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An American Affidavit

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Are Sandy Hook child victims alive and well? by Dr. Eowyn from FOTM

Are Sandy Hook child victims alive and well?

It is five years since the Dec. 14, 2012 shooting massacre of 20 children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
Wolfgang Halbig is a former Florida state trooper, school safety consultant, and a Sandy Hook “truther” whom Lenny Pozner sued but then dropped the lawsuit.

On New Year’s Eve, Dec. 31, 2017, Fellowship of the Minds received an email from Mr. Halbig, with the startling claim that the 20 Sandy Hook child victims are alive and well. His words:
To support that claim, Halbig included this composite image (see below) of the 20 victims as 6-year-olds and as they presumably are today.
↓Click image to enlarge↓

Three things about the above image:
  • The young adult pictures of the 12 females resemble their childhood pictures, especially the seven who posed as adults together: Avielle Richman, Grace McDonnell, Olivia Engel, Madeleine Hsu, Charlotte Bacon, Caroline Previdi, and Allison Wyatt.

  • The young adult pictures of the 8 males don’t much resemble the child pictures.
  • If the adult pics indeed are of the child victims, that means they were not 6 years old on Dec. 14, 2012, but were much older.
Referring to another group photo of eight Sandy Hook female child “victims” (see pic below), Professor James Fetzer said:
“I think the photo of eight girls is right. Wolf[gang] talked about it on [John B. Wells’ internet radio show] Caravan to Midnight and said that he had had it vetted by an expert who works w/ FBI.”

I asked Halbig in an email for the source(s) of the pics of the child-victims-as-adults, but got no response.
Since Halbig said in his email to FOTM that Facebook had helped him find the child “victims” as adults, I conducted a search for each of their names on Facebook. This is what I found:
  • In most cases, the Facebook pages of individuals with the same names as the Sandy Hook victims are set to private and thus, no information can be gleaned, not even a picture. As an example,there is only one Avielle Richman and only one Jessica Rekos on Facebook, but their respective pages are both set to private.
  • In some cases, e.g., Josephine Gay and Catherine Hubbard, there is no one by that name on Facebook.
  • I was able to find the Facebook pages of four individuals whose adult images resemble the Sandy Hook child victims. They are:
(1) Olivia Engel: The only Olivia Engel on Facebook says she is the owner of Olivia Engel Jewelry Designs (she makes necklaces) and lives in West Hartford, CT. Here’s a screenshot of her Facebook page, in the event she deletes the account or takes it to private.

Below is the composite I made of Sandy Hook Olivia Engel (#1), Halbig’s Olivia Engel (#2), and Facebook Olivia Engel (#3). Note the striking resemblance: same eyebrows, same nose, same labial folds when she smiles, same chin.

(2) Allison Wyatt: I found an Allison Wyatt whose adult image (#3) resembles the Sandy Hook Allison Wyatt (#1) and Halbig’s Allison Wyatt (#2) — same eyebrows, same face shape, same blonde hair color. However, one must be “befriend” Facebook Allison Wyatt for information on biographical details.

(3) Emilie Parker: Out of several Emilie Parkers on Facebook, there is one “Emily Parker” (#3) who most resembles Sandy Hook Emilie Parker (#1) and Halbig’s Emilie Parker (#2) — same blonde hair, same nose, same fondness for the color pink. There is no biographical information other than “Community Organization”.

(4) Jesse Lewis: Out of the Jesse Lewises on Facebook, this Jesse Lewis (#3) — who is a HVAC Tech (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Technician) at Tri State Enterprise (a contractor in Flatwoods, Kentucky) and lives in Argillite, Kentucky — most resembles the Halbig Jesse Lewis (#2).

Of the above four (Olivia Engel, Allison Wyatt, Emilie/Emily Parker, Jesse Lewis), the strongest resemblance is among the child, adolescent and young adult versions of Olivia Engel.
To make the case that the Sandy Hook child victims are still alive, all that is needed is just one case. If, say, Olivia Engel is alive and well and living in Hartford, Connecticut, then it means we were lied to. We then have every reason to believe the other 19 child victims also did not die at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012.
Lastly, here’s something rather bizarre.
I found the Facebook page of the Nancy Lanza: https://www.facebook.com/nancy.lanza.79.
There is very little on Nancy Lanza’s Facebook. Her last post (see below) was an update of her profile picture on March 5, 2013 — 2 months 19 days after she had been shot to death by her son, Adam.

See also “Are these the dead Sandy Hook kids all grown up alive and well” on Before It’s News, and:

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