am very much grateful. Respectfully, (Name Withheld) "
Answer from Anna:
Paul-- I am in a location with very
poor internet reception. You will probably want to post this as a
separate article as everyone needs to wrap their head around this
Any debt that is from a public lender --that is, an incorporated business- is subject to discharge. Private debts are not.
The vermin responsible seized upon
your private property- your name-- and created unauthorized franchises
named after you. This use of your name was unconscionable and
non-consensual. In order to make it legal they had to indemnify you
against loss or damage --that is, insure you against loss or damage
resulting from their use of your property. Also, if they confiscate any
of your assets they have to pay you fair market value. All that is
required and set in cement by the Lieber Code and Hague Conventions and
spelled out in Army Regulations AR 27-20.
They just never told you and never made it possible for you to claim your Indemnity.
So when they force you to pay off
their mortgage you have the right to discharge it via the Federal
Treasury Window but instead you are misled into assuming that it's your
mortgage-- you are deceived and defrauded into paying off the government
corporation's debts for them and the guilty banks facilitating this
gross fraud don't even bother to report all this "Gift Income" to the
Here is what is supposed to happen:
They bring you the Bill, you approve
the charge, they take the signed Bill to the TTL Officer at their bank,
he sends it by certified or registered mail to the Treasury attention
Steven Terner Mnuchin or his Successor with a Return Receipt Requested
Green card. Sixteen days after the date received shown on the return
receipt (the green card that comes back to the TTL Officer) the local
bank is authorized to deposit credit into the Billing Party's account
equal to the charge they presented.
You are put in the middle to keep the Billing honest-- you are NOT required to pay the Bill.
But since absolutely nobody ever
told you any of this you have gone on slogging along paying bills that
you are insured against and that were never actually yours to pay since
the governmental services corporations claimed to own everything
--including your Trade Name and they are in truth and in fact
accountable for every charge they have made against you and your
All this is handled by the Billing
Party's bank and the US Treasury. All you have to do is check the bill
over and authorize payment .
Anything that can be bought with credit can be paid for in this way with credit.
And this, legally, is what the banks
and the corporations have been obligated to do all along and the way
this system was supposed to be working all along.
This service department within the
US Treasury is called the Seventh Department of Extraordinary Finance,
but because you were never told how to access this means of indemnifying
yourself against loss as a result of their use of the government
franchise's NAME on your paperwork and never informed that you were
paying off a government mortgage taken against your property-- you
assumed that it was your own mortgage you were paying.
Not so. The bank shifted the entire
weight of the government's debts off onto our shoulders and never said a
word. The government kept mum, too. But the truth of the matter is
that the filthy buggers in Congress told outrageous lies about you and
their relationship with you. They borrowed huge sums of money against
your assets, never told you, and never told you that you were supposed
to be indemnified against the harm of these venal practices via "mutual
offset credit exchange" and deposit of credit from the US Treasury to
pay all the Bills addressed to YOU.
So Congress had you suckered into
paying all their whims and you didn't have a clue and the banks were not
doing their job and not informing you, either.
It's nothing but a giant identity
theft and Ponzi Scheme with you targeted as the Fall Guy, being foisted
off on you by the members of "a" "US" Congress that also conveniently
did not reveal that it was acting in behalf of the Territorial United
States and not the "United States" that you naturally assumed-- a
foreign British-backed "Congress" that did nothing but serve itself at
your expense for 150 years.
And the Kings and the Queens and the
Popes acted in Gross Breach Of Trust, sat on their asses and raked in
the profits from all this guile and fraud.
Generations of people worldwide have
been hoodwinked and enslaved by these hidden commercial interests
operating under color of law for the profit of a very few. And now it is
time for "the System" to work the way it is legally mandated to work
and for the guilty parties and banks to pay up or be liquidated.
Mnuchin needs to bulk up his staff and vastly reorganize his mailroom.
See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
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