The Coming Coup to Overthrow President Trump? Sedition at the Highest Levels
We are currently experiencing sedition at the highest levels as the military/security complex unfolds its coup against the elected president of the United States.

annual budget of the military/security complex is $1,000 billion. This
vast sum is drawn from US taxpayers who have many unmet needs. To
justify such an enormous budget a major enemy is
required. The
military/security complex and the media and politicians that the complex
owns have designated Russia to be that enemy. The complex and its
political and media agents will not permit Trump to normalize relations
with Russia.
prevent President Trump from reducing the dangerous tensions between
nuclear powers that Washington has created, the military/security
complex orchestrated Russiagate, a proven hoax, but believed by many due
to its endless repetition. The military/security complex orchestrated
the false indictments of 12 Russians. The military/security complex
orchestrated the false arrest of Maria Butina, and so on and on.
military/security complex acting through the politicians and
presstitutes that it owns and controls has turned the normal everyday
responsibility of the President—one acknowledged and acted upon by every
previous president—to defuse tensions that could lead to nuclear war
into a high crime. President Trump is accused of treason for trying to
make peace!
An unaware person might think that this is silly and laugh, but as Finian Cunningham shows, President Trump has been set-up as a treasonous enemy of America.
We are currently experiencing sedition at the highest levels as the
military/security complex unfolds its coup against the elected president
of the United States.
In 1961 President Dwight Eisenhower
warned Americans in his last public address that the
military/industrial complex was a threat to American democracy. Truer
words were never spoken by an American president. Shortly thereafter,
the military/security complex assassinated President John F. Kennedy
for working toward peace with Soviet leader Khruschev. To get rid of
President Nixon, who made too many arms control agreements with the
Soviets and opened to China, the military/security complex used its
asset, the Washington Post, to orchestrate the “Watergate crisis” that
the military/security complex used to force Nixon’s resignation. Now
the military/security complex is openly inciting sedition against the
President of the United States. If this plot succeeds, which is the
most likely case, America will be a complete dystopia and all
independent voices will be shut down.
can Trump rely on? Not on his own political party. Not on his own
government. Not on the print and TV media or NPR. Not on Europe. Not
on the Secret Service. Not on the Pentagon. Not on the unaware American
people. Trump has only the “deplorables,” and they are unorganized and
will experience retribution once Trump is removed.
In striving to
come to an agreement with Washington, Putin and Lavrov are butting their
heads against a stone wall. Sooner or later Putin and Lavrov will have
to acknowledge that. Once Putin and Lavrov realize the true situation,
they will understand that war or surrender is their only option.
This article was originally published on Paul Craig Roberts Institute for Political Economy.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Global Research, 2018
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